Can any conservative answer this?

He isn't bought of? Maybe not, but I don't think being the person who does the buying of is actually an improvement.History of Donald Trump's political donations - Ballotpedia
As to your second bit. If you look for Trump to be the savior on national security it would be nice to actually have some indication he has any type of plan to address these issues.

I don't know that Trump will be a savior with national security, but I do know Hillary will be a complete failure with it.
Trump would give a green light to Russia to invade eastern Europe, does not understand why we can't use our nukes preemptively, has already alienated valued allies, is feared by national security experts for his utter ignorance of diplomacy and world affairs, but Clinton would be the "complete failure" Really Bubba?

Sure, because Obambi did so much to save Crimea.
What should he have done, General? Nuke them?

LOL, I are quite the "intellectual" aren't you? YOU brought up the Ukraine idiot. You allege that Trump would let it happen when Obambi already has. Are you really that stupid boy?
If Trump had been president, Putin would not have stopped at Crimea, it would have been all of eastern Europe and a threat to western Europe. Are you really that stupid? I ask you again, what should Obama have done?

And let me remind you and the other Trump goons here , this thread is about his taxes and his bullshit about wanting to reform the tax code against his greedy self interests, but you don't really want to talk about that, do you?
I don't know that Trump will be a savior with national security, but I do know Hillary will be a complete failure with it.
Trump would give a green light to Russia to invade eastern Europe, does not understand why we can't use our nukes preemptively, has already alienated valued allies, is feared by national security experts for his utter ignorance of diplomacy and world affairs, but Clinton would be the "complete failure" Really Bubba?

Sure, because Obambi did so much to save Crimea.
What should he have done, General? Nuke them?

LOL, I are quite the "intellectual" aren't you? YOU brought up the Ukraine idiot. You allege that Trump would let it happen when Obambi already has. Are you really that stupid boy?
If Trump had been president, Putin would not have stopped at Crimea, it would have been all of eastern Europe and a threat to western Europe. Are you really that stupid? I ask you again, what should Obama have done?

And let me remind you and the other Trump goons here , this thread is about his taxes and his bullshit about wanting to reform the tax code against his greedy self interests, but you don't really want to talk about that, do you?

If Trump had been president, Putin would not have stopped at Crimea

After Hillary's "reset button", why is Putin causing any trouble at all?

What did Obama mean when he said he could be "more flexible" after his re-election?

Spell it out for us.
Another mendacious.moron to be ignored

I'm right and you know it. Try China, you'll fit there Politically.
People like you NEED to ignore those who are your superiors.

WATCH: Chris Wallace DUMBFOUNDED As Chris Christie Calls Trump’s Tax Bombshell ‘A Good Story’ | Addicting Info | The Knowledge You Crave

With all due respect you just keep digging a deeper hole. Addicting Info?
As usual you lefty's need to believe that everyone is as stupid and in as much of lockstep as you people are. I don't much care for Trump, but I detest Hillary as a loathsome fucking human being with blood on her hands. I voted for Cruz.
What this Nation is witnessing is the complete repudiation of the status quo in the Republican Party.
The Republican Establishment has ignored their base once to often. They cannot win without Conservatives and we will not be ignored any longer.
Is Trump the answer? Nope.
But he isn't Hillary whom you worship....I can see it though, she hates this Nation as founded and so do you.

You deride Addicting Info, but it presented a interview in which Christie said some absurd shit? Was that made up? He is on camera! This thread is about Trump but none of you numb nuts who know that he is unfit for office can explain how the hell he is a better choice than Clinton. Instead, you just keep baselessly abusing Clinton. Trump supporters are not traditional conservative, they are radical Nationalists and racists.

I deride Addicting Info because it is nothing more than a Leftwing circle jerk. Who gives a shit about Christie?
Not me boy.
Clinton has earned every bitch slap she gets kid.
She is a murderous lying bitch with blood on her hands. You?
Kid all you do is act like a parrot and repeat every little thing that dribbles out of your leaders mouths.
He is a better choice because he ISN'T a part of the "establishment" and he ISN'T Hillary "I hate America" Clinton.
You black boy? Is that why you cry "racist" at every turn?
Black? Kid?? You really are stupid. I'm a 69 year old white guy who, unlike too many of my contemporaries have not fallen for the Trump lies and insanity. So you can rant on all you want about Clinton, it wont make Trump into presidential material. Nothing will.
I don't know that Trump will be a savior with national security, but I do know Hillary will be a complete failure with it.
Trump would give a green light to Russia to invade eastern Europe, does not understand why we can't use our nukes preemptively, has already alienated valued allies, is feared by national security experts for his utter ignorance of diplomacy and world affairs, but Clinton would be the "complete failure" Really Bubba?

