Can a 'church' which supports 'vaccination', masks and other scamdemic idiocy be called as a Christian Church?

Today we have a choice.
We shall follow either God or Satan.

I choose God, you obviously Satan.

There are no compromises in the Holy Scripture.
No. There is no Satan in Judaism, Hinduism or Buddhism.
People who identify themselves as Christians need to start recognizing that that Christianity is comprised of a huge number of different denominations and groups that do not necessarily agree with each other. The links posed in No. 9 demonstrate this, and list only a few denominations among the many.

BTW: nobody knows when the "last days" will be. The assertion that the man pictured is a "wrong priest" and "probably a secret communist and satanist" is completely batshit crazy. This is cult stuff.
Sorry, it's my private information, but I try to follow the Holy Bible.
Do you? Do you Observe the Jewish dietary laws?
Do you observe the Sabbath?
Do you refrain from lying?
Do you have sex outside of marriage?
I guess that obviously you're the judge Baron. There's something in the Bible about that too.
I don't remember Jesus said somewhere in the Holy Scripture, 'Let only vaccinated ones in masks come to me'
Nevertheless many so-called 'priests' not only demand from believers to be jabbed and to wear muzzles but also actively participate on the scamdemic lies.
Question to you.
Can Jesus be in a such 'church'?
Isn't wasting of time and money to visit such Churches?
You can be not saved there.
We are living in the last days now.
To be saved we shall read the Holy Bible in the right transcription and to pray directly to Jesus without middlemen.
If 'priests' support the scamdemic you shall flee from there.
Never in history Christians were so betrayed by their 'sheperds'

His 'church' is dead, he's a wrong priest and probably a secret communist and satanist


Here are true Christians and priests


You shall decide for yourself, whom are you with?
With Satan and his scamdemic lies?
Or with Jesus?

Not apostatic 'priests'and dead 'churches' but studying of the Holy Bible in small independent dispersed secret groups and asking Jesus for guidance can save us in the current diabolic time. Like Christians did through the first 300 years of Christianity


Never in history Christians were so betrayed by their 'sheperds'

the betrayal is christianities remorseless assault on Garden Earth ... the guilty just do not seem to be getting the message -

by all means go to church and take deep breaths and exerted exhails, even spit on eachother, its your right - - just go for it. you're the man.
Well, shuxamighty!.....Why haven't I visited the 'Religion' sub-forum before?
I've missed some good times over here.
This forum could become my new DewDropInn.

Let's do a taster on some of the, ah, 'thoughts' offered so far:

"To be saved we shall read the Holy Bible in the right transcription ....."
The "right" transcription?
OK, but which one is "right"?
After all, the full Bible has been transcribed into at least 700 languages; and parts of it into about 3,400. Which of those 700, or which of those 3,400 does the good poster Baron recommend?
And by the way, the original Bible was in Greek. So, poster Baron do you read the Greek original? Are you Greek?

"We are living in the last days now."
Good to know.
But.....but can you screw-it-down a little tighter for us, good poster Baron?
How many days are left?
And do you have any exact dates that we can plan for?
I'd like to be up at the lake when the end-times time is up.
Thanx, in advance.

studying of the Holy Bible in small independent dispersed secret groups
"Secret Groups"...????
Ummm, why?
What's so secret about the Bible?
After all, as I read just's in about 3,400 transcriptions.
Doesn't sound all that 'secret' to me.

"According to numerous scientists anyone who got the 'jab' dies within 2 - 3 years.
But you will not simple 'die'...due to numerous satanic substances in the 'vaccine'"
That's also good to know.
But...and it ain't that I ain't believin' you good poster Baron, but......but can you give us some vetting on all those 'numerous' scientists?
Just name some names. Of the scientists. Of the journals they publish in.
And then.....and I'd be remiss if I didn't ask, but......but just what are these 'satanic substances"?
And how do you know?

Batter up, poster Baron.

"There are no compromises in the Holy Scripture."
OK, we get that.
However, there are some challenges with that 'no compromise'-thingy.
For example, take Deuteronomy 22:21.

Applying that uncompromising Holy Scripture stuff to some of the good posters on this forum could become problematic. Specifically, to their daughters. And too, Dad's responsibility to protect his daughter.

As you know, that scripture states that if your unmarried daughter has, umm, 'relations', with a man not her husband, well, you gotta drag her to the threshold of your house and let the neighbors stone her ...... to death.

To wit (per King James): "Then they shall bring out the damsel to the door of her father's house, and the men of her city shall stone her with stones that she die...."

So, good poster Baron, if you have a sweet little Emily, who is the apple of her grandmother's eye, a boon to her mother, and a mentor and teacher to her young siblings......well, are you gonna be the one to cast the first stone because she slipped a bit when that hormone-y passion stuff urges her to do the nasty with that adorable boy in the back row of the choir?

We are eager to hear your advice.

