
The Earth and it's tectonics is far beyond human intervention so just accept it. Nothing wrong with having a week's worth of water, food, and batteries but the only way to ensure you aren't trapped under a building or worse is to sleep in a tent out in the open countryside. Relax.
That may work for you but I want my family protected so if there is something that can be done we should do it. We certainly need to know what the options are.

Single story would frame home bolted onto the mud sill and on solid rock is the best and safest way to keep the family safe in EQ Country. Also, a flat lot with no landslide risk from above.

SF and the entire Bay Area and the State are EQ conscious and have retrofitted most building, built High Rise building on rollers well below ground level with sprinklers since fire has been a second hit when a big one strikes.

The 06 quake was a big one, but my grandfather (who was 12 at the time) always referred to that time a "the fire". He and his two older brother's walked from their home on Dupont St. (Now named Grant Ave) in North Beach through China Town to Market St. Later he and his family took the ferry to Oakland as the fire began to threaten their home.
I'd certainly take every reasonable precaution to survive a quake but preventing big ones is a far better option. It's not the earth cares either way.
I've heard a lot of things recently with the earthquakes in Mexico that California should be extremely concerned. I absolutely believe that Californians should be scared that another huge earthquake is imminent , but I am no scientist so I'd hate to make that assumption. So does anyone that has a familiarity with earthquakes have reason to confirm or deny my beliefs?

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My family is well aware we live in Earthquake country. We have supplies to last several weeks; bottled water, sports drinks, canned food, dry goods, flashlights and battery's, and camping supplies. We also have EQ Insurance and first aid supplies.

I experienced several large quakes, 1957, 1989 and dozens of minor ones.
the Landers one in 92 was my biggest...7.3 i believe it was....that was a white knuckler.....

How close were you to the epicenter? In '57 I was in elementary school and we were about a mile from the epicenter, and that quake was 5.7 It was a jolt, not a roll and shook real hard - we were taking a spelling test at the time.

In '89 I was in my 3/4 Dodge Van and had parked in the back of a hotel near the Concord General Aviation Airport. I was listening to the pre-game getting ready to get out and watch the world series (Giants v. A's) with people from work when it struck. The radio went to all static and my van shook real good, and within maybe 20 seconds the door to the hotel opened and out streamed the guests.

As I got out of the van I saw the waves from the quake 60+ miles away undulate across the tarmac and the light poles sway as if in the wind.
about 118 miles....landers is out in the desert,yet where i was it shook like a mother,i did not think it would stop.....the closest i have ever been was like 10 miles....i was delivering mail in the Anaheim hills when it hit,i was just getting out of the truck to put some mail in the boxes and heard all the garage doors get sucked in than out,i was thrown back into the door of the truck.....i thought it was a 5 pointer but it turned out to be a 3.5 was centered in Yorba Linda about 10 miles away.....i can imagine what people in close proximity to 6 pointers or greater must feel.....that little one was pretty rough that close....
I've heard a lot of things recently with the earthquakes in Mexico that California should be extremely concerned. I absolutely believe that Californians should be scared that another huge earthquake is imminent , but I am no scientist so I'd hate to make that assumption. So does anyone that has a familiarity with earthquakes have reason to confirm or deny my beliefs?

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My family is well aware we live in Earthquake country. We have supplies to last several weeks; bottled water, sports drinks, canned food, dry goods, flashlights and battery's, and camping supplies. We also have EQ Insurance and first aid supplies.

I experienced several large quakes, 1957, 1989 and dozens of minor ones.
the Landers one in 92 was my biggest...7.3 i believe it was....that was a white knuckler.....

How close were you to the epicenter? In '57 I was in elementary school and we were about a mile from the epicenter, and that quake was 5.7 It was a jolt, not a roll and shook real hard - we were taking a spelling test at the time.

In '89 I was in my 3/4 Dodge Van and had parked in the back of a hotel near the Concord General Aviation Airport. I was listening to the pre-game getting ready to get out and watch the world series (Giants v. A's) with people from work when it struck. The radio went to all static and my van shook real good, and within maybe 20 seconds the door to the hotel opened and out streamed the guests.

