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Campaign to demand Britain to apologize for its historical mistake

What a pity that a certain poster who PRETENDS to care about the poor Palestinians refuses to discuss the idea of their latest ill-advised ploy, preferring to try to derail the discussion instead.

Between the faked-up burbling about Dr.King and the equally faked-up outrage over what is essentially a 'border' dispute having nothing to do with religion, it's difficult to decide which is more vile and irrelevant to the discussion.

I can remember at least one instance in the US where (volunteer) fire companies argued over whose jurisdiction a house was in, while it burned to the ground......that was in W.Va.......
"My words were filled with truth."

LOLOLOL! As if your proclaiming something makes it a fact! Especially when you've been proven a lair who continually makes false accusations against people who don't share your precise views.

Please quote my words where you imagine that I have stated that I support 'occupation and oppression'.
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Certainly a disgusting load of crap you just shit out on your computer screen. MLK did not support oppression and Occupation like you do!

Oh, now THAT was very ladylike AND chock full of factual content........ NOT

My words were filled with truth.

"The Death Of Evil Upon The Seashore"

A Chapter in MLKs book Strength To Love, speaking of the evils of oppression and colonialism.

"Within the wide area of everyday life we see evil in all of its ugly dimensions. We see it expressed in tragic lust and in ordinate selfishness. We see it in high places where men are willing to sacrifice truth on the alters of their self interest. We see it in imperialistic nations crushing other people with the battering rams of social injustice. We see it clothed in the garments of calamitous wars that leave men and nations morally and physically bankrupt."

pg 76 Strength To Love

And he tells us what happens ultimately to Injustices of oppression and colonialism.

"All of this reminds us that evil carries the seed of its own destruction. In the long run right defeated is stronger than evil triumphant. Historian Charles A Beard when asked what major lessons he had learned from history answered: First, whom the gods would destroy they must first make mad with power. Second, the mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceedingly small. Third, the bee fertilizes the flower it robs. Fourth, when it is dark enough you can see the stars. These are the words not of a preacher but of a hardhearted historian, whose long and painstaking study of history revealed to him that evil has a self-defeating quality. It can go a long way, but then it reaches its limit, There is something in this universe that Greek mythology referred to as the godess of Nemesis."

pg 82 Strength To Love
I wonder if Frau Sherri would hazard a guess as to what Dr. King would say about Frau Sherri's friends murdering Christians in the name of Islam. Do you have any thought on this, Frau Sherri? Do you think he would be happy seeing your friends busy murdering Christians in the Muslim world? I also wonder what Frau Sherri thinks about the Muslims who colonized in the past when they left the Saudi Peninsula and invaded the surrounding countries which they took as their own. I would think as a "good Christian woman," she would rather not have seen so many of the original followers of Jesus forced to convert and many of those who refused murdered. Unlike Frau Sherri, Dr. King would probably feel sad to see the descendents of these early Christians unable to practice their faith in peace.
Certainly a disgusting load of crap you just shit out on your computer screen. MLK did not support oppression and Occupation like you do!

Oh, now THAT was very ladylike AND chock full of factual content........ NOT

My words were filled with truth.

"The Death Of Evil Upon The Seashore"

A Chapter in MLKs book Strength To Love, speaking of the evils of oppression and colonialism.

"Within the wide area of everyday life we see evil in all of its ugly dimensions. We see it expressed in tragic lust and in ordinate selfishness. We see it in high places where men are willing to sacrifice truth on the alters of their self interest. We see it in imperialistic nations crushing other people with the battering rams of social injustice. We see it clothed in the garments of calamitous wars that leave men and nations morally and physically bankrupt."

pg 76 Strength To Love

And he tells us what happens ultimately to Injustices of oppression and colonialism.