(likely, so is your daughter)

I love this bar!
I don't remember Jesus said somewhere in the Holy Scripture, 'Let only vaccinated ones in masks come to me'
Nevertheless many so-called 'priests' not only demand from believers to be jabbed and to wear muzzles but also actively participate on the scamdemic lies.
Question to you.
Can Jesus be in a such 'church'?
Isn't wasting of time and money to visit such Churches?
You can be not saved there.
We are living in the last days now.
To be saved we shall read the Holy Bible in the right transcription and to pray directly to Jesus without middlemen.
If 'priests' support the scamdemic you shall flee from there.
Never in history Christians were so betrayed by their 'sheperds'

His 'church' is dead, he's a wrong priest and probably a secret communist and satanist


Here are true Christians and priests


You shall decide for yourself, whom are you with?
With Satan and his scamdemic lies?
Or with Jesus?

Not apostatic 'priests'and dead 'churches' but studying of the Holy Bible in small independent dispersed secret groups and asking Jesus for guidance can save us in the current diabolic time. Like Christians did through the first 300 years of Christianity

Its a personal choice based upon logic and common sense........there are no restrictions against using one's common sense in scripture. I agree, there should be no mandate by Big Brother regarding vaccines and the wearing of masks. Based upon Logic and Common sense........we all know that masks simply do not work on any virus, unless you are suited up in a completely self contained hazmat suit, if the masks worked there would be no supposed pandemic from the time the nation was shamed into wearing useless masks in public and in the work area.....if masks worked why take a seasonal flu vaccine whatsoever......all one would need do is "suit up" and wear a face diaper every season.

I find it true that this was a man made plannedemic and it was used primarily to remove certain politicians from office who were putting the brakes on the elite members of a world wide shadow government seeking a New World Order..i.e, a one world order controlled completely by a few elite banking and political families.

But no one can deny...........the genie has been released from the bottle, there is a deadly disease that primarily effects and takes out the weak and the elderly that certain groups are always attempting to control or eliminate for the (wink, wink) good of society (as it always begins with all types of fascism).

On the flip side of the coin.....I find nothing wrong in taking a vaccination that has been found effective with just a little discomfort recorded, that also is a matter of common sense, especially if you are high risk for any type of viral or bacterial infection, due to a preexisting medical or age condition.

Why tempt fate....and pretend that God will protect you? :dunno: How do you know that God did not inspire the treatments made by man?
Ooooopsie! My bad.
I should have asked the good poster Baron the rather obvious question about the 'other half' of that hormone-y incident. You know, the adorable boy in the choir.

Well, poste
Baron, does Deuteronomy lay any responsibility on him as the, ah.....sperm donor?

Or does he get off Scott-free while your poor Emily lies under a pile of rocks......dead as squashed cat?

What say you, poster Baron?
There is only one True Teaching, the that one spoken by Jesus and written by Evangelists.
So called 'churches' care more for money and permanently lie to belivers.
Christianity doesn't need traitorous apostatic 'churches'
Christians shall found independent small groups without hierarchies.
It's the way of first Christians who survived persecution through the first centuries.

By the way, why Islam is so strong.
Because they have not hierarchies and most of mosques are independent.
Quaran leads them

Over the years I noticed the same thing about churches. The church leaders are careful not to be too critical of the most common
sins in the community fearing it might lead to smaller contributions.

The biggest exception I encountered was at the Catholic St. Louis Cathedral on Jackson Square in New Orleans. The church is located close to Bourbon Street and the French Quarter and likely a lot of the congregation worked in the bars and strip clubs in that section. The priest raised holy hell about the activity in that section in his sermon and I was really impressed for a change. That was the only time I attended a Catholic church. A girl I had dated the night before invited me to the church.

The St. Louis Cathedral is a beautiful church and there is no doubt of lot of money went into building and maintaining it. Still the priest had no fear of chastising his congregation.

There is only one True Teaching, the that one spoken by Jesus and written by Evangelists.

Listen, Big Mouth. Christianity is not the only religion on this planet. Judaism was here 1300 years before your precious Jesus got himself nailed up high.

Hinduism was on Earth 2000 years before Judaism.

Take your Jesus and stick him.
I don't remember Jesus said somewhere in the Holy Scripture, 'Let only vaccinated ones in masks come to me'
Nevertheless many so-called 'priests' not only demand from believers to be jabbed and to wear muzzles but also actively participate on the scamdemic lies.
Question to you.
Can Jesus be in a such 'church'?
Isn't wasting of time and money to visit such Churches?
well, you can't throw the baby out with the bathwater. It's the govt's fault we have to do all this nonsense.. Still, pastors need to stand up to the gummit sometimes
People who identify themselves as Christians need to start recognizing that that Christianity is comprised of a huge number of different denominations and groups that do not necessarily agree with each other. The links posed in No. 9 demonstrate this, and list only a few denominations among the many.

BTW: nobody knows when the "last days" will be. The assertion that the man pictured is a "wrong priest" and "probably a secret communist and satanist" is completely batshit crazy. This is cult stuff.

The Holy Bible clearly says what to do.
Do you? Do you Observe the Jewish dietary laws?
Do you observe the Sabbath?
Do you refrain from lying?
Do you have sex outside of marriage?

You shall reread the Teaching of Jesus about OT
I read only the Old Testament. Jews do not recognize the New Testament as scripture.

Therefore they have been condemned by God and dispersed among other nations

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