Can Affirmative Action Survive?


Platinum Member
Sep 30, 2011

1. the history​

In June, 2016, Justice Samuel Alito took the unusual step of reading aloud from the bench a version of his lengthy dissent in the case of Fisher v. University of Texas. A white applicant who had been denied admission had sued, saying that she’d been discriminated against because of her race. The Supreme Court, by the narrowest of margins and on the narrowest of grounds, upheld Texas’s admissions policy. Alito, with steely indignation, picked apart the logic of U.T.’s arguments and of his colleagues’ majority opinion. “This is affirmative action gone berserk,” he declared.

The civil-rights revolution ended the Jim Crow system of legally mandated racial segregation in the South. Its success made it obvious that much of the rest of the country was segregated, too, in fact if not always explicitly by law. In the years after the passage of the major civil-rights legislation, many colleges and universities made a concerted effort to become more racially integrated. Alito was complaining about U.T.’s version of this effort, but affirmative action has been controversial from the beginning, because more Black students usually means fewer students of other ethnicities. Students who weren’t Black used the laws banning racial discrimination to claim that universities were now discriminating in favor of Black people, and against them.

I think affirmative action is on it's way out.
I think affirmative action is on it's way out.

Affirmative Action has been on its way out for decades. The strict quotas of the past are no longer in place. It has evolved to be more about opportunities.

As a whole, Affirmative Action has been a major success with almost every family benefitting
Affirmative Action has been on its way out for decades. The strict quotas of the past are no longer in place. It has evolved to be more about opportunities.

As a whole, Affirmative Action has been a major success with almost every family benefitting
I think that it had originally been a success when it started but as the world changed-which it was designed to do-it became harmful. About 20 years ago, there was a major ordeal on the local news (Chicago) regarding university admissions and that by looking at the demographics one would think more African Americans were attending except these students were from Africa. I can picture the press conference and exactly what the woman looked like but I don't remember her name and I don't remember if she was referring specifically to the Chicago area or nation wide. Either would be plausible.
You must not be paying attention, affirmative action doesn't go far enough.

I don't know what your really mean. What else should it do?

I mean I am open the the possibility of revamping how it works, but I also am open to there being a safety valve for schools that have trouble recruiting minority students. I think I have posted this before, but my university upset a lot of people in my grad school when they brought in outside minorities to be photographed as students simply because there were zero asians and only 2 blacks in the program at the time. They wanted to make it appear as if it was more diverse than it was. I really didn't give a crap but a lot of people whipped up a tempest in the teapot over that. If it worked to get more minority applicants, more power to the university. Plus the people they brought in were very happy photogenic types. The actual students mostly walked around looking like a mangy shell-shocked alley cat after a thunderstorm by that point.
AA is nothing more than discrimination. More favored, just as wrong.
Shit like that is for the birds.
AA opened up opportunities for blacks, Hispanics, minorities and ESPECIALLY WOMEN

High paying jobs were no longer reserved for white males
AA opened up opportunities for blacks, Hispanics, minorities and ESPECIALLY WOMEN

High paying jobs were no longer reserved for white males
Everytime a leftist whines about discrimination or something, just point and laugh.
Being disingenuous is their main character flaw.
Affirmative Action has been on its way out for decades. The strict quotas of the past are no longer in place. It has evolved to be more about opportunities.

As a whole, Affirmative Action has been a major success with almost every family benefitting

Actually, you have it half ass backwards.

AA has been a failure in raising the living standards of black in spite of liberals' best intentions..

In fact it hurts talented black professionals. If someone is in need of work on their rectum, and they see the proctologist is a black guy, AA might make them hesitant to hire him. Does this guy really know his shit, or did he just get his job because of AA and in reality he doesn't know your butt from a hole in the ground?
BTW, Affirmative Action didn't last when they tried it in Smoky Mountain Wrestling.

The Gangstas, an African American tag team from South Central, demanded and received Affirmative Action. They were allowed to pin their white competitors with a count of 2, but the whites would need a count of 5 to defeat them.

The fans in eastern Tennessee, Kentucky and West Virginia just didn't give New Jack and Mustafa much love because of this rule.
Actually, you have it half ass backwards.

AA has been a failure in raising the living standards of black in spite of liberals' best intentions..

In fact it hurts talented black professionals. If someone is in need of work on their rectum, and they see the proctologist is a black guy, AA might make them hesitant to hire him. Does this guy really know his shit, or did he just get his job because of AA and in reality he doesn't know your butt from a hole in the ground?
AA helped build the black middle class.
It showed that blacks were capable of doing more than menial tasks.

Did the same for women in opening new job opportunities

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