Can anyone really argue Gary Johnson is not the best candidate on the ballot?

I saw an intervew with Gary Johnson. He said he was a regular user who could not guarantee that he would not use as president. Long term pot use changes the brain his is pickled by now.

If alcohol is your problem, vote Trump he has never used alcohol.

Well, he certainly has done a great job as Governor of New Mexico. Maybe a pickled brain works better in politics than what any other politician has.
"Can anyone really argue Gary Johnson is not the best candidate on the ballot?"

Yes, Johnson is wrong on most of the issues.

His position that the National debt is “arguably the single greatest threat to our national security” is as ignorant as it is wrong; and like most libertarians his economic policies are naïve, simplistic, and devoid of merit.

Johnson is wrong about ‘term limits’ – we already have term limits, they’re called elections; and the American people have the right to elect to a given office whomever they wish for as long as they wish.

Known as ‘Governor No,’ Johnson’s blind, knee-jerk hostility to government spending is contrary to sound, responsible governance.

Johnson opposes the ACA, but like most opponents he has proposed nothing to replace it, offering only vague references to using a ‘market-based’ approach – when in fact the ACA is a market-based approach.

Johnson is wrong about “states’ rights,” eminent domain, and the nature of the judiciary, holding the ridiculous, ignorant, and inane position that only jurists who “interpret the Constitution according to its original meaning” should be appointed to Federal benches and the Supreme Court.

As everyone knows “interpret the Constitution according to its original meaning” is conservaspeak for unwarranted rightwing hostility toward settled, accepted case law concerning 14th Amendment jurisprudence, Commerce Clause jurisprudence, and Establishment Clause jurisprudence – where states would be allowed again to discriminate against various minorities for no other reason than who they are, in accordance with ‘majority rule,’ and in clear violation of the rule of law and the fundamental principles of our Constitutional Republic.

Again, one can very easily and successfully make the argument that Gary Johnson is not the best candidate on the ballot.

Love how you take all your nutter opinions on government and politics and call it a reasoned argument. Hilarious.
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Objectively he's probably better by some percentage if these things were quantifiable. However, he's not so much better that it would make that much of a difference if he were elected. He came out in favor of a carbon tax and a guaranteed basic income, and claimed that Mitt Romney of all people would definitely have a place in his administration. I could get that nonsense from Clinton or Trump, so why get excited?

Agree, Gary Johnson has waffled and pandered way too much for my taste.
Objectively he's probably better by some percentage if these things were quantifiable. However, he's not so much better that it would make that much of a difference if he were elected. He came out in favor of a carbon tax and a guaranteed basic income, and claimed that Mitt Romney of all people would definitely have a place in his administration. I could get that nonsense from Clinton or Trump, so why get excited?

Mitt Romney is qualified to serve in any number of positions. And would add to the ability to mediate in consensus problems that SHOULD and NEED to be fixed. He's wrong on jumping into a carbon tax --- and as I told you before -- there is already a "guaranteed minimum income" with the EITC. It sets no real precedent.

At this point -- it's disappointing that he confuses progressive solutions with libertarian solutions. But as a mediation team to put America into a partisan "time-out" -- there has NEVER been a better opportunity to do that.

If Johnson/Weld truly are oblivious to Libertarian principles and turn out to be just "middle of road" peacemakers --- the LParty will primary them out and replace them with folks that have a set of actual principles. In the meantime -- the outcome for America is better with them --- than with ClinTrump. Either of them wins -- the flaming and scandals get worse. And nothing gets done.

Excellent point, and my anti-Hillary vote could go from Trump to him if his numbers climb. I disagree about the LP voting him out. No matter what he does, they will be so happy he won they will keep him there. I've never been so disappointed in the LP as when they made him their candidate. there were so many other greater candidates.
I mean, it isn't even close.

Gary had a great record in NM, is a decent, honest, and patriotic American.

He is head and shoulders above any candidate on the ballot. Literally, none of the others even reach his knees....
Anyone that thinks he's clever by boasting about eating pot cookies or brownies while on the campaign trail can fuck off.

The whole glorify pot & condemn tobacco mentality is beyond reason too. Personal freedom! Unless I don't like what you're doing.....
I don't think Johnson has gone on record as actually saying tobacco should be illegal. I think he uses it as an example of people being stupid, and that the law is hypocritical, but not that it should be made illegal.
As he smokes a joint or eats a laced cookie.

Fuck that bullshit.

That is pretty petty and foolish, Grampa.
For all you accusers out there, I don't smoke pot and I'm a Libertarian. Don't blow a fuse trying to wrap you minds around that.
I mean, it isn't even close.

Gary had a great record in NM, is a decent, honest, and patriotic American.

