Can Anyone Explain How An Unregulated “Free Market” Benefits All Americans?


Diamond Member
Jul 15, 2016

Can anyone explain how an unregulated free market benefits all Americans?

To make explaining who benefits easier, for this question, the lowest income Americans (approximately 46% of the population) do NOT exist.

That leaves the middle class to the top 0.1%, and of course Big Business.

Let’s see how many replies can stay on topic.


Can anyone explain how an unregulated free market benefits all Americans?

To make explaining who benefits easier, for this question, the lowest income Americans (approximately 46% of the population) do NOT exist.

That leaves the middle class to the top 0.1%, and of course Big Business.

Let’s see how many replies can stay on topic.


The market has produced all the wealth you enjoy today, not government.

Do you understand how refrigeration, computers, the automobile, the telephone, radio, anesthesia, antibiotics, electicity, electric lights, electric motors and 10,000 other modern conveniences benefit you? Only idiots don't understand how capitalism benefits them.
Free markets increase competition which lowers prices.
Free markets produce new products and innovations.
If you have ever visited a marxist country you will understand the superiority of Free Markets.

Empty super market shelves in Venezuela

Million of people starved to death because of collectivism. Mao and Stalin
Free markets increase competition which lowers prices.
Free markets produce new products and innovations.
If you have ever visited a marxist country you will understand the superiority of Free Markets.

Empty super market shelves in Venezuela
View attachment 202754

Million of people starved to death because of collectivism. Mao and Stalin

I very faintly remember hearing a story, a very long time ago, about a Soviet official who visited the United States. He wasn't terribly impressed by our military, by our science labs, or anything else associated with our government.

What made a very deep impression on him, was seeing one of our supermarkets, of seeing the abundance of food and other essential products available there for anyone to purchase.

I pretty much forgot about that story, until more recently, when it came to my attention again. It turns out that the Soviet official, much-less-known, then than he later came to be, was Boris Yeltsin, who went on to become the first post-Soviet President of Russia.

When Boris Yeltsin went grocery shopping in Clear Lake

At JSC, Yeltsin visited mission control and a mock-up of a space station. According to Houston Chronicle reporter Stefanie Asin, it wasn't all the screens, dials, and wonder at NASA that blew up his skirt, it was the unscheduled trip inside a nearby Randall's location.

Yeltsin, then 58, "roamed the aisles of Randall's nodding his head in amazement," wrote Asin. He told his fellow Russians in his entourage that if their people, who often must wait in line for most goods, saw the conditions of U.S. supermarkets, "there would be a revolution."

"Even the Politburo doesn't have this choice. Not even Mr. Gorbachev," he said. When he was told through his interpreter that there were thousands of items in the store for sale he didn't believe it. He had even thought that the store was staged, a show for him. Little did he know there countless stores just like it all over the country, some with even more things than the Randall's he visited.
"When I saw those shelves crammed with hundreds, thousands of cans, cartons and goods of every possible sort, for the first time I felt quite frankly sick with despair for the Soviet people," Yeltsin wrote. "That such a potentially super-rich country as ours has been brought to a state of such poverty! It is terrible to think of it."
It's a good thing the lower 46% of the population were factored out of the question. They receive little or no benefit from an unregulated free market, since most of the wealth flows to the top 0.1%, and the working poor must work two full time jobs to earn a livable wage.

Also, in that unregulated free market competition is all but eliminated due to price fixing. After all, there are no regulations to prevent it, and human greed and lack of ethics guarantee abuse.

Just as the consumers who get screwed by an unregulated free market, and injured workers benefit from an unregulated free market when there is no one to create and enforce worker safety.

Yes, it is fortunate the 46% of low income Americans were not considered in this thread.

It's a good thing the lower 46% of the population were factored out of the question. They receive little or no benefit from an unregulated free market, since most of the wealth flows to the top 0.1%, and the working poor must work two full time jobs to earn a livable wage.

Also, in that unregulated free market competition is all but eliminated due to price fixing. After all, there are no regulations to prevent it, and human greed and lack of ethics guarantee abuse.

Just as the consumers who get screwed by an unregulated free market, and injured workers benefit from an unregulated free market when there is no one to create and enforce worker safety.

Yes, it is fortunate the 46% of low income Americans were not considered in this thread.


Unregulated does not mean unwatched or without policing.

What you describe is the outfall of an unmonitored system.

Those who get ahead will use their positions to raise barriers to entry and fuck over new entrants.

The shit side is that government helps them do in point.....DuPont makes a new chemical. EPA regulator does not know the first thing about it or how to regulate it. DuPont "helps" this more schmuck out by writing some really stiff regulations.....that will make it next to impossible for someone to enter the market.
It's a good thing the lower 46% of the population were factored out of the question. They receive little or no benefit from an unregulated free market, since most of the wealth flows to the top 0.1%, and the working poor must work two full time jobs to earn a livable wage.

