Can anyone point out ANYTHING in the infamous dossier that has been substantiated?

Raises hand!

That's right, I can!

The dossier claims that Trump lawyer Michael Cohen met with Russian operatives in Russia in August of 2016

This has been conclusively proven to be False.

100% untrue, this is established fact.

Outside of that, is there anything else that has been verified?

it was not Russia was it? I thought it was Prague? Czechoslovakia?

but why don't you post each of the 19 field reports in the dossier, do one at a time so we can go over the whole dossier, scrutinizing each field report, conecutively?
By definition, a dossier is just a series of documents (memos) compiled on a person's background and a history of that person's dealings with others.....

Steele was once (and may still be)a trusted ex-spy who had various contacts within the Russian political and economic sphere.....Like him or not (perspective) he was trusted enough by the FBI to given an opportunity to examine his dossier.

Although little has been confirmed in what the dossier alleges, it will be up to Mueller's investigative findings to collaborate (or not) any of the dossier's conclusions among various other sources of possible wrong doings by the Trump entourage.

However, here are THREE points to be made about one's perspective in viewing the validity of the dossier..

One.....if one does NOT believe that the Russians meddled in our elective processes and possibly illegally hacked our systems, then the dossier has zero validity.

Two....if one does NOT believe that our FBI and other U.S. intelligence gathering agencies are professional enough to forgo political biases, then the dossier has zero validity because the FBI (especially) has pursued items alleged in the dossier.

Three.......if one does NOT believe that Trump has special links to Russian business deals and an affinity toward easing sanctions with the Russian government ...its ambitions and economic objectives......then the dossier has zero validity. way or another....will be determined by the Mueller's investigation final report.
As a highly respected former member of the CIA’s Senior Intelligence Service, John Sipher (who examined the Steele dossier) stated:

Professional investigators can marry the [Steele] report with human and signals intelligence, they can look at call records, travel records, interview people mentioned in the report, solicit assistance from friendly foreign police and intelligence services, subpoena records and tie it to subsequent events that can shed light on the various details. We, on the other hand, will have to do our best to validate the information at hand. Looking at new information through the framework outlined in the Steele document is not a bad place to start.
Steele is a double agent who paid Russians for fiction on Trump paid for by Hillaryous.

You seem to be the only dingbat who doesn't know this fact yet.

Then of course you're a little slow.
Steele is a double agent who paid Russians for fiction on Trump paid for by Hillaryous.

You seem to be the only dingbat who doesn't know this fact yet.

Now, who the fuck could argue with such a thoroughly, well-documented statement by you, Ricky (possibly echoed by Hannity) ............(what an

Just think how much fun you'll have starting a GoFundMe account to provide Hillaryous with Depends while she's in jail.
Both threads spawned today.. No sense talking across threads. Get in here and RESOLVE this puppy..

I expect a final report by Thursday on the results... :banana:
By definition, a dossier is just a series of documents (memos) compiled on a person's background and a history of that person's dealings with others.....

Steele was once (and may still be)a trusted ex-spy who had various contacts within the Russian political and economic sphere.....Like him or not (perspective) he was trusted enough by the FBI to given an opportunity to examine his dossier.

Although little has been confirmed in what the dossier alleges, it will be up to Mueller's investigative findings to collaborate (or not) any of the dossier's conclusions among various other sources of possible wrong doings by the Trump entourage.

However, here are THREE points to be made about one's perspective in viewing the validity of the dossier..

One.....if one does NOT believe that the Russians meddled in our elective processes and possibly illegally hacked our systems, then the dossier has zero validity.

Two....if one does NOT believe that our FBI and other U.S. intelligence gathering agencies are professional enough to forgo political biases, then the dossier has zero validity because the FBI (especially) has pursued items alleged in the dossier.

Three.......if one does NOT believe that Trump has special links to Russian business deals and an affinity toward easing sanctions with the Russian government ...its ambitions and economic objectives......then the dossier has zero validity. way or another....will be determined by the Mueller's investigation final report.
As a highly respected former member of the CIA’s Senior Intelligence Service, John Sipher (who examined the Steele dossier) stated:

Professional investigators can marry the [Steele] report with human and signals intelligence, they can look at call records, travel records, interview people mentioned in the report, solicit assistance from friendly foreign police and intelligence services, subpoena records and tie it to subsequent events that can shed light on the various details. We, on the other hand, will have to do our best to validate the information at hand. Looking at new information through the framework outlined in the Steele document is not a bad place to start.

You ripped this from an old Slate article from last August. Here's the attribution that SHOULD have appeared in your OP..

A Lot of the Steele Report Has Since Been Corroborated

What isn't mentioned is that the SOURCE for the projected veracity of POS political hit piece, this OBIS company is STEELE HIMSELF. That's his cover company back in the UK. NO mention of the Hillary/DNC funding. No mention of the primary sourcing from the deceitful, lying misinformation experts in Russian Intel. No mention that since August, the investigation of this phony "intel doc" now centers around the "circular reporting" that got Steele in trouble with the FBI for talking to the press. Like with the Yahoo "confirmation" of the dossier that Steele also passed to the press to give the impression that his POShit work was being corroborated.

That's a LOAD of Bullshit right there.. But even more comical is that this author has ANOTHER article listed in Slate with the title "A Lesson in Russian Strategic Deception".. Which is about how GOOD the Russians are in providing lies, misdirection, and misinformation.. That's a real HOOT... :2up: This guy speaks out of both sides of his mouth..

But MAINLY -- the entire piece you stole is how a REAL Intel agency might USE that kind of dossier for a real corrroborated investigation. THAT would be true if it wasn't a PAID FICTION RELYING on Russian Intel intended as a political hit piece !!!!!!!!!!!!

