Callous Conservatives, Time to wake up!

How will you vote in Nov. 2016

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This is the dumbest poll I have ever seen, there's lots of changes that need to be made. I vote for this woman. The CNN debate winner. Our version of the Iron Lady.

You want to support a Neoconservative, in the mold of Dick Cheney? Why? Do you think - if you do - that Brinkmanship and saber rattling or the two most important characteristics needed in the President of the US?

Neoconservatives are true nutters.

But I love the "logic" of the right wing, tax cuts for the rich will boom the economy, but increasing wages at the bottom will destroy it? LOL

Once more for the terminally dense propagandist: No one here is arguing against increased wages for "the bottom." The argument is with gov't meddling in the labor wage market and pretending it will have little or no impact on prices (inflation) which disproportionately hurts "the bottom" and those on fixed incomes .. not that you seem to know or care.

Weird, you mean like CBO said lifting min wage to $10.10 an hour would HELP 16 million families? But MIGHT hurt up to 500,000 jobs?

Disproportionate? lol Sure Bubba, sure That's what the right wing is concerned about, since SS can help the VAST majority of those on the bottom AND Gov't safety nets can help the remaining few!

The Most Rigorous Research Shows Minimum Wage Increases Do Not Reduce Employment

The opinion of the economics profession on the impact of the minimum wage has shifted significantly over the past fifteen years. Today, the most rigorous research shows little evidence of job reductions from a higher minimum wage. Indicative is a 2013 survey by the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business in which leading economists agreed by a nearly 4 to 1 margin that the benefits of raising and indexing the minimum wage outweigh the costs.

This page reviews the most widely-cited and influential studies on the impact of minimum wage increases on employment, and examines the primary reasons why low-wage employers can afford higher wages today.

The Job Loss Myth

Over 600 Economists Sign Letter In Support of $10.10 Minimum WageEconomist Statement on the Federal Minimum Wage

Over 600 Economists Sign Letter In Support of $10.10 Minimum Wage: Economist Statement on the Federal Minimum Wage

Same old "workers of the world unite and eat the rich" pap you always. The studies vary on the impact and dredging up 600 loony left economists in a country of 300 mil is easy but 1 thing is certain ... no one has ever produced an empirical study of the effect of DOUBLING the min wage. No one.

Double? Oh right over several years AS 60%+ of min wage workers work for Corps with 500+ employees and Corps have record profits right?

The Most Rigorous Research Shows Minimum Wage Increases Do Not Reduce Employment

The opinion of the economics profession on the impact of the minimum wage has shifted significantly over the past fifteen years. Today, the most rigorous research shows little evidence of job reductions from a higher minimum wage. Indicative is a 2013 survey by the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business in which leading economists agreed by a nearly 4 to 1 margin that the benefits of raising and indexing the minimum wage outweigh the costs.



Minimum Wage Hike Would Eliminate 500,000 Jobs
James Sherk / @JamesBSherk / February 18, 2014

Surprise, surprise: An analysis released today found that a proposed minimum wage hike would eliminate hundreds of thousands of jobs.

Today the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) announced it agreed with the Heritage Foundation’s analysis of President Obama’s proposed minimum wage increase. Of course the CBO did not put it that way. But the agency came to the same conclusion Heritage did: a $10.10 minimum wage has no historical precedent and would jettison hundreds of thousands of jobs.

Minimum Wage Hike Would Eliminate 500,000 Jobs

Cool, a blog by a shill for the Heritage Foundation (HF). Did Sherk get a bonus from the Brothers Koch?

Seriously, do you believe this is proof of anything other than the fact that you are posting right wing propaganda? The HF and shrek have as much credibility as someone who posts on gun control and whose avatar is pointing a gun at the reader.
Double? Oh right over several years AS 60%+ of min wage workers work for Corps with 500+ employees and Corps have record profits right?
Without the false premises, distortions and LIES WHAT would you EVER have Bubs?

I get it though, the Randian fetishists woman wouldn't stand on her principles like the other libertarian founders right? lol

Lame deflection. The fact remains no one has ever conducted an empirical study of the effects of DOUBLING the min wage and all your dancing and prancing and waving your arms just doesn't change that fact.

Weird, you HONESTLY "believe" there is going to be a push at $15 an hour when we can't even get $10.10? OOPS

States and cities are performing the task at more appropriate gov't levels and businesses are doing it at the most appropriate level, raising hourly wages internally without gov't meddling and yeah ... the push for $15/hr is alive and well in NY, Florida, Seattle and Berkeley, just to name a few.
Clearly you can find no empirical studies that support your "harmless" theory.

