Can any conservative answer this?

You know what I find funny about all these tax stories. Trump claims when he gets elected he will fix the tax code, which has clearly benefitted him and his ilk. His surrogates call him a genius when it comes out he didn't pay his fair, or more likely any share of his due. So tell me conservatives why do you guys feel. One he represents the average man and two do you truly believe he'll do anything to harm his own bottom line if he gets elected?Trump’s Claim of $916 Million Loss Shows He’s a ‘Genius’: Rudy Giuliani

What is the "average man"? Do you mean middle class? Over the past 8 years, the average man has seen his take home pay diminish. Question you need to be asking is what is Clinton going to do to change that.
You know what I find funny about all these tax stories. Trump claims when he gets elected he will fix the tax code, which has clearly benefitted him and his ilk. His surrogates call him a genius when it comes out he didn't pay his fair, or more likely any share of his due. So tell me conservatives why do you guys feel. One he represents the average man and two do you truly believe he'll do anything to harm his own bottom line if he gets elected?Trump’s Claim of $916 Million Loss Shows He’s a ‘Genius’: Rudy Giuliani
Where do you get your information? Do you prepare Trump's taxes? Are you in the inner circle and blowing the whistle?
The New York Times.
Liberal rag who will pay for releasing Trump's tax information. What laws did Trump break, Judge?
I suspect there is about as much chance of Trump changing a tax code that has benefited some greatly as there is Hillary Clinton going after Wall Street that has benefited the Clintons so much namely what the Clintons got paid for those Wall Street speeches. Like Trumps taxes nothing illegal about those speeches but does anyone really think Hillary will bite the hand that paid her so well.
Actually, 50% of Americans pay zero federal income taxes and many get a sizeable refund of other people's money.
You don't think there is a difference between your average household who pays no federal income tax and someone like Trump paying none? And again where is the incentive for Trump to change anything?

Not really. I own a small corporation and I sent my daughter to colleged to become a tax attorney and CPA for the express purpose of looking after the family business in tax consequence. Any individual who pays zero taxes themselves yet receives a refund of someone else's money is a leech.
You know what I find funny about all these tax stories. Trump claims when he gets elected he will fix the tax code, which has clearly benefitted him and his ilk. His surrogates call him a genius when it comes out he didn't pay his fair, or more likely any share of his due. So tell me conservatives why do you guys feel. One he represents the average man and two do you truly believe he'll do anything to harm his own bottom line if he gets elected?Trump’s Claim of $916 Million Loss Shows He’s a ‘Genius’: Rudy Giuliani

when it comes out he didn't pay his fair, or more likely any share of his due.

I haven't seen, and you haven't shown, any evidence of these claims.
The simple fact that Trump or his surrogates are not willing to deny the fact that he didn't pay taxes, even when during the debate Hillary makes an issue of it. When this article comes out, his surrogates didn't deny him not paying income taxes, in fact they made it an achievement and the fact that he doesn't want to release his tax returns. This all points to one conclusion. In a court of law this would be called circumstantial evidence but this is a forum and my evidence for my assertions, which if you read my OP correctly is also how I put it. Is based on way more evidence as such things as the whole birther issue and countless other OP's I've seen on USMB. So you can try to play 2 bit lawyer but in fact my assertion is actually very likely.

The simple fact that Trump or his surrogates are not willing to deny the fact that he didn't pay taxes

If he didn't owe taxes, why would he pay taxes?

In a court of law this would be called circumstantial evidence

Evidence of what?

but in fact my assertion is actually very likely.

Which assertion?
If he didn't owe taxes, why would he pay taxes?
This comes down to my first "fair share". If someone is like he claims a multi billionaire " fair share seems more then zero.

Evidence of what?
when it comes out he didn't pay his fair, or more likely any share of his due.
Which assertion?
when it comes out he didn't pay his fair, or more likely any share of his due.
This feels like deja vue. I answer your post and you answer with the same question.
If I want to see someone playing at ignorant, I'll just go on youtube and watch a Trump rally.
You know what I find funny about all these tax stories. Trump claims when he gets elected he will fix the tax code, which has clearly benefitted him and his ilk. His surrogates call him a genius when it comes out he didn't pay his fair, or more likely any share of his due. So tell me conservatives why do you guys feel. One he represents the average man and two do you truly believe he'll do anything to harm his own bottom line if he gets elected?Trump’s Claim of $916 Million Loss Shows He’s a ‘Genius’: Rudy Giuliani

What exactly is your question? Should Trump pay more than he is supposed to? He pays his taxes just like anyone else, according to what the tax laws say we pay.

Do you think Trump has been outsmarting the IRS on taxes?
I hope this election comes down to exposing the 75,000 page TAX CODE. 5 weeks is not enough time to dumb it down to the level required.

