Call me a nut,but as an ordinary running in 2016!!!!

Racism is a diverting bullshit liberal argument. Its called nationalism.I WILL REPEAT,REGARDLESS OF RACE,COLOR,CREED,OR RELIGION,IF YOUR HERE ILLEGALLY,YOU WILL BE DEPORTED. IF,REGARDLESS OF RACE,COLOR,CREED,OR RELIGION,IF YOU WERE BORN HERE,OR WENT THROUGH AND WERE LEGALLY NATURALIZED,YOU HAVE MORE RIGHTS THAN ANYONE ELSE than anyone here illegally. Do you expect to go to,lets say,saudi arabia,illegally,demand benefits,and demand not to learn arabic as they speak there? I think not.
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Race is a superficial origination,nationalism is a geographic regional integrity. Read your dictionary and learn your definitions better.I SAID ALL ILLEGALS.
As i am thinking on a large scale,i will be running for mayor of my town in Berlin,GA next term,and will be pretty much unopposed. The current mayor is retiring in 2013.
Georgia secretary of state Kemp also will not allow obama on election forms in this atate until he meets requirements of proving identity and citizenship,and i love it. This state at least has balls to uphold the law.
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Illegals are not only picking tomatoes but taking lucrative jobs here in this nation. Our real unemployment is extremely high.

Bull. Before the crash, we had full employment.

The current unemployment rate is entirely unrelated to illegal immigrants.
It is documented being due to them,at direct and indirect levels of their presence increasing tax base for commies believing in their rights to have an existance here,taking capital away from individuals and businesses to invest un good workforce and producticity in the indirect effect.
As stated in other threads,the recovery of this nations atarts with us,the citizens,not the government,and independence,true,comes from personal responsibility,morals,valuea,ethics,and accountability.
Ask me anything about any issue,and i have the solution for it..really.
You can easily win.:clap2:Profess your love for Jesus, get some flags to wear, and promise the corporations you'll do anything they ask :eusa_shhh:. In return they give you busloads of millions and you'll be asked to be on Fox "news" on a weekly basis.
Remember, when speaking publicly, end every paragraph with " May Gawd continue to blass murka".
Congrats Mr. p_Resident.

P.S. Maybe Shrieking Sarah will cut you a deal on that idiotic looking bus.
OH ! I forgot one critical item ! You'll need to get a cowboy hat !:eusa_pray:
And you would find these 6 million people - how?

And what about the 5 million or so illegals from other countries?

How would find them? And, how would you pay to deport them?

BTW, besides the ones that President Obama has already deported, there are fewer and fewer coming here because there are no jobs. Many have left for the same reason. No one really knows how many are left here now but I've read its no where near the 11-12 million that were here.

What part of self deport is unclear to you? We've already seen it in Arizona and Georgia.

SB1070 is more than two years old. So is the racist harassment. Are you saying that 11 million people have already "self-deported"? Or that it will be another two years, meaning a total of four years?

Doesn't matter because you're wrong.

Nonetheless, many have left because there are no jobs and many more are not coming for the same reason.

But if you believe that 11 million people will leave the US to return to their home countries, sorry but you are just plain wrong.

" ALBERTVILLE, Ala. — The vanishing began Wednesday night, the most frightened families packing up their cars as soon as they heard the news.

They left behind mobile homes, sold fully furnished for a thousand dollars or even less. Or they just closed up and, in a gesture of optimism, left the keys with a neighbor. Dogs were fed one last time; if no home could be found, they were simply unleashed.

Two, 5, 10 years of living here, and then gone in a matter of days, to Tennessee, Illinois, Oregon, Florida, Arkansas, Mexico — who knows? Anywhere but Alabama."

Mass migration from Alabama after tough new penalties for ILLEGAL immigrants.

Back to Mexico? Some for sure...the ones who see the writing on the wall.
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BTW Mr. p-Resident. Here is what your posts should look like. Maybe she'll run with you as VP ?


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Time for real change,and to make it happen. I am founding member of the FNRP,foundation national reform party.

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