Can anyone really argue Gary Johnson is not the best candidate on the ballot?

Guy is Obama white

In the category of JUST HOW WRONG CAN YOU BE....

1. Obama not a legalizer -= lied in 2008 about not prosecuting medicinal/state legal, then had Holder jack up such prosecutions 5 fold from W because the "criminals" were overwhelmingly white.
2. Obama is not a fiscal conservative = Johnson has a good record there

So go back under the sheet and don't come out until you have something worthwhile to post...
Guy is Obama white

In the category of JUST HOW WRONG CAN YOU BE....

1. Obama not a legalizer -= lied in 2008 about not prosecuting medicinal/state legal, then had Holder jack up such prosecutions 5 fold from W because the "criminals" were overwhelmingly white.
2. Obama is not a fiscal conservative = Johnson has a good record there

So go back under the sheet and don't come out until you have something worthwhile to post...
Funny he seems to support lot of Obama policies.........dumbass
Johnson is a left wing stooge and is Hillary with a penis.

Johnson is a fiscal conservative. Hillary's ACU rating is 6.

Johnson is a legalizer. Hillary is sold out to the attorney lobby (AIPAC jr)

Johnson is not a warmonger - Hillary is.

Try again...
Objectively he's probably better by some percentage if these things were quantifiable. However, he's not so much better that it would make that much of a difference if he were elected. He came out in favor of a carbon tax and a guaranteed basic income, and claimed that Mitt Romney of all people would definitely have a place in his administration. I could get that nonsense from Clinton or Trump, so why get excited?

Mitt Romney is qualified to serve in any number of positions. And would add to the ability to mediate in consensus problems that SHOULD and NEED to be fixed. He's wrong on jumping into a carbon tax --- and as I told you before -- there is already a "guaranteed minimum income" with the EITC. It sets no real precedent.

At this point -- it's disappointing that he confuses progressive solutions with libertarian solutions. But as a mediation team to put America into a partisan "time-out" -- there has NEVER been a better opportunity to do that.

If Johnson/Weld truly are oblivious to Libertarian principles and turn out to be just "middle of road" peacemakers --- the LParty will primary them out and replace them with folks that have a set of actual principles. In the meantime -- the outcome for America is better with them --- than with ClinTrump. Either of them wins -- the flaming and scandals get worse. And nothing gets done.

Excellent point, and my anti-Hillary vote could go from Trump to him if his numbers climb. I disagree about the LP voting him out. No matter what he does, they will be so happy he won they will keep him there. I've never been so disappointed in the LP as when they made him their candidate. there were so many other greater candidates.

I only saw ONE other possible candidate. Austin Peterson. And he was gonna be seen as preaching Libertarian principles, not campaigning on issues that folks care about. I think you CAN do both. But people are not in the mood to be lectured right now about visions or principles or a 3rd way...

And there is no argument that Johnson/Weld are qualified to serve. Whereas, it's OK for a businessman to want to serve -- but maybe not one who wants voters to convert to a purist view of any particular political philosophy.

My feeling is -- you make the priorities from what you're handed. And you SOLVE THEM in the manner that you believe is right. You don't require a different playing field from what you're handed before you suit up to play..
and your opinion. He's great for me! He's everything that I want in a politician. Honest.

In other words, he isn't fake just to get a vote.
Don't be so sure about that, the reason I'm sour on him is that he has sold out a couple of his principles in order to gain more votes. He is very soft on immigration (a brand new position for him), and he's pro-gun control. He has an anti-gun VP. Not very libertarian on both counts.

MOST people grow and change, and when they learn new things, they are capable of changing their opinions. Unlike partisans who NEVER admit they are wrong.

That's crap, he did it to gain votes.

How do you know? And who are you voting for? The Dumpster?

I know because I'm capable of adding 2 + 2.
What does a dumpster have to do with anything?

Dumpster, Trumpster. Same difference. :D

Why is it impossible that he just changed his mind on some issues? I've done it. Have you never changed your mind in 20 years?
Then you may as well stay home.

No. Especially not when I believe it should be a Legal Requirement that every registered Voter does so.
That would be a disaster. We are much better off with letting the idiots that are ignorant of history, government, and current events stay away from the ballot boxes and not dilute the votes of those that put some sort of rational thinking into casting their votes.
Johnson is an "abolish the Fed" guy.

He's bad on economics in general, being he's supply-sider. He's a "national sales tax" and "stop taxing the rich" guy.

He's a "privatize parts of social security" guy.

He's a "destroy public education" guy.

On MJ legalization, Clinton is just as good. She won't legalize it outright, but she will tell the feds not to interfere with states, and she will reclassify it to Schedule II. Just as it was with gay marriage, all that's necessary for change is for the feds stay out of the way of the states, and that's the Clinton plan. Just look at how abortion turned out when it was decreed by the feds instead of the states.

And on abortion, his record is not good. While he's not out to make it illegal, he thinks it should be treated differently than other healthcare, which is not good.

So, he's clearly inferior to Clinton on those issues, and others, and so I see Clinton as the better candidate. Obviously, nobody has to agree. The point is that it certainly can be argued Johnson is not the best candidate.
Johnson is an "abolish the Fed" guy.

He's bad on economics in general, being he's supply-sider. He's a "national sales tax" and "stop taxing the rich" guy.

He's a "privatize parts of social security" guy.

He's a "destroy public education" guy.

On MJ legalization, Clinton is just as good. She won't legalize it outright, but she will tell the feds not to interfere with states, and she will reclassify it to Schedule II. Just as it was with gay marriage, all that's necessary for change is for the feds stay out of the way of the states, and that's the Clinton plan. Just look at how abortion turned out when it was decreed by the feds instead of the states.

And on abortion, his record is not good. While he's not out to make it illegal, he thinks it should be treated differently than other healthcare, which is not good.

So, he's clearly inferior to Clinton on those issues, and others, and so I see Clinton as the better candidate. Obviously, nobody has to agree. The point is that it certainly can be argued Johnson is not the best candidate.

Face it, Gary Johnson stands for freedom and citizens' rights. Clinton and Trump do not.

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