I was un-aware you could have "a loss" stretch out over 20 years? huh? doubtful. More leftist desperation...........smells like Al Shartounge in here.
You know what I find funny about all these tax stories. Trump claims when he gets elected he will fix the tax code, which has clearly benefitted him and his ilk. His surrogates call him a genius when it comes out he didn't pay his fair, or more likely any share of his due. So tell me conservatives why do you guys feel. One he represents the average man and two do you truly believe he'll do anything to harm his own bottom line if he gets elected?Trump’s Claim of $916 Million Loss Shows He’s a ‘Genius’: Rudy Giuliani

What exactly is your question? Should Trump pay more than he is supposed to? He pays his taxes just like anyone else, according to what the tax laws say we pay.

Do you think Trump has been outsmarting the IRS on taxes?
I put my 2 questions very clearly I think.
1- Why do you feel and this is something he says he is. An outsider, someone who will represent the average American since he's not part of the political establishment. When it's very clear that the tax code as it is greatly benefits him?
2- Why do you feel, if he gets elected he will, again like he claims will change that same tax code?
What is a loss? You buy $10Bil worth of buildings and Gerald Ford causes "the market" to collapse 20% so you have now "lost" $2Bil?

I did not see a box on 1040 to put down Housing Value lost to me?

Tough titty.........said the kitty.

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Actually, 50% of Americans pay zero federal income taxes and many get a sizeable refund of other people's money.
You don't think there is a difference between your average household who pays no federal income tax and someone like Trump paying none? And again where is the incentive for Trump to change anything?

Not really. I own a small corporation and I sent my daughter to colleged to become a tax attorney and CPA for the express purpose of looking after the family business in tax consequence. Any individual who pays zero taxes themselves yet receives a refund of someone else's money is a leech.
I'm willing to go into that statement but it would more than likely completely derail the OP .
Actually, 50% of Americans pay zero federal income taxes and many get a sizeable refund of other people's money.
You don't think there is a difference between your average household who pays no federal income tax and someone like Trump paying none? And again where is the incentive for Trump to change anything?

Not really. I own a small corporation and I sent my daughter to colleged to become a tax attorney and CPA for the express purpose of looking after the family business in tax consequence. Any individual who pays zero taxes themselves yet receives a refund of someone else's money is a leech.
I'm willing to go into that statement but it would more than likely completely derail the OP .

The OP is a fail anyway. Here's what you should be concerned about: Actually, what worries me to no end is that if Hillary can rig the election in such a way as to get herself elected, that would set Bill up running free in the White House whenever some little middle school or younger age group of little girls get to visit the White House on a field trip. That should keep some parents awake at night.
You know what I find funny about all these tax stories. Trump claims when he gets elected he will fix the tax code, which has clearly benefitted him and his ilk. His surrogates call him a genius when it comes out he didn't pay his fair, or more likely any share of his due. So tell me conservatives why do you guys feel. One he represents the average man and two do you truly believe he'll do anything to harm his own bottom line if he gets elected?
Dimdupes assume he won't help effect changes to the tax code because their handlers don't want them to. If he knows what's broken maybe he will. I don't hear ANY Democrats say anything is broken, only that Trump is uniquely guilty because he's a Republican running for high office.

I don't base my thoughts on feelings, unlike liberals. I hope he fixes some things and I've heard nothing from Hillary even lean in that direction. Rich Dems use the same laws and codes.

The odd thing here is that many liberals just discovered what has been common knowledge for a very long time.
Actually, 50% of Americans pay zero federal income taxes and many get a sizeable refund of other people's money.
You don't think there is a difference between your average household who pays no federal income tax and someone like Trump paying none? And again where is the incentive for Trump to change anything?

Not really. I own a small corporation and I sent my daughter to colleged to become a tax attorney and CPA for the express purpose of looking after the family business in tax consequence. Any individual who pays zero taxes themselves yet receives a refund of someone else's money is a leech.
I'm willing to go into that statement but it would more than likely completely derail the OP .
No, it would highlight your ignorance. The more you talk the more obvious it is that you are clueless about taxes.
You know what I find funny about all these tax stories. Trump claims when he gets elected he will fix the tax code, which has clearly benefitted him and his ilk. His surrogates call him a genius when it comes out he didn't pay his fair, or more likely any share of his due. So tell me conservatives why do you guys feel. One he represents the average man and two do you truly believe he'll do anything to harm his own bottom line if he gets elected?Trump’s Claim of $916 Million Loss Shows He’s a ‘Genius’: Rudy Giuliani

What exactly is your question? Should Trump pay more than he is supposed to? He pays his taxes just like anyone else, according to what the tax laws say we pay.