Must be DROVES of Biz closing in those cities then correct? lol

Without false premises, distortions and LIES, what do the right wingers EVER have Bubs?

Unemployment is skyrocketing. Businesses adapt, we are smarter than you are

LIAR ^^^ THEY DO ^^^ LIAR ^^^
This is the dumbest poll I have ever seen, there's lots of changes that need to be made. I vote for this woman. The CNN debate winner. Our version of the Iron Lady.

You want to support a Neoconservative, in the mold of Dick Cheney? Why? Do you think - if you do - that Brinkmanship and saber rattling or the two most important characteristics needed in the President of the US?

Neoconservatives are true nutters.

Not only is she a nutter, she was well rehearsed by the Neo-Cons (as was Rubio) and she lied about Planned Parenthood.
Same old "workers of the world unite and eat the rich" pap you always. The studies vary on the impact and dredging up 600 loony left economists in a country of 300 mil is easy but 1 thing is certain ... no one has ever produced an empirical study of the effect of DOUBLING the min wage. No one.

Double? Oh right over several years AS 60%+ of min wage workers work for Corps with 500+ employees and Corps have record profits right?
Principles would be if she had the option to opt out of social security. She didn't.

She was forced to participate. You call on her to pay, then not collect on the terrible deal making it even worse.

At the same time, you worship politicians who call for more taxes while cheating on their taxes and you say dick about it.

You have some serious house cleaning to do before you call anyone else out as a hypocrite

Without the false premises, distortions and LIES WHAT would you EVER have Bubs?

I get it though, the Randian fetishists woman wouldn't stand on her principles like the other libertarian founders right? lol

Rand had a Randian fetish?


How's worshiping politicians who promise you to tax other people then cheat on their own taxes working out for you? You move from the garage into a mansion yet?

Like I said Bubba, without false premises, distortions and lies, what do you EVER have?

Yes of course, questioning government? That is just lies and distortion.

On the other hand, your standard of:

1) Small government libertarians should give money by choice to government or they are hypocrites

2) While big government liberals cheating on their taxes isn't hypocrisy.

It's just the big ball of stupid that is you


Without false premises, distortions and LIES what would you EVER have?

You mean Rand doesn't stand on principles? Thanks

OK, she doesn't. rand said she doesn't want social security and she didn't pay the taxes while turning down getting some of her taxes back. Obviously she isn't actual libertarian. Actual libertarians give money to government to protest how much government spends. Liberals of course cheat on their taxes and you're fine with that, why wouldn't you be? You're fucking retarded.

Anyway, you must hate fucking Obama, obviously this is a principle thing to you. Obama said he should pay more taxes, but he doesn't. Wow, what a fucking hypocrite, according to your standards. You voted for Romney just to make the point, didn't you?
Lame deflection. The fact remains no one has ever conducted an empirical study of the effects of DOUBLING the min wage and all your dancing and prancing and waving your arms just doesn't change that fact.

Weird, you HONESTLY "believe" there is going to be a push at $15 an hour when we can't even get $10.10? OOPS

States and cities are performing the task at more appropriate gov't levels and businesses are doing it at the most appropriate level, raising hourly wages internally without gov't meddling and yeah ... the push for $15/hr is alive and well in NY, Florida, Seattle and Berkeley, just to name a few.
Clearly you can find no empirical studies that support your "harmless" theory.

Must be DROVES of Biz closing in those cities then correct? lol

Without false premises, distortions and LIES, what do the right wingers EVER have Bubs?

Unemployment is skyrocketing. Businesses adapt, we are smarter than you are

Skyrocketing? Bubba, this isn't the end of a GOP Prez term!

Hint record CONSECUTIVE months of hiring AND 5.1% unemployment after the shithole 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policy gave US

this discussion is the cities raising unemployment, not the national average, retard
Lame deflection. The fact remains no one has ever conducted an empirical study of the effects of DOUBLING the min wage and all your dancing and prancing and waving your arms just doesn't change that fact.

Weird, you HONESTLY "believe" there is going to be a push at $15 an hour when we can't even get $10.10? OOPS

States and cities are performing the task at more appropriate gov't levels and businesses are doing it at the most appropriate level, raising hourly wages internally without gov't meddling and yeah ... the push for $15/hr is alive and well in NY, Florida, Seattle and Berkeley, just to name a few.
Clearly you can find no empirical studies that support your "harmless" theory.

