Calls For Militant Escalation w/ Kavanaugh Confirmed - Conservatives should avoid, defend & laugh


VIP Member
Mar 2, 2018

I realize that for all of us conservative nationalists, but especially for testosterone driven, red blooded American men, ANTIFA in an anathema to all that you hold dear & U want to to enter the fray fists first. There is far more to gain politically & ideologically at the ballot box by sitting back and letting the progressive swine showcase their insurrectionism! (please do be careful and prepared though)

If U really want to flip the proverbial 'bird' at them, don't engage them, let the authorities handle their wrath. They want nothing more than to drag U down to their depraved anarchistic level of mobocracy & there is a National constituency watching with MSM vultures waiting to pounce & fabricate lies. Aren't you really damn proud of the 'Proud Boys', their stalwart toughness and restraint in the face of the evil scum!!!
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I realize that for all of us conservative nationalists, but especially for testosterone driven, red blooded American men, ANTIFA in an anathema to all that you hold dear & U want to to enter the fray fists first. There is far more to gain politically & ideologically at the ballot box by sitting back and letting the progressive swine showcase their insurrectionism! (please do be careful and prepared though)

If U really want to flip the proverbial 'bird' at them, don't engage them, let the authorities handle their wrath. They want nothing more than to drag U down to their depraved anarchistic level of mobocracy & there is a National constituency watching with MSM vultures waiting to pounce & fabricate lies.

The Democrats are burying themselves by allowing Americans to see who they really are! They are NOT the party of Carter, JFK, or Bill Clinton any longer; they are the party of SOCIALISTS, where the ends justify the means!
Prissy liberals don't want to get into a militant war with the right, the few who survived would flee for their lives to other countries.
I hope the opposition gets their ideological message out there, trumpet if from the mountaintops! Devoid are the tenets of actual compassion (not to be confused with usury), nationalistic sovereignty (not to be confused with 'melting pot', safety (not to be confused with Nanny State), prosperity (not to be confused with entitlements) etc. etc. etc....
I have three boxes of popcorn in the pantry libtard riots and Baseball playoffs all day long......:113:
The experts say that women like stability and calm (lol, I'm a bit of an anomaly I guess). How better to drive up the female vote at the ballot box this Nov. & in 2020 than to tacitly watch as ANTIFA flagellates itself into a frenzy, LOL.
Prissy liberals don't want to get into a militant war with the right, the few who survived would flee for their lives to other countries.
i wont be surprised if the loons start headed for the highways and chain themselves to vehicles
Obtain your Conceal Carry Permit and become proficient with your firearms. Always be prepared for Democrat mob violence. When they lose, they resort to violence. It's who they are.

That being said, most Democrats are cowardly Snowflake wankers. I mean, seeing men gleefully marching with Pussy Hatter loons, says it all about Democrat men. They're just plain embarrassing. So yeah, just laugh at em for the most part. But do keep in mind, there are fanatical Democrats who will resort to violence. Just stay prepared. Better safe than sorry.
Good point Dschrute3. Just wondering, how many out there have tried to get a concealed carry permit (if required) but have been thwarted? How many just haven't bothered or don't see the point & why? And if you are inclined to share, how many do carry on occasion?

I realize that for all of us conservative nationalists, but especially for testosterone driven, red blooded American men, ANTIFA in an anathema to all that you hold dear & U want to to enter the fray fists first. There is far more to gain politically & ideologically at the ballot box by sitting back and letting the progressive swine showcase their insurrectionism! (please do be careful and prepared though)

If U really want to flip the proverbial 'bird' at them, don't engage them, let the authorities handle their wrath. They want nothing more than to drag U down to their depraved anarchistic level of mobocracy & there is a National constituency watching with MSM vultures waiting to pounce & fabricate lies. Aren't you really damn proud of the 'Proud Boys', their stalwart toughness and restraint in the face of the evil scum!!!


I realize that for all of us conservative nationalists, but especially for testosterone driven, red blooded American men, ANTIFA in an anathema to all that you hold dear & U want to to enter the fray fists first. There is far more to gain politically & ideologically at the ballot box by sitting back and letting the progressive swine showcase their insurrectionism! (please do be careful and prepared though)

If U really want to flip the proverbial 'bird' at them, don't engage them, let the authorities handle their wrath. They want nothing more than to drag U down to their depraved anarchistic level of mobocracy & there is a National constituency watching with MSM vultures waiting to pounce & fabricate lies.

The Democrats are burying themselves by allowing Americans to see who they really are! They are NOT the party of Carter, JFK, or Bill Clinton any longer; they are the party of SOCIALISTS, where the ends justify the means!

They hate Americans the rule of law. No ballot box will cure that!

I realize that for all of us conservative nationalists, but especially for testosterone driven, red blooded American men, ANTIFA in an anathema to all that you hold dear & U want to to enter the fray fists first. There is far more to gain politically & ideologically at the ballot box by sitting back and letting the progressive swine showcase their insurrectionism! (please do be careful and prepared though)

If U really want to flip the proverbial 'bird' at them, don't engage them, let the authorities handle their wrath. They want nothing more than to drag U down to their depraved anarchistic level of mobocracy & there is a National constituency watching with MSM vultures waiting to pounce & fabricate lies. Aren't you really damn proud of the 'Proud Boys', their stalwart toughness and restraint in the face of the evil scum!!!

Good point Dschrute3. Just wondering, how many out there have tried to get a concealed carry permit (if required) but have been thwarted? How many just haven't bothered or don't see the point & why? And if you are inclined to share, how many do carry on occasion?
I carry 24/7 I renew my enhanced permit every 4 years. If you have a clean record you shouldn’t have a problem acquiring one. The FBI is pretty through when performing back ground checks.

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