Calls for Benghazi Select Committee Mount:FLEOA request special investigation


Diamond Member
Oct 16, 2010
This is an interesting development. More and more people are interested in getting to the truth about Benghazi.

This is not going away.

More than 26,000 members of the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association (FLEOA) have come out in favor of creating a Watergate-style investigatory committee that would be tasked with determining the truth behind the Sept. 11, 2012, attacks in Benghazi, Libya.

FLEOA, the largest association of federal officers in America, threw their support behind the investigatory committee in a letter sent Friday morning to Rep. Frank Wolf (R., Va.), the chief architect of a bill that would establish the select committee.

FLEOA President Jon Adler told Wolf that the federal officers believe the Obama administration has been stonewalling efforts to find the truth. They find this troubling, particularly in light of the Diplomatic Security Service (DSS) officer who was wounded in the attack that killed four Americans.

The FLEOA represents DSS officers such as those wounded in the terror attacks and has an interest in the outcome of the Benghazi investigations.

“We have grieving family members and a seriously injured DSS Special Agent that deserve the unwavering respect and commitment of our Congress,” Adler wrote. “Our heroes didn’t take pause while confronting fatal risk. Congress should not take pause in confronting the need to properly investigate this matter.

More at link:

Law enforcement officers call for Benghazi investigation | Washington Free Beacon
I say this is a good thing. I would like more transparency and better answers with this situation.

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