Must be DROVES of Biz closing in those cities then correct? lol

Without false premises, distortions and LIES, what do the right wingers EVER have Bubs?

Unemployment is skyrocketing. Businesses adapt, we are smarter than you are

LIAR ^^^ THEY DO ^^^ LIAR ^^^

Who does what?
Is this a precursor of things to come?

Are The People ready to recoil from the consequences of Reaganism as the Brits have of Thatcherism?

Are the people ready to take back democracy from the plutocrats?

Is it possible that all the wealth of Brothers Koch and the SuperPacs have met their match, as the antipathy of The People seeing great wealth continue to flow to the few at the expense of the many continues to grow?

Is Sen. Sanders our Jeremy Corbyn?

It's past time for a correction, American voters have in the past rejected extremism, and today's Republican Party is not today, and not since 1981, a party of the people, by the people and for the people.

Once single issue voters understand the GOP is all hat and no cattle, as the have given the cattle to the wealthy elite, they will realize the wedge issues have never been fixed by the GOP.

In fact the GOP and it's benefactors - the Power Elite - understand that to solve issues like immigration, health care, the meme that they will take away your guns, make abortion harder SSM and will destroy marriage between a man and a women will take away their talking points.

The changes necessary to take back America from the power held by the First and Second Estates will be a monumental task, given the money which the clergy and nobility - our power elites - will put into keeping the Congress under the leadership they own.

"Is Sen. Sanders our Jeremy Corbyn?"

I don't know, is Corbyn 75 and wearing diapers ?

Nor do you know anything of substance, so why would anyone be surprised. The point made was pretty simple: The election in GB showed how dissatisfied the electorate was with the current government, and they rejected it.

With a Congress found unfavorable by 90% of the American People, the callous conservatives ought to be concerned.

WTF are you talking about? Corbyn was not elected PM but rather just to lead a now badly splintered Labor Party and he wasn't elected by Brits in a general election but rather by Labor Party members who have rendered the Party irrelevant.
Last edited:
Once more for the terminally dense propagandist: No one here is arguing against increased wages for "the bottom." The argument is with gov't meddling in the labor wage market and pretending it will have little or no impact on prices (inflation) which disproportionately hurts "the bottom" and those on fixed incomes .. not that you seem to know or care.

Weird, you mean like CBO said lifting min wage to $10.10 an hour would HELP 16 million families? But MIGHT hurt up to 500,000 jobs?

Disproportionate? lol Sure Bubba, sure That's what the right wing is concerned about, since SS can help the VAST majority of those on the bottom AND Gov't safety nets can help the remaining few!

The Most Rigorous Research Shows Minimum Wage Increases Do Not Reduce Employment

The opinion of the economics profession on the impact of the minimum wage has shifted significantly over the past fifteen years. Today, the most rigorous research shows little evidence of job reductions from a higher minimum wage. Indicative is a 2013 survey by the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business in which leading economists agreed by a nearly 4 to 1 margin that the benefits of raising and indexing the minimum wage outweigh the costs.

This page reviews the most widely-cited and influential studies on the impact of minimum wage increases on employment, and examines the primary reasons why low-wage employers can afford higher wages today.

The Job Loss Myth

Over 600 Economists Sign Letter In Support of $10.10 Minimum WageEconomist Statement on the Federal Minimum Wage

Over 600 Economists Sign Letter In Support of $10.10 Minimum Wage: Economist Statement on the Federal Minimum Wage

Same old "workers of the world unite and eat the rich" pap you always. The studies vary on the impact and dredging up 600 loony left economists in a country of 300 mil is easy but 1 thing is certain ... no one has ever produced an empirical study of the effect of DOUBLING the min wage. No one.

Double? Oh right over several years AS 60%+ of min wage workers work for Corps with 500+ employees and Corps have record profits right?

The Most Rigorous Research Shows Minimum Wage Increases Do Not Reduce Employment

The opinion of the economics profession on the impact of the minimum wage has shifted significantly over the past fifteen years. Today, the most rigorous research shows little evidence of job reductions from a higher minimum wage. Indicative is a 2013 survey by the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business in which leading economists agreed by a nearly 4 to 1 margin that the benefits of raising and indexing the minimum wage outweigh the costs.