As I got out of the van I saw the waves from the quake 60+ miles away undulate across the tarmac and the light poles sway as if in the wind.
about 118 miles....landers is out in the desert,yet where i was it shook like a mother,i did not think it would stop.....the closest i have ever been was like 10 miles....i was delivering mail in the Anaheim hills when it hit,i was just getting out of the truck to put some mail in the boxes and heard all the garage doors get sucked in than out,i was thrown back into the door of the truck.....i thought it was a 5 pointer but it turned out to be a 3.5 was centered in Yorba Linda about 10 miles away.....i can imagine what people in close proximity to 6 pointers or greater must feel.....that little one was pretty rough that close....

If you are ever in San Francisco, go to Golden Gate Park's California Academy of Science. It is spectacular, there is one exhibit which emulates the '06 quake. You need to wait in line and enter a room which is made up to look like a Victorian Kitchen and a moment later it shakes with the intensity of the Great Quake. It is an experience you won't forget.
I was painting a friend's house when a rolling quake went down the block. You want to see something weird, watch a wave travel through the Earth in front of your eyes. You can actually see a wave, like an ocean wave, travel under the yards and concrete and head away from you. Freaky deaky.

The Earth and it's tectonics is far beyond human intervention so just accept it. Nothing wrong with having a week's worth of water, food, and batteries but the only way to ensure you aren't trapped under a building or worse is to sleep in a tent out in the open countryside. Relax.

Make it a month and you're good. In a major quake, in a major urban area, you will be without support for up to a month.
I know it is futile to those who reject the scientific method, but I'll continue to post the scientific theories vis a vis the postulates of faith based ideologies. Thus:

Scientists: Oil, gas drilling causing earthquakes

Yeah, we geologists have known about that for decades. Fracking has been around a lot longer than the enviro silly people would have you believe and I know you'll be shocked but all of those geothermal power plants use fracking to operate. Shocking I know, yet true.
I've heard a lot of things recently with the earthquakes in Mexico that California should be extremely concerned. I absolutely believe that Californians should be scared that another huge earthquake is imminent , but I am no scientist so I'd hate to make that assumption. So does anyone that has a familiarity with earthquakes have reason to confirm or deny my beliefs?

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There is no reason to be scared of an earthquake. Republicans, yes! I have lived here in California all my 68 years and been through quite a few good rock and rolls. If you live in a tall building it can be very scary. We live in a single story home built to earthquake standards of the 50's. Should be OK.
I know it is futile to those who reject the scientific method, but I'll continue to post the scientific theories vis a vis the postulates of faith based ideologies. Thus:

Scientists: Oil, gas drilling causing earthquakes
Genius, why did we have earthquakes before oil and gas were drilled for?
Super dumb fuck, what makes you think that we cannot lubricate a fault? Many examples of that already in scientific literature. So, because there was death before we had guns, guns cannot kill? That is the level of your logic.
I've heard a lot of things recently with the earthquakes in Mexico that California should be extremely concerned. I absolutely believe that Californians should be scared that another huge earthquake is imminent , but I am no scientist so I'd hate to make that assumption. So does anyone that has a familiarity with earthquakes have reason to confirm or deny my beliefs?

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There is no reason to be scared of an earthquake. Republicans, yes! I have lived here in California all my 68 years and been through quite a few good rock and rolls. If you live in a tall building it can be very scary. We live in a single story home built to earthquake standards of the 50's. Should be OK.

I would have an expert go through your house to see what you can do to make it stronger. The building codes in the 1950's were fine for a third world country, but today they are woefully inadequate.
I know it is futile to those who reject the scientific method, but I'll continue to post the scientific theories vis a vis the postulates of faith based ideologies. Thus:

Scientists: Oil, gas drilling causing earthquakes

Yeah, we geologists have known about that for decades. Fracking has been around a lot longer than the enviro silly people would have you believe and I know you'll be shocked but all of those geothermal power plants use fracking to operate. Shocking I know, yet true.
Injection of fluids deep underground has been proven to cause earthquakes, simple as that. Not all the time, but often enough to prove it to be a fact in some places.

