Can America Be Made Whole Again?

I thought your response was fairly clear and to the point. You even indicated that maybe in the future but no way in the near future.

Clearly not.
The generation growing up now have been ruined by lousy, no...deplorable parenting.
I am 51. I was raised by baby boomers. And like most baby boomer siblings, I grew up having to fend for myself. Latch-key kids is a term coined by my generation. Baby boomers were self motivated go getters who kind of did their own thing and left us kids to ourselves. If something upset us - we were told to get over it. Coddled is not a word we knew.
But Gen-Xrs raised their kids VERY differently. Coddled and sheltered from anything that might upset them. They absolutely do not have the capacity to find fault in themselves or whatever they believe in.
We can only hope they raise their kids different than our generation did.
Clearly not.
The generation growing up now have been ruined by lousy, no...deplorable parenting.
I am 51. I was raised by baby boomers. And like most baby boomer siblings, I grew up having to fend for myself. Latch-key kids is a term coined by my generation. Baby boomers were self motivated go getters who kind of did their own thing and left us kids to ourselves. If something upset us - we were told to get over it. Coddled is not a word we knew.
But Gen-Xrs raised their kids VERY differently. Coddled and sheltered from anything that might upset them. They absolutely do not have the capacity to find fault in themselves or whatever they believe in.
We can only hope they raise their kids different than our generation did.
While I agree, I can't help but remember that was what the older generation said about us.
I thought your response was fairly clear and to the point. You even indicated that maybe in the future but no way in the near future.

Clearly not.
The generation growing up now have been ruined by lousy, no...deplorable parenting.
I am 51. I was raised by baby boomers. And like most baby boomer siblings, I grew up having to fend for myself. Latch-key kids is a term coined by my generation. Baby boomers were self motivated go getters who kind of did their own thing and left us kids to ourselves. If something upset us - we were told to get over it. Coddled is not a word we knew.
But Gen-Xrs raised their kids VERY differently. Coddled and sheltered from anything that might upset them. They absolutely do not have the capacity to find fault in themselves or whatever they believe in.
We can only hope they raise their kids different than our generation did.
we are from the same era, so I do understand, however my mother never worked outside of the home until after I left home. Always someone there to beat my ass when I violated some sacred rule of the house. On the other hand we could always ride our bike around the neighborhood and tell who's parents were both gone by the number of bikes laying out in front of the house. ( For the new generation, we didnt have cell phones to find each other, we had most likely spots that we had to go by until we found everyone.)
But as far as the kids now, have you seen the ones that the call free range kids? they basically get to do whatever they want whenever they want. Thats even a step past what we knew as kids.
Clearly not.
The generation growing up now have been ruined by lousy, no...deplorable parenting.
I am 51. I was raised by baby boomers. And like most baby boomer siblings, I grew up having to fend for myself. Latch-key kids is a term coined by my generation. Baby boomers were self motivated go getters who kind of did their own thing and left us kids to ourselves. If something upset us - we were told to get over it. Coddled is not a word we knew.
But Gen-Xrs raised their kids VERY differently. Coddled and sheltered from anything that might upset them. They absolutely do not have the capacity to find fault in themselves or whatever they believe in.
We can only hope they raise their kids different than our generation did.
While I agree, I can't help but remember that was what the older generation said about us.
you would have been ok if you would have just worn some decent clothing, got a haircut and stopped listing to that GD hippy music.
Clearly not.
The generation growing up now have been ruined by lousy, no...deplorable parenting.
I am 51. I was raised by baby boomers. And like most baby boomer siblings, I grew up having to fend for myself. Latch-key kids is a term coined by my generation. Baby boomers were self motivated go getters who kind of did their own thing and left us kids to ourselves. If something upset us - we were told to get over it. Coddled is not a word we knew.
But Gen-Xrs raised their kids VERY differently. Coddled and sheltered from anything that might upset them. They absolutely do not have the capacity to find fault in themselves or whatever they believe in.
We can only hope they raise their kids different than our generation did.
While I agree, I can't help but remember that was what the older generation said about us.
you would have been ok if you would have just worn some decent clothing, got a haircut and stopped listing to that GD hippy music.
LOL, I see what you're saying, but as always it is far more complicated than that.