Minimum Wage Hike Would Eliminate 500,000 Jobs
James Sherk / @JamesBSherk / February 18, 2014

Surprise, surprise: An analysis released today found that a proposed minimum wage hike would eliminate hundreds of thousands of jobs.

Today the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) announced it agreed with the Heritage Foundation’s analysis of President Obama’s proposed minimum wage increase. Of course the CBO did not put it that way. But the agency came to the same conclusion Heritage did: a $10.10 minimum wage has no historical precedent and would jettison hundreds of thousands of jobs.

Minimum Wage Hike Would Eliminate 500,000 Jobs

Cool, a blog by a shill for the Heritage Foundation (HF). Did Sherk get a bonus from the Brothers Koch?

Seriously, do you believe this is proof of anything other than the fact that you are posting right wing propaganda? The HF and shrek have as much credibility as someone who posts on gun control and whose avatar is pointing a gun at the reader.

So that's your problem, the source?

Maybe the Koch brothers gave USA Today a bonus check too!

CBO report: Minimum wage hike could cost 500,000 jobs
Double? Oh right over several years AS 60%+ of min wage workers work for Corps with 500+ employees and Corps have record profits right?
Without the false premises, distortions and LIES WHAT would you EVER have Bubs?

I get it though, the Randian fetishists woman wouldn't stand on her principles like the other libertarian founders right? lol

Rand had a Randian fetish?


How's worshiping politicians who promise you to tax other people then cheat on their own taxes working out for you? You move from the garage into a mansion yet?

Like I said Bubba, without false premises, distortions and lies, what do you EVER have?

Yes of course, questioning government? That is just lies and distortion.

On the other hand, your standard of:

1) Small government libertarians should give money by choice to government or they are hypocrites

2) While big government liberals cheating on their taxes isn't hypocrisy.

It's just the big ball of stupid that is you


Without false premises, distortions and LIES what would you EVER have?

You mean Rand doesn't stand on principles? Thanks

OK, she doesn't. rand said she doesn't want social security and she didn't pay the taxes while turning down getting some of her taxes back. Obviously she isn't actual libertarian. Actual libertarians give money to government to protest how much government spends. Liberals of course cheat on their taxes and you're fine with that, why wouldn't you be? You're fucking retarded.

Anyway, you must hate fucking Obama, obviously this is a principle thing to you. Obama said he should pay more taxes, but he doesn't. Wow, what a fucking hypocrite, according to your standards. You voted for Romney just to make the point, didn't you?

True, Rand DIDN'T stand on her principles like her fellow travelers did. Thanks for agreeing!

Liberal BELIEVE in Gov';t Bubba, ND GOV'T POLICY THAT DICTATES WHAT TAX POLICY IS. Weird you don't get that? lol
Weird, you HONESTLY "believe" there is going to be a push at $15 an hour when we can't even get $10.10? OOPS

States and cities are performing the task at more appropriate gov't levels and businesses are doing it at the most appropriate level, raising hourly wages internally without gov't meddling and yeah ... the push for $15/hr is alive and well in NY, Florida, Seattle and Berkeley, just to name a few.
Clearly you can find no empirical studies that support your "harmless" theory.

Must be DROVES of Biz closing in those cities then correct? lol

Without false premises, distortions and LIES, what do the right wingers EVER have Bubs?

Unemployment is skyrocketing. Businesses adapt, we are smarter than you are

Skyrocketing? Bubba, this isn't the end of a GOP Prez term!

Hint record CONSECUTIVE months of hiring AND 5.1% unemployment after the shithole 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policy gave US

this discussion is the cities raising unemployment, not the national average, retard

Source dumbfuk?
Weird, you mean like CBO said lifting min wage to $10.10 an hour would HELP 16 million families? But MIGHT hurt up to 500,000 jobs?

Disproportionate? lol Sure Bubba, sure That's what the right wing is concerned about, since SS can help the VAST majority of those on the bottom AND Gov't safety nets can help the remaining few!

The Most Rigorous Research Shows Minimum Wage Increases Do Not Reduce Employment

The opinion of the economics profession on the impact of the minimum wage has shifted significantly over the past fifteen years. Today, the most rigorous research shows little evidence of job reductions from a higher minimum wage. Indicative is a 2013 survey by the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business in which leading economists agreed by a nearly 4 to 1 margin that the benefits of raising and indexing the minimum wage outweigh the costs.

