California Worst State for Retirees

California is a great state to retire if you have money. that's why its filled with rich people who pay lots of taxes, except food not taxed, calif knows every one has to eat.

Not necessarily. Prop 13 homes. My Mothers home is appraised for $5M, with a yearly property tax of $1,500.00.

Nooo, she's grandfathered (or grandmothered if you prefer) in. Had she not been able to benefit from Prop 13 she would have been kicked out on her ass decades ago because she wouldn't have been able to pay the property taxes. You can thank Jarvis & Gann for making it possible for her to keep her home. Progressives, like you, would have kicked her to the curb long ago so they could give her home to someone with more money. That's how progressives work don't ya know.
I sold my house due to property taxes...just not worth it.

I also didn't realize how much work a house was until I stopped doing it.
Any where you live you are paying property taxes whether you own or rent,
Why don’t we compare state to state see who is worst or better than California?

Mexifornia has the highest number of the lowest grade human beings....this isn't even's a fact.
We have been working on getting the rethuglian riff raft out of the state but some just want to stay and complain.

How about you guys just fucking leave?

No one likes the land of fruits and nuts
Again, a deep blue state shows what the Democrats want for whole nation.
GOP tax plan makes these states a lot better for retirees
I would not live in any state other than California. The other states have such stupid people living in them I can not socialize.

Yea we know you are allergic to this you pinko commie bastard

View attachment 168193
Sorry to inform you but it is the southern state people who are allergic to it. Are you going to call them commies? I just call them what they are, low IQ people.

We are not the ones pissing on the flag now are we?

We are not the ones trying to get rid of the amendment's we don't like are we?

Are judges don't vote on emotions like libtards do..

Yes you are allergic to tbe Constitution....and don't even fucking deny it
Some one got their itty bitty feelings hurt! Does you know about the constitution?
Again, a deep blue state shows what the Democrats want for whole nation.
GOP tax plan makes these states a lot better for retirees
I would not live in any state other than California. The other states have such stupid people living in them I can not socialize.

Yea we know you are allergic to this you pinko commie bastard

View attachment 168193
Sorry to inform you but it is the southern state people who are allergic to it. Are you going to call them commies? I just call them what they are, low IQ people.
Like Reagan always said liberals favorite holiday is April 15th

Conservatives July 4th

Saint Ronnie the go to name when you are out of thoughts. Very little of what the shiester said is true.
Why don’t we compare state to state see who is worst or better than California?

Mexifornia has the highest number of the lowest grade human beings....this isn't even's a fact.
We have been working on getting the rethuglian riff raft out of the state but some just want to stay and complain.

How about you guys just fucking leave?

No one likes the land of fruits and nuts
Anyone who wants to get ahead loves the state. Innovation is rampant here unlike the southern states or Aridzona that just suck life out of business's.
Again, a deep blue state shows what the Democrats want for whole nation.
GOP tax plan makes these states a lot better for retirees
I would not live in any state other than California. The other states have such stupid people living in them I can not socialize.

Yea we know you are allergic to this you pinko commie bastard

View attachment 168193
Sorry to inform you but it is the southern state people who are allergic to it. Are you going to call them commies? I just call them what they are, low IQ people.
Like Reagan always said liberals favorite holiday is April 15th

Conservatives July 4th

Saint Ronnie the go to name when you are out of thoughts. Very little of what the shiester said is true.

Say what liberal commie?

Just look at your aviator and what Reagan said was true...
Again, a deep blue state shows what the Democrats want for whole nation.
GOP tax plan makes these states a lot better for retirees

I'm just trying to figure out who California is actually good for other than rich liberals, Hollywood types, marijuana growers, pornography, vacationists with deep pockets and Mexican illegals.

The beach in Southern California has the best year-round climate of anywhere in the nation. Period.

Did you morons by marijuana stock when I told you to over a year ago? You'd be >+200% today.
The beaches in South Cali are way too overcrowded with people. (Used to live in Orange County)
Again, a deep blue state shows what the Democrats want for whole nation.
GOP tax plan makes these states a lot better for retirees

I'm just trying to figure out who California is actually good for other than rich liberals, Hollywood types, marijuana growers, pornography, vacationists with deep pockets and Mexican illegals.
If you do not mind actually working it is a great place to live and raise a family. I know the work aspect throws most can't servatives for loop but give it a try.
Conservatives are workaholics. Liberals are lazy welfare dope smoking unmotivated substandard workers.
Again, a deep blue state shows what the Democrats want for whole nation.
GOP tax plan makes these states a lot better for retirees

I'm just trying to figure out who California is actually good for other than rich liberals, Hollywood types, marijuana growers, pornography, vacationists with deep pockets and Mexican illegals.

