California's Brown Signs Bill Permitting Non-Physician Abortions

Telling the hypocrisy and inconsistency of the right, how ‘states’ rights’ go out the window when it concerns something they oppose.

And this law is an example of how state measures can both reflect the will of the majority of the people and conform to Constitutional case law, unlike Proposition 8, for example.

By meeting those two fundamental requirements, the new law is perfectly appropriate and legitimate, as there is no evidence that the new measure will in any way jeopardize the health of women seeking abortions.

Conservatives fear the measure because they know no woman’s health will be endangered, thus undermining the legitimacy of efforts in other states such as requiring doctors to have ‘admitting privileges,’ a popular backdoor tactic by those opposed to privacy rights.
It is beyond their scope of practice and license, and is a major potential health risk to women.

what good does a license do that does nothing more than say the state gave you permission to do what you do, its meaningless.

Maybe the Janitor can do it

The janitor will! He was a janitor last week. This week he got a new job as an abortionist. Kermit Gosnell had a 15 year old girl he "trained" in a couple of weeks helping him.

In the main, I can't see anything wrong with this law. What's the worst that can happen? Abortions go wrong. The women end up dead, or unable to have any more children, or get an infection, AIDS or something else. That's not so bad. In the great scheme of things, it's better than having them go on, healthy, alive and able to have more abortions.
NOt really is one.

Here's the real problem. The couples which want to adopt are the ones who put off having babies when they were young and fertile, and are buying the babies of the poor.

Frankly, this is just creating a class of breeders. Not seeing this as a good thing.

Again, what you guys need to do is make it easier for women to choose motherhood over career.

Choosing life is always the right thing to do.

Not really. The world is already overpopulated and we are straining our resources.

The only thing we can be thankful for is that most of the world's seven billion people don't live like Americans, or we'd need three planets.

then if you are so concerned, I sm sure you'd be willing to take your own life to help lessen the burden and set an example, correct?
Telling the hypocrisy and inconsistency of the right, how ‘states’ rights’ go out the window when it concerns something they oppose.

And this law is an example of how state measures can both reflect the will of the majority of the people and conform to Constitutional case law, unlike Proposition 8, for example.

By meeting those two fundamental requirements, the new law is perfectly appropriate and legitimate, as there is no evidence that the new measure will in any way jeopardize the health of women seeking abortions.

Conservatives fear the measure because they know no woman’s health will be endangered, thus undermining the legitimacy of efforts in other states such as requiring doctors to have ‘admitting privileges,’ a popular backdoor tactic by those opposed to privacy rights.

can you show me where this reflects the will of CA voters? Was there a referendum showing such an outcome?
what good does a license do that does nothing more than say the state gave you permission to do what you do, its meaningless.

Maybe the Janitor can do it

The janitor will! He was a janitor last week. This week he got a new job as an abortionist. Kermit Gosnell had a 15 year old girl he "trained" in a couple of weeks helping him.

In the main, I can't see anything wrong with this law. What's the worst that can happen? Abortions go wrong. The women end up dead, or unable to have any more children, or get an infection, AIDS or something else. That's not so bad. In the great scheme of things, it's better than having them go on, healthy, alive and able to have more abortions.

Saving the costs in all directions :D

It is amazing how lowly the left (mostly the white men) values the women ( mostly minority ones). Not that they did not give any reason for that - with gladly parroting the mantra of "that's my body and my choice" :lol:
Only stupid women coul let the men off the hook of responsibility that easy.

That is the reason the left considers women stupid cattle - the big chunk of women populace actually proves exactly that.
Your post is equally as sickening. What I expect you to do is exercise some reverence for human life!

Better then raising a child that isn't wanted that turns out to kill people.

What kind of generalization is that? You have no clue what this child will turn out to be. That depends on the person who raises him/her. People should stop playing psychic.

And you and others on the right need to stop interfering with individuals’ right to personal liberty, particularly when you seek to increase the authority and power of government to realize that goal. Indeed, no one is a psychic, nor does anyone have a monopoly on ‘morality,’ and is consequently in no position to dictate conduct concerning personal, private matters.

You are at liberty to not have an abortion if you believe it is ‘wrong,’ you are at liberty to counsel others against abortion for the same reason; you are not at liberty, however, to attempt to codify that subjective belief into secular law.
Maybe the Janitor can do it

The janitor will! He was a janitor last week. This week he got a new job as an abortionist. Kermit Gosnell had a 15 year old girl he "trained" in a couple of weeks helping him.

In the main, I can't see anything wrong with this law. What's the worst that can happen? Abortions go wrong. The women end up dead, or unable to have any more children, or get an infection, AIDS or something else. That's not so bad. In the great scheme of things, it's better than having them go on, healthy, alive and able to have more abortions.

