Calling someone stand-up a "Liberal" has become an insult...Have you noticed?

This is addressed to "normal" folks of course.
Call your buddy a Liberal these days and you may get punched in the face. It's as if you called him / her an asshole or a bit@h.
Why do you think that is?
Because in modern parlance, a "Liberal" is a Socialist authoritarian who uses emotions instead of logic. This is a total anathema to Americans who support and defend the Constitution of the United States.

No, not in modern parlance. Perhaps it is in RWNJ parlance. I've seen right wingers call people liberal because a burger joint forgot to put fries in their bag, It's used as a general insult by people who believe Alex Jones or Hannity crap.

Alex Jones is a libertarian. As for Hannity, I can say with almost 100% certainty that's you've never actually watch a full hour of his show. Most likely a minute or two of a clip they ran on CNN or MSNBC.

And please don't come back as say that you have, because I've heard that story too many times already.
Alex Jones, by his own court testimony, is playing a character. He doesn't believe his own shit no matter how many of his fans do.

Hannity is just another talking head seeking to get rich....and is succeeding! Albeit with a few bumps in the road: Hannity Loses Advertisers Over Seth Rich Conspiracy

Still, after O'Reilly imploded and Kelly left, he's the main attraction at Fox.
The hate talk and demonization has ramped up so much over the past few decades it has really turned the conversation into focused attacks on groups of people rather than specific people, specific policies and specific arguments. It is one of the major problems in our political discourse and it is extremely dishonest and counter productive.

"Liberal" and "conservative" are both. As words depending on the group you are speaking to. What happened to the days when liberals could respect and even appreciate the restraint that conservatives bring to our democracy. And when conservatives could appreciate the progression of civil liberties and outreach to the oppressed and poor that liberals bring?

It's a shame that those things are getting filtered out.

The Right has veered toward center over the years while the Left has totally lost their shit and gone hard Left with whack-job Progressives...the Right has had enough, is fed up and taking shit back. The Left has totally fucked themselves.
Have you noticed nobody likes liberals? They are always angry and foaming at the mouth about something, like having to work for a living or not getting their fair share of free shit.
No, see that is just a caricature you entertain in your mind to make you feel manly and tough in comparison. The truth is, you are insecure. You realize you aren't as smart as liberals are, so it's easier for you to kid yourself.
The hate talk and demonization has ramped up so much over the past few decades it has really turned the conversation into focused attacks on groups of people rather than specific people, specific policies and specific arguments. It is one of the major problems in our political discourse and it is extremely dishonest and counter productive.

"Liberal" and "conservative" are both. As words depending on the group you are speaking to. What happened to the days when liberals could respect and even appreciate the restraint that conservatives bring to our democracy. And when conservatives could appreciate the progression of civil liberties and outreach to the oppressed and poor that liberals bring?

It's a shame that those things are getting filtered out.

The Right has veered toward center over the years while the Left has totally lost their shit and gone hard Left with whack-job Progressives...the Right has had enough, is fed up and taking shit back. The Left has totally fucked themselves.
Not really. There are just more undesciplined, disrespectful, loudmouths dominating the conversations with dishonest and hateful rhetoric. It's happening on both sides and is being fed by the media that focuses on controversy because it brings ratings
Jump to 27 minutes to the Kasich interview. He describes an attitude that I hope people on both sides start to lean towards...
This is addressed to "normal" folks of course.
Call your buddy a Liberal these days and you may get punched in the face. It's as if you called him / her an asshole or a bit@h.
Why do you think that is?
Because in modern parlance, a "Liberal" is a Socialist authoritarian who uses emotions instead of logic. This is a total anathema to Americans who support and defend the Constitution of the United States.

No, not in modern parlance. Perhaps it is in RWNJ parlance. I've seen right wingers call people liberal because a burger joint forgot to put fries in their bag, It's used as a general insult by people who believe Alex Jones or Hannity crap.

Alex Jones is a libertarian. As for Hannity, I can say with almost 100% certainty that's you've never actually watch a full hour of his show. Most likely a minute or two of a clip they ran on CNN or MSNBC.

And please don't come back as say that you have, because I've heard that story too many times already, ya liberal. :biggrin:

That's funny. Say something else dumb so I can laugh at that too.

Ok then. While you're laughing, tell me what Hannity's Friday show was about. You're the one who made the dumb assertion that Hannity was crap, without ever having watched an hour of his show. You probably think Limbaugh is crap too, yet you've never listened to him either, amirite?
This is addressed to "normal" folks of course.
Call your buddy a Liberal these days and you may get punched in the face. It's as if you called him / her an asshole or a bit@h.
Why do you think that is?
Because in modern parlance, a "Liberal" is a Socialist authoritarian who uses emotions instead of logic. This is a total anathema to Americans who support and defend the Constitution of the United States.

No, not in modern parlance. Perhaps it is in RWNJ parlance. I've seen right wingers call people liberal because a burger joint forgot to put fries in their bag, It's used as a general insult by people who believe Alex Jones or Hannity crap.
Thanks for proving my point, BD. I knew someone like you would do so. :)

So you think most people believe Alex Jones and Hannity? That's funny.
Thanks once again for proving my point about modern "liberals". You're two for two li'l buddy!
OP- Newt and Rush started this garbage in the late 80's, ignorant dupe. This crap is now being revealed to anyone still thinking, thanks to the big orange idiot...
This is addressed to "normal" folks of course.
Call your buddy a Liberal these days and you may get punched in the face. It's as if you called him / her an asshole or a bit@h.
Why do you think that is?
Because in modern parlance, a "Liberal" is a Socialist authoritarian who uses emotions instead of logic. This is a total anathema to Americans who support and defend the Constitution of the United States.