Sure, because Obambi did so much to save Crimea.
What should he have done, General? Nuke them?

LOL, I are quite the "intellectual" aren't you? YOU brought up the Ukraine idiot. You allege that Trump would let it happen when Obambi already has. Are you really that stupid boy?
If Trump had been president, Putin would not have stopped at Crimea, it would have been all of eastern Europe and a threat to western Europe. Are you really that stupid? I ask you again, what should Obama have done?

And let me remind you and the other Trump goons here , this thread is about his taxes and his bullshit about wanting to reform the tax code against his greedy self interests, but you don't really want to talk about that, do you?

You brought it up dumbass, don't you feel stupid?
Fuck his taxes you dumbass, nobody but you children give a rats ass about them.

"If Trump had been president, Putin would not have stopped at Crimea, it would have been all of eastern Europe and a threat to western Europe."

Prove it, your word is shit here pal.
I'm right and you know it. Try China, you'll fit there Politically.
People like you NEED to ignore those who are your superiors.

WATCH: Chris Wallace DUMBFOUNDED As Chris Christie Calls Trump’s Tax Bombshell ‘A Good Story’ | Addicting Info | The Knowledge You Crave

With all due respect you just keep digging a deeper hole. Addicting Info?
As usual you lefty's need to believe that everyone is as stupid and in as much of lockstep as you people are. I don't much care for Trump, but I detest Hillary as a loathsome fucking human being with blood on her hands. I voted for Cruz.
What this Nation is witnessing is the complete repudiation of the status quo in the Republican Party.
The Republican Establishment has ignored their base once to often. They cannot win without Conservatives and we will not be ignored any longer.
Is Trump the answer? Nope.
But he isn't Hillary whom you worship....I can see it though, she hates this Nation as founded and so do you.

You deride Addicting Info, but it presented a interview in which Christie said some absurd shit? Was that made up? He is on camera! This thread is about Trump but none of you numb nuts who know that he is unfit for office can explain how the hell he is a better choice than Clinton. Instead, you just keep baselessly abusing Clinton. Trump supporters are not traditional conservative, they are radical Nationalists and racists.

I deride Addicting Info because it is nothing more than a Leftwing circle jerk. Who gives a shit about Christie?
Not me boy.
Clinton has earned every bitch slap she gets kid.
She is a murderous lying bitch with blood on her hands. You?
Kid all you do is act like a parrot and repeat every little thing that dribbles out of your leaders mouths.
He is a better choice because he ISN'T a part of the "establishment" and he ISN'T Hillary "I hate America" Clinton.
You black boy? Is that why you cry "racist" at every turn?
Black? Kid?? You really are stupid. I'm a 69 year old white guy who, unlike too many of my contemporaries have not fallen for the Trump lies and insanity. So you can rant on all you want about Clinton, it wont make Trump into presidential material. Nothing will.

You are nothing but a stupid fuck who is anti American to the point you will suck Hillary's dick to get EVERY drop of ameriphobic jizz you can.
Trump would give a green light to Russia to invade eastern Europe, does not understand why we can't use our nukes preemptively, has already alienated valued allies, is feared by national security experts for his utter ignorance of diplomacy and world affairs, but Clinton would be the "complete failure" Really Bubba?

Sure, because Obambi did so much to save Crimea.
What should he have done, General? Nuke them?

LOL, I are quite the "intellectual" aren't you? YOU brought up the Ukraine idiot. You allege that Trump would let it happen when Obambi already has. Are you really that stupid boy?
If Trump had been president, Putin would not have stopped at Crimea, it would have been all of eastern Europe and a threat to western Europe. Are you really that stupid? I ask you again, what should Obama have done?

And let me remind you and the other Trump goons here , this thread is about his taxes and his bullshit about wanting to reform the tax code against his greedy self interests, but you don't really want to talk about that, do you?