The beach in Southern California has the best year-round climate of anywhere in the nation. Period.

Did you morons by marijuana stock when I told you to over a year ago? You'd be >+200% today.
The beaches in South Cali are way too overcrowded with people. (Used to live in Orange County)

It depends on what weekends or holidays.
I surf in Huntington Beach, Newport Beach and Dana Point if Im in the area.
Again, a deep blue state shows what the Democrats want for whole nation.
GOP tax plan makes these states a lot better for retirees

I'm just trying to figure out who California is actually good for other than rich liberals, Hollywood types, marijuana growers, pornography, vacationists with deep pockets and Mexican illegals.
If you do not mind actually working it is a great place to live and raise a family. I know the work aspect throws most can't servatives for loop but give it a try.
As a state...People’s Republic of California is the absolute fucking worst.
Again, a deep blue state shows what the Democrats want for whole nation.
GOP tax plan makes these states a lot better for retirees

I'm just trying to figure out who California is actually good for other than rich liberals, Hollywood types, marijuana growers, pornography, vacationists with deep pockets and Mexican illegals.

The beach in Southern California has the best year-round climate of anywhere in the nation. Period.

Did you morons by marijuana stock when I told you to over a year ago? You'd be >+200% today.
The beaches in South Cali are way too overcrowded with people. (Used to live in Orange County)

I can't see why, they suck! Fist-size rocks at the shoreline to twist your ankle or hit your head on, and the water's freezing. Choppy-ass breakers, what's not to hate?

I give Cali beaches the finger! :fu:
Again, a deep blue state shows what the Democrats want for whole nation.
GOP tax plan makes these states a lot better for retirees

I'm just trying to figure out who California is actually good for other than rich liberals, Hollywood types, marijuana growers, pornography, vacationists with deep pockets and Mexican illegals.
If you do not mind actually working it is a great place to live and raise a family. I know the work aspect throws most can't servatives for loop but give it a try.

Again, a deep blue state shows what the Democrats want for whole nation.
GOP tax plan makes these states a lot better for retirees
I would not live in any state other than California. The other states have such stupid people living in them I can not socialize.

Yea we know you are allergic to this you pinko commie bastard

View attachment 168193
Sorry to inform you but it is the southern state people who are allergic to it. Are you going to call them commies? I just call them what they are, low IQ people.

Hold on a minute....I thought the majority of stupid broke people vote Democrat while rich smart people vote Republican?
Is this chart bullshit or something?
Hold on a minute....I thought the majority of stupid broke people vote Democrat while rich smart people vote Republican?
Is this chart bullshit or something?

Wait! Your chart SHOWS that the lower the income, the greater propensity to vote Democrat! And it is missing the most important segment, people with NO income! Its not until you reach the lower Middle Class that Republicans begin to edge out. CLEARLY, the Democrats have EVERYTHING to gain by keeping low income, unemployed, welfare and illegal numbers HIGH in this country, and they spend the vast amount of their energy doing JUST THAT.
Again, a deep blue state shows what the Democrats want for whole nation.
GOP tax plan makes these states a lot better for retirees

I'm just trying to figure out who California is actually good for other than rich liberals, Hollywood types, marijuana growers, pornography, vacationists with deep pockets and Mexican illegals.

The beach in Southern California has the best year-round climate of anywhere in the nation. Period.

Did you morons by marijuana stock when I told you to over a year ago? You'd be >+200% today.
The beaches in South Cali are way too overcrowded with people. (Used to live in Orange County)

I can't see why, they suck! Fist-size rocks at the shoreline to twist your ankle or hit your head on, and the water's freezing. Choppy-ass breakers, what's not to hate?

I give Cali beaches the finger! :fu:

I go to the beach all the time all over California especially during summer.
So far I have not stepped on a rock or twist my ankle.

Why is there so much hate in America and fellow Americans?
I don’t like other states either but I will NEVER gave them fingers or hatred.

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