This page reviews the most widely-cited and influential studies on the impact of minimum wage increases on employment, and examines the primary reasons why low-wage employers can afford higher wages today.

The Job Loss Myth

Over 600 Economists Sign Letter In Support of $10.10 Minimum WageEconomist Statement on the Federal Minimum Wage

Over 600 Economists Sign Letter In Support of $10.10 Minimum Wage: Economist Statement on the Federal Minimum Wage

Same old "workers of the world unite and eat the rich" pap you always. The studies vary on the impact and dredging up 600 loony left economists in a country of 300 mil is easy but 1 thing is certain ... no one has ever produced an empirical study of the effect of DOUBLING the min wage. No one.

Double? Oh right over several years AS 60%+ of min wage workers work for Corps with 500+ employees and Corps have record profits right?

The Most Rigorous Research Shows Minimum Wage Increases Do Not Reduce Employment

The opinion of the economics profession on the impact of the minimum wage has shifted significantly over the past fifteen years. Today, the most rigorous research shows little evidence of job reductions from a higher minimum wage. Indicative is a 2013 survey by the University of Chicago’s Booth School of Business in which leading economists agreed by a nearly 4 to 1 margin that the benefits of raising and indexing the minimum wage outweigh the costs.



Minimum Wage Hike Would Eliminate 500,000 Jobs
James Sherk / @JamesBSherk / February 18, 2014

Surprise, surprise: An analysis released today found that a proposed minimum wage hike would eliminate hundreds of thousands of jobs.

Today the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) announced it agreed with the Heritage Foundation’s analysis of President Obama’s proposed minimum wage increase. Of course the CBO did not put it that way. But the agency came to the same conclusion Heritage did: a $10.10 minimum wage has no historical precedent and would jettison hundreds of thousands of jobs.

Minimum Wage Hike Would Eliminate 500,000 Jobs

Cool, a blog by a shill for the Heritage Foundation (HF). Did Sherk get a bonus from the Brothers Koch?

Seriously, do you believe this is proof of anything other than the fact that you are posting right wing propaganda? The HF and shrek have as much credibility as someone who posts on gun control and whose avatar is pointing a gun at the reader.

So that's your problem, the source?

Maybe the Koch brothers gave USA Today a bonus check too!

CBO report: Minimum wage hike could cost 500,000 jobs



CBO's findings are inconsistent with the prevailing view among economists that raising the minimum wage does not impact employment.

"Zero is a perfectly reasonable estimate of the impact of the minimum wage on employment ," countered Council of Economic Advisers Chairman Jason Furman in a conference call with reporters in response to the CBO report.

..The CBO report acknowledges that long-term conclusions on the effect o.f the minimum wage are difficult to predict.



Increasing the minimum wage would have two principal effects on low-wage workers. Most of them would receive higher pay that would increase their family’s income,(16+ MILLION) and some of those families would see their income rise above the federal poverty threshold . But some jobs for low-wage workers would probably be eliminated, the income of most workers who became jobless would fall substantially, and the share of low-wage workers who were employed would probably fall slightly.

The Effects of a Minimum-Wage Increase on Employment and Family Income
Rand had a Randian fetish?


How's worshiping politicians who promise you to tax other people then cheat on their own taxes working out for you? You move from the garage into a mansion yet?

Like I said Bubba, without false premises, distortions and lies, what do you EVER have?

Yes of course, questioning government? That is just lies and distortion.

On the other hand, your standard of:

1) Small government libertarians should give money by choice to government or they are hypocrites

2) While big government liberals cheating on their taxes isn't hypocrisy.

It's just the big ball of stupid that is you


Without false premises, distortions and LIES what would you EVER have?

You mean Rand doesn't stand on principles? Thanks

OK, she doesn't. rand said she doesn't want social security and she didn't pay the taxes while turning down getting some of her taxes back. Obviously she isn't actual libertarian. Actual libertarians give money to government to protest how much government spends. Liberals of course cheat on their taxes and you're fine with that, why wouldn't you be? You're fucking retarded.

Anyway, you must hate fucking Obama, obviously this is a principle thing to you. Obama said he should pay more taxes, but he doesn't. Wow, what a fucking hypocrite, according to your standards. You voted for Romney just to make the point, didn't you?

True, Rand DIDN'T stand on her principles like her fellow travelers did. Thanks for agreeing!

