Callling All 'Holocaust Deniers'!

And yet I am the one of us who has been to Auschwitz, to Birkenau, to Plasow, to Bsbi Yar - while you have stayed home.

I call that näieve.
Big deal.

I have been to Disneyland

Which is based on a fantasy story; just like the places you claim to have visited.

But the only difference is that I got a T-shirt to prove it.......... :cool:

Yes, and you'll get hell to prove you were a lying, anti-semite. Most of us here won't be a witness to that one. If I were you I'd make a public apology now and repent. Better than the alternative.

- Jeremiah
It is interesting to see the extreme right such as David, I'm a daft fart, Duke and more extreme Muslim groups agreeing on this and even quoting each other in a positive way.

Don't be silly, Fred - why wouldn't the Muslim fascists agree with the Christian fascists about making Jews the villains?
There *IS* serious and objective research taking place still.
If a serious university historian questions any aspect of the official holocaust story.

He will be immediately vilified as anti-semitic and a nazi.

And will lose his tenure and be fired on the spot....... :cool:

Surely you have examples of such instances? Where are your citations for such incidents?
Foxfyre -

I was just commenting to another member here that I have no problem with skepticism. None of us should accept without question what the authorities want us to believe.

I totally agree.

But someone with a genuine curiosity can go to Birkenau, or to Yad Vashem or Dachau and learn the facts and reality.

Strangely enough, "Revisionists" don't seem to want to do that. They want to read blogs from people who have never been there either.

Yes, and for those of us who will likely never have the opportunity to go to those places, and who really have no dog in the fight that would support any bias or prejudice one way or theother, there is a plethora of information provided by those who have been there and who have done extensive research in all the questioned areas. And they all seem to arrive at the same conclusion that the official version is very close to the correct one.
Swagger, the 'question' is nonsense. The people like David Irving are not 'being smeared by the press': they are being excoriated by the serious scholars and researchers in the field. A 'jury of their peers' continually finds the Irvings and Zundels grossly flawed in their methodology.

It has nothing to do with 'the press' or 'the government'.

There *IS* serious and objective research taking place still.

With all due respect, you haven't even attempted to answer my question.

With all due respect - NONE - I absolutely did respond. Now stop beating your wife.
Sunni -

The deaths of five million non-Jewish prisoners has nothing whatsoever to do with Zionim, Judaism or Jews.
I never claimed it did....... :cool:

Actually, you just did exactly that with your 'Zionist ideology' post.

Question for you,: How many lies can you repeat before you become a liar? When you repeatedly lie to defame others, do you suppose that lying is pleasing to GOD?
You're are extremely naive if you don't realize that the official holocaust story is deeply rooted in a political agenda........ :cool:

And yet I am the one of us who has been to Auschwitz, to Birkenau, to Plasow, to Bsbi Yar - while you have stayed home.

I call that näieve.

Which is more distasteful, the anti-Semitic clown or the insufferably pretentious douchebag?

You two deserve each other.

Saigon may indeed be 'pretentious' - but he is debating honestly here, not making stupid jabs at others. Sunni, OTOH........ aong with Swagger, varelse, and that 'truthseeker' .
With all due respect, you haven't even attempted to answer my question.

With all due respect - NONE - I absolutely did respond. Now stop beating your wife.

You did nothing of the sort. You just gave me some completely irrelevant guff, like you usually do. Now, be a good girl and cease trying to profit so shamelessly from the ashes of your spineless grandparents.

Thanks, Swagger, for a brilliant example of the Chinese proverb: "Violence is the last resort of the incompetent".
With all due respect - NONE - I absolutely did respond. Now stop beating your wife.

You did nothing of the sort. You just gave me some completely irrelevant guff, like you usually do. Now, be a good girl and cease trying to profit so shamelessly from the ashes of your spineless grandparents.

Yeah, and "Sieg Heil" to you too, ya fuckin' goose-stepper. :fu:
I hear Iran is being invaded by giant rats and Egypt is now under a plague of locusts. Does the word judgment ring a bell with Muslims, Sunni man?
Just in time for Passover, Israel braces for locust invasion

JERUSALEM — With Passover just three weeks away, the timing of a massive infestation of locusts in Egypt is striking many Israelis as downright biblical.

Millions of the grasshopper-like insects swarmed Israel’s southern neighbor, damaging crops. Some have since made their way to southern Israel.

Though Israeli agricultural experts are on high alert and fear that the locusts could devastate crops, many Israelis have been more laid back, with some noting that some varieties of the leggy pests are kosher.

“Not only does the Torah permit man to eat certain mammals, birds and fish, but it even permits him to eat certain insects — namely several types of locusts,” Rabbi Natan Slifkin wrote in The Times of Israel.

Just in time for Passover, Israel braces for locust invasion - The Washington Post
Enough with the off topic insults and inflammatory posts. Infractions and/or bans will be given out if it continues. Thank you.
Just in time for Passover, Israel braces for locust invasion

JERUSALEM — With Passover just three weeks away, the timing of a massive infestation of locusts in Egypt is striking many Israelis as downright biblical.

Millions of the grasshopper-like insects swarmed Israel’s southern neighbor, damaging crops. Some have since made their way to southern Israel.

Though Israeli agricultural experts are on high alert and fear that the locusts could devastate crops, many Israelis have been more laid back, with some noting that some varieties of the leggy pests are kosher.

“Not only does the Torah permit man to eat certain mammals, birds and fish, but it even permits him to eat certain insects — namely several types of locusts,” Rabbi Natan Slifkin wrote in The Times of Israel.

Just in time for Passover, Israel braces for locust invasion - The Washington Post

The plague of locusts hit Egypt. The likelihood of it hitting Israel is highly unlikely. She isn't under judgment. Egypt is. - Jeremiah
Israel is going to have a huge Judgement Day very soon.

It has allowed idols throughout the land, sponsors gay parades, rabbis perform same sex marriages, and most of the Israeli citizens are secular and atheist.

It has happened to them before and will happen again......... :cool:
Sunni man, worry about your own backyard. You've got giant rats in Tehran overtaking govt buildings running loose everywhere, you've got locusts devouring the crops of Egypt in a plague of biblical proportions, your own people have been the borrowers not the lenders - biblical sign of a curse - with no sign of any improvements. Mind your own business and clean up your own back yard. G-d is obviously not impressed. - Jeremiah
Sunni man, worry about your own backyard. You've got giant rats in Tehran overtaking govt buildings running loose everywhere, you've got locusts devouring the crops of Egypt in a plague of biblical proportions, your own people have been the borrowers not the lenders - biblical sign of a curse - with no sign of any improvements. Mind your own business and clean up your own back yard. G-d is obviously not impressed. - Jeremiah
Kinda funny, you are an American and all worried about Israel.

So why don't you take your own advice and worry about your own backyard.??......... :cool:
Sunni man, worry about your own backyard. You've got giant rats in Tehran overtaking govt buildings running loose everywhere, you've got locusts devouring the crops of Egypt in a plague of biblical proportions, your own people have been the borrowers not the lenders - biblical sign of a curse - with no sign of any improvements. Mind your own business and clean up your own back yard. G-d is obviously not impressed. - Jeremiah
Kinda funny, you are an American and all worried about Israel.

So why don't you take your own advice and worry about your own backyard.??......... :cool:

We are. Muslims make up less than 1% of the population in the Americas. We intend to keep it that way. :cool:

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