Can Bernie explaining his appeal that doesn't explain free stuff from the government?

Your premise is flawed. It's not "free stuff."

That's true he didn't say "free stuff."


As you see the far left just rushes in and runs their debunked narratives..

That is why so many vote Democrat as they want to keep their free stuff an not have to work for it.
This is the Bernie Challenge. Explain why you like him without using some justification that uses free stuff from the government. I bet none of you can do it.

I like healthcare being available to everyone regardless of their ability to pay.

I like education being available to everyone regardless of their ability to pay.
I'd like healthcare to be available to all through a tax directly on capital. It "used to be" that employers felt a duty to provide healthcare. If not for that, we'd have had medicare for all 65 years ago.

I'd like education to be affordable. I don't see a need to pay for a kid's doctorate, but the loans are obscene. I don't want to pay for a kid to take 6 years getting a degree in Victorian literature. I'd like to have a way whereby a kid could "work off" his education.

Why should the government back student loans for degress that are not lucrative or don't pay off. We should eliminate those since that is a waste of money.
If the degree did not enable the kid to do a job, he'd not have much use or ability to work off the cost of the degree. In short, he'd be stuck with the loan unless he was useful.
Your premise is flawed. It's not "free stuff."

That's true he didn't say "free stuff."


That is the part of Bernie I find most offensive. That and his constant use of the word "establishment." We need courts. We need gummit-hell bernies been at that long enough. And HORRORS, we need banks and people who own businesses.

And Bernie's full of it. Very few states had no tuition costs. It was just that they were low enough that kids could get through with less help.
Bernie is the parasite overlord, of course his policies can't be justified based on anything but free stuff. The policies and whole platform is that of promising free things, duh.

Maybe he has more personal appeal than Hillary though, given that at least he doesn't flip flop on his positions based on what is predicted to generate the most votes. Too bad his beliefs are a disaster.
Then there's Trump's plan - sell you a bogus degree and let you sue him so he can tie you up in court till you're dead. LOL
Your premise is flawed. It's not "free stuff."

That's true he didn't say "free stuff."



Trump wants massive tax cuts and massive defense spending increases.

That's the free stuff he's promising.

Letting people keep their earned money is not "free stuff" you idiot. It's earned... It's the opposite.

Also last time I heard he was for cutting the military spending and bases around the world...

If you are liberal regressive aren't you supposed to be for free stuff and partisism, so why are you complaining?

Of course, you complain because he precisely ISN'T for free stuff or in other words letting you forcibly take the money of productive people.
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Your premise is flawed. It's not "free stuff."

That's true he didn't say "free stuff."



Trump wants massive tax cuts and massive defense spending increases.

That's the free stuff he's promising.

Letting people keep their earned money is not "free stuff" you idiot. It's earned...

Also last time I heard he was for cutting the military spending and bases around the world...

If you are liberal regressive aren't you supposed to be for free stuff and partisism, so why are you complaining?
Free stuff is cutting taxes if the taxes aren't paid for with less spending, and drumpf is not about less spending.
Can Bernie explaining his appeal that doesn't explain free stuff from the government?

try that once again, this time in english.
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I'm still chuckling at the thread title. W. T. F.?
Yeah, it's a bitch when you screw up your OP. But there's a "thread tool."
Your premise is flawed. It's not "free stuff."

That's true he didn't say "free stuff."



Trump wants massive tax cuts and massive defense spending increases.

That's the free stuff he's promising.

Letting people keep their earned money is not "free stuff" you idiot. It's earned...

Also last time I heard he was for cutting the military spending and bases around the world...

If you are liberal regressive aren't you supposed to be for free stuff and partisism, so why are you complaining?

Of course, you complain because he precisely ISN'T for free stuff or in other words letting you take the money of productive people.

If the government spends a trillion dollars on the military and doesn't raise the revenue to pay for it from YOUR taxes,

then you got it for free.
This is the Bernie Challenge. Explain why you like him without using some justification that uses free stuff from the government. I bet none of you can do it.
Bernie's appeal boils down to the fact he's never been a front-runner, thus he's never been attacked by the press like the others.....and that he's a Democrat......and that he promises a shitload of free stuff.
This is the Bernie Challenge. Explain why you like him without using some justification that uses free stuff from the government. I bet none of you can do it.
Bernie's appeal boils down to the fact he's never been a front-runner, thus he's never been attacked by the press like the others.....and that he's a Democrat......and that he promises a shitload of free stuff.

He promises less 'free stuff' than Trump does.
This is the Bernie Challenge. Explain why you like him without using some justification that uses free stuff from the government. I bet none of you can do it.

I like healthcare being available to everyone regardless of their ability to pay.

I like education being available to everyone regardless of their ability to pay.
It's called Medicaid and military service........
This is the Bernie Challenge. Explain why you like him without using some justification that uses free stuff from the government. I bet none of you can do it.
Bernie's appeal boils down to the fact he's never been a front-runner, thus he's never been attacked by the press like the others.....and that he's a Democrat......and that he promises a shitload of free stuff.

He promises less 'free stuff' than Trump does.
This is the Bernie Challenge. Explain why you like him without using some justification that uses free stuff from the government. I bet none of you can do it.
The Bernie challenge is how will Trump pay for all the free stuff he's promising. They're both nuts.

The Mexicans?

The Mexicans are going to pay for the massive increases in defense spending Trump wants?

I'm going to bet, no, they won't, and yes, you're an idiot.

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