Can anyone really argue Gary Johnson is not the best candidate on the ballot?

You see? I know all about you and your kind. Lol. Like I said, you certainly aren't the first putz I've come across.

You know jack shit, that much is obvious. Pretty easy to throw your words back in your face, just as I've been doing the past few pages.
Resorting to copying my insults now? Lame.

A lot of police are a bit racist. Some are not. They certainly engage in racial profiling.

So, the police are racist, and we are to rely on them to defend and protect us? :D Too funny. You do realize that they are human beings like anyone else, right?

A certain "personality type" tends to become police officers. My best friend since high school became one. The stories he tells me are absolutely unbelievable. He admits his own bias against certain races. He says others are similar.

And hey, we only have to look at the recent events involving police shootings and minorities. 'Toons love to ignore the facts smacking them in the face.

You are missing the point, not surprisingly. What you are advocating is for those "racist cops" to be armed while the rest of us are not, and don't even TELL me that you are against an all out gun ban. That would be a lie.

I personally would LOVE to see a 100% gun ban. But, I know that won't happen. That's my own personal belief. What I'd like to see is UBER strict gun control.

Why not ban cars too? There is public transportation and driving is NOT a constitutional right. Again, many more people die in car accidents every year. Don't try and tell me it's "lives" that you're concerned with. This is just one reason why you are a phony. Lol.

This is your brilliant rebuttal? Do you even realize how stupid you sound?
I would assume that you are also a "pro" Muslim person as well. Well, using your logic, we should ban Muslims from this country as well. I mean, if we are going to base our laws on the actions of a few loons, it's only the appropriate thing to do! ;)

What the hell are you babbling about now ya 'toon? You're confusing me with Trump.

I said I would love to see a gun-free America. I would love to see us evolved enough to the point to where we don't have to worry about rightist nutjobs shooting up Planned Parenthood centers. I would love to not have to worry about rightist racists scum shooting up black churches.

What we need at this point is an evolution in consciousness, and that isn't going to happen for quite some time. So you don't have to worry about anyone coming to take away your precious guns, as I already told you. I am not going to take your guns, Hillary isn't going to take your guns, Stein won't take your guns, so you don't have to worry anymore and you don't have to sleep with your night light on.

What you mean is that your idea is completely unconstitutional. Lol.

Nice sig, BTW. So true. :D
So, the police are racist, and we are to rely on them to defend and protect us? :D Too funny. You do realize that they are human beings like anyone else, right?

A certain "personality type" tends to become police officers. My best friend since high school became one. The stories he tells me are absolutely unbelievable. He admits his own bias against certain races. He says others are similar.

And hey, we only have to look at the recent events involving police shootings and minorities. 'Toons love to ignore the facts smacking them in the face.

You are missing the point, not surprisingly. What you are advocating is for those "racist cops" to be armed while the rest of us are not, and don't even TELL me that you are against an all out gun ban. That would be a lie.

I personally would LOVE to see a 100% gun ban. But, I know that won't happen. That's my own personal belief. What I'd like to see is UBER strict gun control.

Why not ban cars too? There is public transportation and driving is NOT a constitutional right. Again, many more people die in car accidents every year. Don't try and tell me it's "lives" that you're concerned with. This is just one reason why you are a phony. Lol.

This is your brilliant rebuttal? Do you even realize how stupid you sound?

I notice that you cannot address it, huh? That is very revealing in how evil you are. :D You are an anti-rights person, a traitor to the American people and everything our country was founded upon.
You see? I know all about you and your kind. Lol. Like I said, you certainly aren't the first putz I've come across.

You know jack shit, that much is obvious. Pretty easy to throw your words back in your face, just as I've been doing the past few pages.

You haven't done anything except spew bogus talking points that have been spoon fed to you by your party, meanwhile not knowing anything about the issues. That much is clear.
I would assume that you are also a "pro" Muslim person as well. Well, using your logic, we should ban Muslims from this country as well. I mean, if we are going to base our laws on the actions of a few loons, it's only the appropriate thing to do! ;)

What the hell are you babbling about now ya 'toon? You're confusing me with Trump.

