Can anyone really argue Gary Johnson is not the best candidate on the ballot?

This thread is full of Hillary and Trump supporters lying their pathetic rears off.

Don't be fooled.

The cowardly marijuana haters, the ones saying Johnson isn't conservative etc. are all full of shit liars who love one of the two absolutely despicable major party candidates..
The sales tax will never pass Congress, so it really does not matter.

Gary Johnson is the most conservative candidate in the race, purely on tax and spend issues alone.
This one is really obsessed with shouting down this topic. Pretty sad, but Hillary's campaign has a ton of money and precisely nothing to brag about, so the money goes to scum like maonthestreet who just shouts down anything that threatens the next war to help Israel re-conquer the Promised Land.... which is what the money behind the Hillary campaign is all about = ISRAEL.
Hah! You talk about truth, but I'm not the one who commented about being pro-Israel and libertarian.

You are just another cowardly card tossing traitor who loaded up on defense stocks, oil, and gold in the first half of 2001...

What in the hell are you ranting about?

You seem more and more like you are just trolling all the time.....
This one is really obsessed with shouting down this topic. Pretty sad, but Hillary's campaign has a ton of money and precisely nothing to brag about, so the money goes to scum like maonthestreet who just shouts down anything that threatens the next war to help Israel re-conquer the Promised Land.... which is what the money behind the Hillary campaign is all about = ISRAEL.
I'm taking hilly money while supporting Trump....doesnt get any funnier than that
Hah! You talk about truth, but I'm not the one who commented about being pro-Israel and libertarian.

You are just another cowardly card tossing traitor who loaded up on defense stocks, oil, and gold in the first half of 2001...

Most people responding to a thread like this will be Democrats and Republicans trying to herd people back into their pens. "Nothing to see here! Move along!"

I'm neither a Democrat nor a Republican. :)
I'm taking hilly money while supporting Trump....doesnt get any funnier than that

Especially since Hillary can only win if Trump is the "other" candidate....

Hillary, in a one on one with Johnson, would lose by 200 electorals...
I'm neither a Democrat nor a Republican

Just like Arlen Specter, Hank Paulsen, and Joe Liebermann....

Did you miss the part where I've been saying I'm supporting Gary Johnson this presidential election?

Do you have any reason to assume I'm either a Democrat or Republican, or that I even lean towards either of those parties? I mean, I guess it's hard for you, since you can't even seem to recall who posts what in just this thread....
I'm taking hilly money while supporting Trump....doesnt get any funnier than that

Especially since Hillary can only win if Trump is the "other" candidate....

Hillary, in a one on one with Johnson, would lose by 200 electorals...
Delusion is strong with this one............are you sure you dont work for Hilly

He's right. If the GOP had come up with a candidate who was . . . not such a putz, then perhaps that candidate would beat Hillary. I'm pretty sure that Trump is digging his own grave as far as this election is concerned. He is very unlikable and I'm pretty sure that most women are turned off by him as a valid presidential candidate.
I would assume that you are also a "pro" Muslim person as well. Well, using your logic, we should ban Muslims from this country as well. I mean, if we are going to base our laws on the actions of a few loons, it's only the appropriate thing to do! ;)

What the hell are you babbling about now ya 'toon? You're confusing me with Trump.

I said I would love to see a gun-free America. I would love to see us evolved enough to the point to where we don't have to worry about rightist nutjobs shooting up Planned Parenthood centers. I would love to not have to worry about rightist racists scum shooting up black churches.

What we need at this point is an evolution in consciousness, and that isn't going to happen for quite some time. So you don't have to worry about anyone coming to take away your precious guns, as I already told you. I am not going to take your guns, Hillary isn't going to take your guns, Stein won't take your guns, so you don't have to worry anymore and you don't have to sleep with your night light on.

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