Can anyone really argue Gary Johnson is not the best candidate on the ballot?

Come on. You are SO transparent. I've met a million people like you. Lol. :D

I'm going to guess you are one of those who believes that the police are inherently racist? Is that correct?

Resorting to copying my insults now? Lame.

A lot of police are a bit racist. Some are not. They certainly engage in racial profiling.

So, the police are racist, and we are to rely on them to defend and protect us? :D Too funny. You do realize that they are human beings like anyone else, right?

A certain "personality type" tends to become police officers. My best friend since high school became one. The stories he tells me are absolutely unbelievable. He admits his own bias against certain races. He says others are similar.

And hey, we only have to look at the recent events involving police shootings and minorities. 'Toons love to ignore the facts smacking them in the face.

You are missing the point, not surprisingly. What you are advocating is for those "racist cops" to be armed while the rest of us are not, and don't even TELL me that you are against an all out gun ban. That would be a lie.

I personally would LOVE to see a 100% gun ban. But, I know that won't happen. That's my own personal belief. What I'd like to see is UBER strict gun control.

Why not ban cars too? There is public transportation and driving is NOT a constitutional right. Again, many more people die in car accidents every year. Don't try and tell me it's "lives" that you're concerned with. This is just one reason why you are a phony. Lol.
Come on. You are SO transparent. I've met a million people like you. Lol. :D

I'm going to guess you are one of those who believes that the police are inherently racist? Is that correct?

Resorting to copying my insults now? Lame.

A lot of police are a bit racist. Some are not. They certainly engage in racial profiling.

So, the police are racist, and we are to rely on them to defend and protect us? :D Too funny. You do realize that they are human beings like anyone else, right?

A certain "personality type" tends to become police officers. My best friend since high school became one. The stories he tells me are absolutely unbelievable. He admits his own bias against certain races. He says others are similar.

And hey, we only have to look at the recent events involving police shootings and minorities. 'Toons love to ignore the facts smacking them in the face.

You are missing the point, not surprisingly. What you are advocating is for those "racist cops" to be armed while the rest of us are not, and don't even TELL me that you are against an all out gun ban. That would be a lie.

I personally would LOVE to see a 100% gun ban. But, I know that won't happen. That's my own personal belief. What I'd like to see is UBER strict gun control.

But, but, you said that I was paranoid for thinking that you all want a complete gun ban. Lol. :D
I would assume that you are also a "pro" Muslim person as well. Well, using your logic, we should ban Muslims from this country as well. I mean, if we are going to base our laws on the actions of a few loons, it's only the appropriate thing to do! ;)
He is the best on the ballot. How sad is that?
and your opinion. He's great for me! He's everything that I want in a politician. Honest.

In other words, he isn't fake just to get a vote.
Don't be so sure about that, the reason I'm sour on him is that he has sold out a couple of his principles in order to gain more votes. He is very soft on immigration (a brand new position for him), and he's pro-gun control. He has an anti-gun VP. Not very libertarian on both counts.

MOST people grow and change, and when they learn new things, they are capable of changing their opinions. Unlike partisans who NEVER admit they are wrong.

That's crap, he did it to gain votes.

How do you know? And who are you voting for? The Dumpster?

I know because I'm capable of adding 2 + 2.
What does a dumpster have to do with anything?
Bernie should have taken the middle by storm from the start, naming johnson as a vice

Bernie and Gary are 180 degrees apart on spending/size/scope of government.

Libertartianism is not socialism.

National socialism is socialism, however...
Sure, and Saddam Hussein's Republican Guard were Republicans too. I mean, it says so on the label.

Clever, but false. National Socialism is socialism.
I mean, it isn't even close.

Gary had a great record in NM, is a decent, honest, and patriotic American.

He is head and shoulders above any candidate on the ballot. Literally, none of the others even reach his knees....
Except that he's even cheaper than Donald Trump. Refusing to give pennies to the poor. Unlike the Clintons who give 10% of their income to charity.

That is just chock full of stupid. I don't see how you can say anything more idiotic than that.
I mean, it isn't even close.

Gary had a great record in NM, is a decent, honest, and patriotic American.

He is head and shoulders above any candidate on the ballot. Literally, none of the others even reach his knees....
Except that he's even cheaper than Donald Trump. Refusing to give pennies to the poor. Unlike the Clintons who give 10% of their income to charity.

Oh looky there! You did it!
Unfortunately, since Mr Johnson isn't a Conservative, and chooses to associate with Liberals like Mr Weld he can only be classified as a Liberal and therefore unworthy of existence never mine my vote. The same can be said about both his opponents.

