Can a Party actually win the highest office on support for abortions, support for LGBT’s, support for illegal aliens, disdain for 2A rights?


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2016
What would our Founders think? Do you think they knew this was the path they sent us down?
As amazing as our Founders were and as amazing as they did on so many levels….boy did they miss this one by a mile…huh?
I guess, God gave us the ability to self-destruct and so too did our great Founders.
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Not only will Harris and the Democratic Party win in November, they will win by a larger margin than they did in 2020.

Take that to the bank.
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What would our Founders think? Do you think they knew this was the path they sent us down?
As amazing as our Founders were and as amazing as they did on so many levels….boy did they miss this one by a mile…huh?
I guess, God gave us the ability to self-destruct and so too did our great Founders.

Well it was a fine Republic. Too bad we couldn't keep it.

It's hard to blame our founding fathers, though. Even though they gave us the Second Amendment to maintain the liberty of this nation, they never anticipated the possibility that Americans would become too fat, lazy, selfish, and complacent to put it to good use.
Not only will Harris and the Democratic Party win in November, they will win by a larger margin than they did in 2020.

Take that to the bank.

Another year of Obama/Biden/Harris and there won't be enough left to make a deposit.

I sincerely hope you're one of the first to go down, newbie.

Now go back to Reddit where you belong, troll.
Another year of Obama/Biden/Harris and there won't be enough left to make a deposit.

I sincerely hope you're one of the first to go down, newbie.

Now go back to Reddit where you belong, troll.
Trump and the Republican Party completely fucked up overturning Roe vs Wade. Not to mention what they did on Jan 6.

Trump and your Republican Nazi Party will lose badly.
What would our Founders think? Do you think they knew this was the path they sent us down?
As amazing as our Founders were and as amazing as they did on so many levels….boy did they miss this one by a mile…huh?
I guess, God gave us the ability to self-destruct and so too did our great Founders.
Another complaint? Let me bump that up to tier 2... :rolleyes:
Trump and the Republican Party completely fucked up overturning Roe vs Wade. Not to mention what they did on Jan 6.

Trump and your Republican Nazi Party will lose badly.

Maybe you should worry about your own party, dipshit. My primary election vote got counted, as opposed to yours that went in the trash can.

How 'bout that "democracy", xxxxxx. You got cucked. You cast your vote for Biden, then your own party Jim Crowed you, flipped the script, and throw your vote in the shitcan.

Don't you feel stupid? You should. :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::lmao::21:
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Maybe you should worry about your own party, dipshit. My primary election vote got counted, as opposed to yours that went in the trash can.

How 'bout that "democracy", faggot? You got cucked. You cast your vote for Biden, then your own party Jim Crowed you, flipped the script, and throw your vote in the shitcan.

Don't you feel stupid? You should. :auiqs.jpg::laughing0301::lmao::21:
Not as stupid as you're going to feel in November. Count on it.
Not as stupid as you're going to feel in November. Count on it.

What would our Founders think? Do you think they knew this was the path they sent us down?
As amazing as our Founders were and as amazing as they did on so many levels….boy did they miss this one by a mile…huh?
I guess, God gave us the ability to self-destruct and so too did our great Founders.

The Republican Party is what the founding fathers would abhor. The Republican Party attacks voting rights. They support the ability to get military style weapons to mass murderers. They are willing to take away a woman's right to do what is best. Using the Supreme Court to rewrite the Constitution.
The Republican Party is what the founding fathers would abhor. The Republican Party attacks voting rights. They support the ability to get military style weapons to mass murderers. They are willing to take away a woman's right to do what is best. Using the Supreme Court to rewrite the Constitution.

It wasn't the GOP who canceled out your primary election vote for Joe Biden, cuck. :auiqs.jpg: :21::lmao::laughing0301:
Of course the Founders knew that the the nation would fail. Benjamin Franklin said it in his address urging the adoption of the Constitution.

Here is what he said:

n these Sentiments, Sir, I agree to this Constitution, with all its Faults, if they are such: because I think a General Government necessary for us, and there is no Form of Government but what may be a Blessing to the People if well administred; and I believe farther that this is likely to be well administred for a Course of Years, and can only end in Despotism as other Forms have done before it, when the People shall become so corrupted as to need Despotic Government, being incapable of any other.

With democrats we have reached that day Democrat despots are counting on us being that corrupt.

Although democrats had to replace many of us before they could achieve that goal.
You keep saying this….We’ve seen this movie before, why should we trust you purple hair people on this one?
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Two reasons --

1) The 2016 election was before Jan 6.

2) The 2016 election was before Trump and the insane Repug MAGA Party overturned Roe vs Wade.

Women are going to punish you all so badly in November. That ain't smack talk. That's just a fact.
A member of the homophobic, racist Republican MAGA Party is calling someone a "faggot".

Who would have ever guessed that??

OK nutless wonder. You had your primary election vote canceled out by your own party, and don't have the balls to stand up for your "democracy."

What a faggot. :auiqs.jpg: :lmao::21::laughing0301:
OK nutless wonder. You had your primary election vote canceled out by your own party, and don't have the balls to stand up for your "democracy."

What a faggot. :auiqs.jpg: :lmao::21::laughing0301:
We stood up for it on Jan 6. Remember that? When a bunch of Trump-supporting MAGA traitors were thrown in jail?

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