Campaign Finance Reform (CFR) and Outside Candidates

Proposition: Does the circus in the GOP primaries increase or decrease the chances for serious CFR?

  • Yes. The establishment of both parties will want to limit the chance of an insurgency

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No. The circus atmosphere fires up the base and gets more attention for the party

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Perhaps. CFR will be passed but only to limit dissention in the parties; not prevent another Trump

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .


Diamond Member
Aug 25, 2009
I think that one of the silver linings of this circus we're watching on the GOP side of the coin is that, perhaps, the Party elders will recognize that insurgencies and narrow band candidates who have no hope/intention of winning and are just jacking up their speaking fees and selling books are hurting the Party brands. This time around, the GOP has the problem but in the past, the Dems had their own infighting.

Do you think that REAL Campaign Finance Reform (CFR) may get a real hearing from the powers that be due to the circus or do you think both parties are okay with the Status Quo?

On one hand, the Donald has succeed in getting more people to look at the primary season. In a very real sense, the other GOP candidates have toiled in obscurity during the Trump-a-thon and this has kept them from making too many gaffes or mis-steps that were noticed. On the other hand, the lack of attention means that they will have to try that much harder to define themselves in the General. If Trump hangs around until the convention...he will still be drawing coverage away from the Nominee (if he is not the Nominee).

On the other hand, the GOP brand is taking a huge beating. Their leader is powerless to do anything to reign in the carnival. The roster criteria for the debates is borderline non-existent. The candidates spend the debates (the ones they are able to get into) complaining about the questioning. At one point, Donald was toying with the idea of wanting to be paid an appearance fee for his showing up. And outside of the debates, the candidates who are not named Trump spend their interviews reacting to what Trump said last time.

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