If Trump had been president, Putin would not have stopped at Crimea

After Hillary's "reset button", why is Putin causing any trouble at all?

What did Obama mean when he said he could be "more flexible" after his re-election?

Spell it out for us.
Answer the fucking question already. For the 3rd time , what should Obama have done about Crimea.? You don't have an answer like you don't have an answer about anything so you have to continue to deflect with senseless blathering about Clinton.
Sure, because Obambi did so much to save Crimea.
What should he have done, General? Nuke them?

LOL, I are quite the "intellectual" aren't you? YOU brought up the Ukraine idiot. You allege that Trump would let it happen when Obambi already has. Are you really that stupid boy?
If Trump had been president, Putin would not have stopped at Crimea, it would have been all of eastern Europe and a threat to western Europe. Are you really that stupid? I ask you again, what should Obama have done?

And let me remind you and the other Trump goons here , this thread is about his taxes and his bullshit about wanting to reform the tax code against his greedy self interests, but you don't really want to talk about that, do you?

If Trump had been president, Putin would not have stopped at Crimea

After Hillary's "reset button", why is Putin causing any trouble at all?

What did Obama mean when he said he could be "more flexible" after his re-election?

Spell it out for us.
Answer the fucking question already. For the 3rd time , what should Obama have done about Crimea.? You don't have an answer like you don't have an answer about anything so you have to continue to deflect with senseless blathering about Clinton.

You stupid fuck, you whine about what Trump MIGHT do and ignore what your Magic Negro DIDN'T do.
You are the one deflecting asshole. You just aren't up to this boy.

With all due respect you just keep digging a deeper hole. Addicting Info?
As usual you lefty's need to believe that everyone is as stupid and in as much of lockstep as you people are. I don't much care for Trump, but I detest Hillary as a loathsome fucking human being with blood on her hands. I voted for Cruz.
What this Nation is witnessing is the complete repudiation of the status quo in the Republican Party.
The Republican Establishment has ignored their base once to often. They cannot win without Conservatives and we will not be ignored any longer.
Is Trump the answer? Nope.
But he isn't Hillary whom you worship....I can see it though, she hates this Nation as founded and so do you.

You deride Addicting Info, but it presented a interview in which Christie said some absurd shit? Was that made up? He is on camera! This thread is about Trump but none of you numb nuts who know that he is unfit for office can explain how the hell he is a better choice than Clinton. Instead, you just keep baselessly abusing Clinton. Trump supporters are not traditional conservative, they are radical Nationalists and racists.

I deride Addicting Info because it is nothing more than a Leftwing circle jerk. Who gives a shit about Christie?
Not me boy.
Clinton has earned every bitch slap she gets kid.
She is a murderous lying bitch with blood on her hands. You?
Kid all you do is act like a parrot and repeat every little thing that dribbles out of your leaders mouths.
He is a better choice because he ISN'T a part of the "establishment" and he ISN'T Hillary "I hate America" Clinton.
You black boy? Is that why you cry "racist" at every turn?
Black? Kid?? You really are stupid. I'm a 69 year old white guy who, unlike too many of my contemporaries have not fallen for the Trump lies and insanity. So you can rant on all you want about Clinton, it wont make Trump into presidential material. Nothing will.

You are nothing but a stupid fuck who is anti American to the point you will suck Hillary's dick to get EVERY drop of ameriphobic jizz you can.
You're really coming unhinged here! You have to call me names and question my patriotism while spitting all over yourself and flailing around like a spastic mental defective. It's a bitch to be loosing and to feel helpless while it happens. Too fucking bad!
You know what I find funny about all these tax stories. Trump claims when he gets elected he will fix the tax code, which has clearly benefitted him and his ilk. His surrogates call him a genius when it comes out he didn't pay his fair, or more likely any share of his due. So tell me conservatives why do you guys feel. One he represents the average man and two do you truly believe he'll do anything to harm his own bottom line if he gets elected?Trump’s Claim of $916 Million Loss Shows He’s a ‘Genius’: Rudy Giuliani
You do realize it's the career politician that has fucked up the tax code? You progressives are enabler's
What should he have done, General? Nuke them?

