Can D.C. survive 'unstoppable' ice melt;ask Netherlands!

Question folks..
Global warming has caused ice sheets to melt. Right?
If the globe is warming wouldn't that mean MORE water evaporating?
Every year the earth loses 402,100,000,000 acres of water at 1 foot deep per acre through evaporation.
Re: How much water is evaporated from the earth each day?

Has that figure been calculated in the Antarctica Glacier Melt scare???

I mean if more water comes from the locked up Glaciers, evaporates into the atmosphere at some place.. geez areas that need water..RAIN!

A very simple answer for simple minded people. Unfortunetly, most of that rain comes in the form of deluges in areas where it is not needed.
Question folks..
Global warming has caused ice sheets to melt. Right?
If the globe is warming wouldn't that mean MORE water evaporating?
Every year the earth loses 402,100,000,000 acres of water at 1 foot deep per acre through evaporation.
Re: How much water is evaporated from the earth each day?

Has that figure been calculated in the Antarctica Glacier Melt scare???

I mean if more water comes from the locked up Glaciers, evaporates into the atmosphere at some place.. geez areas that need water..RAIN!

A very simple answer for simple minded people. Unfortunetly, most of that rain comes in the form of deluges in areas where it is not needed.

But nevertheless has it been calculated in the assumptions that ALL the glacier water is STAYING in the oceans and hence causing sea level rises?

And need I remind you that simple minded people like you fell for these lines:
"This was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal."
Speech in St. Paul, Minnesota (3 June 2008).
Why aren't you and the Messiah doing something magically like supporters like you and these people that said:
BWOMAN #1: Obama money.
ROGULSKI: Where's it coming from?
WOMAN #1: Obama.
ROROGULSKI: And where did Obama get it?
WOMAN #1: I don't know, his stash. I don't know. (laughter) I don't know where he got it from, but he givin' it to us,
WOMAN #2: And we love him.
WOMAN #1: We love him. That's why we voted for him!

If these simple minded people like the above and you continually fall for these comments..
We need to immediately relocate or close the Federal government; AGW is that big a thread
Question folks..
Global warming has caused ice sheets to melt. Right?
If the globe is warming wouldn't that mean MORE water evaporating?
Every year the earth loses 402,100,000,000 acres of water at 1 foot deep per acre through evaporation.
Re: How much water is evaporated from the earth each day?

Has that figure been calculated in the Antarctica Glacier Melt scare???

I mean if more water comes from the locked up Glaciers, evaporates into the atmosphere at some place.. geez areas that need water..RAIN!

Wow... you found us out. Our goose is cooked. Someone on the denier side finally thought of evaporation. You'll be their new hero. They'll put you up on their shoulders and march you around the town square.

Right up till it rains.
glaciers melting mean warmer temperatures right?
In the midst of all this "chicken little sky is falling" it is forgotten the land underneath is exposed.
Great !
More land to for the people that are displaced!
Oh and by the way what if we find on these newly exposed land skeletons?
Especially dinosaurs. Hmm.. they apparently didn't live in cold temperatures so hmmm.. that meant at one time no.. can't be!
The Antarctica was warm? How can that be without man's interference i.e. AGW?
glaciers melting mean warmer temperatures right?
In the midst of all this "chicken little sky is falling" it is forgotten the land underneath is exposed.
Great !
More land to for the people that are displaced!

I haven't seen this much stupidity out of one person in.... well... ever!
glaciers melting mean warmer temperatures right?
In the midst of all this "chicken little sky is falling" it is forgotten the land underneath is exposed.
Great !
More land to for the people that are displaced!

I haven't seen this much stupidity out of one person in.... well... ever!

Coming from someone with a Rep Power of 28?
well with (5,400,000 sq miles Antarctica can support all those people that are displaced by..
BUT perhaps stupid people might also study history..(CRICK???)

A) Dummies!
However, all the ice is not going to melt.
The Antarctic ice cap, where most of the ice exists, has survived much warmer times.

One way to approach the problem of not understanding the process is to study how sea level changed in the past.
Earth is nearly as warm now as it was during the last interglacial period, about 125,000 years ago.
At that time, sea level was 4 to 6 meters (13-20 feet) higher.
It seems that this higher sea level was due to the melting Greenland and West Antarctic ice caps.

What no CO2 issue???
You could use a little more education their bud.

WOW Crick... ever heard the adage.. "It's better to be thought a fool than open your mouth and prove it."

YOU telling ME I need a little more education when YOU can't even write a 9 word sentence without an error?

How f...king dumb is that?
glaciers melting mean warmer temperatures right?
In the midst of all this "chicken little sky is falling" it is forgotten the land underneath is exposed.
Great !
More land to for the people that are displaced!

I haven't seen this much stupidity out of one person in.... well... ever!

And you aren't likely to anytime soon.

Explain to me how stupid it is to get all bent out of shape over something that happened BEFORE CO2 from humans?
I mean it is REALLY dumb and stupid to criticize the messenger !

The Antarctic ice cap, where most of the ice exists, has survived much warmer times.

One way to approach the problem of not understanding the process is to study how sea level changed in the past.

Earth is nearly as warm now as it was during the last interglacial period, about 125,000 years ago.
At that time, sea level was 4 to 6 meters (13-20 feet) higher.
It seems that this higher sea level was due to the melting Greenland and West Antarctic ice caps
You'd be okay with a 4-6 meter (13-20 foot) increase in sea level? Nothing to get bent out of shape over?

How many human beings do you believe would be forcefully displaced by such an event?
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Earth is nearly as warm now as it was during the last interglacial period, about 125,000 years ago.

And what was the Earth's human population 125,000 years ago? At 10,000 BCE, less than a tenth as far back as the period you're talking about, the Earth's total human population is estimated to have been about 3 million people.
Earth is nearly as warm now as it was during the last interglacial period, about 125,000 years ago.

And what was the Earth's human population 125,000 years ago? At 10,000 BCE, less than a tenth as far back as the period you're talking about, the Earth's total human population is estimated to have been about 3 million people.

And only Centrally Planned Government can save us! I mean just look at the track record!

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