I admittedly was a bit of a self-righteous prick at the time.
No, it can not be fixed. This election showed me something I had never realized before in my life -- namely how vast the chasm is between the right and left. I always knew there was a difference, but never to this extent. The modern day conservative is so far away from progressives that they might as well be a different species of human entirely. When you vote for a fascist, a man who raped his first wife, a man who bragged about "grabbing pussy" because he's famous and can get away with it, a man who mocked the disabled, threatened to jail his political opponent, you are telling me that you are my enemy. I want nothing --- and I mean nothing -- to do with you or what the right has become in this country.

The proliferation of fake news and propaganda outlets such as Breitbart and infowars has infected you guys like a virus. I've noticed on this site that every time I post an article about a Trump shitbagger behaving badly, you immediately CLICK WHIR into the same "it's a hoax" reaction. Do you really think that there's any reasoning with idiots like this? There isn't. You guys consume your hate from your sources all day, every day, you get your news from fake sources on facebook, and worse of all, you believe everything you're told. There is ZERO critical thinking on the right. Just knee jerk reactions like the good little muppets you are.

Just yesterday on this forum, a right wing degenerate piece of shit just wrote that he disagreed with officials saying that the problem with Islam won't be solved with killing. This rightwing cretin said that "Islam needs to be eradicated" and that "we can kill much faster than they can recruit." Do you think there's any reasoning with fascist scum like this? There isn't.

You guys have become so utterly full of hate that there can be no reasoning or reconciliation with your side. What's funny about that, is that none of the reasons why you hate the left, or liberals, or Hillary are even true. How do you reason with people who's hate is based on outright lies in the first place? You idiots were convinced that Hillary was "guilty" of numerous crimes, yet despite investigation and hearings, she hasn't been found guilty of anything. Yet you idiots think you know more than the officials conducting the investigations? This is the kind of idiocy the left has to deal with, and sadly, there is no "dealing" with it. It comes to a point where you guys are just not worth the effort. You're literally too fucking stupid to reason with or deal with.

It's over. Put the nails in the coffin. Your side electing a fascist demon WILL divide this country once and for all forever. And your side will have no one else to blame but yourselves.
No, it can not be fixed. This election showed me something I had never realized before in my life -- namely how vast the chasm is between the right and left. I always knew there was a difference, but never to this extent. The modern day conservative is so far away from progressives that they might as well be a different species of human entirely. When you vote for a fascist, a man who raped his first wife, a man who bragged about "grabbing pussy" because he's famous and can get away with it, a man who mocked the disabled, threatened to jail his political opponent, you are telling me that you are my enemy. I want nothing --- and I mean nothing -- to do with you or what the right has become in this country.

The proliferation of fake news and propaganda outlets such as Breitbart and infowars has infected you guys like a virus. I've noticed on this site that every time I post an article about a Trump shitbagger behaving badly, you immediately CLICK WHIR into the same "it's a hoax" reaction. Do you really think that there's any reasoning with idiots like this? There isn't. You guys consume your hate from your sources all day, every day, you get your news from fake sources on facebook, and worse of all, you believe everything you're told. There is ZERO critical thinking on the right. Just knee jerk reactions like the good little muppets you are.

Just yesterday on this forum, a right wing degenerate piece of shit just wrote that he disagreed with officials saying that the problem with Islam won't be solved with killing. This rightwing cretin said that "Islam needs to be eradicated" and that "we can kill much faster than they can recruit." Do you think there's any reasoning with fascist scum like this? There isn't.

You guys have become so utterly full of hate that there can be no reasoning or reconciliation with your side. What's funny about that, is that none of the reasons why you hate the left, or liberals, or Hillary are even true. How do you reason with people who's hate is based on outright lies in the first place? You idiots were convinced that Hillary was "guilty" of numerous crimes, yet despite investigation and hearings, she hasn't been found guilty of anything. Yet you idiots think you know more than the officials conducting the investigations? This is the kind of idiocy the left has to deal with, and sadly, there is no "dealing" with it. It comes to a point where you guys are just not worth the effort. You're literally too fucking stupid to reason with or deal with.