No, not in modern parlance. Perhaps it is in RWNJ parlance. I've seen right wingers call people liberal because a burger joint forgot to put fries in their bag, It's used as a general insult by people who believe Alex Jones or Hannity crap.

Alex Jones is a libertarian. As for Hannity, I can say with almost 100% certainty that's you've never actually watch a full hour of his show. Most likely a minute or two of a clip they ran on CNN or MSNBC.

And please don't come back as say that you have, because I've heard that story too many times already.
Alex Jones, by his own court testimony, is playing a character. He doesn't believe his own shit no matter how many of his fans do.

Hannity is just another talking head seeking to get rich....and is succeeding! Albeit with a few bumps in the road: Hannity Loses Advertisers Over Seth Rich Conspiracy

Still, after O'Reilly imploded and Kelly left, he's the main attraction at Fox.

It's really kind of sad that so many crazies have so few right wing talking heads to emulate.
I don't mind if you call me a liberal, as long as you are using the dictionary definition.

Unfortunately...for the few legit Liberals it doesn't work that way in the real world.
21st century Liberals are Progressives....sorry.
The hate talk and demonization has ramped up so much over the past few decades it has really turned the conversation into focused attacks on groups of people rather than specific people, specific policies and specific arguments. It is one of the major problems in our political discourse and it is extremely dishonest and counter productive.

"Liberal" and "conservative" are both. As words depending on the group you are speaking to. What happened to the days when liberals could respect and even appreciate the restraint that conservatives bring to our democracy. And when conservatives could appreciate the progression of civil liberties and outreach to the oppressed and poor that liberals bring?

It's a shame that those things are getting filtered out.
Kasich had a good interview with Wallace on fox this AM about the subject
Kasich is the world's biggest quisling.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
This is addressed to "normal" folks of course.
Call your buddy a Liberal these days and you may get punched in the face. It's as if you called him / her an asshole or a bit@h.
Why do you think that is?
Because in modern parlance, a "Liberal" is a Socialist authoritarian who uses emotions instead of logic. This is a total anathema to Americans who support and defend the Constitution of the United States.

No, not in modern parlance. Perhaps it is in RWNJ parlance. I've seen right wingers call people liberal because a burger joint forgot to put fries in their bag, It's used as a general insult by people who believe Alex Jones or Hannity crap.

Alex Jones is a libertarian. As for Hannity, I can say with almost 100% certainty that's you've never actually watch a full hour of his show. Most likely a minute or two of a clip they ran on CNN or MSNBC.

And please don't come back as say that you have, because I've heard that story too many times already, ya liberal. :biggrin:

That's funny. Say something else dumb so I can laugh at that too.

Ok then. While you're laughing, tell me what Hannity's Friday show was about. You're the one who made the dumb assertion that Hannity was crap, without ever having watched an hour of his show. You probably think Limbaugh is crap too, yet you've never listened to him either, amirite?

I have no reason to believe you have ever been right about anything. You're certainly wrong about what you think I have done.
This is addressed to "normal" folks of course.
Call your buddy a Liberal these days and you may get punched in the face. It's as if you called him / her an asshole or a bit@h.
Why do you think that is?
Because in modern parlance, a "Liberal" is a Socialist authoritarian who uses emotions instead of logic. This is a total anathema to Americans who support and defend the Constitution of the United States.

No, not in modern parlance. Perhaps it is in RWNJ parlance. I've seen right wingers call people liberal because a burger joint forgot to put fries in their bag, It's used as a general insult by people who believe Alex Jones or Hannity crap.

Alex Jones is a libertarian. As for Hannity, I can say with almost 100% certainty that's you've never actually watch a full hour of his show. Most likely a minute or two of a clip they ran on CNN or MSNBC.

And please don't come back as say that you have, because I've heard that story too many times already.
Alex Jones, by his own court testimony, is playing a character. He doesn't believe his own shit no matter how many of his fans do.

Hannity is just another talking head seeking to get rich....and is succeeding! Albeit with a few bumps in the road: Hannity Loses Advertisers Over Seth Rich Conspiracy

Still, after O'Reilly imploded and Kelly left, he's the main attraction at Fox.

It's really kind of sad that so many crazies have so few right wing talking heads to emulate.
What sad is that most left wing talking heads are ignored. Sure, Rachel and a few others on MSNBC get to rant and rave, but they're sucking hind tit in 25-54 demographic when it comes to ratings no matter how emotional they are.

TV Ratings: Cable News Viewership Surges in May as Fox News, CNN, MSNBC Log Double-Digit Gains
In total day, Fox News was first in total viewers with 1.42 million viewers and in the demo with 302,000 viewers. CNN was third in total viewers with 821,000 but second in the demo with 274,000. MSNBC was second in total viewers with 925,000 but third in the demo with 221,000.
This is addressed to "normal" folks of course.
Call your buddy a Liberal these days and you may get punched in the face. It's as if you called him / her an asshole or a bit@h.
Why do you think that is?
A case of beer..
I have no reason to believe you have ever been right about anything. You're certainly wrong about what you think I have done.
Of course you don't. Emotional and unreasonable people only see what they want to see and you've never wanted to even consider that I'm right.

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