Callling All 'Holocaust Deniers'!

This is my backyard. You just get to live here. Welcome to America. - Jeremiah
Actually, my ancestors go back to before the Civil War.

So welcome to my back yard J-man ......... :cool:

Which civil war would that be? Lebanon's? Syria's?
We traced our ancestry back to Missouri before the Civil War.

He left his family and went off to fight but never returned.....MIA

I just hope he didn't fight for the Union.

Missouri was a border state and people fought on both sides in the war.

So I like to believe he joined the Confederacy......... :cool:
This is my backyard. You just get to live here. Welcome to America. - Jeremiah
Actually, my ancestors go back to before the Civil War.

So welcome to my back yard J-man ......... :cool:

The black man was not originally Muslim. He was the slave of Muslims. Abd means slave in Arabic. It also means black man. So much for that. Read up on your own history. Mohammad called the black man raisin heads. Find a religion that likes you at least.

This is my backyard. You just get to live here. Welcome to America. - Jeremiah
Actually, my ancestors go back to before the Civil War.

So welcome to my back yard J-man ......... :cool:

The black man was not originally Muslim. He was the slave of Muslims. Abd means slave in Arabic. It also means black man. So much for that. Read up on your own history. Mohammad called the black man raisin heads. Find a religion that likes you at least.
1) I am a white mam.

2) Never said that blacks were originally muslims.

3) Get a life........ :cool:
It's difficult for Holocaust "Revisionists" to produce academic work because 99% of what Revisionists publish has no basis in anything except politics.

The missing soap story that was debunked...

The shrunken human heads...

Missing Prussian Blue stains in alleged homicidal gassing chambers, while the stains are still visible in the delousing chambers...

The changing of the plaque at A-B...

The use of the 6 Million number before WWII...

What one has to understand is that most "revisionists" are doing research entirely for poltical reasons. That doesn't make genuine historical research very easy to do!

How much money do the Jews still get in reparations and fundings for the holocaust story? Not to mention justification for their actions in Palestine- you know, doing the same thing as the Germans. That doesn't raise questions, especially given that the NYT- who published this article- is owned, published, and controlled by Jews? Just go to the NYT wikipedia page and look up the names listed to the right.
. This is the heart of Islam, people. Which is why Islam has no place in our society. It cannot co -exist respectfully with people who are not followers of Islam and cannot rest until it murders all Islam has condemned to death.
They got those laws from the Torah.

Just sayin'.

Bravo, Jeremiah - excellent point!

The Muhammad cartoons slanders a revered religious figure.

Whereas, holocaust cartoons lambast an alleged historial event and zionist ideology.

Big difference........ :cool:

which PROVES your a racist

Actually, it just makes him a religious bigot, not a racist.

The Nazis themselves had no reasonable reason to rig the numbers though
I disagree. Officers in charge certainly wanted to look good, and in a performance-based bureaucracy, that can oft mean exaggerations that make you look extra 'productive' or make your failure excusable.

There is a reason most historians are highly skeptical of the body counts and kill-ratios claimed by generals on both sides of historical conflicts.
Best to go with the available evidence- forensics, reliable populations counts before and after, that sort of thing, rather than expecting any involved parties to be 100% reliable and interested only in factual accuracy. What I'm saying is I don't believe anybody who was involved can be disinterested.
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Since you brought up the topic of reparations to victims of the Holocaust..... which BTW I understood it wasn't *only* Jewish individuals getting the payments.
Germans don't choose to give their money away, they are extorted by persons who- as the primary recipient of those funds- have an economic interest in propagating the official story.
Reparations Agreement between Israel and West Germany - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

There isn't anything in here to suggest 'extortion': the agreement which the German government signed appears to have been *voluntary* and not 'ordered' by any UN or any other international body.

The German individuals I've spoken to through the years were proud of the efforts of their postwar government to repair some of the damages to people's lives.
The Nazis themselves had no reasonable reason to rig the numbers though
I disagree. Officers in charge certainly wanted to look good, and in a performance-based bureaucracy, that can oft mean exaggerations that make you look extra 'productive' or make your failure excusable.

There is a reason most historians are highly skeptical of the body counts and kill-ratios claimed by generals on both sides of historical conflicts.
Best to go with the available evidence- forensics, reliable populations counts before and after, that sort of thing, rather than expecting any involved parties to be 100% reliable and interested only in factual accuracy. What I'm saying is I don't believe anybody who was involved can be disinterested.

