California's War With Trump Part Of A Democrat Plan Of Economic Oppression

Sounds to me that the one who doesn't understand federal law is you.

Well I'm sure you can specify where in the Federal Immigration Law it precisely states authority to sanctuary cities to withhold the knowledge of illegals from ICE. Let's just see who knows more about the federal immigration law.

There has been a lot of resistance to iiraira and the federal courts have not been helpful to the federal government to this point. Here are some rulings to give you an idea of how the courts view the act
That doesn't mean the attitude might change under Trump but there is resistance elsewhere, just today, there was an article in the Central Valley of California discussing the problem with removing thousands of workers and how it would affect the nations supply of fruits and vegetables. I really don't think this is going to move the way you think it will and the harsh economic reality is going to slap Congress upside the head.

I'm sure the United States can work out a program at our border check points from Mexico, where agents can assist those seeking work visas for those seeking a better life in America. Sanctuary Cities which hide known illegals is not the answer, and supporting cheaper labor (these low paying jobs no one wants) seems to be the new party mandate excuse that Democrats are seeking to defend.

Putting that aside, there is a problem we now have with drug lords, and violence in Mexico that can spill across into this country which needs to be addressed to protect our citizens. There is also the vulnerability a "broken border" brings with inviting terrorist sympathizers and extremists looking to exploit an opportunity to get in, while we do have an enhanced airport security, we simply can't ignore other ways they can exploit a breach to our national security. These are two issues, outside of simply keeping track of those illegals who break our laws, we can't ignore. The democrats (through past administrations) have provided no solution to the border outside of criticism to republicans for bringing up the issue, which honestly places them as being no different than the complaints given to republicans in a repeal with no replacement of health care. Facts are facts.

All of these solutions are coming up because no one wanted to discuss it before. The Chamber of Commerce is the real enemy here making sure we relax the rules so companies have their labor. I agree with you that there are many things we can do to solve the immigration problem but a wall is not the answer especially since most terror border violations happen in Canada. I'll also take exception to your highlighted text. The last time we gave away American citizenship for free was when Republicans were in power and if that was your idea of a "solution" you should find other interests.

President Ronald Reagan was the last president to have a serious message and concern for the immigration problem in our southern border. However, he tried to sell the American people on amnesty first, before addressing border security and enforcement ... a big mistake. This left a sour taste to many Republican voters, and they have been resistant to anything close to amnesty ever since. Democrats, on the other hand, have been bringing up amnesty ever since (or they use other terms that call it a special exception "fast track") which neglects other immigrants overseas who wait years to become citizens legally. Democrats also DO criticize those republicans who bring up the issue of border enforcement with no plan of their own to tackle the flow of illegals who consistently break the law, How exactly does this make them different than Republicans, who hate and criticize the current ACA system while wanting to repeal it with no alternate plan given? Democrats have, instead of enforcement, gone the other way encouraging more illegals through this defense of Sanctuary Cities and breaking Federal Law.

With respect to Canada, there are no drug cartels spilling crime and violence north of the border into this country. They also don't have a poor economy, with illegals sneaking over to make a better life for themselves. The only issue Canada has, concerns those seeking a health care alternative to waiting months for certain medical procedures and treatment to be available to them. I just don't see the evidence where Canada has a bigger illegal border problem than Mexico.

I said more terror problems come from the north, you can read about it here Canadian border poses bigger terror threat to U.S. than Mexico border: report

You just got through lambasting Democrats as do-nothings while giving Republicans a pass for doing the same. You should reacquaint yourself with a book about immigration history.
not much; except for right wing national socialist whining.

lol - the only whining that exists is stemming from those like Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti, who are surprisingly unaware our government has a Federal Law that addresses immigration enforcement over the states.

Sounds to me that the one who doesn't understand federal law is you.

Well I'm sure you can specify where in the Federal Immigration Law it precisely states authority to sanctuary cities to withhold the knowledge of illegals from ICE. Let's just see who knows more about the federal immigration law.

There has been a lot of resistance to iiraira and the federal courts have not been helpful to the federal government to this point. Here are some rulings to give you an idea of how the courts view the act
That doesn't mean the attitude might change under Trump but there is resistance elsewhere, just today, there was an article in the Central Valley of California discussing the problem with removing thousands of workers and how it would affect the nations supply of fruits and vegetables. I really don't think this is going to move the way you think it will and the harsh economic reality is going to slap Congress upside the head.

I'm sure the United States can work out a program at our border check points from Mexico, where agents can assist those seeking work visas for those seeking a better life in America. Sanctuary Cities which hide known illegals is not the answer, and supporting cheaper labor (these low paying jobs no one wants) seems to be the new party mandate excuse that Democrats are seeking to defend.

Putting that aside, there is a problem we now have with drug lords, and violence in Mexico that can spill across into this country which needs to be addressed to protect our citizens. There is also the vulnerability a "broken border" brings with inviting terrorist sympathizers and extremists looking to exploit an opportunity to get in, while we do have an enhanced airport security, we simply can't ignore other ways they can exploit a breach to our national security. These are two issues, outside of simply keeping track of those illegals who break our laws, we can't ignore. The democrats (through past administrations) have provided no solution to the border outside of criticism to republicans for bringing up the issue, which honestly places them as being no different than the complaints given to republicans in a repeal with no replacement of health care. Facts are facts.
A market friendly visa can solve our illegal problem on a permanent basis via capitalism and not socialism. The right wing seems to prefer to love socialism on a national basis, instead of competition.

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