Can anyone really argue Gary Johnson is not the best candidate on the ballot?

Okey dokey he believes in amnesty. Give up your country.

One of several reasons this Libertarian cannot vote for him.

So, how perfectly does a candidate's positions have to match your own before you'll vote for them? Have you ever voted for a candidate polling more than 1% nationally?

Not perfectly. Johnson has lost me on several issues and I'm not happy that he abandoned his LP principles for votes. BUT, I am voting anti-Hillary and if it gets closer to November and Johnson does well enough to be within reach of her, I will happily change my vote. As I said in one of my earlier posts, he is the best candidate but that isn't saying a whole lot.

You actually can't vote against anyone. Who are you voting for?

I absolutely can. I'm voting against Hillary.

'Against Hillary' will not appear on the ballot. You'll have to choose someone to vote for, or not vote at all.
Lots. Smaller government, more Liberty, more power to local governments and less to the federal government, balanced budget, cuts in spending, adherence to the Constitution, and more. I know that Johnson himself has waffled on some of this but he's more conservative than either of the two mainstream candidates.

Neither Johnson nor Mr Weld believe in those things. Look at their records. DEEDS speak far louder than words, Sir.
Lots. Smaller government, more Liberty, more power to local governments and less to the federal government, balanced budget, cuts in spending, adherence to the Constitution, and more. I know that Johnson himself has waffled on some of this but he's more conservative than either of the two mainstream candidates.

Neither Johnson nor Mr Weld believe in those things.

Compared to whom?
If he gets to participate in the debates, he can make a major shift in everything if he does it right.


The Hillary backers will not be swayed by any form of reason, sense or logic. If they could be, they'd be Conservatives to begin with.

What do Mr Johnson and Mr Weld offer CONSERVATIVES like me, who aren't voting Trump (or are only as an anti-Hillary vote) because he isn't Conservative enough?

Conservatives like you? By your own statements there may not be any conservatives like you. :lol:
If he gets to participate in the debates, he can make a major shift in everything if he does it right.


The Hillary backers will not be swayed by any form of reason, sense or logic. If they could be, they'd be Conservatives to begin with.

What do Mr Johnson and Mr Weld offer CONSERVATIVES like me, who aren't voting Trump (or are only as an anti-Hillary vote) because he isn't Conservative enough?

Lots. Smaller government, more Liberty, more power to local governments and less to the federal government, balanced budget, cuts in spending, adherence to the Constitution, and more. I know that Johnson himself has waffled on some of this but he's more conservative than either of the two mainstream candidates.

He can turn the tide in the debates if he can smoke the competition. That should be easy as both candidates struggle under criticism and both are dirty as fuck.
Did you say "smoke the competition"? Ha, Ha, Ha!
What do Mr Johnson and Mr Weld offer CONSERVATIVES like me

Mr. Johnson governed as a conservative for 8 years, keeping taxes and spending down, making NM a good place for business, creating jobs, and keeping Big Brother from micromanaging every aspect of your life.
Gary Johnson is a lib....loves him some blm terrorism....and just came out for huge carbon tax....prices must necessarily rise .........
What you are doing is blaming the Jews

Truth is something you do not have. You said you were pro Israel and libertarian. I responded that was like being pro Cop and part of BLM. You said that was bigotry. You are full of shit and a cowardly card tosser, which is par for the course of the "Israel supporter."
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Mr. Johnson governed as a conservative for 8 years, keeping taxes and spending down, making NM a good place for business, creating jobs, and keeping Big Brother from micromanaging every aspect of your life.

Then he got in bed with a scum ball like Bill Weld.

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