Liberal BELIEVE in Gov';t Bubba, ND GOV'T POLICY THAT DICTATES WHAT TAX POLICY IS. Weird you don't get that? lol

Whoa, so you expect Rand to adhere to your principles, while you don't expect that from Obama, when Obama shares your principles and Rand doesn't?


Retardation sucks, doesn't it, dudley?
States and cities are performing the task at more appropriate gov't levels and businesses are doing it at the most appropriate level, raising hourly wages internally without gov't meddling and yeah ... the push for $15/hr is alive and well in NY, Florida, Seattle and Berkeley, just to name a few.
Clearly you can find no empirical studies that support your "harmless" theory.

Must be DROVES of Biz closing in those cities then correct? lol

Without false premises, distortions and LIES, what do the right wingers EVER have Bubs?

Unemployment is skyrocketing. Businesses adapt, we are smarter than you are

Skyrocketing? Bubba, this isn't the end of a GOP Prez term!

Hint record CONSECUTIVE months of hiring AND 5.1% unemployment after the shithole 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policy gave US

this discussion is the cities raising unemployment, not the national average, retard

Source dumbfuk?

OK, here's how it works, blank shooter. you don't answer questions, you don't get to ask them. That's a no negotiation deal. When you start backing up your crap and responding to questions, then you get to ask them.

Like I said Bubba, without false premises, distortions and lies, what do you EVER have?

Yes of course, questioning government? That is just lies and distortion.

On the other hand, your standard of:

1) Small government libertarians should give money by choice to government or they are hypocrites

2) While big government liberals cheating on their taxes isn't hypocrisy.

It's just the big ball of stupid that is you


Without false premises, distortions and LIES what would you EVER have?

You mean Rand doesn't stand on principles? Thanks

OK, she doesn't. rand said she doesn't want social security and she didn't pay the taxes while turning down getting some of her taxes back. Obviously she isn't actual libertarian. Actual libertarians give money to government to protest how much government spends. Liberals of course cheat on their taxes and you're fine with that, why wouldn't you be? You're fucking retarded.

Anyway, you must hate fucking Obama, obviously this is a principle thing to you. Obama said he should pay more taxes, but he doesn't. Wow, what a fucking hypocrite, according to your standards. You voted for Romney just to make the point, didn't you?

True, Rand DIDN'T stand on her principles like her fellow travelers did. Thanks for agreeing!

Liberal BELIEVE in Gov';t Bubba, ND GOV'T POLICY THAT DICTATES WHAT TAX POLICY IS. Weird you don't get that? lol

Whoa, so you expect Rand to adhere to your principles, while you don't expect that from Obama, when Obama shares your principles and Rand doesn't?


Retardation sucks, doesn't it, dudley?

Obama objects to the collectivist? Really?

I get it though Bubs, Rand couldn't stand by her "principles" like the other travelers, it was a money thing
Must be DROVES of Biz closing in those cities then correct? lol

Without false premises, distortions and LIES, what do the right wingers EVER have Bubs?

Unemployment is skyrocketing. Businesses adapt, we are smarter than you are

Skyrocketing? Bubba, this isn't the end of a GOP Prez term!

Hint record CONSECUTIVE months of hiring AND 5.1% unemployment after the shithole 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policy gave US

this discussion is the cities raising unemployment, not the national average, retard

Source dumbfuk?

OK, here's how it works, blank shooter. you don't answer questions, you don't get to ask them. That's a no negotiation deal. When you start backing up your crap and responding to questions, then you get to ask them.


Bubba, YOU are the one being obtuse AND making posits YOU can't back up. Dumbfuk
Lol, there nothing to discuss. Just more sohpistry and pining for govt to wipe everyone's ass.

The vote in GB is not sophistry, it's reality; the popularity of Sanders and Trump suggests the potential for a tsunami and a rejection of DC Insiders and the status quo.

Thus, there is more reason for, and we can expect more rhetoric from, the GOP and their anti-democratic conservative base to work harder to suppress the vote.
My thread was not intended to attract trolls and partisans. If the Mods would please move this thread into the clean zone, so rational people can post, and the trolls cannot side track a current event of significance, the thread may become thought provoking, and not a place for whiners and ostriches.

Poor fella. Opposition is a terrible thing, eh? :eusa_boohoo:

Intelligent and thought provoking opposition is welcome. Do you have any? If so, you hide it well.

You asked a question. This was my response:

"I will vote to prevent you people from airing out the pockets of the creative and productive in order to purchase your voting bloc of those who produce nothing but urine, feces, crime and terrorism."

