Can a Pence Presidency stop the 2018 Big Blue Wave.

I do know.
Of course he was joking.
Hillary has shot people and got away with it. Honest to God truth.
She also has landed under sniper fire, so she's a war hero.

Yes, you guys got all you could out of that sniper fire lie. Pretty pathetic for her to make that shit up but I totally understand. When these politicians go around campaigning they embellish. I'm sure she was worried about sniper fire when she went to Kosovo and she later turned that into BEING under sniper fire. She wanted to make it seem like she's been in the trenches. Not a huge lie but it made her look like a liar.

So why don't you care that Trump has told 1000 more lies than Hillary?

PolitiFact | Comparing Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump on the Truth-O-Meter

That's the weird thing about you guys. You don't give a shit that he's a world class liar.
I think we've firmly established that HILLARY is a liar.
We also firmly established that Obama is a liar.
Bill Clinton is one, and do is Al Gore.

Elizabeth Warren is too.

The Democrat Party is nothing but liars. According to Obama lying is an extremely valuable tool. It also helps when you have a slobbering ass-kissing press willing to lie for you.

Trump said 21 things that were true. The rest were lies or half truths. Do you care? Nope. Well I don't care about Bill getting a BJ in the oval office.

Yet you take this assessment from the very critics that are attacking Trump 24/7/365

You really need to stop reading Democrat hackery and try doing the research yourself.
I’ve been paying attention for 30 years bro.

Do you deny trump lied all those times? Then Hillary didn’t lie about being under snper fire. If you can lie without worrying about it so can I.

And no trump supporters aren’t the smart Americans. Stop it
I wouldn't care that Trump forces himself on women if you Republicans didn't care so much that Clinton did it and then after caring so much you elected a guy just like Bill. It's not Trump's behavior I mind so much as yours. You fall for it. This picture says 1000 words.

Look at them sitting along side a rapist. All for political motives no doubt. No one has any proof of Clinton doing anything to these women. But we do have Trump on tape admitting he's a wolf.
Do you honestly believe anyone but Bill Clinton could get away with rape?

Trump can't even drink a diet soda without catching Hell. What makes you think he can get away with rape?
Donald Trump could 'shoot somebody and not lose voters' - CNNPolitics
I do know.
Of course he was joking.
Hillary has shot people and got away with it. Honest to God truth.
She also has landed under sniper fire, so she's a war hero.

Yes, you guys got all you could out of that sniper fire lie. Pretty pathetic for her to make that shit up but I totally understand. When these politicians go around campaigning they embellish. I'm sure she was worried about sniper fire when she went to Kosovo and she later turned that into BEING under sniper fire. She wanted to make it seem like she's been in the trenches. Not a huge lie but it made her look like a liar.

So why don't you care that Trump has told 1000 more lies than Hillary?

PolitiFact | Comparing Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump on the Truth-O-Meter

That's the weird thing about you guys. You don't give a shit that he's a world class liar.
I think we've firmly established that HILLARY is a liar.
We also firmly established that Obama is a liar.
Bill Clinton is one, and do is Al Gore.

Elizabeth Warren is too.

The Democrat Party is nothing but liars. According to Obama lying is an extremely valuable tool. It also helps when you have a slobbering ass-kissing press willing to lie for you.
We have firmly established trumps the biggest liar. And if you deny that you’re an idiot or liar.

Just because trump has never admitted lying doesn’t mean he’s innocent although you think he is I’m sure but you’ve never been fair or balanced
The thing that amazes me is even with how terrible Trump was as a candidate, the voters were so shocked by that tranny bathroom thing that they choked back serious reservations about Trump & voted for him & GOP landslide in congress anyway.
To answer the title question, I think the answer is "yes."

You know establishment Republicans got to be thinking that. The Comrade and Bannon are going to lead the GOP to doom. Bannon is going to Primary the GOP into a minority.
I'm guessing these last couple of years have been a fucking nightmare for them, and they can't wake up to end it.

Nothing will change, though. Trump & Co will blame this on the accusations and continue along their merry way, until they're voted out. Then they'll blame that on something else, too.

Trump & Co will blame this on the accusations and continue along their merry way, until they're voted out. Then they'll blame that on something else, too.

That's the thing, and it's not a good thing, about Trump and his cohorts. To find culpable parties and circumstances, they look everywhere but in the mirror.

I reckon that blaming people fixes nothing. You're the only person who is going to sort you out. No-one else really can - or really cares, enough. That's what Nepalis know - better than anyone. That's our Western disease. Don't take responsibility. Take on a lawyer!
-- Jane Wilson-Howarth, Snowfed Waters
There's the rub.

That's really not what they're running on.
They can win a state election by paying a few women to lie about their opponent.
We'll see how long that keeps working for them.
I just don't see this working in 16 states.
They're gonna have to run on their policies in most of them.

Actually, that is what they are running on, and it will probably work.

2010 and 2014 were referendums on Obama.

2006 and 2008 were referendums on Bush

Now, i have no illusions about Alabama, it was because Moore was a bad candidate to start with, and the allegations made him more toxic.

