California's Brown Signs Bill Permitting Non-Physician Abortions

Good for Brown.... he hit the right nerve. -

its not back ally when the physician puts the gal in bankruptcy ...


yep dead babies tend to "hit a nerve" with normal people

Normal people don't consider kidney-bean sized fetuses to be "babies".

They call it, "that problem I need to take care of".

If it has a heatbeat its a human life you fucking shitstain :cool:

Too bad you were'nt terminated when you were a kidney bean
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Choosing life is always the right thing to do.

Not really. The world is already overpopulated and we are straining our resources.

The only thing we can be thankful for is that most of the world's seven billion people don't live like Americans, or we'd need three planets.

for every child borne 10 children starve to death ... a figure these repub-lie clowns don't want you to know

You got a link for that bullshit?
NOt really is one.

Here's the real problem. The couples which want to adopt are the ones who put off having babies when they were young and fertile, and are buying the babies of the poor.

Frankly, this is just creating a class of breeders. Not seeing this as a good thing.

Again, what you guys need to do is make it easier for women to choose motherhood over career.

Choosing life is always the right thing to do.

Not really. The world is already overpopulated and we are straining our resources.

The only thing we can be thankful for is that most of the world's seven billion people don't live like Americans, or we'd need three planets.

We'll if you're that worried about the population stop protecting animals that have taken life, abused a women or child, and stretch their necks. Let the innocent live.

Midwives do natural childbirth, where the baby is already coming out. Abortion unless done chemically is a surgical procedure. Are there any other surgical procedures out there that don't require a medical doctor?

It's a real stretch to call early abortion "surgery".

in fact, women have been getting abortions since the time of Jesus, usually not performed by "doctors".

It's not like you wingnuts care about the fetuses, you just want to make life as difficult for the women as possible.
yep dead babies tend to "hit a nerve" with normal people

Normal people don't consider kidney-bean sized fetuses to be "babies".

They call it, "that problem I need to take care of".

If it has a heatbeat its a human life you fucking shitstain :cool:

Too bad you weere not terminated when you were a kidney bean

No, it's a human life when it can live outside the womb.

That's the LEGAL definition and has been through most of history.
it was supposed to be safe procedure? leftards ARE batshit stupid :lol:

as it was from the very beginning - it is all about control, not any choices or women's interests. It is control over the lowly masses by the elite.
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California's Brown Signs Bill Permitting Non-Physician Abortions

And this is uncommon how?
Choosing life is always the right thing to do.

Not really. The world is already overpopulated and we are straining our resources.

The only thing we can be thankful for is that most of the world's seven billion people don't live like Americans, or we'd need three planets.

We'll if you're that worried about the population stop protecting animals that have taken life, abused a women or child, and stretch their necks. Let the innocent live.

Given that we end up letting more people off death row because they didn't do it than we manage to kill, I'm not feeling a warm fuzzy the government should be in that business.

Midwives do natural childbirth, where the baby is already coming out. Abortion unless done chemically is a surgical procedure. Are there any other surgical procedures out there that don't require a medical doctor?

It's a real stretch to call early abortion "surgery".

in fact, women have been getting abortions since the time of Jesus, usually not performed by "doctors".

It's not like you wingnuts care about the fetuses, you just want to make life as difficult for the women as possible.

Your seriously referencing back to a time where barbers/"doctors" bled people to balance thier "four humors" as an example of a non-physician doing abortions?

If something has to go in to take something out, its surgery, even if its minor surgery and should be done by a doctor. Why does the sacred lefitst sacrament of abortion require all sorts of special rules if its just another procedure to get rid of "unwanted tissue"? How many other procedures to get rid of "unwanted tissue" can be done by someone without an MD?

Midwives do natural childbirth, where the baby is already coming out. Abortion unless done chemically is a surgical procedure. Are there any other surgical procedures out there that don't require a medical doctor?

It's a real stretch to call early abortion "surgery".

in fact, women have been getting abortions since the time of Jesus, usually not performed by "doctors".

It's not like you wingnuts care about the fetuses, you just want to make life as difficult for the women as possible.

