Can Bernie explaining his appeal that doesn't explain free stuff from the government?

This is the Bernie Challenge. Explain why you like him without using some justification that uses free stuff from the government. I bet none of you can do it.

I like healthcare being available to everyone regardless of their ability to pay.

I like education being available to everyone regardless of their ability to pay.
It's called Medicaid and military service........

It's called word and salad. Sprechen some English, Deuce.
This is the Bernie Challenge. Explain why you like him without using some justification that uses free stuff from the government. I bet none of you can do it.
Bernie's appeal boils down to the fact he's never been a front-runner, thus he's never been attacked by the press like the others.....and that he's a Democrat......and that he promises a shitload of free stuff.

He promises less 'free stuff' than Trump does.

Trump is promising a huge tax cut, which means everything that tax revenue would have paid for becomes 'free stuff',
including the massive defense spending increases Trump wants.
This is the Bernie Challenge. Explain why you like him without using some justification that uses free stuff from the government. I bet none of you can do it.

I like Bernie because of his brilliant Larry David impersonation.

Happy now?
Trump wants massive tax cuts and massive defense spending increases.That's the free stuff he's promising. Oh, and not to mention the free border wall.

And you want more illegals, more raised taxes to take care of them, more American jobs taken so families will be on welfare, more drugs to enter America from the open border so our children overdose, more illegals overcrowding hospitals while Americans suffer, massive defense cuts to not protect the borders. That's the illegals free stuff liberal socialist are promising. Oh, not to mention no border wall from free stuff.


The WSJ canard is an outright lie that's been debunked numerous times. Try to pay attention.

Sen. Bernard Sanders on Friday shot back against charges that he is “Santa Claus” and his campaign is built on the idea of providing “a bunch of free stuff” for everyone.

“I’m Santa Claus. I want to give away a bunch of free stuff and we don’t pay for it,” he said, quoting frequent attacks on his approach. “Well, we do actually pay for it.”

Senator Bernie Sanders (D-VT) has promised voters a lot of free stuff if he is elected president. He has proposals to make public colleges free for all students, raise the national minimum wage to $15 per hour, and nationalize health insurance by putting everyone on Medicare. Of course, free government handouts are not free, and Sen. Sanders provides details of an enormous array of taxes that he will raise in order to pay for all this “free” stuff. We now have enough analyses of his plans to judge where the cost burden falls and (surprise!) the vast majority of the freebies will be paid for by the rich.

And time to post this again:

The USMB RW Sanders Manifesto:
“Bernie’s old[er than Trump by five years]…and nobody takes him seriously.”

“Bernie’s a commie [to those of us too ignorant to know what democratic socialism means]…and nobody takes him seriously.”

“Bernie doesn’t have a chance and should drop out…and nobody takes him seriously.”

“Bernie’s an old commie who doesn’t have a chance… and that’s why we’re going to start dozens of threads about him to show we don’t take him seriously.”
I didn't know that there was such a thing as "free stuff" from the government. My impression was that everyone had to pay for whatever they receive with taxes.

It's free stuff when you want someone else to foot the tax bill.
I didn't know that there was such a thing as "free stuff" from the government. My impression was that everyone had to pay for whatever they receive with taxes.

It's free stuff when you want someone else to foot the tax bill.
well using your definition every thing the government uses and gives is free. I guess the government should control everything then, because then there'd be no costs!

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