"All of this reminds us that evil carries the seed of its own destruction. In the long run right defeated is stronger than evil triumphant. Historian Charles A Beard when asked what major lessons he had learned from history answered: First, whom the gods would destroy they must first make mad with power. Second, the mills of God grind slowly, yet they grind exceedingly small. Third, the bee fertilizes the flower it robs. Fourth, when it is dark enough you can see the stars. These are the words not of a preacher but of a hardhearted historian, whose long and painstaking study of history revealed to him that evil has a self-defeating quality. It can go a long way, but then it reaches its limit, There is something in this universe that Greek mythology referred to as the godess of Nemesis."

pg 82 Strength To Love
Poor Sherri, she's so nucking futs she's doesn't even know how ignorant and crazy she sounds. Ha ha ha.
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when will Saudi Arabia APOLOGIZE for its ethnic cleansing ---
which destroyed whole communities of zoroastrians, jews,
and christians?------THE OIL WELLS can be distributed
amongst the damaged peoples

Are you lost again?

This is the Israel and Palestine forum.

So what? Does that means other topics can't be discussed if relevant? If the Palestinians and yourself are so concerned about "Palestine Injustice" shouldn't the Arabs be obligated to treat the same way they want to be treated? Typical. Pro Palestinian Hypocrite. Consider the source:clap2:
LONDON, (PIC)-- The 4th Palestine Memorial Week was launched in the United Kingdom on 19 January 2013 under the title “Britain's Legacy in Palestine”, calling on Britain to apologize for its historical mistake for the Palestinians.

Campaign to demand Britain to apologize for its historical mistake

I agree with those who says this achieves nothing, but I also think it is important.

How many people on this forum do NOT think that Germany should apologise to the Jews, Turkey to the Armenians or Australia to the Aboriginals?

Addressing history is part of resolving it, and the UK should acknowledge that they have treated the Palestinians shoddilly, especially during the 1940's.
when will Saudi Arabia APOLOGIZE for its ethnic cleansing ---
which destroyed whole communities of zoroastrians, jews,
and christians?------THE OIL WELLS can be distributed
amongst the damaged peoples

Are you lost again?

This is the Israel and Palestine forum.

So what? Does that means other topics can't be discussed if relevant? If the Palestinians and yourself are so concerned about "Palestine Injustice" shouldn't the Arabs be obligated to treat the same way they want to be treated? Typical. Pro Palestinian Hypocrite. Consider the source:clap2:

any suggestion of equity----ALWAYS gets their attention-----keep in mind---"EQUITY"
is a major affront to "ISLAAAAAM" The entire premise of islamic ideology is
MUSLIMS ARE SUPERIOR. If islamic societies do not have the "CONVERT AND YOU
BECOME SUDDENLY "SUPERIOR" " principle------islam would have died out long ago.
The "muslims are superior" principle-----means "MUSLIMS NEED NEVER SAY 'i am sorry' " -----in fact so doing is tantamount to BLASPHEMY on the part of the muslim
who is instructed to treat non-muslims are inferiors as a sign of RESPECT OF ALLAH/ISA
LONDON, (PIC)-- The 4th Palestine Memorial Week was launched in the United Kingdom on 19 January 2013 under the title “Britain's Legacy in Palestine”, calling on Britain to apologize for its historical mistake for the Palestinians.

Campaign to demand Britain to apologize for its historical mistake

I agree with those who says this achieves nothing, but I also think it is important.

How many people on this forum do NOT think that Germany should apologise to the Jews, Turkey to the Armenians or Australia to the Aboriginals?

Addressing history is part of resolving it, and the UK should acknowledge that they have treated the Palestinians shoddilly, especially during the 1940's.

Germany has nothing to apologize for, nearly all, if not all the people responsible for WWII and the holocaust are dead, most current Germans weren't even born yet. Same thing for the UK and Palestine. Current UKers aren't responsible for what happened 100 years ago. It's ridiculous. It's like white folks in the US coming out and apologizing for slavery. I had nothing to do with slavery, so why should I apologize to blacks for it? Makes no sense at all.
LONDON, (PIC)-- The 4th Palestine Memorial Week was launched in the United Kingdom on 19 January 2013 under the title “Britain's Legacy in Palestine”, calling on Britain to apologize for its historical mistake for the Palestinians.

Campaign to demand Britain to apologize for its historical mistake

I agree with those who says this achieves nothing, but I also think it is important.

How many people on this forum do NOT think that Germany should apologise to the Jews, Turkey to the Armenians or Australia to the Aboriginals?