Do you think Trump has been outsmarting the IRS on taxes?
I put my 2 questions very clearly I think.
1- Why do you feel and this is something he says he is. An outsider, someone who will represent the average American since he's not part of the political establishment. When it's very clear that the tax code as it is greatly benefits him?
2- Why do you feel, if he gets elected he will, again like he claims will change that same tax code?

He's not in politics at all, that's why he is an outsider. He isn't bought off already like everyone else.

I personally don't give to much thought about the tax code. If he and Congress change it, great. But we have bigger issues like Islamists blowing people up and our trade policies, and we need to get out of the Middle East and stop the course we are on to war with Russia.
Actually, 50% of Americans pay zero federal income taxes and many get a sizeable refund of other people's money.
You don't think there is a difference between your average household who pays no federal income tax and someone like Trump paying none? And again where is the incentive for Trump to change anything?

Not really. I own a small corporation and I sent my daughter to colleged to become a tax attorney and CPA for the express purpose of looking after the family business in tax consequence. Any individual who pays zero taxes themselves yet receives a refund of someone else's money is a leech.
I'm willing to go into that statement but it would more than likely completely derail the OP .

The OP is a fail anyway. Here's what you should be concerned about: Actually, what worries me to no end is that if Hillary can rig the election in such a way as to get herself elected, that would set Bill up running free in the White House whenever some little middle school or younger age group of little girls get to visit the White House on a field trip. That should keep some parents awake at night.
Lol, until a minute ago I actually thought you were at least somewhat normal. This post proves that you are incapable of actually rationally defending your viewpoint. It's the same tactic as Trump uses. You put out a random nonsensical accusation and hope it sticks. I know that Trump makes this kind of behavior acceptable but I for one don't think it's helpful for any of the problems the US and the world faces today. I wish you a goodnight, but i'd suggest changing your handle since human decency doesn't seem to be your strong suit.
You know what I find funny about all these tax stories. Trump claims when he gets elected he will fix the tax code, which has clearly benefitted him and his ilk. His surrogates call him a genius when it comes out he didn't pay his fair, or more likely any share of his due. So tell me conservatives why do you guys feel. One he represents the average man and two do you truly believe he'll do anything to harm his own bottom line if he gets elected?Trump’s Claim of $916 Million Loss Shows He’s a ‘Genius’: Rudy Giuliani

What exactly is your question? Should Trump pay more than he is supposed to? He pays his taxes just like anyone else, according to what the tax laws say we pay.

Do you think Trump has been outsmarting the IRS on taxes?
I put my 2 questions very clearly I think.
1- Why do you feel and this is something he says he is. An outsider, someone who will represent the average American since he's not part of the political establishment. When it's very clear that the tax code as it is greatly benefits him?
2- Why do you feel, if he gets elected he will, again like he claims will change that same tax code?

He's not in politics at all, that's why he is an outsider. He isn't bought off already like everyone else.

I personally don't give to much thought about the tax code. If he and Congress change it, great. But we have bigger issues like Islamists blowing people up and our trade policies, and we need to get out of the Middle East and stop the course we are on to war with Russia.
He isn't bought of? Maybe not, but I don't think being the person who does the buying of is actually an improvement.History of Donald Trump's political donations - Ballotpedia
As to your second bit. If you look for Trump to be the savior on national security it would be nice to actually have some indication he has any type of plan to address these issues.
You know what I find funny about all these tax stories. Trump claims when he gets elected he will fix the tax code, which has clearly benefitted him and his ilk. His surrogates call him a genius when it comes out he didn't pay his fair, or more likely any share of his due. So tell me conservatives why do you guys feel. One he represents the average man and two do you truly believe he'll do anything to harm his own bottom line if he gets elected?Trump’s Claim of $916 Million Loss Shows He’s a ‘Genius’: Rudy Giuliani

Wow! What a disjointed rambling question! I'll try to answer what I can make out of your question.

1. There isn't anything funny or strange about Trump fixing the tax code. Just because he used it to his advantage as a businessman, doesn't mean he doesn't think it's a problem.

2. Unless he broke the law, he paid his fair share of taxes. If you think that he can legally pay less but not morally, then you should be with him on fixing the tax code.

3. No one thinks he represents the average man, but they do think he will help the average man.

4. What bottom line are you talking about?
Even if Trump pays NOT a cent in federal tax for himself, he still pays millions in taxes. Any idiot who thinks any corporation, or any large business owner pays no tax even if they pay none at all for their personal income knows nothing at all about the financial system of this country, or who pays all of the taxes that are collected by the treasury.
What's the question again? Is Trump a genius? Sure he is. Why does it come as a freaking shock to lefties that the tax code is screwed up? Why aren't lefties concerned that the democrat president is guilty of using the IRS to punish political enemies?

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