Calling someone stand-up a "Liberal" has become an insult...Have you noticed?

This is addressed to "normal" folks of course.
Call your buddy a Liberal these days and you may get punched in the face. It's as if you called him / her an asshole or a bit@h.
Why do you think that is?

Because calling someone a liberal is the worst insult. I'd rather be called an asshole or a bitch. Or worse. Anything but liberal or progressive because of what it means these days. It's like saying someone supports violence and insanity.
Alex Jones is a libertarian. As for Hannity, I can say with almost 100% certainty that's you've never actually watch a full hour of his show. Most likely a minute or two of a clip they ran on CNN or MSNBC.

And please don't come back as say that you have, because I've heard that story too many times already.
Alex Jones, by his own court testimony, is playing a character. He doesn't believe his own shit no matter how many of his fans do.

Hannity is just another talking head seeking to get rich....and is succeeding! Albeit with a few bumps in the road: Hannity Loses Advertisers Over Seth Rich Conspiracy

Still, after O'Reilly imploded and Kelly left, he's the main attraction at Fox.

It's really kind of sad that so many crazies have so few right wing talking heads to emulate.
What sad is that most left wing talking heads are ignored. Sure, Rachel and a few others on MSNBC get to rant and rave, but they're sucking hind tit in 25-54 demographic when it comes to ratings no matter how emotional they are.

TV Ratings: Cable News Viewership Surges in May as Fox News, CNN, MSNBC Log Double-Digit Gains
In total day, Fox News was first in total viewers with 1.42 million viewers and in the demo with 302,000 viewers. CNN was third in total viewers with 821,000 but second in the demo with 274,000. MSNBC was second in total viewers with 925,000 but third in the demo with 221,000.

Ratings and credibility have never been the same thing.
Correct, but like a vote, it doesn't matter who was the "better" candidate; there's just the winner and the loser.

If ratings mean all, and credibility means nothing to you, then congratulations. You watch the most popular lying idiots on cable.
Alex Jones, by his own court testimony, is playing a character. He doesn't believe his own shit no matter how many of his fans do.

Hannity is just another talking head seeking to get rich....and is succeeding! Albeit with a few bumps in the road: Hannity Loses Advertisers Over Seth Rich Conspiracy

Still, after O'Reilly imploded and Kelly left, he's the main attraction at Fox.

It's really kind of sad that so many crazies have so few right wing talking heads to emulate.
What sad is that most left wing talking heads are ignored. Sure, Rachel and a few others on MSNBC get to rant and rave, but they're sucking hind tit in 25-54 demographic when it comes to ratings no matter how emotional they are.

TV Ratings: Cable News Viewership Surges in May as Fox News, CNN, MSNBC Log Double-Digit Gains
In total day, Fox News was first in total viewers with 1.42 million viewers and in the demo with 302,000 viewers. CNN was third in total viewers with 821,000 but second in the demo with 274,000. MSNBC was second in total viewers with 925,000 but third in the demo with 221,000.

Ratings and credibility have never been the same thing.
Correct, but like a vote, it doesn't matter who was the "better" candidate; there's just the winner and the loser.

If ratings mean all, and credibility means nothing to you, then congratulations. You watch the most popular lying idiots on cable.
You're three for three now, BD, in proving my point. Congrats!
No, not in modern parlance. Perhaps it is in RWNJ parlance. I've seen right wingers call people liberal because a burger joint forgot to put fries in their bag, It's used as a general insult by people who believe Alex Jones or Hannity crap.

Alex Jones is a libertarian. As for Hannity, I can say with almost 100% certainty that's you've never actually watch a full hour of his show. Most likely a minute or two of a clip they ran on CNN or MSNBC.

And please don't come back as say that you have, because I've heard that story too many times already.
Alex Jones, by his own court testimony, is playing a character. He doesn't believe his own shit no matter how many of his fans do.

Hannity is just another talking head seeking to get rich....and is succeeding! Albeit with a few bumps in the road: Hannity Loses Advertisers Over Seth Rich Conspiracy

Still, after O'Reilly imploded and Kelly left, he's the main attraction at Fox.

It's really kind of sad that so many crazies have so few right wing talking heads to emulate.

...and yet, you refuse to accept responsibility for Jon Stuart who's a low-grade comedian, not a political commentator, that guy Rachael Maddow, Chris Matthews, Kieth Olbermann, and the race pimp Al Sharpton?

Alex Jones is sounding more intelligent, now that you mention him.

I'm sure Jones seems very intelligent to you After all, Trump praised him for his top notch journalism, and often bases his world view on what Jones says while choosing to ignore the best intelligence agencies in the world.