Addressing history is part of resolving it, and the UK should acknowledge that they have treated the Palestinians shoddilly, especially during the 1940's.

Germany has nothing to apologize for, nearly all, if not all the people responsible for WWII and the holocaust are dead, most current Germans weren't even born yet. Same thing for the UK and Palestine. Current UKers aren't responsible for what happened 100 years ago. It's ridiculous. It's like white folks in the US coming out and apologizing for slavery. I had nothing to do with slavery, so why should I apologize to blacks for it? Makes no sense at all.

OK but the UK still supports crimes against the Palestinians.
I agree with those who says this achieves nothing, but I also think it is important.

How many people on this forum do NOT think that Germany should apologise to the Jews, Turkey to the Armenians or Australia to the Aboriginals?

Addressing history is part of resolving it, and the UK should acknowledge that they have treated the Palestinians shoddilly, especially during the 1940's.

Germany has nothing to apologize for, nearly all, if not all the people responsible for WWII and the holocaust are dead, most current Germans weren't even born yet. Same thing for the UK and Palestine. Current UKers aren't responsible for what happened 100 years ago. It's ridiculous. It's like white folks in the US coming out and apologizing for slavery. I had nothing to do with slavery, so why should I apologize to blacks for it? Makes no sense at all.

OK but the UK still supports crimes against the Palestinians.

Ya ok, that's totally different, the US, Canada and others also support what's going on there now. Me personally, I don't support it, but in a free society, others do. Theft and corruption by those with the power of governments and armies are standard practice for humans. Waddaya gonna do? :dunno:
I think Ima may struggle to understand the difference between 'guilt' and 'acknowledgement'.

I don't expect young Turks to feel guilty about the Armenian genocide - I expect them to understand and admit that it happened, and that Turks committed the acts involved.

Likewise with both Palestinians, Israelis and Brits - all sides need to be honest enough to admit past crimes so that we can get on with building a fture. It doesn't mean future generations need to carry any guilt.
I think Ima may struggle to understand the difference between 'guilt' and 'acknowledgement'.

I don't expect young Turks to feel guilty about the Armenian genocide - I expect them to understand and admit that it happened, and that Turks committed the acts involved.

Likewise with both Palestinians, Israelis and Brits - all sides need to be honest enough to admit past crimes so that we can get on with building a fture. It doesn't mean future generations need to carry any guilt.

Why should present day turcs "admit" that it happened, except for you to make them feel guilty for something that's not their fault or problem. We in north america wronged indians and blacks in our past and no one's knocking at my door to get me to apologize to them, because I HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH THAT! We all know what happened, but it's time to move on.
Saigon, P F Tinmore, et al,

The "West German" part of the FRG, paid Billions in War Reparations to Israel.

LONDON, (PIC)-- The 4th Palestine Memorial Week was launched in the United Kingdom on 19 January 2013 under the title “Britain's Legacy in Palestine”, calling on Britain to apologize for its historical mistake for the Palestinians.

I agree with those who says this achieves nothing, but I also think it is important.

How many people on this forum do NOT think that Germany should apologise to the Jews, Turkey to the Armenians or Australia to the Aboriginals?

Addressing history is part of resolving it, and the UK should acknowledge that they have treated the Palestinians shoddilly, especially during the 1940's.

Like I said, the UK needs to be very careful.

So far Germany has paid over DM 120 said:
In March 1952, just days before the negotiations with Germany began, Yohanan Bader said: "Suppose they pay you for six million Jews, but when the reparations period is over, . . . where will you get six million more Jews so that you can get more money?" ... Haim Landau called out in Yiddish to Shmuel Dayan (Mapei): A glik hot unz getrofen (lucky us!) six million Jews were murdered and we can get some money."
Zundelsite - The "Holocaust" Reparations Racket

This is not about saying "you're sorry," it's like one of those Nigerian Scams, set-ups. Don't be naive. Remember, these are Palestinians you're dealing with, not some culture known for its honesty, integrity, or good moral values. These are the same guys that threw crippled Leon Klinghoffer overboard from the Achille Lauro --- and --- these are the same guys that killed Navy Seabee Robert Stethem and threw the body onto the tarmac. This is a Palestinian scam.