I said I would love to see a gun-free America. I would love to see us evolved enough to the point to where we don't have to worry about rightist nutjobs shooting up Planned Parenthood centers. I would love to not have to worry about rightist racists scum shooting up black churches.

What we need at this point is an evolution in consciousness, and that isn't going to happen for quite some time. So you don't have to worry about anyone coming to take away your precious guns, as I already told you. I am not going to take your guns, Hillary isn't going to take your guns, Stein won't take your guns, so you don't have to worry anymore and you don't have to sleep with your night light on.

Interesting, you are worried about what happens less than 0.1% of the time relative to all crime. :D Now, what do you think is going to happen to guns if you banned them? They just disappear? Poof! Lol. You are an old fool.
I would assume that you are also a "pro" Muslim person as well. Well, using your logic, we should ban Muslims from this country as well. I mean, if we are going to base our laws on the actions of a few loons, it's only the appropriate thing to do! ;)

What the hell are you babbling about now ya 'toon? You're confusing me with Trump.

I said I would love to see a gun-free America. I would love to see us evolved enough to the point to where we don't have to worry about rightist nutjobs shooting up Planned Parenthood centers. I would love to not have to worry about rightist racists scum shooting up black churches.

What we need at this point is an evolution in consciousness, and that isn't going to happen for quite some time. So you don't have to worry about anyone coming to take away your precious guns, as I already told you. I am not going to take your guns, Hillary isn't going to take your guns, Stein won't take your guns, so you don't have to worry anymore and you don't have to sleep with your night light on.

Guns have already been invented. You can't put Pandora back in the box, Einstein.
So, the police are racist, and we are to rely on them to defend and protect us? :D Too funny. You do realize that they are human beings like anyone else, right?

A certain "personality type" tends to become police officers. My best friend since high school became one. The stories he tells me are absolutely unbelievable. He admits his own bias against certain races. He says others are similar.

And hey, we only have to look at the recent events involving police shootings and minorities. 'Toons love to ignore the facts smacking them in the face.

You are missing the point, not surprisingly. What you are advocating is for those "racist cops" to be armed while the rest of us are not, and don't even TELL me that you are against an all out gun ban. That would be a lie.

I personally would LOVE to see a 100% gun ban. But, I know that won't happen. That's my own personal belief. What I'd like to see is UBER strict gun control.

Why not ban cars too? There is public transportation and driving is NOT a constitutional right. Again, many more people die in car accidents every year. Don't try and tell me it's "lives" that you're concerned with. This is just one reason why you are a phony. Lol.

This is your brilliant rebuttal? Do you even realize how stupid you sound?

Obviously you are totally clueless about the Bill of Rights, eh? :D
You see? I know all about you and your kind. Lol. Like I said, you certainly aren't the first putz I've come across.

You know jack shit, that much is obvious. Pretty easy to throw your words back in your face, just as I've been doing the past few pages.

Do you even live in this country? Why do I get the feeling that I'm talking with a foreigner? :lol:
A certain "personality type" tends to become police officers. My best friend since high school became one. The stories he tells me are absolutely unbelievable. He admits his own bias against certain races. He says others are similar.

And hey, we only have to look at the recent events involving police shootings and minorities. 'Toons love to ignore the facts smacking them in the face.

You are missing the point, not surprisingly. What you are advocating is for those "racist cops" to be armed while the rest of us are not, and don't even TELL me that you are against an all out gun ban. That would be a lie.

I personally would LOVE to see a 100% gun ban. But, I know that won't happen. That's my own personal belief. What I'd like to see is UBER strict gun control.

Why not ban cars too? There is public transportation and driving is NOT a constitutional right. Again, many more people die in car accidents every year. Don't try and tell me it's "lives" that you're concerned with. This is just one reason why you are a phony. Lol.

This is your brilliant rebuttal? Do you even realize how stupid you sound?