It's over. Put the nails in the coffin. Your side electing a fascist demon WILL divide this country once and for all forever. And your side will have no one else to blame but yourselves.
Fuck off. This is a serious discussion. You are squarely the problem. That is you and your ilk of idiots.
No, it can not be fixed. This election showed me something I had never realized before in my life -- namely how vast the chasm is between the right and left. I always knew there was a difference, but never to this extent. The modern day conservative is so far away from progressives that they might as well be a different species of human entirely. When you vote for a fascist, a man who raped his first wife, a man who bragged about "grabbing pussy" because he's famous and can get away with it, a man who mocked the disabled, threatened to jail his political opponent, you are telling me that you are my enemy. I want nothing --- and I mean nothing -- to do with you or what the right has become in this country.

The proliferation of fake news and propaganda outlets such as Breitbart and infowars has infected you guys like a virus. I've noticed on this site that every time I post an article about a Trump shitbagger behaving badly, you immediately CLICK WHIR into the same "it's a hoax" reaction. Do you really think that there's any reasoning with idiots like this? There isn't. You guys consume your hate from your sources all day, every day, you get your news from fake sources on facebook, and worse of all, you believe everything you're told. There is ZERO critical thinking on the right. Just knee jerk reactions like the good little muppets you are.

Just yesterday on this forum, a right wing degenerate piece of shit just wrote that he disagreed with officials saying that the problem with Islam won't be solved with killing. This rightwing cretin said that "Islam needs to be eradicated" and that "we can kill much faster than they can recruit." Do you think there's any reasoning with fascist scum like this? There isn't.

You guys have become so utterly full of hate that there can be no reasoning or reconciliation with your side. What's funny about that, is that none of the reasons why you hate the left, or liberals, or Hillary are even true. How do you reason with people who's hate is based on outright lies in the first place? You idiots were convinced that Hillary was "guilty" of numerous crimes, yet despite investigation and hearings, she hasn't been found guilty of anything. Yet you idiots think you know more than the officials conducting the investigations? This is the kind of idiocy the left has to deal with, and sadly, there is no "dealing" with it. It comes to a point where you guys are just not worth the effort. You're literally too fucking stupid to reason with or deal with.

It's over. Put the nails in the coffin. Your side electing a fascist demon WILL divide this country once and for all forever. And your side will have no one else to blame but yourselves.
Fuck off. This is a serious discussion. You are squarely the problem. That is you and your ilk of idiots.

^ And THAT is why we will remain divided. Listen, you authoritarian fuckwit -- you don't get to tell me how to communicate. Period. That was a serious post, and no one here has to conform to your "standards" of communication, which is basically code for saying only what you want to hear.
How come nobody asked that question eight years ago? All of a sudden everyone is concerned about the left's disappointment when all they said eight years ago is "eat shit, Obama won".
No, it can not be fixed. This election showed me something I had never realized before in my life -- namely how vast the chasm is between the right and left. I always knew there was a difference, but never to this extent. The modern day conservative is so far away from progressives that they might as well be a different species of human entirely. When you vote for a fascist, a man who raped his first wife, a man who bragged about "grabbing pussy" because he's famous and can get away with it, a man who mocked the disabled, threatened to jail his political opponent, you are telling me that you are my enemy. I want nothing --- and I mean nothing -- to do with you or what the right has become in this country.

The proliferation of fake news and propaganda outlets such as Breitbart and infowars has infected you guys like a virus. I've noticed on this site that every time I post an article about a Trump shitbagger behaving badly, you immediately CLICK WHIR into the same "it's a hoax" reaction. Do you really think that there's any reasoning with idiots like this? There isn't. You guys consume your hate from your sources all day, every day, you get your news from fake sources on facebook, and worse of all, you believe everything you're told. There is ZERO critical thinking on the right. Just knee jerk reactions like the good little muppets you are.

Just yesterday on this forum, a right wing degenerate piece of shit just wrote that he disagreed with officials saying that the problem with Islam won't be solved with killing. This rightwing cretin said that "Islam needs to be eradicated" and that "we can kill much faster than they can recruit." Do you think there's any reasoning with fascist scum like this? There isn't.