LOL, I are quite the "intellectual" aren't you? YOU brought up the Ukraine idiot. You allege that Trump would let it happen when Obambi already has. Are you really that stupid boy?
If Trump had been president, Putin would not have stopped at Crimea, it would have been all of eastern Europe and a threat to western Europe. Are you really that stupid? I ask you again, what should Obama have done?

And let me remind you and the other Trump goons here , this thread is about his taxes and his bullshit about wanting to reform the tax code against his greedy self interests, but you don't really want to talk about that, do you?

If Trump had been president, Putin would not have stopped at Crimea

After Hillary's "reset button", why is Putin causing any trouble at all?

What did Obama mean when he said he could be "more flexible" after his re-election?

Spell it out for us.
Answer the fucking question already. For the 3rd time , what should Obama have done about Crimea.? You don't have an answer like you don't have an answer about anything so you have to continue to deflect with senseless blathering about Clinton.

You stupid fuck, you whine about what Trump MIGHT do and ignore what your Magic Negro DIDN'T do.
You are the one deflecting asshole. You just aren't up to this boy.
LOL, I are quite the "intellectual" aren't you? YOU brought up the Ukraine idiot. You allege that Trump would let it happen when Obambi already has. Are you really that stupid boy?
If Trump had been president, Putin would not have stopped at Crimea, it would have been all of eastern Europe and a threat to western Europe. Are you really that stupid? I ask you again, what should Obama have done?

And let me remind you and the other Trump goons here , this thread is about his taxes and his bullshit about wanting to reform the tax code against his greedy self interests, but you don't really want to talk about that, do you?

If Trump had been president, Putin would not have stopped at Crimea

After Hillary's "reset button", why is Putin causing any trouble at all?

What did Obama mean when he said he could be "more flexible" after his re-election?

Spell it out for us.
Answer the fucking question already. For the 3rd time , what should Obama have done about Crimea.? You don't have an answer like you don't have an answer about anything so you have to continue to deflect with senseless blathering about Clinton.

You stupid fuck, you whine about what Trump MIGHT do and ignore what your Magic Negro DIDN'T do.
You are the one deflecting asshole. You just aren't up to this boy.

Why didn't your "Magic Negro" do anything asshole?
You need to start in a kindergarten board boy because you aren't up to this one.
If Trump had been president, Putin would not have stopped at Crimea, it would have been all of eastern Europe and a threat to western Europe. Are you really that stupid? I ask you again, what should Obama have done?

And let me remind you and the other Trump goons here , this thread is about his taxes and his bullshit about wanting to reform the tax code against his greedy self interests, but you don't really want to talk about that, do you?

If Trump had been president, Putin would not have stopped at Crimea

After Hillary's "reset button", why is Putin causing any trouble at all?

What did Obama mean when he said he could be "more flexible" after his re-election?

Spell it out for us.
Answer the fucking question already. For the 3rd time , what should Obama have done about Crimea.? You don't have an answer like you don't have an answer about anything so you have to continue to deflect with senseless blathering about Clinton.

You stupid fuck, you whine about what Trump MIGHT do and ignore what your Magic Negro DIDN'T do.
You are the one deflecting asshole. You just aren't up to this boy.

Why didn't your "Magic Negro" do anything asshole?
You need to start in a kindergarten board boy because you aren't up to this one.

You're such a moron that you fail to see that your inability to articulate what you think Obama SHOULD have done demonstrates your profound stupidity.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
If Trump had been president, Putin would not have stopped at Crimea

After Hillary's "reset button", why is Putin causing any trouble at all?

What did Obama mean when he said he could be "more flexible" after his re-election?

Spell it out for us.
Answer the fucking question already. For the 3rd time , what should Obama have done about Crimea.? You don't have an answer like you don't have an answer about anything so you have to continue to deflect with senseless blathering about Clinton.

You stupid fuck, you whine about what Trump MIGHT do and ignore what your Magic Negro DIDN'T do.
You are the one deflecting asshole. You just aren't up to this boy.

Why didn't your "Magic Negro" do anything asshole?
You need to start in a kindergarten board boy because you aren't up to this one.

You're such a moron that you fail to see that your inability to articulate what you think Obama SHOULD have done demonstrates your profound stupidity.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You are truly a mental midget pop.
What would you have TRUMP do to stop Putin?