And attempts to corroborate any substantial parts of this fiction have failed. That's the take-away point here.
That's why no real corroboration APPEARS in the Slate propaganda piece marketed thru Steele himself..

You're a tool....
But MAINLY -- the entire piece you stole is how a REAL Intel agency might USE that kind of dossier for a real corrroborated investigation. THAT would be true if it wasn't a PAID FICTION RELYING on Russian Intel intended as a political hit piece !!!!!!!!!!!!

And attempts to corroborate any substantial parts of this fiction have failed. That's the take-away point here.
That's why no real corroboration APPEARS in the Slate propaganda piece marketed thru Steele himself..

Hey dimwit......I stole NOTHING.....I DID mention who wrote that last part....

YOU, my trusty BIASED mod are clearly showing which side you're on and it obviously is the Trump ass kissing side.
Raises hand!

That's right, I can!

The dossier claims that Trump lawyer Michael Cohen met with Russian operatives in Russia in August of 2016

This has been conclusively proven to be False.

100% untrue, this is established fact.

Outside of that, is there anything else that has been verified?

it was not Russia was it? I thought it was Prague? Czechoslovakia?

but why don't you post each of the 19 field reports in the dossier, do one at a time so we can go over the whole dossier, scrutinizing each field report, conecutively?

Much less work and waste of time having YOU tell US the one or two SUBSTANTIATED "facts" out of that whole Scat Dump...

1) Page traveled to Russia..

Fill in the rest....
Much less work and waste of time having YOU tell US the one or two SUBSTANTIATED "facts" out of that whole Scat Dump...

1) Page traveled to Russia..

Fill in the rest....

Aren't you "supposedly" have to be a bit LESS BIASED to be a mod???
But MAINLY -- the entire piece you stole is how a REAL Intel agency might USE that kind of dossier for a real corrroborated investigation. THAT would be true if it wasn't a PAID FICTION RELYING on Russian Intel intended as a political hit piece !!!!!!!!!!!!

And attempts to corroborate any substantial parts of this fiction have failed. That's the take-away point here.
That's why no real corroboration APPEARS in the Slate propaganda piece marketed thru Steele himself..

Hey dimwit......I stole NOTHING.....I DID mention who wrote that last part....

YOU, my trusty BIASED mod are clearly showing which side you're on and it obviously is the Trump ass kissing side.

No credit for the copyright to Slate. That's how it's supposed to work. Not linking also cuts folks off from READING the rest of article.. So my question is -- did you KNOW that Steele was the primary and oft quoted SOURCE of that phony article and you were just too embarrassed to have that found out? Or did you not even recognize that was what happened?
No credit for the copyright to Slate. That's how it's supposed to work. Not linking also cuts folks off from READING the rest of article..

Did I or did I not point out WHO wrote the last paragraph of my post? Yes or No?
Much less work and waste of time having YOU tell US the one or two SUBSTANTIATED "facts" out of that whole Scat Dump...

1) Page traveled to Russia..

Fill in the rest....

Aren't you "supposedly" have to be a bit LESS BIASED to be a mod???

I'll ignore that a 2nd time. You've been told my politics. These issues now TRANSCEND partisan politics and go to the very SURVIVAL of this nation.. So I'm just as engaged --- but without all the baggage of a raving lunatic partisan..

Should it happen a 3rd time -- I'll report it..

Carter Page's testimony is filled with bombshells — and supports key portions of the Steele dossier
Nov. 6, 2017, 10:03 PM

Carter Page's testimony is filled with bombshells — and supports key portions of the Steele dossier

US investigators corroborate some aspects of the Russia dossier

By Jim Sciutto and Evan Perez, CNN

Updated 5:25 PM ET, Fri February 10, 2017

Washington (CNN)For the first time, US investigators say they have corroborated some of the communications detailed in a 35-page dossier compiled by a former British intelligence agent, multiple current and former US law enforcement and intelligence officials tell CNN. As CNN first reported, then-President-elect Donald Trump and President Barack Obama were briefed on the existence of the dossier prior to Trump's inauguration.

None of the newly learned information relates to the salacious allegations in the dossier. Rather it relates to conversations between foreign nationals. The dossier details about a dozen conversations between senior Russian officials and other Russian individuals. Sources would not confirm which specific conversations were intercepted or the content of those discussions due to the classified nature of US intelligence collection programs.

US investigators corroborate some aspects of the Russia dossier - CNNPolitics

& given that those 2 articles came out quite some time ago, chances are pretty good that even more has been proven to be true.

oh- you're welcome for the answer to your question. :cool:
Do you even bother to read the crap you post?

"None of the newly learned information relates to the salacious allegations in the dossier."
I'll ignore that a 2nd time. You've been told my politics. These issues now TRANSCEND partisan politics and go to the very SURVIVAL of this nation.. So I'm just as engaged --- but without all the baggage of a raving lunatic partisan..

Should it happen a 3rd time -- I'll report it..

HERE........Beside what was my OWN writing in that post, read my source of the last paragraph.....

A Second Look at the Steele Dossier
I'll ignore that a 2nd time. You've been told my politics. These issues now TRANSCEND partisan politics and go to the very SURVIVAL of this nation.. So I'm just as engaged --- but without all the baggage of a raving lunatic partisan..

Should it happen a 3rd time -- I'll report it..

HERE........Beside what was my OWN writing in that post, read my source of the last paragraph.....

A Second Look at the Steele Dossier

So he shopped the SAME Steele circular reporting around to multiple journals. EITHER link would be proper then.. Read my link to Slate. Seems like Slate ought to check whether they are getting an exclusive or that they are just cooperating to publish WIDELY broadcast propaganda from the CREATOR of the fucking POShit dossier.

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