I notice that you cannot address it, huh? That is very revealing in how evil you are. :D You are an anti-rights person, a traitor to the American people and everything our country was founded upon.

Hilarious. You're not the first idiot 'toon to call me "evil" by the way, this is a very predictable pattern when talking about the 2nd amendment with you loons. Happens on every forum. Every time. Do you guys all use the same 'toon playbook when discussing this or something?

"As soon as ANYONE even hints at the banning or removal of guns, suggests living in a gun-free society, call them EVIL, immediately." lol

BTW, loony toons, I've already discussed your idiotic argument in this thread, and other assorted idiotic libertoonian/rightist talking points as well, so I'm not going to do it again with you.
You are missing the point, not surprisingly. What you are advocating is for those "racist cops" to be armed while the rest of us are not, and don't even TELL me that you are against an all out gun ban. That would be a lie.

I personally would LOVE to see a 100% gun ban. But, I know that won't happen. That's my own personal belief. What I'd like to see is UBER strict gun control.

Why not ban cars too? There is public transportation and driving is NOT a constitutional right. Again, many more people die in car accidents every year. Don't try and tell me it's "lives" that you're concerned with. This is just one reason why you are a phony. Lol.

This is your brilliant rebuttal? Do you even realize how stupid you sound?

I notice that you cannot address it, huh? That is very revealing in how evil you are. :D You are an anti-rights person, a traitor to the American people and everything our country was founded upon.

Hilarious. You're not the first idiot 'toon to call me "evil" by the way, this is a very predictable pattern when talking about the 2nd amendment with you loons. Happens on every forum. Every time. Do you guys all use the same 'toon playbook when discussing this or something?

"As soon as ANYONE even hints at the banning or removal of guns, suggests living in a gun-free society, call them EVIL, immediately." lol

BTW, loony toons, I've already discussed your idiotic argument in this thread, and other assorted idiotic libertoonian/rightist talking points as well, so I'm not going to do it again with you.

You are evil. An evil monkey.

Um, no you have not discussed any of my salient points. :) Now, address them.

You ideologues are a hoot. You completely lack any kind of critical-thinking skills. You are unable to see unintentional consequences of your actions. You just spew talking points. No thinking required. :D
You are missing the point, not surprisingly. What you are advocating is for those "racist cops" to be armed while the rest of us are not, and don't even TELL me that you are against an all out gun ban. That would be a lie.

I personally would LOVE to see a 100% gun ban. But, I know that won't happen. That's my own personal belief. What I'd like to see is UBER strict gun control.

Why not ban cars too? There is public transportation and driving is NOT a constitutional right. Again, many more people die in car accidents every year. Don't try and tell me it's "lives" that you're concerned with. This is just one reason why you are a phony. Lol.

This is your brilliant rebuttal? Do you even realize how stupid you sound?

I notice that you cannot address it, huh? That is very revealing in how evil you are. :D You are an anti-rights person, a traitor to the American people and everything our country was founded upon.

Hilarious. You're not the first idiot 'toon to call me "evil" by the way, this is a very predictable pattern when talking about the 2nd amendment with you loons. Happens on every forum. Every time. Do you guys all use the same 'toon playbook when discussing this or something?

"As soon as ANYONE even hints at the banning or removal of guns, suggests living in a gun-free society, call them EVIL, immediately." lol

BTW, loony toons, I've already discussed your idiotic argument in this thread, and other assorted idiotic libertoonian/rightist talking points as well, so I'm not going to do it again with you.

Now, if you are concerned about deaths, then you should want drugs and cars to be illegal, as well as swimming pools. All of those cause deaths and none of them are mentioned in the constitution as rights of the people. :)
Must be my ESP powers telling me something. :D

Wow, you really are a fucking fraud. Yes, you fraud, I do live in the USA. Born and raised here.

Nah, I think you are a Brit. Of course, the Brits are against American citizens owning guns. They still hold a grudge about how America humiliated them during the Revolutionary War. A bunch of rag tag minute men against an entire trained army. Lol. Funny stuff. :D USA, USA!

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