You guys have become so utterly full of hate that there can be no reasoning or reconciliation with your side. What's funny about that, is that none of the reasons why you hate the left, or liberals, or Hillary are even true. How do you reason with people who's hate is based on outright lies in the first place? You idiots were convinced that Hillary was "guilty" of numerous crimes, yet despite investigation and hearings, she hasn't been found guilty of anything. Yet you idiots think you know more than the officials conducting the investigations? This is the kind of idiocy the left has to deal with, and sadly, there is no "dealing" with it. It comes to a point where you guys are just not worth the effort. You're literally too fucking stupid to reason with or deal with.

It's over. Put the nails in the coffin. Your side electing a fascist demon WILL divide this country once and for all forever. And your side will have no one else to blame but yourselves.

And trust me pal, millions of us want nothing to do with the likes of you.
Need a bus ticket to Canada?
No, it can not be fixed. This election showed me something I had never realized before in my life -- namely how vast the chasm is between the right and left. I always knew there was a difference, but never to this extent. The modern day conservative is so far away from progressives that they might as well be a different species of human entirely. When you vote for a fascist, a man who raped his first wife, a man who bragged about "grabbing pussy" because he's famous and can get away with it, a man who mocked the disabled, threatened to jail his political opponent, you are telling me that you are my enemy. I want nothing --- and I mean nothing -- to do with you or what the right has become in this country.

The proliferation of fake news and propaganda outlets such as Breitbart and infowars has infected you guys like a virus. I've noticed on this site that every time I post an article about a Trump shitbagger behaving badly, you immediately CLICK WHIR into the same "it's a hoax" reaction. Do you really think that there's any reasoning with idiots like this? There isn't. You guys consume your hate from your sources all day, every day, you get your news from fake sources on facebook, and worse of all, you believe everything you're told. There is ZERO critical thinking on the right. Just knee jerk reactions like the good little muppets you are.

Just yesterday on this forum, a right wing degenerate piece of shit just wrote that he disagreed with officials saying that the problem with Islam won't be solved with killing. This rightwing cretin said that "Islam needs to be eradicated" and that "we can kill much faster than they can recruit." Do you think there's any reasoning with fascist scum like this? There isn't.

You guys have become so utterly full of hate that there can be no reasoning or reconciliation with your side. What's funny about that, is that none of the reasons why you hate the left, or liberals, or Hillary are even true. How do you reason with people who's hate is based on outright lies in the first place? You idiots were convinced that Hillary was "guilty" of numerous crimes, yet despite investigation and hearings, she hasn't been found guilty of anything. Yet you idiots think you know more than the officials conducting the investigations? This is the kind of idiocy the left has to deal with, and sadly, there is no "dealing" with it. It comes to a point where you guys are just not worth the effort. You're literally too fucking stupid to reason with or deal with.

It's over. Put the nails in the coffin. Your side electing a fascist demon WILL divide this country once and for all forever. And your side will have no one else to blame but yourselves.
Fuck off. This is a serious discussion. You are squarely the problem. That is you and your ilk of idiots.

^ And THAT is why we will remain divided. Listen, you authoritarian fuckwit -- you don't get to tell me how to communicate. Period. That was a serious post, and no one here has to conform to your "standards" of communication, which is basically code for saying only what you want to hear.
I had hoped to include rational voices here. I cannot help you because Hillary lost. When you rant, that is not something which considered is in any conversation about healing and making the country whole again. It is in fact the antithesis of just that.

Stop being a prick. Grow up!
No, it can not be fixed. This election showed me something I had never realized before in my life -- namely how vast the chasm is between the right and left. I always knew there was a difference, but never to this extent. The modern day conservative is so far away from progressives that they might as well be a different species of human entirely. When you vote for a fascist, a man who raped his first wife, a man who bragged about "grabbing pussy" because he's famous and can get away with it, a man who mocked the disabled, threatened to jail his political opponent, you are telling me that you are my enemy. I want nothing --- and I mean nothing -- to do with you or what the right has become in this country.

The proliferation of fake news and propaganda outlets such as Breitbart and infowars has infected you guys like a virus. I've noticed on this site that every time I post an article about a Trump shitbagger behaving badly, you immediately CLICK WHIR into the same "it's a hoax" reaction. Do you really think that there's any reasoning with idiots like this? There isn't. You guys consume your hate from your sources all day, every day, you get your news from fake sources on facebook, and worse of all, you believe everything you're told. There is ZERO critical thinking on the right. Just knee jerk reactions like the good little muppets you are.

