Can Anyone Explain How An Unregulated “Free Market” Benefits All Americans?

More freedom always benefits all people.

Only when people have equal power. Where free market reforms have been tried, prices rise, wages drop, and poverty increases so no, the free market doesn’t help workers. But it’s great for their bosses.
More freedom always benefits all people.

Only when people have equal power. Where free market reforms have been tried, prices rise, wages drop, and poverty increases so no, the free market doesn’t help workers. But it’s great for their bosses.

I haven't yet seen a capitalist country where poverty has increased. Do you have any evidence or just pulling stuff out of your ass?

The ex Soviet Union countries on the other hand are still decades behind. Well, I suppose there is no poverty according to you, if everyone is dead poor.

These Marxist of course only worry about better people looking better than them.
Who is calling for an unregulated free market? it's about finding a common sense balance to regulation and not going to the extremes of under regulation or over regulation.
There hasn't been any such thing as an "unregulated free market" since the Brits hired Blackbeard to plunder Spanish treasure.
It's a good thing the lower 46% of the population were factored out of the question. They receive little or no benefit from an unregulated free market, since most of the wealth flows to the top 0.1%, and the working poor must work two full time jobs to earn a livable wage.

Anyone with a 6:23 attention span should get this>>>>


How many people died from Three Mile Island? Oh yeah . . . . None.

The local government is responsible for Love Canal. Hooker chemical did not want to sell the property because it knew there was container full of toxic waste located on. The local school board wanted to build a school on it, so them acquired it through eminent domain. In the process of building the school, they punched a hole right through the middle of the container.

The housing bubble was also another government created problem.

Asians probably consider themselves lucky to have a job in one of those "sweat shops."

AIG was part of the housing bubble fiasco, and it was government created.

Pinto? How about this:


I don't think it helps being reasonable with the guy. According to him Asian sweatshops in a communist country represent unregulated capitalism.

Government policy failures such as the housing bubble... unfettered capitalism.

You have to understand, for a guy with an IQ this low free markets won't ever work. He won't ever be able to provide for himself. The only hope is that the government mandates others to carry his ass.

I didn't post that for his benefit. It's for the benefit of all the people who don't really know the history of those events. Leftists prey on ignorance.
Who is calling for an unregulated free market? it's about finding a common sense balance to regulation and not going to the extremes of under regulation or over regulation.
I'm calling for it, for one. Every libertarian in this forum opposes regulation of the market.
“Can Anyone Explain How An Unregulated “Free Market” Benefits All Americans?”


Because it doesn’t.

In fact, the nonsense of an unregulated market benefits no American.
“Can Anyone Explain How An Unregulated “Free Market” Benefits All Americans?”


Because it doesn’t.

In fact, the nonsense of an unregulated market benefits no American.

Spoken like a true communist. The obvious benefit is all around you. The computer you're using to post on this forum is one of the benefits.

The system you advocate has killed over 100 million people.

Can anyone explain how an unregulated free market benefits all Americans?

To make explaining who benefits easier, for this question, the lowest income Americans (approximately 46% of the population) do NOT exist.

That leaves the middle class to the top 0.1%, and of course Big Business.

Let’s see how many replies can stay on topic.


We’ve had unregulated free markets, which is why so many jobs went overseas. President Trump is trying to regulate that with taxes on imports.

Glad to hear you support President Trump’s tariffs now.

Can anyone explain how an unregulated free market benefits all Americans?

To make explaining who benefits easier, for this question, the lowest income Americans (approximately 46% of the population) do NOT exist.

That leaves the middle class to the top 0.1%, and of course Big Business.

Let’s see how many replies can stay on topic.

Sure as soon as you can explain how hundreds of thousands of business regulations benefits Americans ?
More freedom always benefits all people.

Only when people have equal power. Where free market reforms have been tried, prices rise, wages drop, and poverty increases so no, the free market doesn’t help workers. But it’s great for their bosses.

Equal power is a myth, it is right there with "fair". Neither exist nor will they ever exist. You cannot force them to exist with more and more and more and more government rules and regulations.
More freedom always benefits all people.

Only when people have equal power. Where free market reforms have been tried, prices rise, wages drop, and poverty increases so no, the free market doesn’t help workers. But it’s great for their bosses.

Equal power is a myth, it is right there with "fair". Neither exist nor will they ever exist. You cannot force them to exist with more and more and more and more government rules and regulations.

You can’t ever achieve “fair”. The rich will always have the edge. But laws and regulations prevent them from screwing over the rest of us just because they have more money than us.

Deregulation leads to filthy water and air. It’s been estimated that the rollback and deregulation of coal will cost the US 80,000 lives over the next few years.

I know I breathe a WHOLE lot better since all coal fired electrical plants in Ontario were closed. I haven’t been to hospital once for my asthma.

Can anyone explain how an unregulated free market benefits all Americans?

To make explaining who benefits easier, for this question, the lowest income Americans (approximately 46% of the population) do NOT exist.

That leaves the middle class to the top 0.1%, and of course Big Business.

Let’s see how many replies can stay on topic.

/----/ Who said anything about an "unregulated" market except you Progs pushing a Strawman argument?
I'll tell you what: Why don't you look and see what a government-controlled, heavily regulated economy looks like, such as the ones in Cuba, Venezuela, North Korea, and a host of countries in Africa?

And nobody is talking about a completely "unregulated" economy, but a reasonably, minimally regulated economy.
Today we most certainly do not have a free market in America.
Capitalism is so far the best economic form a people can take, there is no other economic policy that benefits the common man more than capitalism. Period.
Having said that, America is not a capitalist society anymore. It is more corporatism than capitalism.
And with it comes concentration of wealth, government corruption and regulations specifically designed to make it difficult to compete fairly.
1984 here we come.

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