I feel sorry for you.
You know what I find funny about all these tax stories. Trump claims when he gets elected he will fix the tax code, which has clearly benefitted him and his ilk. His surrogates call him a genius when it comes out he didn't pay his fair, or more likely any share of his due. So tell me conservatives why do you guys feel. One he represents the average man and two do you truly believe he'll do anything to harm his own bottom line if he gets elected?Trump’s Claim of $916 Million Loss Shows He’s a ‘Genius’: Rudy Giuliani

Wow! What a disjointed rambling question! I'll try to answer what I can make out of your question.

1. There isn't anything funny or strange about Trump fixing the tax code. Just because he used it to his advantage as a businessman, doesn't mean he doesn't think it's a problem.

2. Unless he broke the law, he paid his fair share of taxes. If you think that he can legally pay less but not morally, then you should be with him on fixing the tax code.

3. No one thinks he represents the average man, but they do think he will help the average man.

4. What bottom line are you talking about?
You are probably right that the question was a bit disjointed, I do apologize for any confusion. I don't put out a lot of OP's since I know I have a tendency to ramble a bit. Now to the point.
1. I think it is funny to expect someone who actually has an interest in keeping the status quo in regards to the tax code, to actually change it. Especially since all indications, for instance the fact that he isn't planning to put his business interests into a blind holding point to someone who is fully planning to make full use of his potential status as leader of the free world to his personal benefit.
2. I would be with him if it is actually believable he would actually do so.
3. Then the question would be. Why do you think he will help the average man?Since again, his interests and those of the average man are not the same and in most cases are diametrical opposed.
4. His bottom line is, his personal pocket, since he makes a point of mentioning he's an extremely successful businessman every 2 minutes.

You assume quite a bit that isn't true. Your argument is a straw man.

1. Like businessmen do, he takes full advantage of the rules. He's not required to think about if the rules are good for the country as a whole. As president his priorities change.
2. You have a prejudice against him.
3. You asked for "conservatives" not necessarily Trump fans. I'm a conservative who will vote for Trump because Hillary would be a train wreck. I can't tell you why Trump supporters think he will help the average guy. Perhaps by bringing jobs back.
4. Why do you think that what he does as POTUS should hurt his bottom line?
1.My assumptions aren't taking out of thin air. For instance it has been documented that Trump has used donor money to line his own pockets.5 Ways Donald Trump Is Making Money Off His Own Campaign. I'm pretty sure this isn't illegal but it's pretty clearly unethical and gives a clear indication that at least as a candidate he sees his loyalty in the first place still to his business and not to the donors. What makes you think this will change?
2. I readily agree I'm prejudiced. Guess what so are you. And my original point still stands. It is totally unbelievable that Trump will change the tax code so it's less advantageous for his business, which after all will be run by his sons and daughter in his absence.
3. We don't need to discuss this. Since you say you can't answer the question. No problem, I'm guessing this question is something that Trump supporters themselves would have a hard time answering.
4. This goes right back to the original point. Trump has clearly benefitted from the current tax code, yet he claims he will change it, if he does his interests (profits) will be hurt. So he won't do it.
  • Reduce taxes across-the-board, especially for working and middle-income Americans.
  • Ensure the rich will pay their fair share, but no one will pay so much that it destroys jobs or undermines our ability to compete.
  • Eliminate special interest loopholes, make our business tax rate more competitive to keep jobs in America, create new opportunities and revitalize our economy.
I've taken this right of his site. Tell me, after what happened today, why would he actually do this?

1. That's irrelevant, it has nothing to do with his taxes.
2. Why do you think that fixing the tax code is automatically going to be bad for business? That is your prejudice and it leads you to poor judgement.
4. Again your prejudice makes you speak nonsense. Who says the rich don't pay their fair share? Only left wing nut jobs. That has been debunked here multiple times. And how does reducing taxes for middle income people hurt Trump's business. Likely, just the opposite. I fail to see how anything you posted shows where his business will be hurt.

As far as his taxes go, unless you have voluntarily and intentionally paid more taxes than you actually owe, you have no room to talk about Trump.
Answer the fucking question already. For the 3rd time , what should Obama have done about Crimea.? You don't have an answer like you don't have an answer about anything so you have to continue to deflect with senseless blathering about Clinton.

