Call Me A Racist If You Want To.., BUT !!

So your tactic is to say racist shit, then claim victory when you are called out on it? Your game is weak dude.
only two fruit and nut cakes ? i am surprised.

i just wish you both had something of value to add to this topic rather than hurl personal insults. :up:
Amazing that the horse continued on, and got them home safely.

right on, that also caught my attention, that horse knew he had to finish his journey, i believe GOD put a hand on that horse, some animals will buck all odds to serve their master, like dogs, i have read many stories where dogs have sacrificed their lives to save their master.., i believe mine would the way she acts around strangers that come to our home.

i have read stories where in "The Old West", horses carried their injured, near death rider many, many miles to safety.
Why does the OP feel such an Inexorable, obsessive need to utter the N word in any and every thread he starts or posts in?

If you need help with this - I'm here. Tell us where these "feelings" come from.

You are trying to impress everyone by calling all comers a ******? Impressive, indeed! No, not really.

I guess you MUST NOT be a racist after-all.

Now, go forth and spread the potty-mouth unto all nations....
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The answer is simple, STOP CARING IF SOMEONE CALLS YOU A RACIST. It doesn't matter. Get over the knee jerk reaction. This is just a method of control. A way to make you change your behavior and change your opinions.
Sigh. Wildman.

If you think you can win arguments with pure antagonism, you're mistaken. I hate to break it to you, but calling people fruitcakes and ******* isn't how arguments work. You're only feeding the liberal stereotype that Republicans are racist when you are actually being a racist. Stop.
Horse pulling Amish buggy killed in drive-by shooting

whoever and whatever the skin color of these hoodlums are..., they are ******* :up:

racist ??

read my tag line you liberal fruitcakes, i wish GOD had given you all a brain rather than the fruit and nuts you carry around in that space above your shoulders. :up: ... :lmao:... :up: ... :lmao:... :up: ... :lmao:... :up: ... :lmao:

ooooh !! have a great holiday season :up:

with love,

Dear Wildman: Your response to injustice depends on what stage of grief you express.
If you are angry of course you will vent, that is human.
If you are in the stage of trying to resolve and prevent such wrongful violence,
then your language would reflect this also.

All my friends with nonprofits who have successfully healed and helped people through recovery to overcome this level of hatred and abuse that causes crime DID NOT succeed in doing so by STAYING in the anger/venting mode. They operate in the healing mode, which brings back the HUMANITY in the persons who commit such crimes out of self hatred or rage.

So if you are stuck in the same stage of "unforgiveness" as the people you call *******, that is the company you keep. Is that where you wish to be?

When you are done being angry about these problems, I hope you will join the rest of humanity in embracing compassion, wisdom and understanding to do something about it. Using such dehumanizing terms merely reinforces the barriers and walls to justify continuing to act inhuman towards each other, so the cycle continues. Is this what you want to be part of?

Sorry this makes you so angry, I hope you understand this anger is what "*******" feel when they act inhumanely because they don't feel any connection to humanity either.

My prayers for your healing as for the rest of humanity going through this same curve.
Yours truly,
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