Just yesterday on this forum, a right wing degenerate piece of shit just wrote that he disagreed with officials saying that the problem with Islam won't be solved with killing. This rightwing cretin said that "Islam needs to be eradicated" and that "we can kill much faster than they can recruit." Do you think there's any reasoning with fascist scum like this? There isn't.

You guys have become so utterly full of hate that there can be no reasoning or reconciliation with your side. What's funny about that, is that none of the reasons why you hate the left, or liberals, or Hillary are even true. How do you reason with people who's hate is based on outright lies in the first place? You idiots were convinced that Hillary was "guilty" of numerous crimes, yet despite investigation and hearings, she hasn't been found guilty of anything. Yet you idiots think you know more than the officials conducting the investigations? This is the kind of idiocy the left has to deal with, and sadly, there is no "dealing" with it. It comes to a point where you guys are just not worth the effort. You're literally too fucking stupid to reason with or deal with.

It's over. Put the nails in the coffin. Your side electing a fascist demon WILL divide this country once and for all forever. And your side will have no one else to blame but yourselves.
Fuck off. This is a serious discussion. You are squarely the problem. That is you and your ilk of idiots.

^ And THAT is why we will remain divided. Listen, you authoritarian fuckwit -- you don't get to tell me how to communicate. Period. That was a serious post, and no one here has to conform to your "standards" of communication, which is basically code for saying only what you want to hear.
I had hoped to include rational voices here. I cannot help you because Hillary lost. When you rant, that is not something which considered in any conversation about healing and making the country whole again. It is in fact the antithesis of just that.

Stop being a prick. Grow up!

Once again you authoritarian fuck -- you don't get to tell me how to communicate, no matter how much every fascist fiber in your being wants to. You started this thread asking a question, and I answered. Those are my thoughts and what I think about your query. If you don't like it -- tough shit. Suck it up, snowflake. Or go run off to your safe space.

And get fucked about your "conversation about healing and making the country whole again." Who the fuck do you think you are? Shall I post some of your hate fueled posts you disingenuous twat? No one believes you are "sincere" about healing the country. You're one of the most divisive posters on this forum. Fucking hack. You fucking fraud.
No, it can not be fixed. This election showed me something I had never realized before in my life -- namely how vast the chasm is between the right and left. I always knew there was a difference, but never to this extent. The modern day conservative is so far away from progressives that they might as well be a different species of human entirely. When you vote for a fascist, a man who raped his first wife, a man who bragged about "grabbing pussy" because he's famous and can get away with it, a man who mocked the disabled, threatened to jail his political opponent, you are telling me that you are my enemy. I want nothing --- and I mean nothing -- to do with you or what the right has become in this country.

The proliferation of fake news and propaganda outlets such as Breitbart and infowars has infected you guys like a virus. I've noticed on this site that every time I post an article about a Trump shitbagger behaving badly, you immediately CLICK WHIR into the same "it's a hoax" reaction. Do you really think that there's any reasoning with idiots like this? There isn't. You guys consume your hate from your sources all day, every day, you get your news from fake sources on facebook, and worse of all, you believe everything you're told. There is ZERO critical thinking on the right. Just knee jerk reactions like the good little muppets you are.

Just yesterday on this forum, a right wing degenerate piece of shit just wrote that he disagreed with officials saying that the problem with Islam won't be solved with killing. This rightwing cretin said that "Islam needs to be eradicated" and that "we can kill much faster than they can recruit." Do you think there's any reasoning with fascist scum like this? There isn't.

You guys have become so utterly full of hate that there can be no reasoning or reconciliation with your side. What's funny about that, is that none of the reasons why you hate the left, or liberals, or Hillary are even true. How do you reason with people who's hate is based on outright lies in the first place? You idiots were convinced that Hillary was "guilty" of numerous crimes, yet despite investigation and hearings, she hasn't been found guilty of anything. Yet you idiots think you know more than the officials conducting the investigations? This is the kind of idiocy the left has to deal with, and sadly, there is no "dealing" with it. It comes to a point where you guys are just not worth the effort. You're literally too fucking stupid to reason with or deal with.

It's over. Put the nails in the coffin. Your side electing a fascist demon WILL divide this country once and for all forever. And your side will have no one else to blame but yourselves.
Fuck off. This is a serious discussion. You are squarely the problem. That is you and your ilk of idiots.