Truthfully, I've never listenend tom but next to Rachael Maddow, Chris Matthews, Kieth Olbermann, and Al Sharpton, he sounds like an Einstein.
This is addressed to "normal" folks of course.
Call your buddy a Liberal these days and you may get punched in the face. It's as if you called him / her an asshole or a bit@h.
Why do you think that is?

Because calling someone a liberal is the worst insult. I'd rather be called an asshole or a bitch. Or worse. Anything but liberal or progressive because of what it means these days. It's like saying someone supports violence and insanity.
You really don't see the problem with that kind of stereotyping???
The word "liberal" is becoming passé. I usually refer to them a "leftists" or "statists". That's a much more accurate descriptor.

Those are three different things, so you should go with what's accurate. In each case.
The word "liberal" is becoming passé. I usually refer to them a "leftists" or "statists". That's a much more accurate descriptor.

Those are three different things, so you should go with what's accurate. In each case.

That's the problem with you leftists:You have no discrimination and you see everything in ten thousand shades of gray. Nothing is black and white or cut and dried, and you have no perception of the "big picture". You look at a forest and get so hung up on the individual trees, instead of a forest.
This is addressed to "normal" folks of course.
Call your buddy a Liberal these days and you may get punched in the face. It's as if you called him / her an asshole or a bit@h.
Why do you think that is?

You have stoopid buddies? That's my guess.


I knew it. Boom goes the dynamite. I have a sixth sense about these things.

So maybe you should aim higher.

Yanno George Bush the First tried this same crapola in 1988 against Dukakis. Atwater must have thought it would work. "Cult of Ignorance" and all that.
The word "liberal" is becoming passé. I usually refer to them a "leftists" or "statists". That's a much more accurate descriptor.

Those are three different things, so you should go with what's accurate. In each case.

That's the problem with you leftists:You have no discrimination and you see everything in ten thousand shades of gray. Nothing is black and white or cut and dried, and you have no perception of the "big picture". You look at a forest and get so hung up on the individual trees, instead of a forest.

Uh.... no Spakles, I just know what words actually mean before I use them. And I don't take three things and lump them all together just because "fuck it, I can't be bothered".
This is addressed to "normal" folks of course.
Call your buddy a Liberal these days and you may get punched in the face. It's as if you called him / her an asshole or a bit@h.
Why do you think that is?

You have stoopid buddies? That's my guess.

Oh yeah my buddies are totally stupid and confused.
They actually think penises belong in vaginas....they think a man with a penis is in fact a MAN...they think people should pull their own weight...they think we should stop illegals from robbing hard working American taxpayers and holy shit, they even believe in God. Yeah, these guys are fucking lost!
This is addressed to "normal" folks of course.
Call your buddy a Liberal these days and you may get punched in the face. It's as if you called him / her an asshole or a bit@h.
Why do you think that is?

You have stoopid buddies? That's my guess.

Oh yeah my buddies are totally stupid and confused.
They actually think penises belong in vaginas....they think a man with a penis is in fact a MAN...they think people should pull their own weight...they think we should stop illegals from robbing hard working American taxpayers and holy shit, they even believe in God. Yeah, these guys are fucking lost!

Right. We established that.
So ---- get new ones. Maybe ones that have a clue about political science.
The hate talk and demonization has ramped up so much over the past few decades it has really turned the conversation into focused attacks on groups of people rather than specific people, specific policies and specific arguments. It is one of the major problems in our political discourse and it is extremely dishonest and counter productive.

"Liberal" and "conservative" are both. As words depending on the group you are speaking to. What happened to the days when liberals could respect and even appreciate the restraint that conservatives bring to our democracy. And when conservatives could appreciate the progression of civil liberties and outreach to the oppressed and poor that liberals bring?

It's a shame that those things are getting filtered out.
Kasich had a good interview with Wallace on fox this AM about the subject
Kasich is the world's biggest quisling.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
See there you go attacking the man and ignoring the message which was the point of my post. Grow up.
I've heard his message. That's how I know he's a quisling.
Somewhere in your education, or lack there of, you failed to learn how to make an intelligent point. See if you want people to understand what you are talking about then you need to explain yourself, use examples, cite quotes, link to articles or videos that back up your arguments. That's a free lesson for you. Youre welcome.
It's not that important to me whether you think he's a quisling. Every Republican knows he is.
This is addressed to "normal" folks of course.
Call your buddy a Liberal these days and you may get punched in the face. It's as if you called him / her an asshole or a bit@h.
Why do you think that is?