But the historians aren't dealing with 'body counts' by generals: they have been dealing with very tiny pieces of the overall picture, complete with a high level of detail in most cases. Nor does anyone ever expect such things to be 100% reliable.

Have you studied any of the social sciences? How much do you know of their methodology?
OK - let's go for it.

I want an account from a non extremist pillock, with links to solid evidence, that the holocaust was a lie.

I don't expect anyone will manage it.

It happened
It is a truth
Varelse -

You must realise yourself that the German camp records turn everything you have said on this thread into mush.

We can check names, dates, times of people being murdered. Do you know on Hitler's birthday they shot a prisoner every 2 minutes?

It is all recorded.

Why "Revisionists" continue to argue and whine I have absolutely no idea.

And no, "Revisionists" have never uncovered a thing of any value. Of course you might find the odd detail here and there that people have got wrong. Ok, so some prisoners suspected the bodies were being turned into soap and they were wrong - but their assumption was not a bad one, surely?

btw. Which camps have you been to?
Ok, so some prisoners suspected the bodies were being turned into soap and they were wrong - but their assumption was not a bad one, surely?
It's not a bad assumption to assume that people are being turned into soap?

Do you accept Soylent Green as a reasonable account of the 1960s in the US, less a few minor details? :eusa_eh:

Again, half the 'death camps' have been admitted to not being 'death camps'- everything in Allied hands after the war, actually. Only those camps the Soviets took over were still claimed to be 'death camps' in the official tale.

The lamp shades, shrunken heads, and soap prove that just because it was said during the Nuremberg Show Trials doesn't mean it's true, making the NST meaningless when you try to point at them as though they or anything presented there- such as Hoess' torture 'confession'- with all its obvious contradictions- as evidence of anything.

You claim homicidal gas chambers at A-B. Why do they show no signs of ferrocyanide (prussian blue), while the delousing chambers do? Why are they not airtight? Why do the doors open inward? Why do 'witnesses' claim soldiers without protection entered immediately and removed corpses, unaffected by the cyanide gas that should have killed them?

You point at ovens and claim that getting rid of bodies means genocide, although most american cities have crematoriums today and burning diseased bodies has long been standard practice to attempt to limit the spread of disease- and typhus was still a problem after the Allies took over the camps. You point at emaciated persons but ignore allied bombing of the supply lines. You insist on a certain number, yet admit that the official story at A-B already changed, along with the plaque, that numbers were all over the place from the beginning, and that the '6 million' number goes back to before WWII and can be legitimately questioned as to its accuracy. You can't explain why the Germans would destroy the foundation of their wartime production (forced labor) from the beginning or why international Jewry- in the form of Zionists organizations calling for the occupation of Palestine- would propose alliance with Germany if Germany was actively trying to exterminate the Jews- or why Germany would bother putting many Jews on a boat and sending them to friendly lands, even Palestine, so that each People could pursue its own destiny in its own lands. You ignore the roots of both Nazism and Zionism, which grew from the same movements and has the same central aims- ethnic nationalism and ethnic cleansing of the lands of the respective Folk in the name of racial hygiene.

When presented with these things, you ignore them and claim no legitimate points or questions have been raised. Then you wonder why we find it difficult to believe you have any interest in honest, intelligent, informed discussion of the events in question.
Varelse -

The idea that a country would round up eleven million people and exterminate them seems ridiculous - but we know it happened. The idea of surgically joining twins together is ridiculous - but we know it happened.

Given the time and the place and the fear prisoners must have felt - I don't find the theory that prisoners were being turned into soap particularly surprising.

We know from German camp records that six million Jews were exterminated. We know that most were executed - because the records detail cause of death. Many died of typhus and starvation, of course, and this is also recorded. We know how many peopled died because both transports and camps recorded these numbers.

Everything we need to know about the Holocaust we can ascertain from German sources and records alone. It is as simple as that.

btw. All of the points here have clear and largely obvious answers that you can find from a dozen reliable souces. I can go through them for you if you wish. Assume everything you have been told about the camps is wrong. Most "Revisionist" writers have never been there, and none have ever conducted research there. Go and see for yourself. I did.
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You can't explain why the Germans would destroy the foundation of their wartime production (forced labor)

The people too weak, ill, young or old to work were gassed. Troublemakers were simply shot.

Those fit to work, were forced to work.

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