^ And THAT is why we will remain divided. Listen, you authoritarian fuckwit -- you don't get to tell me how to communicate. Period. That was a serious post, and no one here has to conform to your "standards" of communication, which is basically code for saying only what you want to hear.
I had hoped to include rational voices here. I cannot help you because Hillary lost. When you rant, that is not something which considered in any conversation about healing and making the country whole again. It is in fact the antithesis of just that.

Stop being a prick. Grow up!

Once again you authoritarian fuck -- you don't get to tell me how to communicate, no matter how much every fascist fiber in your being wants to. You started this thread asking a question, and I answered. Those are my thoughts and what I think about your query. If you don't like it -- tough shit. Suck it up, snowflake. Or go run off to your safe space.

And get fucked about your "conversation about healing and making the country whole again." Who the fuck do you think you are? Shall I post some of your hate fueled posts you disingenuous twat? No one believes you are "sincere" about healing the country. You're one of the most divisive posters on this forum. Fucking hack. You fucking fraud.
I am telling you that you are a prick, which is something that everyone you know already knows. There are few things clearer. Being crude does nothing at all to make a case to be anything but the low-life that you obviously are.

Fuck off punk!
No, it can not be fixed. This election showed me something I had never realized before in my life -- namely how vast the chasm is between the right and left. I always knew there was a difference, but never to this extent. The modern day conservative is so far away from progressives that they might as well be a different species of human entirely. When you vote for a fascist, a man who raped his first wife, a man who bragged about "grabbing pussy" because he's famous and can get away with it, a man who mocked the disabled, threatened to jail his political opponent, you are telling me that you are my enemy. I want nothing --- and I mean nothing -- to do with you or what the right has become in this country.

The proliferation of fake news and propaganda outlets such as Breitbart and infowars has infected you guys like a virus. I've noticed on this site that every time I post an article about a Trump shitbagger behaving badly, you immediately CLICK WHIR into the same "it's a hoax" reaction. Do you really think that there's any reasoning with idiots like this? There isn't. You guys consume your hate from your sources all day, every day, you get your news from fake sources on facebook, and worse of all, you believe everything you're told. There is ZERO critical thinking on the right. Just knee jerk reactions like the good little muppets you are.

Just yesterday on this forum, a right wing degenerate piece of shit just wrote that he disagreed with officials saying that the problem with Islam won't be solved with killing. This rightwing cretin said that "Islam needs to be eradicated" and that "we can kill much faster than they can recruit." Do you think there's any reasoning with fascist scum like this? There isn't.

You guys have become so utterly full of hate that there can be no reasoning or reconciliation with your side. What's funny about that, is that none of the reasons why you hate the left, or liberals, or Hillary are even true. How do you reason with people who's hate is based on outright lies in the first place? You idiots were convinced that Hillary was "guilty" of numerous crimes, yet despite investigation and hearings, she hasn't been found guilty of anything. Yet you idiots think you know more than the officials conducting the investigations? This is the kind of idiocy the left has to deal with, and sadly, there is no "dealing" with it. It comes to a point where you guys are just not worth the effort. You're literally too fucking stupid to reason with or deal with.

It's over. Put the nails in the coffin. Your side electing a fascist demon WILL divide this country once and for all forever. And your side will have no one else to blame but yourselves.
Fuck off. This is a serious discussion. You are squarely the problem. That is you and your ilk of idiots.

^ And THAT is why we will remain divided. Listen, you authoritarian fuckwit -- you don't get to tell me how to communicate. Period. That was a serious post, and no one here has to conform to your "standards" of communication, which is basically code for saying only what you want to hear.
I had hoped to include rational voices here. I cannot help you because Hillary lost. When you rant, that is not something which considered in any conversation about healing and making the country whole again. It is in fact the antithesis of just that.

Stop being a prick. Grow up!

Once again you authoritarian fuck -- you don't get to tell me how to communicate, no matter how much every fascist fiber in your being wants to. You started this thread asking a question, and I answered. Those are my thoughts and what I think about your query. If you don't like it -- tough shit. Suck it up, snowflake. Or go run off to your safe space.