But that a Democrat can win there for the first time since 1992, that's kind of telling where the GOP is going to be going into 2018 in hundreds of races in states which aren't full of inbreds.

The question is, will their fear of being beaten by a Democrat in the election exceed their fear of being beaten by one of the Grim Reaper Bannon's nutjob candidate? The establishment Repubs are being squeezed from two very opposing sides. And then of course there is the Orange Baboon in the White House.
Actually, I think Pence is too far right to win a General Election. I said the same about Cruz and I maintain this position today.
Yep. The party still hasn't figured out that they won't be able to yank this country in their direction with one or two elections.

We got here incrementally, and the crazies don't have the patience to do what would work.
The major flaw in that is Democrats don't have anyone who isn't a liar or hasn't been kicked out of Congress for groping women.
Bernie Sanders is too far to the left to win.
So you guys are pretty much at a disadvantage because incumbency is worth at least 10 points
The Democrats' strategy is clear: Make 2018 and 2020 essentially a referendum on Trump and his supporters.

Sure, that's the chickenshit way to win elections, but if they can run candidates who are at least palatable, it could work.

It won't work if the economy continues to improve and policies become the focus. Plus, the left, has the alt-left to deal with. These young millennials are in no mood for the dinosaurs of old and they will do everything in their power to split the left, and expose "old money".

Trump just needs to stick to his campaign promises. If I were him, I would get the tax bill passed and then first thing in 2018 choose the company design for The Wall and start construction. Bush already had the wall passed so he can use the former legal format. If he can't get funding, he can ask Americans to donate money or even volunteer to work in the construction with some free advertising for the companies that help.

Sounds outrageous, but if he pulls out all shots and plays hardball it will send a message to Establishment, "I am going to do what I promised and remind the American people every day that I am doing it on their behalf".

He won't need to drain the swamp then, it will just leak into 1000 little pathways until it is at a low enough level that you wont even need to put on your rubber boots to walk across it.

God Bless America. Get 'er done Trump!
In order for Trump & Co to be successful going forward, he's going to have to hold on to a vast majority of the people who voted for him and gain some new supporters. Given his behaviors, given the proclivities of those who support him, I just don't know how that's done.

But I'm horrible at making political predictions, so I realize anything is possible.

As long as he has fingers to Tweet his insane delusions, he will be challenged to break 38%. I think the American people, with the exception of the mole people that follow the man around devouring his droppings.
The thing that amazes me is even with how terrible Trump was as a candidate, the voters were so shocked by that tranny bathroom thing that they choked back serious reservations about Trump & voted for him & GOP landslide in congress anyway.

Um, no, they didn't.

Trump got less of a percentage of the vote than Romney got in 2012.

He even got less of the White vote.

And Hillary got 3 million more votes than he did.

The reason why he won was because too many people pissed away their votes on third party candidates.

Do you really think the people who voted for Gary "Roll your own" Johnson cared about bathroom rules? Or the people who voted for Commie Jill Stein?
The thing that amazes me is even with how terrible Trump was as a candidate, the voters were so shocked by that tranny bathroom thing that they choked back serious reservations about Trump & voted for him & GOP landslide in congress anyway.
Except of course that Hillary received 3 million more votes than the Orange disgrace
A Pence Presidency would mean Republicans would have to impeach Trump

That aint ever going to happen
A Pence Presidency would mean Republicans would have to impeach Trump

That aint ever going to happen

I think they would impeach trump if his approval rating dropped below 25% and they didn't want their brand name to get further tarnished by him.

That would take a major revelation in his sex scandals, his Russian ties or the economy tanking.
A Pence Presidency would mean Republicans would have to impeach Trump

That aint ever going to happen

I think they would impeach trump if his approval rating dropped below 25% and they didn't want their brand name to get further tarnished by him.

That would take a major revelation in his sex scandals, his Russian ties or the economy tanking.

You can't impeach a President for poor performance

We will see where the Mueller investigation leads. I doubt if Trump was stupid enough to offer a direct collusion. He has people to take the fall and he will go into full liar mode
There's the rub.

That's really not what they're running on.
They can win a state election by paying a few women to lie about their opponent.
We'll see how long that keeps working for them.
I just don't see this working in 16 states.
They're gonna have to run on their policies in most of them.

Actually, that is what they are running on, and it will probably work.

2010 and 2014 were referendums on Obama.

2006 and 2008 were referendums on Bush

Now, i have no illusions about Alabama, it was because Moore was a bad candidate to start with, and the allegations made him more toxic.

But that a Democrat can win there for the first time since 1992, that's kind of telling where the GOP is going to be going into 2018 in hundreds of races in states which aren't full of inbreds.

The question is, will their fear of being beaten by a Democrat in the election exceed their fear of being beaten by one of the Grim Reaper Bannon's nutjob candidate? The establishment Repubs are being squeezed from two very opposing sides. And then of course there is the Orange Baboon in the White House.
That's racist.
I do know.
Of course he was joking.
Hillary has shot people and got away with it. Honest to God truth.
She also has landed under sniper fire, so she's a war hero.