Induced Earthquakes

Wastewater disposal wells typically operate for longer durations and inject much more fluid than hydraulic fracturing, making them more likely to induce earthquakes. Enhanced oil recovery injects fluid into rock layers where oil and gas have already been extracted, while wastewater injection often occurs in never-before-touched rocks. Therefore, wastewater injection can raise pressure levels more than enhanced oil recovery, and thus increases the likelihood of induced earthquakes.
I've heard a lot of things recently with the earthquakes in Mexico that California should be extremely concerned. I absolutely believe that Californians should be scared that another huge earthquake is imminent , but I am no scientist so I'd hate to make that assumption. So does anyone that has a familiarity with earthquakes have reason to confirm or deny my beliefs?

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There is no reason to be scared of an earthquake. Republicans, yes! I have lived here in California all my 68 years and been through quite a few good rock and rolls. If you live in a tall building it can be very scary. We live in a single story home built to earthquake standards of the 50's. Should be OK.

I would have an expert go through your house to see what you can do to make it stronger. The building codes in the 1950's were fine for a third world country, but today they are woefully inadequate.

If you can afford to be as safe as you can you should. And even if you can't completely afford it, I feel there are plenty of free resources.

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All of that is true, but you have to have a fault to lubricate as well. What has been discovered is that fault lines are much more common than previously believed. Even within the core of the Continental Kraton there are faults which were never suspected before.
I know it is futile to those who reject the scientific method, but I'll continue to post the scientific theories vis a vis the postulates of faith based ideologies. Thus:

Scientists: Oil, gas drilling causing earthquakes

Yeah, we geologists have known about that for decades. Fracking has been around a lot longer than the enviro silly people would have you believe and I know you'll be shocked but all of those geothermal power plants use fracking to operate. Shocking I know, yet true.

Please explain Oklahoma, how many swarms of EQ's did that state experience in recorded history, and since fracking commenced.
when you live in California you hear about the "big" one coming every year.....if it happens it happens,nothing you can do but ride it out and try not to panic.....

That's basically what I'm thinking, but I never experienced one so I guess I don't have much room to talk haha.

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its an adrenalin rush thats for sure.....

It sure was in '94. Especially for those of us sitting on top of the epicenter. Fucking ride of my life...
I've heard a lot of things recently with the earthquakes in Mexico that California should be extremely concerned. I absolutely believe that Californians should be scared that another huge earthquake is imminent , but I am no scientist so I'd hate to make that assumption. So does anyone that has a familiarity with earthquakes have reason to confirm or deny my beliefs?

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There is no reason to be scared of an earthquake. Republicans, yes! I have lived here in California all my 68 years and been through quite a few good rock and rolls. If you live in a tall building it can be very scary. We live in a single story home built to earthquake standards of the 50's. Should be OK.

My wife worked in the Bank of America Building on California and Montgomery Sts, SF's financial district, and was in the restroom at the center of the building when a quake occurred.

She felt nothing, and was surprised when she returned to her complex of offices to find everyone a twitter. They felt the quake, and watched out the windows as other building swayed back and forth with the waves. They were in the top third of the building and I imagine the higher the more movement, but no harm was done in that quake.
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I know it is futile to those who reject the scientific method, but I'll continue to post the scientific theories vis a vis the postulates of faith based ideologies. Thus:

Scientists: Oil, gas drilling causing earthquakes

Yeah, we geologists have known about that for decades. Fracking has been around a lot longer than the enviro silly people would have you believe and I know you'll be shocked but all of those geothermal power plants use fracking to operate. Shocking I know, yet true.

Please explain Oklahoma, how many swarms of EQ's did that state experience in recorded history, and since fracking commenced.

I don't know what point you are trying to make. I have already acknowledged that fracking causes earthquakes. It is a well known consequence. I have also said that the quakes are fairly small (yes, a 5.0 is small) and we were working on using them to try and reduce the severity of large quakes. What are you not getting?

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