And get fucked about your "conversation about healing and making the country whole again." Who the fuck do you think you are? Shall I post some of your hate fueled posts you disingenuous twat? No one believes you are "sincere" about healing the country. You're one of the most divisive posters on this forum. Fucking hack. You fucking fraud.

You forgot to compare him to Hitler.
No, it can not be fixed. This election showed me something I had never realized before in my life -- namely how vast the chasm is between the right and left. I always knew there was a difference, but never to this extent. The modern day conservative is so far away from progressives that they might as well be a different species of human entirely. When you vote for a fascist, a man who raped his first wife, a man who bragged about "grabbing pussy" because he's famous and can get away with it, a man who mocked the disabled, threatened to jail his political opponent, you are telling me that you are my enemy. I want nothing --- and I mean nothing -- to do with you or what the right has become in this country.

The proliferation of fake news and propaganda outlets such as Breitbart and infowars has infected you guys like a virus. I've noticed on this site that every time I post an article about a Trump shitbagger behaving badly, you immediately CLICK WHIR into the same "it's a hoax" reaction. Do you really think that there's any reasoning with idiots like this? There isn't. You guys consume your hate from your sources all day, every day, you get your news from fake sources on facebook, and worse of all, you believe everything you're told. There is ZERO critical thinking on the right. Just knee jerk reactions like the good little muppets you are.

Just yesterday on this forum, a right wing degenerate piece of shit just wrote that he disagreed with officials saying that the problem with Islam won't be solved with killing. This rightwing cretin said that "Islam needs to be eradicated" and that "we can kill much faster than they can recruit." Do you think there's any reasoning with fascist scum like this? There isn't.

You guys have become so utterly full of hate that there can be no reasoning or reconciliation with your side. What's funny about that, is that none of the reasons why you hate the left, or liberals, or Hillary are even true. How do you reason with people who's hate is based on outright lies in the first place? You idiots were convinced that Hillary was "guilty" of numerous crimes, yet despite investigation and hearings, she hasn't been found guilty of anything. Yet you idiots think you know more than the officials conducting the investigations? This is the kind of idiocy the left has to deal with, and sadly, there is no "dealing" with it. It comes to a point where you guys are just not worth the effort. You're literally too fucking stupid to reason with or deal with.

It's over. Put the nails in the coffin. Your side electing a fascist demon WILL divide this country once and for all forever. And your side will have no one else to blame but yourselves.
Fuck off. This is a serious discussion. You are squarely the problem. That is you and your ilk of idiots.

^ And THAT is why we will remain divided. Listen, you authoritarian fuckwit -- you don't get to tell me how to communicate. Period. That was a serious post, and no one here has to conform to your "standards" of communication, which is basically code for saying only what you want to hear.
I had hoped to include rational voices here. I cannot help you because Hillary lost. When you rant, that is not something which considered in any conversation about healing and making the country whole again. It is in fact the antithesis of just that.

Stop being a prick. Grow up!

Once again you authoritarian fuck -- you don't get to tell me how to communicate, no matter how much every fascist fiber in your being wants to. You started this thread asking a question, and I answered. Those are my thoughts and what I think about your query. If you don't like it -- tough shit. Suck it up, snowflake. Or go run off to your safe space.

And get fucked about your "conversation about healing and making the country whole again." Who the fuck do you think you are? Shall I post some of your hate fueled posts you disingenuous twat? No one believes you are "sincere" about healing the country. You're one of the most divisive posters on this forum. Fucking hack. You fucking fraud.
I am telling you that you are a prick, which is something that everyone you know already knows. There are few things clearer. Being crude does nothing at all to make a case to be anything but the low-life that you obviously are.

Fuck off punk!

LOL! You just can't resist, can you? Your authoritarian streak is strong, that's for sure. Attempting to control how others communicate until the bitter end, eh fascist?

I'd rather be a prick any day than a fucking fraud like you. Hack.
I can see things improving once Trump has had time to start fixing things.
I'd rather be a prick any day than a fucking fraud like you. Hack.
You are a prick. You've never had any choice in the matter. Seriously, stay out of dialogues that are over your head.

There isn't a single topic on this forum that's over my head, especially your disengenuous threads, but your attempt to silence me yet again is noted. Don't get mad at me because I saw right through your bullshit thread topic and called you out -- you fucking fraud.

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