Camille Paglia: “It remains baffling how anyone would think that Hillary Clinton is

Here we go again. The usual lying dirt bags on the far right begin a character assassination in echoing fashion. Too stupid and too vulgar to debate on a rational basis the qualifications of the former First Lady and Secretary of State, they join together in a disgusting diatribe.

Here we go again. The usual lying dirt bags on the far right begin a character assassination in echoing fashion. Too stupid and too vulgar to debate on a rational basis the qualifications of the former First Lady and Secretary of State, they join together in a disgusting diatribe.

Paglia is rightwing?

Who knew?
Here we go again. The usual lying dirt bags on the far right begin a character assassination in echoing fashion. Too stupid and too vulgar to debate on a rational basis the qualifications of the former First Lady and Secretary of State, they join together in a disgusting diatribe.

LOL, boy oh boy the irony is so thick with this one. :lol:
Here we go again. The usual lying dirt bags on the far right begin a character assassination in echoing fashion. Too stupid and too vulgar to debate on a rational basis the qualifications of the former First Lady and Secretary of State, they join together in a disgusting diatribe.

They've been testing the waters on the "too old" gambit already.
Camille Paglia: ?It remains baffling how anyone would think that Hillary Clinton is our party?s best chance? -

Camille Paglia: “It remains baffling how anyone would think that Hillary Clinton is our party’s best chance
I haven't read the article, but I can't disagree with the title.

The USMB wingnuts will all spend the next 3 years claiming that everyone on the Left wants Hillary, but it's just not true. If she wins the nomination I will certainly pick her over any of the RW crazies, obviously. But I probably will not vote for her in my Primary.

You wingnuts should reject the notion of another Bush, also.
Look at how many voted for Obama just because he's black? (or half-black!). Wouldn't surprise me if they would vote for her just because she's a woman. Never mind that she's been caught lying so many times and she's known to be a real bitch.
I'm sure a lot of Blacks voted for him because he's Black, just like a lot of Catholics voted for Kennedy because he was a Catholic.

I'll bet a lot of Italians voted for Fiorello La Guardia as Mayor of New York because he was Italian.

I'll bet a lot of Irish voted for Raymond Flynn as mayor of Boston because he is Irish.

I'm gonna go out on a limb, and bet that Mormons voted for Governor Gary Herbert of Utah because he is a Mormon. Perhaps more accurately, he's not a member of a different religion.

But "Democrats" didn't vote for Obama because he was Black. There are plenty of reasons we voted for him. His opposition/Hillary's support for the Iraq Quagmire is one very important reason.

I voted Biden in my primary, so I didn't pick Obama or Hillary.
Here we go again. The usual lying dirt bags on the far right begin a character assassination in echoing fashion. Too stupid and too vulgar to debate on a rational basis the qualifications of the former First Lady and Secretary of State, they join together in a disgusting diatribe.
Unless Republicans can come up with some one a lot better than anyone in the last Republican primary, Hillary will win easily.
Here we go again. The usual lying dirt bags on the far right begin a character assassination in echoing fashion. Too stupid and too vulgar to debate on a rational basis the qualifications of the former First Lady and Secretary of State, they join together in a disgusting diatribe.

Camille Paglia is a right-winger?

No moron, the usual lying dirt bags - your kin on this message board.
Here we go again. The usual lying dirt bags on the far right begin a character assassination in echoing fashion. Too stupid and too vulgar to debate on a rational basis the qualifications of the former First Lady and Secretary of State, they join together in a disgusting diatribe.
Unless Republicans can come up with some one a lot better than anyone in the last Republican primary, Hillary will win easily.

My guess is Gov. Susana Martinez, Governor of New Mexico, is the only major player in the GOP who could run a competitive race against the former Secretary of State. There may be one or two others who might be able to bring the party together but the GOP is scared of their base, and rightly so. Gov. Martinez is not Sarah Palin and would be attacked by the far right in the primaries. Like Huntsman in 2012 a voice of reason is a sign of a RINO.
Here we go again. The usual lying dirt bags on the far right begin a character assassination in echoing fashion. Too stupid and too vulgar to debate on a rational basis the qualifications of the former First Lady and Secretary of State, they join together in a disgusting diatribe.

OK smart guy. Tell us about her "qualifications". I'm dying to hear this....

You want debate? Let's do it. We have decades of stories (from BOTH sides) about what a BITCH this lady is. Nothing new there. 2 hour screaming diatribes against Military Attaches, Bill Clinton, Domestic Staff, HER staff. Dish breaking episodes that were second to none (except maybe the Jersey Shore).

She accomplished WHAT exactly at State - other than getting 4 men killed?

She has been one of the focal points of an administration that was only rivaled by Richard Nixon in their ability to cheat and lie. And this broad was ONLY the First Lady. Vince Foster, Mena, Tyson, WhiteWater, Criminal donors, etc.

Senator? Surely you can't be serious. She was actually 1% better than Barry Obama - who never met a bill he didn't vote "present" for.

Make no mistake about it. If this piece of human excrement runs (and she will - it's all about POWER to her) she WILL, most likely win. Why? Be because to folks (not unlike you) in the democrat party, CHARACTER means absolutely nothing.

She'll continue the destruction of this once great country. And, after all, isn't that what it's all about to you commies?

This, taken from the above article in Salon:

As a registered Democrat, I am praying for a credible presidential candidate to emerge from the younger tier of politicians in their late 40s. A governor with executive experience would be ideal. It’s time to put my baby-boom generation out to pasture! We’ve had our day and managed to muck up a hell of a lot. It remains baffling how anyone would think that Hillary Clinton (born the same year as me) is our party’s best chance. She has more sooty baggage than a 90-car freight train. And what exactly has she ever accomplished — beyond bullishly covering for her philandering husband? She’s certainly busy, busy and ever on the move — with the tunnel-vision workaholism of someone trying to blot out uncomfortable private thoughts.

I for one think it was a very big deal that our ambassador was murdered in Benghazi. In saying “I take responsibility” for it as secretary of state, Hillary should have resigned immediately. The weak response by the Obama administration to that tragedy has given a huge opening to Republicans in the next presidential election. The impression has been amply given that Benghazi was treated as a public relations matter to massage rather than as the major and outrageous attack on the U.S. that it was.

Throughout history, ambassadors have always been symbolic incarnations of the sovereignty of their nations and the dignity of their leaders. It’s even a key motif in “King Lear.” As far as I’m concerned, Hillary disqualified herself for the presidency in that fist-pounding moment at a congressional hearing when she said, “What difference does it make what we knew and when we knew it, Senator?” Democrats have got to shake off the Clinton albatross and find new blood. The escalating instability not just in Egypt but throughout the Mideast is very ominous. There is a clash of cultures brewing in the world that may take a century or more to resolve — and there is no guarantee that the secular West will win.

Gee, if this pseudo-intellectual feminist has Hillary's number,why is it o hard to accept?
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Here we go again. The usual lying dirt bags on the far right begin a character assassination in echoing fashion. Too stupid and too vulgar to debate on a rational basis the qualifications of the former First Lady and Secretary of State, they join together in a disgusting diatribe.

They've been testing the waters on the "too old" gambit already.

Might want to read the article you;re commenting on, Camille Paglia is a Democrat
Here we go again. The usual lying dirt bags on the far right begin a character assassination in echoing fashion. Too stupid and too vulgar to debate on a rational basis the qualifications of the former First Lady and Secretary of State, they join together in a disgusting diatribe.

awww, don't see you complaining of character assassination from all the Ted Cruz threads...Have you counted THOSE..
But here is this for ya and you sweetie, Shrillary:eusa_boohoo:
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