You stupid fuck, you whine about what Trump MIGHT do and ignore what your Magic Negro DIDN'T do.
You are the one deflecting asshole. You just aren't up to this boy.

Why didn't your "Magic Negro" do anything asshole?
You need to start in a kindergarten board boy because you aren't up to this one.

You're such a moron that you fail to see that your inability to articulate what you think Obama SHOULD have done demonstrates your profound stupidity.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You are truly a mental midget pop.
What would you have TRUMP do to stop Putin?

I feel sorry for you.
You feel sorry for me?? :bang3::bang3::bang3: YOU still will not explain what Obama should have done about the invasion of Crimea while deriding him for allowing it. That is truly moronic and pathetic!

You deflect by asking what I would have Trump do? The fact is that neither Obama nor Trump could do anything short of a military confrontation and I would hope that even you are smart enough to see the down side of that .

Bottom line, Obama and Clinton known how to discourage and inhibit further aggression and hegemony through a projection of strength and unity with allies while Trump would embolden and even encourage Putin. So :anj_stfu::anj_stfu::anj_stfu::anj_stfu:
You stupid fuck, you whine about what Trump MIGHT do and ignore what your Magic Negro DIDN'T do.
You are the one deflecting asshole. You just aren't up to this boy.

Why didn't your "Magic Negro" do anything asshole?
You need to start in a kindergarten board boy because you aren't up to this one.

You're such a moron that you fail to see that your inability to articulate what you think Obama SHOULD have done demonstrates your profound stupidity.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You are truly a mental midget pop.
What would you have TRUMP do to stop Putin?

I feel sorry for you.
You feel sorry for me?? :bang3::bang3::bang3: YOU still will not explain what Obama should have done about the invasion of Crimea while deriding him for allowing it. That is truly moronic and pathetic!

You deflect by asking what I would have Trump do? The fact is that neither Obama nor Trump could do anything short of a military confrontation and I would hope that even you are smart enough to see the down side of that .

Bottom line, Obama and Clinton known how to discourage and inhibit further aggression and hegemony through a projection of strength and unity with allies while Trump would embolden and even encourage Putin. So :anj_stfu::anj_stfu::anj_stfu::anj_stfu:

Now I'm laughing at you.
YOU are worried about what Trump WOULDN'T do and can't say what The Magic Negro SHOULD have done and blame ME for not answering the question YOU refuse to answer.
You are nothing more than a mental child.

"Trump would embolden and even encourage Putin"

Prove this or go play with the children old man ;)
You aren't even sporting pop.
I eat idiots like you for lunch.

Why didn't your "Magic Negro" do anything asshole?
You need to start in a kindergarten board boy because you aren't up to this one.

You're such a moron that you fail to see that your inability to articulate what you think Obama SHOULD have done demonstrates your profound stupidity.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You are truly a mental midget pop.
What would you have TRUMP do to stop Putin?

I feel sorry for you.
You feel sorry for me?? :bang3::bang3::bang3: YOU still will not explain what Obama should have done about the invasion of Crimea while deriding him for allowing it. That is truly moronic and pathetic!

You deflect by asking what I would have Trump do? The fact is that neither Obama nor Trump could do anything short of a military confrontation and I would hope that even you are smart enough to see the down side of that .

Bottom line, Obama and Clinton known how to discourage and inhibit further aggression and hegemony through a projection of strength and unity with allies while Trump would embolden and even encourage Putin. So :anj_stfu::anj_stfu::anj_stfu::anj_stfu:

Now I'm laughing at you.
YOU are worried about what Trump WOULDN'T do and can't say what The Magic Negro SHOULD have done and blame ME for not answering the question YOU refuse to answer.
You are nothing more than a mental child.

"Trump would embolden and even encourage Putin"

Prove this or go play with the children old man ;)
You aren't even sporting pop.
I eat idiots like you for lunch.

WHAT??? I won't say what Obama should do? Moron! I just did! If you do not know how Trump is in bed with Putin, you are even more ignorant than I thought.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Why didn't your "Magic Negro" do anything asshole?
You need to start in a kindergarten board boy because you aren't up to this one.