Israel knows this quite well since it plays the game with Germany.

Most Respectfully,
Ima -

Are you aware that Turkey denies the Armenian genocide?

btw, the word is "Turks", not "turcs".

Ima is a troll, I wouldn't worry about her.

A support a program to force the brits to aplogize.

tea in little porcelain cups

soft boiled eggs ---upright---
in yet another SPECIALIZED CUP

Sugar spoon vs teaspoon vs table spoon
vs soup spoon vs olive fork vs lobster fork
vs MARROW spoon vs butter knife vs
steak knife vs goblet vs water glass vs
juice glass vs ................etc

Oh I forgot the plates;
dinner plate, salad plate, soup plate
dessert dish, bread and butter plate,
bone plate, porridge bowl ,........etc

and my all time fave

The British caused and created much greater disasters (so many come to mind i don't know where to begin) throughout the history of their empire than these called fake Palestinians who aren't even a "people" but rather a mish mash of recent invaders from neighboring Arab countries who started calling themselves Palestiians as of 1967.

What makes the Palestinians so special and above all the other problems that the British caused?
P F Tinmore, et al,

Yes. Please consider the following entries.

Iranian Missiles in Gaza Fight Give Tehran Government a Lift said:
The Israeli attack on the Palestinian coastal strip, and the retaliation by Hamas with Iranian-supplied missiles that brought Israel’s major cities within range for the first time, turned the tables for the Islamic republic. With the declaration of a cease-fire in Gaza, and with President Mohamed Morsi of Egypt earning plaudits for brokering the deal, some of the euphoria in Tehran has been tempered. But the diplomatic gains to Iran from the fighting will remain.
SOURCE: http://www.nytimes.com/2012/11/22/w...es-in-gaza-give-tehran-government-a-lift.html


Important announcement for the residents of the Gaza Strip:

For your own safety, take responsibility for yourselves and avoid being present in the vicinity of Hamas operatives and facilities and those of other terror organizations that pose a risk to your safety.

Hamas is once again dragging the region to violence and bloodshed. The IDF is determined to defend the residents of the State of Israel. This announcement is valid until quiet is restored to the region.

Israel Defense Forces Command.”​


There is no question that given the duration of fighting between the two (Palestinians and Israeli), that both sides have been "dehumanized" (a Goldstone word) to the point that neither sees the humanity in the other; each are demons in the eyes of the other.

I find it odd that the Palestinian (predominantly Sunni) and the Iranian (predominantly Shi'ite) would find and build an alliance. I guess there is something to be said for the influence of Egypt's Muslim Brotherhood and the common thread of Islamism. While I clearly understand that Egypt, at one time, wanted the allegiance of the Palestinian to fall more towards the Regional Hegemony centered on Cairo; it looks like the Palestinian will be more influenced by the al-Quds (IRGC-QF) center on Tehran.

HAMAS Rockets said:
November 2012 witnessed a major escalation of HAMAS rocket capabilities, as the Iranian Fajr-5 artillery rocket was employed for the first time. With a range of about 75 kilometers, it had twice the range of rockets previously used by HAMAS, and brought Tel Avic and Jeruslalem within range of HAMAS attacks. At the outset of Operation Pillar of Defense, the IDF targeted a significant number of long-range rockets sites (over 40 km) owned by Hamas. This deals a significant blow to the terror organization's underground rocket launching capabilities and munitions warehouses that are owned by Hamas and other terror organizations. The aim of targeting these sites is to cripple the terrorist organization's rocket launching and weapons build-up capabilities. One Fajr-5 [range of about 75 km] launch site that was struck IAF aircraft was located in close proximity to a mosque and other civilian structures.

There is something to the saying: The Enemy of my Enemy is my Friend. Sunni and Shi'ite can bond.

Most Respectfully,

The fact is that when it comes to Israel there is no law. No law applies to this conflict.

Those who would complain about the Palestinians few violations sit around with their thumb up their ass in the face of Israel's massive violations.

Unlike Abbas who has to jump through hoops to get funding, I don't see any strings attached to Hamas support.

BTW, I did not read your source, HAMAS Rockets

Legitimate sources do not do all that name calling.

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