Yes, you guys got all you could out of that sniper fire lie. Pretty pathetic for her to make that shit up but I totally understand. When these politicians go around campaigning they embellish. I'm sure she was worried about sniper fire when she went to Kosovo and she later turned that into BEING under sniper fire. She wanted to make it seem like she's been in the trenches. Not a huge lie but it made her look like a liar.

So why don't you care that Trump has told 1000 more lies than Hillary?

PolitiFact | Comparing Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump on the Truth-O-Meter

That's the weird thing about you guys. You don't give a shit that he's a world class liar.
I think we've firmly established that HILLARY is a liar.
We also firmly established that Obama is a liar.
Bill Clinton is one, and do is Al Gore.

Elizabeth Warren is too.

The Democrat Party is nothing but liars. According to Obama lying is an extremely valuable tool. It also helps when you have a slobbering ass-kissing press willing to lie for you.

Trump said 21 things that were true. The rest were lies or half truths. Do you care? Nope. Well I don't care about Bill getting a BJ in the oval office.

Yet you take this assessment from the very critics that are attacking Trump 24/7/365

You really need to stop reading Democrat hackery and try doing the research yourself.

I could pull any number of Trump lies out of the air to show you that he's at least just as bad as Hillary as far as lying goes but no matter what I show you it won't matter. Really you don't care that Hillary lied about being under sniper fire. You just want to use that against her when she runs for office. I get it. But then you people don't have any problem with Trump lies like "absolutely no connections to Russia". That's a lie. And I've seen you nut jobs take a Trump lie and say it's not a lie even though it clearly is. You are all a bunch of fat ass Huckabees.

Here is another lie Trump told. Not a big one but neither is sniper fire.

Different talk: 2016 vs. 2017


Before the presidential campaign, "I didn't know Steve (Bannon)."

There was "serious voter fraud" in Virginia.

— PolitiFact Virginia on Tuesday, November 29th, 2016

These are bold faced lies. Do you care?
The thing that amazes me is even with how terrible Trump was as a candidate, the voters were so shocked by that tranny bathroom thing that they choked back serious reservations about Trump & voted for him & GOP landslide in congress anyway.
Except of course that Hillary received 3 million more votes than the Orange disgrace
I do know.
Of course he was joking.
Hillary has shot people and got away with it. Honest to God truth.
She also has landed under sniper fire, so she's a war hero.

Yes, you guys got all you could out of that sniper fire lie. Pretty pathetic for her to make that shit up but I totally understand. When these politicians go around campaigning they embellish. I'm sure she was worried about sniper fire when she went to Kosovo and she later turned that into BEING under sniper fire. She wanted to make it seem like she's been in the trenches. Not a huge lie but it made her look like a liar.

So why don't you care that Trump has told 1000 more lies than Hillary?

PolitiFact | Comparing Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump on the Truth-O-Meter

That's the weird thing about you guys. You don't give a shit that he's a world class liar.
I think we've firmly established that HILLARY is a liar.
We also firmly established that Obama is a liar.
Bill Clinton is one, and do is Al Gore.

Elizabeth Warren is too.

The Democrat Party is nothing but liars. According to Obama lying is an extremely valuable tool. It also helps when you have a slobbering ass-kissing press willing to lie for you.

Trump said 21 things that were true. The rest were lies or half truths. Do you care? Nope. Well I don't care about Bill getting a BJ in the oval office.

Yet you take this assessment from the very critics that are attacking Trump 24/7/365

You really need to stop reading Democrat hackery and try doing the research yourself.

I could pull any number of Trump lies out of the air to show you that he's at least just as bad as Hillary as far as lying goes but no matter what I show you it won't matter. Really you don't care that Hillary lied about being under sniper fire. You just want to use that against her when she runs for office. I get it. But then you people don't have any problem with Trump lies like "absolutely no connections to Russia". That's a lie. And I've seen you nut jobs take a Trump lie and say it's not a lie even though it clearly is. You are all a bunch of fat ass Huckabees.

Here is another lie Trump told. Not a big one but neither is sniper fire.

Different talk: 2016 vs. 2017


Before the presidential campaign, "I didn't know Steve (Bannon)."

There was "serious voter fraud" in Virginia.

— PolitiFact Virginia on Tuesday, November 29th, 2016

These are bold faced lies. Do you care?
Strange that you can relate all of these lies but have trouble remembering all of the statements Trump has made that turned out to be mostly if not completely of them was the fact that Obama spied on his campaign. That is the entire basis of the Mueller investigation.

So you would rather believe a president that committed political espionage just because he let's you decide which sex you want to be. Who cares that he spent years weaponizing the NSA and destroyed years of anti-terrorism intelligence, making it easier for potential enemies to carry out attacks in America.

Trump wants to stop you from being murdered, yet because he's straight you hate his guts. It takes a very warped mind to think he at way. The man never said he hates gays but you think he does.

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