Calling a Market Crash Between Election and Swearing In

Don't....just don't. I lost my job, IRA seems so vunerable in target date funds, don't. not again. Helpless is the feeling? What to do?
I'm not rooting I'm just observing. We got Hillary and Sanders in one party and Trump and Cruz in the other party because nobody wanted to win this term's booby prize.
Doesn't the market prefer certainty over uncertainty? I would think a market would be steadier after the election when the President-elect is known. Plus November is the time to get back into the market for those that practice the "Sell in May and go away" strategy.

Reread Toro's post. He put it better than I planned to do.
Alll anyone who cares needs to realize if the economy was doing well
the Fed would have announced an interest rate hike.

So there Obama and the horse he rode in on...
The economy is not doing well...

And either one of these two could pull the wrong economic lever at the wrong time. And both of them are classic nuts Hillary is the paranoid and Trump megalomaniac. I don't want either one of them near the button that controls the balloon drop much less the nuclear weapons keys.
Man...the nutbags sure are rooting for financial collapse.

Stating the obvious isn't rooting for it. The wheels are about to come off this "great" economy you all keep harping on. It's inevitable
if hillary wins.....Stock Market will hit 7500 next day and all our homes will be worth about $42,000.50

Well then you would think The Donald would be voting for Hillary; then he could make a killing in depressed real estate market. You really are a loon.
Man...the nutbags sure are rooting for financial collapse.

Stating the obvious isn't rooting for it. The wheels are about to come off this "great" economy you all keep harping on. It's inevitable
if hillary wins.....Stock Market will hit 7500 next day and all our homes will be worth about $42,000.50

My apologies, I was referring to the much bigger bond market, where margin money can exceed 90% instead of the stock market's limit of 50%. As to the price of your house why should anyone care
If you look at the presumptive nominees they present an interesting dichotomy:

Hillary supports.

Trashing blue collar employment through AGW alarmism and incentivizing automation to avoid ever higher headcount costs.

Expanding regulation everywhere in every fashion imaginable.

She also believes that a "short victorious war is the solution to all foreign and domestic problems as she demonstrated in her time at the State Dept.

She also makes Tricky Dick look like a good and honest president.

Trump is:

Isolationist and protectionist.

His knowledge of government is how much to bribe Hillary and her ilk and in what fashion.

He has no policy ideas about what to do with the ongoing slow motion collapse of China nor the rise of right wing separatism in the EU.

So with H domestic investment and employment crashes

With T foreign investment is withdrawn and a trade war is launched.

Their are variants to this tune as with Hillary being indicted and even assuming the Ds had a competent replacement hidden somewhere in their party the damage from giving Hillary the boot would be irreparable.

Trump being assassinated by some protester would present a similar problem for the Rs.

We are screwed.

Hilary is hip deep in Wall Street, most of what she does is a horse an pony show that the far left drones believe in..

Just like how the far left bailed out the banks and Wall street instead of the people!
Man...the nutbags sure are rooting for financial collapse.

Stating the obvious isn't rooting for it. The wheels are about to come off this "great" economy you all keep harping on. It's inevitable
if hillary wins.....Stock Market will hit 7500 next day and all our homes will be worth about $42,000.50

My apologies, I was referring to the much bigger bond market, where margin money can exceed 90% instead of the stock market's limit of 50%. As to the price of your house why should anyone care
There are not a whole lot of margin buyers on this site. Working people with jobs or hopes for one. The jobs numbers have been manipulated for the last 7 years badly.

In truth it started with Clinton when he changed how UN-employed were counted. If we told these folks the truth Un-employment in general is a damn site closer to 21% with Negro UN-employment at 35% and native American UN-employment at 70%.

The housing market is going to take a HUGE hit in the next decade as "boomers" start to die off and sell. That market will be totally reversed from the 50s thru 70s. That is the post economic reaction to abortion.

A person can debate puts and holds all they want but to remove 70 million from the user base be it homes or durable goods has effects. You simply cannot expand a market in a shrinking consumer base.

The only way to grow the market safely and sanely at this point is to INCREASE birth rates. And it takes 20 years of increased birth rates to drive one generation ahead.

Man...the nutbags sure are rooting for financial collapse.

Stating the obvious isn't rooting for it. The wheels are about to come off this "great" economy you all keep harping on. It's inevitable
if hillary wins.....Stock Market will hit 7500 next day and all our homes will be worth about $42,000.50

My apologies, I was referring to the much bigger bond market, where margin money can exceed 90% instead of the stock market's limit of 50%. As to the price of your house why should anyone care
There are not a whole lot of margin buyers on this site. Working people with jobs or hopes for one. The jobs numbers have been manipulated for the last 7 years badly.

In truth it started with Clinton when he changed how UN-employed were counted. If we told these folks the truth Un-employment in general is a damn site closer to 21% with Negro UN-employment at 35% and native American UN-employment at 70%.

The housing market is going to take a HUGE hit in the next decade as "boomers" start to die off and sell. That market will be totally reversed from the 50s thru 70s. That is the post economic reaction to abortion.

