Can anyone think of an annoying situation besides these 3?


Gold Member
Jul 10, 2014
1. Crowded Subway

2. Crowded Elevator

3. Fire Drill at work

I don't even know which one is the worst out of the 3.
I could probably think of one.

Let's say you have to ride a crowded elevator down to a crowded Subway platform, and as soon as you step on the train there's a fire drill and you have to go all the way back up to the surface street and also there's a hungry cannibalistic midget following you the entire time.
1. Ain't no thing
2. See above
3. You should be thankful. :slap:

What the hell you mean it ain't no thing?????

And I should be thankful for what?
Fear of crowds is easily surmounted. Basically, you are immature.

Fire drills mean time out from your day.

Cock turd. :slap:

I hate crowded subways full of criminals, drug addicts, and homeless people begging
Well, another one to add to the ignore list now that vagisilturret has been added. I just don't want to waste my time any more on dumbasses.
Place is full of them, isn't it. I thought there was an age limit here. Why do they now allow 7 year olds to post?
1. Crowded Subway

2. Crowded Elevator

3. Fire Drill at work

I don't even know which one is the worst out of the 3.

Meeting you in person probably ranks up there.
1. Crowded Subway

2. Crowded Elevator

3. Fire Drill at work

I don't even know which one is the worst out of the 3.

1. Crowds don't bother me.
2. See above
3. Beats dying in a fire.


1. Someone going 10 mph under the speed limit in the left lane of the interstate.
2. Someone in the "10 Items or Less" lane with a full shopping cart.
3. A single fly buzzing around while I'm trying to sleep.
4. Someone who blames women for his lack of understanding of women.
5. Getting halfway to work and realizing I forgot something.
6. People talking in a movie theater during the movie.
7. Those idiots that ignore the signs saying "Lane ends in 1500 feet", Lane ends in 1000 feet", Lane ends in 500 feet" and then screw up the traffic flow by wanting in at the last minute.
8. People who want to argue a point, but are completely clueless on the topic.
7. Those idiots that ignore the signs saying "Lane ends in 1500 feet", Lane ends in 1000 feet", Lane ends in 500 feet" and then screw up the traffic flow by wanting in at the last minute.

I'll block those suckers if I get the chance.
2. Someone in the "10 Items or Less" lane with a full shopping cart.
3. A single fly buzzing around while I'm trying to sleep.
Amen to this.

God bless you always!!! :) :) :)


P.S. One time a lady with a full cart subbornly got in front of me at the store one day and the only thing that I had in my hand to pay for was Delsym cough medicine.

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