He is head and shoulders above any candidate on the ballot. Literally, none of the others even reach his knees....
He's a dope smoking headcase. He's nuts. His policies can't work. He's just the guy that nonconforming egg heads latch onto.

Actually, his policies, well, the ones he used to have, work quite well. He left NM is very good shape.
Not to confuse even more people, but this Libertarian supports Israel and Netanyahu. I just don't believe we should get more involved than selling and sharing technology.
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I mean, it isn't even close.

Gary had a great record in NM, is a decent, honest, and patriotic American.

He is head and shoulders above any candidate on the ballot. Literally, none of the others even reach his knees....
Well I know he's the only true conservative on the ballot...

He TOTALLY mopped the floor with all these so-called & self-proclaimed Conservatives of FOXNEWS' "The Five."

I wouldn't go that far, I'd say he's more conservative than any of the others. I used to think he was a true conservative, but he's turned out to be a typical politician looking for power.
And you make the common error of thinking Libertarians are anarchists.

It would be better for everybody if the abusive statists in the libertarian party were not associated with the political anarchist community.

there are no statists in the LP, if you think so then you don't know the meaning of the term or the LP, possibly both.
Okey dokey he believes in amnesty. Give up your country.

One of several reasons this Libertarian cannot vote for him.

So, how perfectly does a candidate's positions have to match your own before you'll vote for them? Have you ever voted for a candidate polling more than 1% nationally?

Not perfectly. Johnson has lost me on several issues and I'm not happy that he abandoned his LP principles for votes. BUT, I am voting anti-Hillary and if it gets closer to November and Johnson does well enough to be within reach of her, I will happily change my vote. As I said in one of my earlier posts, he is the best candidate but that isn't saying a whole lot.
Okey dokey he believes in amnesty. Give up your country.

One of several reasons this Libertarian cannot vote for him.

So, how perfectly does a candidate's positions have to match your own before you'll vote for them? Have you ever voted for a candidate polling more than 1% nationally?

Not perfectly. Johnson has lost me on several issues and I'm not happy that he abandoned his LP principles for votes. BUT, I am voting anti-Hillary and if it gets closer to November and Johnson does well enough to be within reach of her, I will happily change my vote. As I said in one of my earlier posts, he is the best candidate but that isn't saying a whole lot.

You actually can't vote against anyone. Who are you voting for?
Not to confuse even more people, but this Libertarian supports Israel and Netanyahu.

In reality, that is like saying you support the Cops and are a member of BLM...

Those two things, libertarianism and judaism, they are mutually exclusive. Judaism is 180 degrees from libertarianism. Judaism is having (jewish) government people micromanaging every part of your life, right down to how much salt you use to cook...
If he gets to participate in the debates, he can make a major shift in everything if he does it right.


The Hillary backers will not be swayed by any form of reason, sense or logic. If they could be, they'd be Conservatives to begin with.

What do Mr Johnson and Mr Weld offer CONSERVATIVES like me, who aren't voting Trump (or are only as an anti-Hillary vote) because he isn't Conservative enough?
Okey dokey he believes in amnesty. Give up your country.

One of several reasons this Libertarian cannot vote for him.

So, how perfectly does a candidate's positions have to match your own before you'll vote for them? Have you ever voted for a candidate polling more than 1% nationally?

Not perfectly. Johnson has lost me on several issues and I'm not happy that he abandoned his LP principles for votes. BUT, I am voting anti-Hillary and if it gets closer to November and Johnson does well enough to be within reach of her, I will happily change my vote. As I said in one of my earlier posts, he is the best candidate but that isn't saying a whole lot.

You actually can't vote against anyone. Who are you voting for?

I absolutely can. I'm voting against Hillary.
Not to confuse even more people, but this Libertarian supports Israel and Netanyahu.

In reality, that is like saying you support the Cops and are a member of BLM...

Those two things, libertarianism and judaism, they are mutually exclusive. Judaism is 180 degrees from libertarianism. Judaism is having (jewish) government people micromanaging every part of your life, right down to how much salt you use to cook...

Bull shit. Not even remotely true. Your bigotry has nothing at all to do with Libertarianism.
If he gets to participate in the debates, he can make a major shift in everything if he does it right.


The Hillary backers will not be swayed by any form of reason, sense or logic. If they could be, they'd be Conservatives to begin with.

What do Mr Johnson and Mr Weld offer CONSERVATIVES like me, who aren't voting Trump (or are only as an anti-Hillary vote) because he isn't Conservative enough?

Lots. Smaller government, more Liberty, more power to local governments and less to the federal government, balanced budget, cuts in spending, adherence to the Constitution, and more. I know that Johnson himself has waffled on some of this but he's more conservative than either of the two mainstream candidates.

He can turn the tide in the debates if he can smoke the competition. That should be easy as both candidates struggle under criticism and both are dirty as fuck.

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