Your seriously referencing back to a time where barbers/"doctors" bled people to balance thier "four humors" as an example of a non-physician doing abortions?

If something has to go in to take something out, its surgery, even if its minor surgery and should be done by a doctor. Why does the sacred lefitst sacrament of abortion require all sorts of special rules if its just another procedure to get rid of "unwanted tissue"? How many other procedures to get rid of "unwanted tissue" can be done by someone without an MD?

Not really. There's really no reason why an abortion has to be performed by a doctor in the first trimester. It's simply not that complicated of a procedure.

And as you point out, abortions can be performed chemically now without "surgery".
Nurse practitioners and physician assistants are qualified to do these early procedures. They won't be legalized back-alley abortions.
That's exactly what they are you fucking idiot. True and ethical physicians don't do abortions. They are passing these bills so they can keep the abattoirs that are currently functioning, legal under increasing scrutiny. They know the butchers and pigs who do this work now. They're just making it so they can't be prosecuted when the feds start running ghetto residents through like cattle. Production line killing. They need as many *qualified* workers as they can line up because they plan to kill a LOT of babies. And women too..but those deaths will just be incidental and acceptable collateral.

This is what happens in a welfare state that's bankrupt both morally and financially .The government controls the purse strings and wants to lower costs on the amount of food stamps and other financial goodies they hand out. Can't let that base get too large or they won't be able to sustain feeding them. I predict we'll see the same thing once they truly get their government clutches in control of who gets what health care as well. Scary world.
alright, get out the clothes hangers

they shouldn't care

man oh man this state is history and is being run by a bunch of INSANE commies

but don't ask they have a ultrasound done, these same people will go ape shit
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NOt really is one.

Here's the real problem. The couples which want to adopt are the ones who put off having babies when they were young and fertile, and are buying the babies of the poor.

Frankly, this is just creating a class of breeders. Not seeing this as a good thing.

Again, what you guys need to do is make it easier for women to choose motherhood over career.

Choosing life is always the right thing to do.

Not really. The world is already overpopulated and we are straining our resources.

The only thing we can be thankful for is that most of the world's seven billion people don't live like Americans, or we'd need three planets.

There ya go.... exactly what I'm talking about, that's the mentality. There's more for me!!! Disgusting..
Who needs a doctor when youi're killing babies?..Women's rights?:cuckoo:


Gov. Jerry Brown of California signed AB 154 on Wednesday, legalizing non-physician abortions in the state.

The legislation, which had been pushed vigorously by Planned Parenthood, had been strongly opposed by pro-life groups and some physicians, arguing that it amounted to legalizing back-alley abortions for profit.

California's Brown Signs Bill Permitting Non-Physician Abortions

this sort of thing happen when there is a shortage of qualified professionals to

do the medical service

so they move the standard down a notch or two

think this is crazy wait for a few years of obamacare

destroying our health system
He does it because he knows there won't be another thug born. ;) These woman are incapable of raising children.

What do you expect we do?

Your post is equally as sickening. What I expect you to do is exercise some reverence for human life!

Better then raising a child that isn't wanted that turns out to kill people.

What kind of generalization is that? You have no clue what this child will turn out to be. That depends on the person who raises him/her. People should stop playing psychic.
Nurse practitioners and physician assistants are qualified to do these early procedures. They won't be legalized back-alley abortions.

it is already
next step is going to be certifiying the janitors to perform abortions :lol:
this sort of thing happen when there is a shortage of qualified professionals to

do the medical service

so they move the standard down a notch or two

think this is crazy wait for a few years of obamacare

destroying our health system

the whole purpose of obamacare is to shift care to unqualified personnel( with a goal to lower the costs) - for the masses, while the elite will still have the care they want ( or so they think).
I see the female hating death cultists have arrived.

Aren't they cute....

and they all are MEN :lol:

where is the outrage from our batshit stupid feministas of the board?

they are being denigrated to the level of cattle, for the convinience, but I guess they deserve this treatment.

Personally, I am elated that this procedure gets so marginalized and downgraded - that means I would never ever be obliged to provide care for a murder :D
Not that I ever had, but in a government-controlled medicine anything is possible.

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