Now, tell me how my point of view proceeds from a false assumption. Be specific.

That's thought provoking? The only thought provoked is, you've parroted a talking point of right wing rhetoric, formed in bigotry and framed in hate.

I suggest, a futile suggestion I suspect, that you read the link posted in the OP. Then consider the reality of income inequality in America and the influence of SuperPacs and their impact on democracy.

Then, listen to the stump speech of Sen. Sanders, and ask yourself why it resonates in so many and so diverse a population?
You're supporting Bernie Sanders. We get it. So what?....
BTW, who are the "so many" that Sanders' words of left wing radicalism resonate?
The guy is a card carrying socialist who has some of you eating his redistribution pot brownies.
The guy is a kook. This is his last stand. He no more has a chance of wining the WH than you do.

Wrong, I agree with Sen. Sanders and so do many of our fellow citizens.
Do I think he could win the GE, likely not. What Sanders has done, and Trump too, is to change the discussion.

The Neo Cons are out in full force, pushing their agenda via Rubio and Fiorina. They will be rejected by the main stream voters - I's, R's and D's, IMO.

Sanders will be attacked as too far left which will take a toll, but I'll vote for him in the primary if he's on the ballot, for I believe our nation has moved too far too the right. Pick your poison - a POTUS who wants to "redistribute" the wealth, or one who wants to vote for the status quo - and keep us moving toward a Plutocracy.

The direction in which we are headed, is one which is sure to further divide our nation.
Yes of course, questioning government? That is just lies and distortion.

On the other hand, your standard of:

1) Small government libertarians should give money by choice to government or they are hypocrites

2) While big government liberals cheating on their taxes isn't hypocrisy.

It's just the big ball of stupid that is you


Without false premises, distortions and LIES what would you EVER have?

You mean Rand doesn't stand on principles? Thanks

OK, she doesn't. rand said she doesn't want social security and she didn't pay the taxes while turning down getting some of her taxes back. Obviously she isn't actual libertarian. Actual libertarians give money to government to protest how much government spends. Liberals of course cheat on their taxes and you're fine with that, why wouldn't you be? You're fucking retarded.

Anyway, you must hate fucking Obama, obviously this is a principle thing to you. Obama said he should pay more taxes, but he doesn't. Wow, what a fucking hypocrite, according to your standards. You voted for Romney just to make the point, didn't you?

True, Rand DIDN'T stand on her principles like her fellow travelers did. Thanks for agreeing!

Liberal BELIEVE in Gov';t Bubba, ND GOV'T POLICY THAT DICTATES WHAT TAX POLICY IS. Weird you don't get that? lol

Whoa, so you expect Rand to adhere to your principles, while you don't expect that from Obama, when Obama shares your principles and Rand doesn't?


Retardation sucks, doesn't it, dudley?

Obama objects to the collectivist? Really?

I get it though Bubs, Rand couldn't stand by her "principles" like the other travelers, it was a money thing

Right, Rand's principles are that government should be small, so she should pay more for it. Obama says government should be big, he should pay more, and he doesn't. And you see Rand as the hypocrite.

You can use this as one of the bullet points in your resume as a qualification for you to be the village idiot.

For your next trick, you'll drink grape juice and dribble it down the front of your shirt.

Rim shot!
Unemployment is skyrocketing. Businesses adapt, we are smarter than you are

Skyrocketing? Bubba, this isn't the end of a GOP Prez term!

Hint record CONSECUTIVE months of hiring AND 5.1% unemployment after the shithole 8 years of Dubya/GOP "job creator" policy gave US

this discussion is the cities raising unemployment, not the national average, retard

Source dumbfuk?

OK, here's how it works, blank shooter. you don't answer questions, you don't get to ask them. That's a no negotiation deal. When you start backing up your crap and responding to questions, then you get to ask them.


Bubba, YOU are the one being obtuse AND making posits YOU can't back up. Dumbfuk

Right, which is why you don't take questions, got it
Government should do its job and that is to maintain the country...A government too small would just let corporations shit all over the place and we'd have bad food, dirty air and shitty water. History has taught society one thing and that at the end of the day business cares more about profit then anything...Sadly, the consumer will swim through a lake of shit and nuclear waste to buy the crap....The only thing that has ever stopped this reality is the government.

How about instead of small tiny shitty government we have government that works...Oh'what a idea.

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