Can DNA be extracted form dibosaur bones?

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You did not know that Oxygen does not burn...……………..

It's ok, I have been educating people for decades now

Then never like the lesson

Still waiting on that quote. Why don't you just admit that you claimed something that was a bald faced lie?
Look I know you have to save face as it's pretty embarrassing that you went thru your entire life believing that pure Oxygen is flammable. However your ignorance of basic chemistry is not my responsibility. Are you a lawyer? Because they are usually the most effected by my how do I say it...escapades

So, you are sticking by your lie? That's OK. you have had plenty of opportunity to correct yourself or provide the link.

I claim victory over your lying ass! You are nothing more than a pathetic excuse for pond scum.
I did provide the link to the post where you said Oxygen burns.... Its ok I know you need to save face with the rest of F Troop.......


You did not. You lie again! Have you no self-respect? You quoted where you accused me of not knowing. That is your incompetence showing. You cannot even understand your own writing.
Look Agarn, I have lambasted better than you. They actually knew that you had no chance and sold you out, they are laughing their asses off at you right now.

PS I had a pleasant workout teacher

Yes absolutely, on the other hand there are no dinosaur bones to extract DNA from.

DNA in Dinosaur Bones?

Yawn there is a sucker born every day

Fredo Ocrazio knows this is a trick question. The Dinosaurs' relatives don't give permission to test them.

Kind of like testing Chelsea Clinton's hair to prove that Webb Hubble is her real father
Root tips. Or from her spittle when she slags on the deplorables (read that "uneducated blue collar workers").

Yes absolutely, on the other hand there are no dinosaur bones to extract DNA from.

DNA in Dinosaur Bones?

Yawn there is a sucker born every day

Fredo Ocrazio knows this is a trick question. The Dinosaurs' relatives don't give permission to test them.

Kind of like testing Chelsea Clinton's hair to prove that Webb Hubble is her real father
Root tips. Or from her spittle when she slags on the deplorables (read that "uneducated blue collar workers").

I was deplorable decades before it was cool
Yes absolutely, on the other hand there are no dinosaur bones to extract DNA from.

DNA in Dinosaur Bones?

Yawn there is a sucker born every day

Fredo Ocrazio knows this is a trick question. The Dinosaurs' relatives don't give permission to test them.

Kind of like testing Chelsea Clinton's hair to prove that Webb Hubble is her real father
Root tips. Or from her spittle when she slags on the deplorables (read that "uneducated blue collar workers").

I was deplorable decades before it was cool

Ditto, bru!! I was even threatened by "the cool kids" (Maoists and Trots) at Uni in the 70s. Bastards wouldn't try me out though. Dunno why.....

I had about 20 posts marked for deletion in just the last 4 pages or so... It's just a big ass flame fest.. About 3 or 5 people need warnings on this including the OP...

It's just closed instead... Don't do this again...

You wanna get personal? USMB has forums for that...
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