Saving the costs in all directions :D

It is amazing how lowly the left (mostly the white men) values the women ( mostly minority ones). Not that they did not give any reason for that - with gladly parroting the mantra of "that's my body and my choice" :lol:
Only stupid women coul let the men off the hook of responsibility that easy.

That is the reason the left considers women stupid cattle - the big chunk of women populace actually proves exactly that.

The reality is women ARE devalued. Men get doctors. Women get the janitor. There is no difference between these abortions and the back alley abortions of two generations ago, except today the procedures are done legally. They are still done by the same incompetents who killed women 50 years ago. These are the kind of women who get abortions. Some women will pay, or have their families pay, for a doctor to perform a medical procedure. The rest will go to incompetents and take their chances. This isn't exactly the worst thing to ever happen.
I see the female hating death cultists have arrived.

Aren't they cute....

No we don't hate women, we just don't think women are capable of making decisions when the subject is upon their own VAG ........... in a nut shell .......... we are striving for the rights to use & FUCK you when ever it tickles our fancy.
I see the female hating death cultists have arrived.

Aren't they cute....

No we don't hate women, we just don't think women are capable of making decisions when the subject is upon their own VAG ........... in a nut shell .......... we are striving for the rights to use & FUCK you when ever it tickles our fancy.

Knowing that you can drag that woman to the nearest untrained, incompetent who couldn't find a job any place else to get rid of the evidence is a big boost too.

Better then raising a child that isn't wanted that turns out to kill people.

What kind of generalization is that? You have no clue what this child will turn out to be. That depends on the person who raises him/her. People should stop playing psychic.

And you and others on the right need to stop interfering with individuals’ right to personal liberty, particularly when you seek to increase the authority and power of government to realize that goal. Indeed, no one is a psychic, nor does anyone have a monopoly on ‘morality,’ and is consequently in no position to dictate conduct concerning personal, private matters.

You are at liberty to not have an abortion if you believe it is ‘wrong,’ you are at liberty to counsel others against abortion for the same reason; you are not at liberty, however, to attempt to codify that subjective belief into secular law.

But that's exactly what the left did... they codified their belief that abortion is ok.

You lefties are so full of shit.
Hey, where are the Liberals chanting their screeds about Republicans not caring about women's health? Oh yeah, they're all quiet. This is disgusting and they f'ing know it.

I find this to be horrible. There should be some kind of waiting period to think it all through and it should be the last recourse used in case of a life or death situation.

As said before find a non-radical extreme republican to run for office, and I do believe that you would have many like me vote for him for this reason of abortions like this. As long as the babies are taken care of through 18 after they are born.
The janitor will! He was a janitor last week. This week he got a new job as an abortionist. Kermit Gosnell had a 15 year old girl he "trained" in a couple of weeks helping him.

In the main, I can't see anything wrong with this law. What's the worst that can happen? Abortions go wrong. The women end up dead, or unable to have any more children, or get an infection, AIDS or something else. That's not so bad. In the great scheme of things, it's better than having them go on, healthy, alive and able to have more abortions.

Saving the costs in all directions :D

It is amazing how lowly the left (mostly the white men) values the women ( mostly minority ones). Not that they did not give any reason for that - with gladly parroting the mantra of "that's my body and my choice" :lol:
Only stupid women coul let the men off the hook of responsibility that easy.

That is the reason the left considers women stupid cattle - the big chunk of women populace actually proves exactly that.

The reality is women ARE devalued. Men get doctors. Women get the janitor. There is no difference between these abortions and the back alley abortions of two generations ago, except today the procedures are done legally. They are still done by the same incompetents who killed women 50 years ago. These are the kind of women who get abortions. Some women will pay, or have their families pay, for a doctor to perform a medical procedure. The rest will go to incompetents and take their chances. This isn't exactly the worst thing to ever happen.

Except if the backalley abortionists were caught, they went to jail.

Not any more! Gosnell was the last. His clinic would be perfectly FINE in Cali!
They'll probably move him to a *prison* in Cali when they start warming up the ovens..I mean the stirrups...for the assembly line abortion industry, to train the new recruits in the latest baby killing techniques.
They made coathangers legal from the start. That was the point.

they can't kill them fast enough. They want their numbers to look like Mcdonalds. Remember years ago when their sign used to say 1 million served. Then years later 10 million and so on. that will be abortions
Yep. Ole Kermit would be proud of you. Perhaps you'll find a woman needing your untrained hands to perform an abortion in California someday. You'll feel all giddy inside as you end a life not yet begun and perhaps maybe the poor woman's as well.

i have zero interest in performing abortions, i have zero issue with a woman getting an abortion. Its not my problem. Unlike you i mind my own business.

Oh? Unlike you, I don't advocate murder.


False premise. ..typical for a lying fraud.
Our society is hopeless

no redeeming qualities when they see abortion as a good thing

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