A person can debate puts and holds all they want but to remove 70 million from the user base be it homes or durable goods has effects. You simply cannot expand a market in a shrinking consumer base.

The only way to grow the market safely and sanely at this point is to INCREASE birth rates. And it takes 20 years of increased birth rates to drive one generation ahead.

Some technical disagreements mostly dealing with learned economic ignorance.

The 1930-9 drought/dustbowl which destroyed demand for farm equipment and many types of massive knock on effects is not usually mentioned as a causal factor in histories of the Great Depression.

Increasing returns and the product life cycle are almost never used in economic explanations of anything.

Economists base all predictions on over-simplified models that until quite recently did not include balance sheets and cashflow statements for economic actors.

politicians base policy on this crap thus we have socialized education based on storming the plan instead of educating and a socialized security system that screw everyone in sight etc. et al.

Those Orwellian constraints need to be kept in mind
If you look at the presumptive nominees they present an interesting dichotomy:

Hillary supports.

Trashing blue collar employment through AGW alarmism and incentivizing automation to avoid ever higher headcount costs.

Expanding regulation everywhere in every fashion imaginable.

She also believes that a "short victorious war is the solution to all foreign and domestic problems as she demonstrated in her time at the State Dept.

She also makes Tricky Dick look like a good and honest president.

Trump is:

Isolationist and protectionist.

His knowledge of government is how much to bribe Hillary and her ilk and in what fashion.

He has no policy ideas about what to do with the ongoing slow motion collapse of China nor the rise of right wing separatism in the EU.

So with H domestic investment and employment crashes

With T foreign investment is withdrawn and a trade war is launched.

Their are variants to this tune as with Hillary being indicted and even assuming the Ds had a competent replacement hidden somewhere in their party the damage from giving Hillary the boot would be irreparable.

Trump being assassinated by some protester would present a similar problem for the Rs.

We are screwed.

Hilary is hip deep in Wall Street, most of what she does is a horse an pony show that the far left drones believe in..

Just like how the far left bailed out the banks and Wall street instead of the people!

So the question is--------->since the odds are high of the economy going back into the tank, if Hillary is in, will we still be being told everything is wonderful?

would like to ask the republican/libertarian/conservatives something--------------> How many of you think that the lefties on here actually believe the economy is in good shape, and jobs are not a problem?
If you look at the presumptive nominees they present an interesting dichotomy:

Hillary supports.

Trashing blue collar employment through AGW alarmism and incentivizing automation to avoid ever higher headcount costs.

Expanding regulation everywhere in every fashion imaginable.

She also believes that a "short victorious war is the solution to all foreign and domestic problems as she demonstrated in her time at the State Dept.

She also makes Tricky Dick look like a good and honest president.

Trump is:

Isolationist and protectionist.

His knowledge of government is how much to bribe Hillary and her ilk and in what fashion.

He has no policy ideas about what to do with the ongoing slow motion collapse of China nor the rise of right wing separatism in the EU.

So with H domestic investment and employment crashes

With T foreign investment is withdrawn and a trade war is launched.

Their are variants to this tune as with Hillary being indicted and even assuming the Ds had a competent replacement hidden somewhere in their party the damage from giving Hillary the boot would be irreparable.

Trump being assassinated by some protester would present a similar problem for the Rs.

We are screwed.

Hillary is a liar but at least she's a known and quantifiable liar.
Trump is a compulsive psychopathic liar. The only things he cares about protecting are his assets and his ass.
If you look at the presumptive nominees they present an interesting dichotomy:

Hillary supports.

Trashing blue collar employment through AGW alarmism and incentivizing automation to avoid ever higher headcount costs.

Expanding regulation everywhere in every fashion imaginable.

She also believes that a "short victorious war is the solution to all foreign and domestic problems as she demonstrated in her time at the State Dept.

She also makes Tricky Dick look like a good and honest president.

Trump is:

Isolationist and protectionist.

His knowledge of government is how much to bribe Hillary and her ilk and in what fashion.

He has no policy ideas about what to do with the ongoing slow motion collapse of China nor the rise of right wing separatism in the EU.

So with H domestic investment and employment crashes

With T foreign investment is withdrawn and a trade war is launched.

Their are variants to this tune as with Hillary being indicted and even assuming the Ds had a competent replacement hidden somewhere in their party the damage from giving Hillary the boot would be irreparable.

Trump being assassinated by some protester would present a similar problem for the Rs.

We are screwed.

Hilary is hip deep in Wall Street, most of what she does is a horse an pony show that the far left drones believe in..

Just like how the far left bailed out the banks and Wall street instead of the people!

So the question is--------->since the odds are high of the economy going back into the tank, if Hillary is in, will we still be being told everything is wonderful?

would like to ask the republican/libertarian/conservatives something--------------> How many of you think that the lefties on here actually believe the economy is in good shape, and jobs are not a problem?

If you remember the crap Bush put out after 9/11, keep high value targets occupied, buy crap you can't afford and don't you dare save for a rainy day, I would think that SOP has been established.

Wishing makes it so is also bipartisan BS.

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