In your pathetic sub human world, a big spender who wants war over lies to help Israel is "conservative," and a governor who did a great job keeping taxes and spending down is a "liberal."

Just vote for Hillary, that's your "conservative" in this race, the one with her nose the furthest up Bibi Netanyahu's warmongering rear...

Anti-Semitism, no need to read any more of your posts.
Still waiting for one single "conservative" here who claims Gary Johnson isn't conservative to explain why he isn't, who is, and what is...
Not only am I a Conservative, but I'm a Libertarian. I can't vote for Johnson because he has sold out some of his LP principles to gain votes. If he should gain enough popularity that he could defeat Hillary, then I'd vote for him as the anti-Hillary vote. It would still be holding my nose and voting for the least smelly candidate.
Compare that record to anyone else on the ballot and, without a doubt, the above is the best candidate by far, with the best resume, and the only candidate who isn't some form of monster...
He's LP, which automatically makes him suspect. They're the flip side of the same coin the Marxists are on. Both philosophies require a basic change in human nature to work. Marxists get it wrong by believing people will work hard without there being a personal reward. Libertarians get it wrong by assuming without a strong government protecting them, the weak won't be tyrannized by the strong.

Critiques Of Libertarianism

And you make the common error of thinking Libertarians are anarchists.
And you make the common error of thinking Libertarians are anarchists.

It would be better for everybody if the abusive statists in the libertarian party were not associated with the political anarchist community.
A candidate for whom there is no plausible scenario for his winning cannot be the best candidate on the ballot.

Why not? Is the only metric for what makes a candidate good their likelihood of winning? That's a pretty sad way to look at things. If fewer people did look at things that way, I think it would be better for the country.

Carb can't think without being told by someone in the DNC what to think.
Compare that record to anyone else on the ballot and, without a doubt, the above is the best candidate by far, with the best resume, and the only candidate who isn't some form of monster...
He's LP, which automatically makes him suspect. They're the flip side of the same coin the Marxists are on. Both philosophies require a basic change in human nature to work. Marxists get it wrong by believing people will work hard without there being a personal reward. Libertarians get it wrong by assuming without a strong government protecting them, the weak won't be tyrannized by the strong.

Critiques Of Libertarianism

Johnson isn't a 'hard core' libertarian, though. He's more of a moderate libertarian. :dunno:

Perhaps more importantly, if Johnson were to become president, he wouldn't be able to implement all the policies he talks about. Congress would never go for many of the things he wants. Instead, the hope would be that having Johnson as president would push some incremental changes and show the American voters that a third party candidate can be a viable choice.
isn't the idea of being libertarian to not be moderate ? it's like those bumper stickers from the sixties... question authority, which somehow became "yes we can".

i almost joined the vermont libertarians, but i told them i didn't want to belong to any group that would have me as a member.

Ok Groucho.
A candidate for whom there is no plausible scenario for his winning cannot be the best candidate on the ballot.
There is a plausible scenario for him winning. Both Trump and Hillary are underwater in the polls when it comes to favorability/honesty. If a majority of voters decide that they do not want Hilary or Trump, everything is in place for them to vote for Johnson. All they have to do it vote their conscience. The thing that is holding them back is the false belief that a third party candidate can't win. A third party candidate can win if enough people stop believing he/she cannot.

If he gets to participate in the debates, he can make a major shift in everything if he does it right.
I mean, it isn't even close.

Gary had a great record in NM, is a decent, honest, and patriotic American.

He is head and shoulders above any candidate on the ballot. Literally, none of the others even reach his knees....

If he is so great why isn't he leading?

Lots of reasons my friend, here are a couple:
1. people are stuck in their ways, they only know the two parties and they don't even really know them.
2. People are not very smart. They are willing to believe what they are told; the DNC is for the poor and downtrodden, the GOP is for business.
3. Your average Idiot voter can't both handle their day to day lives and actually learn things. Their strategy for voting day is to go in, vote for whichever party they always vote, and leave.
Can you guarantee me that everyone that is smart enough to know Drumpf is a walking disaster waiting to happen will vote for Johnson?

What does it matter? If I refuse to vote for EITHER ClinTrump -- who am I helping to win?

You're vote is too precious to waste by rewarding sketchy arrogant lunatics.
The aftermath of either getting elected takes America further down the road of division and partisan cross-blaming.

Unfortunately, that is a road without speed limit or exit, and we are already on it.

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