Anyone with a 6:23 attention span should get this>>>>

It's a good thing the lower 46% of the population were factored out of the question. They receive little or no benefit from an unregulated free market, since most of the wealth flows to the top 0.1%, and the working poor must work two full time jobs to earn a livable wage.

Also, in that unregulated free market competition is all but eliminated due to price fixing. After all, there are no regulations to prevent it, and human greed and lack of ethics guarantee abuse.

Just as the consumers who get screwed by an unregulated free market, and injured workers benefit from an unregulated free market when there is no one to create and enforce worker safety.

Yes, it is fortunate the 46% of low income Americans were not considered in this thread.


The bottom half don't have an out. Often, they are not really motivate by money....but would still like their money to be able to go farther than it does.

New shit keeps showing up and (in some cases) they need it (who does not have a cell phone these days?).

So, they are somewhat forced to participate in systems they might rather avoid.

Beyond that, they'd be O.K. living in a small house in some city neighborhood....if the place wasn't run by gangs and the schools nothing but shitholes.
Oh it does benefit all Americans.

There are plenty of anti-Americans who would rather live by wealth confiscated from other Americans. Worthless garbage...
It's a good thing the lower 46% of the population were factored out of the question. They receive little or no benefit from an unregulated free market, since most of the wealth flows to the top 0.1%, and the working poor must work two full time jobs to earn a livable wage.

Also, in that unregulated free market competition is all but eliminated due to price fixing. After all, there are no regulations to prevent it, and human greed and lack of ethics guarantee abuse.

Just as the consumers who get screwed by an unregulated free market, and injured workers benefit from an unregulated free market when there is no one to create and enforce worker safety.

Yes, it is fortunate the 46% of low income Americans were not considered in this thread.

The lower 46% don't benefit from refrigeration, electric lights, flat screen TVs, cell phones, anesthesia, antibiotics, the automobile, electric motors, plastics, central heating, indoor plumbing, the internal combustion engine, digital cameras, advil, ATM machines, aluminum cans, reinforced concrete, contraceptives, disposable diapers, the elevator, fiberglass, fax machines, cheap plate glass, the railroad, microwave oven, pasteurization, ball point pens, radio, vulcanized rubber, cheap steel and the sewing machine?

The rate of industrial accidents decreased at the same rate after the creation of OSHA as it did before the creation of OSHA. OSHA didn't prevent a single industrial accident.

The government screws over consumers 100 times worse than all the private corporations combined.

You're a fucking moron.
First you have to explain what the word "unregulated" means. There are enough trade regulations to fill a freaking cargo ship and that ain't ever likely to change.
It's a good thing the lower 46% of the population were factored out of the question. They receive little or no benefit from an unregulated free market, since most of the wealth flows to the top 0.1%, and the working poor must work two full time jobs to earn a livable wage.

Anyone with a 6:23 attention span should get this>>>>


How many people died from Three Mile Island? Oh yeah . . . . None.

The local government is responsible for Love Canal. Hooker chemical did not want to sell the property because it knew there was container full of toxic waste located on. The local school board wanted to build a school on it, so them acquired it through eminent domain. In the process of building the school, they punched a hole right through the middle of the container.

The housing bubble was also another government created problem.

Asians probably consider themselves lucky to have a job in one of those "sweat shops."

AIG was part of the housing bubble fiasco, and it was government created.

Pinto? How about this:


Can anyone explain how an unregulated free market benefits all Americans?

To make explaining who benefits easier, for this question, the lowest income Americans (approximately 46% of the population) do NOT exist.

That leaves the middle class to the top 0.1%, and of course Big Business.

Let’s see how many replies can stay on topic.


You are asking the wrong question. Unregulated free markets do not exist, unless you are referring to the drug trade (pot cocaine etc).
It's a good thing the lower 46% of the population were factored out of the question. They receive little or no benefit from an unregulated free market, since most of the wealth flows to the top 0.1%, and the working poor must work two full time jobs to earn a livable wage.

Anyone with a 6:23 attention span should get this>>>>


How many people died from Three Mile Island? Oh yeah . . . . None.

The local government is responsible for Love Canal. Hooker chemical did not want to sell the property because it knew there was container full of toxic waste located on. The local school board wanted to build a school on it, so them acquired it through eminent domain. In the process of building the school, they punched a hole right through the middle of the container.

The housing bubble was also another government created problem.

Asians probably consider themselves lucky to have a job in one of those "sweat shops."

AIG was part of the housing bubble fiasco, and it was government created.

Pinto? How about this:


I don't think it helps being reasonable with the guy. According to him Asian sweatshops in a communist country represent unregulated capitalism.

Government policy failures such as the housing bubble... unfettered capitalism.

You have to understand, for a guy with an IQ this low free markets won't ever work. He won't ever be able to provide for himself. The only hope is that the government mandates others to carry his ass.

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