You're such a moron that you fail to see that your inability to articulate what you think Obama SHOULD have done demonstrates your profound stupidity.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You are truly a mental midget pop.
What would you have TRUMP do to stop Putin?

I feel sorry for you.
You feel sorry for me?? :bang3::bang3::bang3: YOU still will not explain what Obama should have done about the invasion of Crimea while deriding him for allowing it. That is truly moronic and pathetic!

You deflect by asking what I would have Trump do? The fact is that neither Obama nor Trump could do anything short of a military confrontation and I would hope that even you are smart enough to see the down side of that .

Bottom line, Obama and Clinton known how to discourage and inhibit further aggression and hegemony through a projection of strength and unity with allies while Trump would embolden and even encourage Putin. So :anj_stfu::anj_stfu::anj_stfu::anj_stfu:

Now I'm laughing at you.
YOU are worried about what Trump WOULDN'T do and can't say what The Magic Negro SHOULD have done and blame ME for not answering the question YOU refuse to answer.
You are nothing more than a mental child.

"Trump would embolden and even encourage Putin"

Prove this or go play with the children old man ;)
You aren't even sporting pop.
I eat idiots like you for lunch.

WHAT??? I won't say what Obama should do? Moron! I just did! If you do not know how Trump is in bed with Putin, you are even more ignorant than I thought.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

So if your Magic Negro and Trump could ONLY do the same thing what the fuck are you crying about?
God you are an idiot.
You're such a moron that you fail to see that your inability to articulate what you think Obama SHOULD have done demonstrates your profound stupidity.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

You are truly a mental midget pop.
What would you have TRUMP do to stop Putin?

I feel sorry for you.
You feel sorry for me?? :bang3::bang3::bang3: YOU still will not explain what Obama should have done about the invasion of Crimea while deriding him for allowing it. That is truly moronic and pathetic!

You deflect by asking what I would have Trump do? The fact is that neither Obama nor Trump could do anything short of a military confrontation and I would hope that even you are smart enough to see the down side of that .

Bottom line, Obama and Clinton known how to discourage and inhibit further aggression and hegemony through a projection of strength and unity with allies while Trump would embolden and even encourage Putin. So :anj_stfu::anj_stfu::anj_stfu::anj_stfu:

Now I'm laughing at you.
YOU are worried about what Trump WOULDN'T do and can't say what The Magic Negro SHOULD have done and blame ME for not answering the question YOU refuse to answer.
You are nothing more than a mental child.

"Trump would embolden and even encourage Putin"

Prove this or go play with the children old man ;)
You aren't even sporting pop.
I eat idiots like you for lunch.

WHAT??? I won't say what Obama should do? Moron! I just did! If you do not know how Trump is in bed with Putin, you are even more ignorant than I thought.

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So if your Magic Negro and Trump could ONLY do the same thing what the fuck are you crying about?
God you are an idiot.

Get the fuck out of here. You wasting my time.

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You are truly a mental midget pop.
What would you have TRUMP do to stop Putin?

I feel sorry for you.
You feel sorry for me?? :bang3::bang3::bang3: YOU still will not explain what Obama should have done about the invasion of Crimea while deriding him for allowing it. That is truly moronic and pathetic!

You deflect by asking what I would have Trump do? The fact is that neither Obama nor Trump could do anything short of a military confrontation and I would hope that even you are smart enough to see the down side of that .

Bottom line, Obama and Clinton known how to discourage and inhibit further aggression and hegemony through a projection of strength and unity with allies while Trump would embolden and even encourage Putin. So :anj_stfu::anj_stfu::anj_stfu::anj_stfu:

Now I'm laughing at you.
YOU are worried about what Trump WOULDN'T do and can't say what The Magic Negro SHOULD have done and blame ME for not answering the question YOU refuse to answer.
You are nothing more than a mental child.

"Trump would embolden and even encourage Putin"

Prove this or go play with the children old man ;)
You aren't even sporting pop.
I eat idiots like you for lunch.

WHAT??? I won't say what Obama should do? Moron! I just did! If you do not know how Trump is in bed with Putin, you are even more ignorant than I thought.

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So if your Magic Negro and Trump could ONLY do the same thing what the fuck are you crying about?
God you are an idiot.

Get the fuck out of here. You wasting my time.

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I own your ass, you are too stupid to even know what an idiot you are.

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