Callous Conservatives, Time to wake up!

How will you vote in Nov. 2016

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OHHHH! I see what you are saying now: right-wingers use government to make their business successful, but left wingers like Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, and Warren Buffet don't. Gotcha.

Did I say that left wingers don't ?

You didn't mention lefties at all. You simply dumped on the righties (and only the righties). The fact is anyone who does not use all available advantages is a fool. God knows the gov't does.

I understand your second statement.

But, in my world that is what differentiates rightwingers from conservatives.

I even understand that conservatives may have to use the government "helps" because their competition does.

But don't kid yourself. Rightwingers use government to keep themselves in business and others out of their business.

As much as you seem to want it to be, the use of all possible advantages is not a lib/con issue and doing so does not reflect badly on anyone. Business is about business and profitability regardless of the political leaning of ownership & management. The gov't determines the nature of their relationship with business, and smart businesses, in order to compete, use whatever is allowable by law.
Frankly, you seem to be a bit desperate to blame the right for a totally blameless dynamic.

You ought to spend a few more minutes on your analysis.

The government bailed out GM much to the dismay of myself and others. They did not let the natural selection process run it's course.

In the same way big business helps set the rules using government and takes hundreds of millions in "grants" that give them an unfair advantage.

That is wrong on my world.

The right does it as much as the left.

And BTW: It isn't lib/'s right/left....big difference.

The left has no problems with it.....

The right says they do....but then do it anyway.

Which is one of the many reasons we didn't support them during the end of the Bush years. We didn't give the houses back to the Republicans until we discovered how bad it was giving it to the Democrats.

Speaking of which, our party is in hysteria over the results that put Trump as the front runner. The conservative radio and television hosts are beside themselves. We are sending a message to our party leaders that we are sick of business as usual. What message are the Democrat constituents sending to their party? At least we are trying to make change.
I understand your second statement.

But, in my world that is what differentiates rightwingers from conservatives.

I even understand that conservatives may have to use the government "helps" because their competition does.

But don't kid yourself. Rightwingers use government to keep themselves in business and others out of their business.

Both sides use the gov to their advantages, let's be clear...

The Left has mastered divide and conquer and the Right are masters of keeping Big Brother out of their pockets...
It's time to reject the ignorance and hate common to most on the right; the reactionaryism and fear of change, diversity, and expressions of individual liberty.

It's also time to reject failed conservative fiscal dogma, to instead pursue a pragmatic course predicated on what works, not what conforms to that failed conservative economic dogma.

As long as you support a government that makes decisions for you, believes it knows best than the people they represent, and intervenes to dictate their private life ... there is expression of individual liberty.
For modern American laughable liberals, like Fly Catcher, to be any more stupid, they would have to try to get brainectomies.

And really, it seems pretty difficult to have a missing organ removed.
Are the people ready to take back democracy from the plutocrats?
Take back? It's time you worked for your earnings. There has never been a better time to accomplish success in this nation, in fact the sad truth is more and more are starting to believe the same crap you're preaching. The top 1% does not control our society as you claim, if they did how do we have a Socialist as POTUS? That's definitely counter to their desires as you claim? Wry you're weakness is so clear, have you directly been denied by a 1%'er? Or are you just too intimidated to dedicate the hard work it takes to have financial success?

Is it possible that all the wealth of Brothers Koch and the SuperPacs have met their match, as the antipathy of The People seeing great wealth continue to flow to the few at the expense of the many continues to grow?

Can you be any clearer that you believe in Socialism? There are more individuals today in the top 10% than ever before, you're so afraid someone is going to have more than you, didn't your parents teach you jealousy is wrong?

A Pussy hides behind a keyboard and puffs up his chest.

I'll meet you anytime in Austin and tell you the same things I have here, are you able to handle that? They are only words and the weakness you express on this board for the years I have been on it are pretty sad...

Life is full of struggles for rich and poor, there are many wealthy individuals with a weak mind, but there are very few poor individuals who have a chance to improve their plight believing the crap you're promoting...

So true.

"The most striking partisan differences come in reactions to the word "socialism." Just 15% of Republicans react positively to "socialism" while 77% react negatively. By more than two-to-one (64% to 26%), independents also have a negative impression of "socialism." However, Democrats are evenly divided -- 44% have a positive reaction to "socialism" while 43% react negatively."
“Socialism” Not So Negative, “Capitalism” Not So Positive

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