Can Congress subpoena Trump’s interpreter?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
The absurdity of the DimocRATs grows larger e3very day. The interpreter? What the hell are they drinking? But, this is a serious question. According to this article, the person is not a member of the executive branch but simply someone hired for a specific purpose – a tool if you will.

To get to the title question, can they do that? I’ve been doing some checking and the short answer seems to be yes. Criminal courts of law have actually been ordering testimony from interpreters increasingly in recent years, but this creates a serious dilemma for the interpreter. Offering such testimony is a violation of one of the profession’s fundamental guidelines, known as the tenet of confidentiality. These situations are of such concern that MasterWord, an industry organization representing language professionals, has issued guidance on how to respond to subpoenas.

The bottom line is that compliance with the law and lawful orders of the courts overrides the professional requirement to adhere to the tenet of confidentiality, but the interpreters put themselves at risk of losing future work. They are advised to let their employers know when a subpoena is received to allow them the opportunity to respond or object if appropriate.

I don’t think it’ll happen. As pointed out, a majority of a Congressional committee would have to issue a subpoena to appear and the GOP isn’t about to let that happen.

Story @ Can Congress subpoena Trump's interpreter?
congress can subpoena anyone. However, I suspect an interpreter can be protected from complying to the subpoena under "executive privilege".
Flaky Senator Tries to Subpoena Helsinki Translator

Something that has never been done before in 200 years.

Republicans on the House Intelligence Committee on Thursday blocked a move to subpoena the translator from the Helsinki summit.

From Translators Worry as Pressure Increases on Trump Interpreter

Absolutely not’: GOP says questioning Trump’s translator would end presidential diplomacy @ ‘Absolutely not’: GOP says questioning Trump’s translator would end presidential diplomacy

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