Really, same thing with neo-con. Besides, the only liberals are SOME older folks with some wisdom. The balance and high majority are progressives, or rather, they're snowflakes and hypocrites.
This is addressed to "normal" folks of course.
Call your buddy a Liberal these days and you may get punched in the face. It's as if you called him / her an asshole or a bit@h.
Why do you think that is?
I'm a Liberal. No problem with you calling me one.
Kasich had a good interview with Wallace on fox this AM about the subject
Kasich is the world's biggest quisling.

Sent from my SM-G935P using mobile app
See there you go attacking the man and ignoring the message which was the point of my post. Grow up.
I've heard his message. That's how I know he's a quisling.
Somewhere in your education, or lack there of, you failed to learn how to make an intelligent point. See if you want people to understand what you are talking about then you need to explain yourself, use examples, cite quotes, link to articles or videos that back up your arguments. That's a free lesson for you. Youre welcome.
It's not that important to me whether you think he's a quisling. Every Republican knows he is.
Sure. And aliens colonized the earth and built the internet. We all know it's true so I guess no need to give any sort of explaination as to why it's true. Great logic man. Let's keep rolling with that!

Your style of debate is super fun!
It's really kind of sad that so many crazies have so few right wing talking heads to emulate.
What sad is that most left wing talking heads are ignored. Sure, Rachel and a few others on MSNBC get to rant and rave, but they're sucking hind tit in 25-54 demographic when it comes to ratings no matter how emotional they are.

TV Ratings: Cable News Viewership Surges in May as Fox News, CNN, MSNBC Log Double-Digit Gains
In total day, Fox News was first in total viewers with 1.42 million viewers and in the demo with 302,000 viewers. CNN was third in total viewers with 821,000 but second in the demo with 274,000. MSNBC was second in total viewers with 925,000 but third in the demo with 221,000.

Ratings and credibility have never been the same thing.
Correct, but like a vote, it doesn't matter who was the "better" candidate; there's just the winner and the loser.

If ratings mean all, and credibility means nothing to you, then congratulations. You watch the most popular lying idiots on cable.
You're three for three now, BD, in proving my point. Congrats!

Just because you keep saying that doesn't make it true.
What sad is that most left wing talking heads are ignored. Sure, Rachel and a few others on MSNBC get to rant and rave, but they're sucking hind tit in 25-54 demographic when it comes to ratings no matter how emotional they are.

TV Ratings: Cable News Viewership Surges in May as Fox News, CNN, MSNBC Log Double-Digit Gains
In total day, Fox News was first in total viewers with 1.42 million viewers and in the demo with 302,000 viewers. CNN was third in total viewers with 821,000 but second in the demo with 274,000. MSNBC was second in total viewers with 925,000 but third in the demo with 221,000.

Ratings and credibility have never been the same thing.
Correct, but like a vote, it doesn't matter who was the "better" candidate; there's just the winner and the loser.

If ratings mean all, and credibility means nothing to you, then congratulations. You watch the most popular lying idiots on cable.
You're three for three now, BD, in proving my point. Congrats!

Just because you keep saying that doesn't make it true.
Just because you keep denying what is plainly true doesn't make others believe you.
Alex Jones is a libertarian. As for Hannity, I can say with almost 100% certainty that's you've never actually watch a full hour of his show. Most likely a minute or two of a clip they ran on CNN or MSNBC.

And please don't come back as say that you have, because I've heard that story too many times already.
Alex Jones, by his own court testimony, is playing a character. He doesn't believe his own shit no matter how many of his fans do.

Hannity is just another talking head seeking to get rich....and is succeeding! Albeit with a few bumps in the road: Hannity Loses Advertisers Over Seth Rich Conspiracy

Still, after O'Reilly imploded and Kelly left, he's the main attraction at Fox.

It's really kind of sad that so many crazies have so few right wing talking heads to emulate.
What sad is that most left wing talking heads are ignored. Sure, Rachel and a few others on MSNBC get to rant and rave, but they're sucking hind tit in 25-54 demographic when it comes to ratings no matter how emotional they are.

TV Ratings: Cable News Viewership Surges in May as Fox News, CNN, MSNBC Log Double-Digit Gains
In total day, Fox News was first in total viewers with 1.42 million viewers and in the demo with 302,000 viewers. CNN was third in total viewers with 821,000 but second in the demo with 274,000. MSNBC was second in total viewers with 925,000 but third in the demo with 221,000.

Ratings and credibility have never been the same thing.
Correct, but like a vote, it doesn't matter who was the "better" candidate; there's just the winner and the loser.

There is no "winner" or "loser" in TV ratings. All they measure is audience size, for one and only one purpose --- setting advertising rates. Unless you're buying or selling TV commercial spots ---- they mean absolutely nothing. Zero.

Further, your implicit premise that "left wing" and "right wing" ideas should be equally expressed by a medium as vacuous as TV is as amusing as it is naïve.

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