Can anyone really argue Gary Johnson is not the best candidate on the ballot?

Funny he seems to support lot of Obama policies.........dumbass

Not the major ones, sub human. Be more SPECIFIC if your birdbrain can handle it...
Alrdy gave ya two......oh and is sorta cloudy on 2nd amendment.......

Um, no he is not cloudy on the 2nd amendment at all. He is a full supporter of the 2A. Where are you getting your information from? Source?
Link in this thread......on this page
Johnson is an "abolish the Fed" guy.

He's bad on economics in general, being he's supply-sider. He's a "national sales tax" and "stop taxing the rich" guy.

He's a "privatize parts of social security" guy.

He's a "destroy public education" guy.

On MJ legalization, Clinton is just as good. She won't legalize it outright, but she will tell the feds not to interfere with states, and she will reclassify it to Schedule II. Just as it was with gay marriage, all that's necessary for change is for the feds stay out of the way of the states, and that's the Clinton plan. Just look at how abortion turned out when it was decreed by the feds instead of the states.

And on abortion, his record is not good. While he's not out to make it illegal, he thinks it should be treated differently than other healthcare, which is not good.

So, he's clearly inferior to Clinton on those issues, and others, and so I see Clinton as the better candidate. Obviously, nobody has to agree. The point is that it certainly can be argued Johnson is not the best candidate.

Face it, Gary Johnson stands for freedom and citizens' rights. Clinton and Trump do not.
Libertarian party has always been lib light....we'll take you to hell just slower than dems
What you are doing is blaming the Jews

Truth is something you do not have. You said you were pro Israel and libertarian. I responded that was like being pro Cop and part of BLM. You said that was bigotry. You are full of shit and a cowardly card tosser, which is par for the course of the "Israel supporter."

Hah! You talk about truth, but I'm not the one who commented about being pro-Israel and libertarian.
Funny he seems to support lot of Obama policies.........dumbass

Not the major ones, sub human. Be more SPECIFIC if your birdbrain can handle it...
Alrdy gave ya two......oh and is sorta cloudy on 2nd amendment.......

Um, no he is not cloudy on the 2nd amendment at all. He is a full supporter of the 2A. Where are you getting your information from? Source?
Link in this thread......on this page

I'm not seeing any links at all. However, I have one for you! I mean really, are you just making shit up or what?

Libertarian Candidate Gary Johnson Says Gun Restrictions Make Us Less Safe

"I understand how so many people can believe that if you restrict this kind of weapon you can prevent this kind of incident," said Libertarian Party candidate Gary Johnson in reaction to the murders in Orlando and the political calls to further restrict access to certain guns that arose after the shooting.

"But there's just no evidence whatsoever to suggest that it makes us any safer, and in fact restricting guns makes things less safe, that's the camp that I'm in," he said in a phone interview this morning.

Gage Skidmore/Foter

same camp as Donald Trump on the issue ofmore guns in citizens' hands being a potential solution to such incidents, though Johnson seems to be thinking through the issue out loud, with due consideration to contrary arguments, rather than sounding a kind of NRA-level certainty about it.

"If everybody in that nightclub had a weapon?" he wonders. "The contrary argument is, if everyone were required to have a weapon or if 50 people in the room had a weapon, you could hear arguments, well, people in a nightclub would be drinking and now all of a sudden they've got a gun in their pocket?"

But he ultimately concludes that "if it were that 10 people who could have had a weapon in that nightclub? That ultimately would have made the situation less horrific than it ended up being. I'm in that camp."

He notes how many of these incidents, like the Colorado theater shooting, "happen in gun free zones, all these places where horrific shootings happen are all gun free." Johnson praised a Libertarian Party press release calling for an end to gun-free zones. Johnson is fully aware of the cultural push against such thinking—"people hate to hear it, they just hate to hear it...antigun people they just feel, ooo, disgust when you start talking about, 'well this was a gun free zone, so that means the bad guys'" have free rein—but Johnson does think more legal restrictions on guns are not only not helpful, but often harmful

Johnson does not consider himself personally or culturally a "gun guy" but he did grow up hunting and "in the last six years I now own a couple of guns and it's for personal protection, the notion that, holy cow, what if there's a situation at my rural home in New Mexico and there is not a way to protect" himself, his property, or his loved ones.
Johnson is an "abolish the Fed" guy.

He's bad on economics in general, being he's supply-sider. He's a "national sales tax" and "stop taxing the rich" guy.

He's a "privatize parts of social security" guy.

He's a "destroy public education" guy.

On MJ legalization, Clinton is just as good. She won't legalize it outright, but she will tell the feds not to interfere with states, and she will reclassify it to Schedule II. Just as it was with gay marriage, all that's necessary for change is for the feds stay out of the way of the states, and that's the Clinton plan. Just look at how abortion turned out when it was decreed by the feds instead of the states.

And on abortion, his record is not good. While he's not out to make it illegal, he thinks it should be treated differently than other healthcare, which is not good.

So, he's clearly inferior to Clinton on those issues, and others, and so I see Clinton as the better candidate. Obviously, nobody has to agree. The point is that it certainly can be argued Johnson is not the best candidate.

Face it, Gary Johnson stands for freedom and citizens' rights. Clinton and Trump do not.
Libertarian party has always been lib light....we'll take you to hell just slower than dems

Actually, we're more liberal than most Democrats.
Johnson is an "abolish the Fed" guy.

He's bad on economics in general, being he's supply-sider. He's a "national sales tax" and "stop taxing the rich" guy.

He's a "privatize parts of social security" guy.

He's a "destroy public education" guy.

On MJ legalization, Clinton is just as good. She won't legalize it outright, but she will tell the feds not to interfere with states, and she will reclassify it to Schedule II. Just as it was with gay marriage, all that's necessary for change is for the feds stay out of the way of the states, and that's the Clinton plan. Just look at how abortion turned out when it was decreed by the feds instead of the states.

And on abortion, his record is not good. While he's not out to make it illegal, he thinks it should be treated differently than other healthcare, which is not good.

So, he's clearly inferior to Clinton on those issues, and others, and so I see Clinton as the better candidate. Obviously, nobody has to agree. The point is that it certainly can be argued Johnson is not the best candidate.

Face it, Gary Johnson stands for freedom and citizens' rights. Clinton and Trump do not.
Libertarian party has always been lib light....we'll take you to hell just slower than dems

What? What is this supposed to mean? Some kind of veiled threat or something?
Hah! You talk about truth, but I'm not the one who commented about being pro-Israel and libertarian.

You are just another cowardly card tossing traitor who loaded up on defense stocks, oil, and gold in the first half of 2001...
Hah! You talk about truth, but I'm not the one who commented about being pro-Israel and libertarian.

You are just another cowardly card tossing traitor who loaded up on defense stocks, oil, and gold in the first half of 2001...

Most people responding to a thread like this will be Democrats and Republicans trying to herd people back into their pens. "Nothing to see here! Move along!"
Threat???? paranoid much........just the facts.......

What facts? That post doesn't even make any sense? You're going to take someone to hell? Who are you talking about? Sorry, but you don't have that kind of power. :D
SLowly,,,,who was I talking about...libertarians........omg ......

You can't take ANYONE to hell. Lol. Not libertarians, not liberals, not anyone that you disagree with.

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