Can Hollywood Make War Movie Without the...

The question you should be asking yourself is why Hollywood obsesses over the Nazis, a long-defeated enemy that will most likely never return to pose a threat to the world as we know it. My guess is that the powers-that-be use the Nazis, their legacy and anything they can attach to them as a weapon to beat the minds and consciousness of White people. And Inglorious Barsterds was nothing more than a Jewish revenge fantasy.
Nazis are a still a good screen enemy because they were very theatrical themselves, the uniforms look sinister and practically no one in the western world is sympathetic to them except a few white supremacists and no one cares what they think.

I hate to break it to you like this, but the United States wouldn't be the world's #1 superpower if it weren't for the technological advances they appropriated from the Nazis. Truman's administration conspicuously overlooked the undeniable atrocities and human suffering Nazi scientists, engineers and physicists had committed in the name of the Third Reich to profit from their knowledge and expertise.

Furthermore, at the time I doubt their enemies considered them "sinister" on account of their uniforms. You've just fallen for the Hollywood narrative, where they've associated the Nazi image with all things demonic and evil.
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It's true. Some USMB nutters actually believe that Hollywood won't make movies with brown people as bad guys.

I cannot fathom the disconnect.
After female Thor a black Captain America from Marvel Books
Hollywood coming out with a Black Captain America who will fight a terrorist group called Hydra formed out of ...ta- dah!!! You guessed it, former Nazi's from WWII.

jews run hollywood and most media and their goal is to make money and influence people through propaganda...their favorite (movie) enemy are germans.

Because they hate white christians and consider us "unclean", "goyim" and "shiksas" and they know the animosity between the races in america, this is perfect.. a movie that vanquishes their historic boogeymen the nazis, while simultaneously revising a well known white character into a heroic negro.
A little something for all the anti whites.

Those "jews" are also deafeningly silent when it comes to opening their mouths about the "plight of the palestinian people."

It is very fashionable to be pro-palestine in left wing circles. The left wing sees Israel as an extension of what they truly hate. America.

Yet, nothing is said by the Hollywood "jews" that always open their yappers about politics.

Meaning, in truth they are not jews at all. They may call themselves Jews, they may wear the hats on certain days of the year. They are the enemies of Israel that prophets have warned about for years. The wolves in sheeps clothing if you will. More related to those that danced the golden calf then they are of the true chosen people.

I cannot help but wonder, with the release of Brad Pitts new movie without the Nazis as the villain again"Could Hollywood make any of the following motion pictures in 2014 under the restrictions of a leftist PC culture?" "Zulu", about British soldiers of the era of Queen Victoria fighting Zulu tribes in South Africa. " Cross of Iron" about German soldiers fighting against communist on the Eastern Front in WWII. I don't think they would have the courage to do this in a Hollywood limo leftist world.

Independent filmmakers could still tell stories that reflect American greatness and historical facts regarding our roll in the defeat of evil. But that genre has gone the way of patriotism and a good education.
Liberals still claiming Hollywood does not typically make movies that make white right wing capitalist America the antagonist?


Oliver Stone made movies, Nixon and W.

I wonder if he will make a movie titled BO.

If he did.....oh never mind. I do seem to recall Mel Gibson being a very popular movie star. One of the big movie stars. He made a movie about Jesus, and the "Hollywood crowd" (Matzenberg, Katzenberg, Spielberg, Weinstein etc etc etc) shouted anti-semitism. Of course that movie about Jesus is something that is said in churches on a daily basis around the world, but it did not depict Christ having sex with Mary Magdelene, or joining some orgy, so it was ridiculed and crushed and Gibson was black balled. Not, because of what he said about Jews in Hollywood. No, he was already being blackballed.

Then again, several actors said very disparaging remarks just recently about Israel. Well, that same group of "Hollywood people" are not blackballing them. In fact nothing is being said. Not by Frank Rich of the NY Times, who spent months "crucifying Mel Gibson" leading up the The Passion release. Guess what Frank Rich is and guess which way he leans.

So, can we expect a movie entitled BO from Oliver Stone? No?

(Isn't Oliver Stone one of those "Hollywood people?")
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Even though it's fiction, Inglorious Basterds is one of my all time favorite war movies.

I love this scene!

Idiotic Hollywood movie featuring Brad Pitt speaking in a retardly fake southern accent.

American G.I.'s didn't fight the Nazi's in order to help Jews.

I've known many WWll vet's and never heard any of them even mention the Jews. ....... :cool:
This thread was started what...a day ago...and the liberals in hollywood just couldn't wait to confirm what I have said about the fact we have been fighting muslim terrorists for 14 years and hollywood can't make the U.S. the good guys in a movie...

here we have another anti American, anti military, sympathy for the monsters movie..."Camp X-ray"

Kristen Stewart Trashes the Military Defends 9 11 Terrorists in Camp X-Ray Interview

It’s a ridiculous idea for you to think that you know anything for sure in life—other than to take care of your fellow people. Where the f*ck do you get off thinking otherwise? These two people couldn’t be from more different worlds and perspectives, and probably disagree fundamentally on most things, but there’s a through-line for all of us—and that’s what people forget, and that’s what makes people capable of doing terrible things to each other. What makes you different from any other person that walks the earth?

Protagonist Amy Cole enlisted in the Army as an act of patriotism in the wake of 9/11. Stewart seemingly finds the standards of intelligence for joining the armed forces rather low.
"She’s simple, not very smart, and really socially inadequate—but a good person. So, if you can sign up, put a uniform on, and erase yourself, you don’t have to consider yourself anymore," she said.

Keeping in mind the stories of the monsters locked up a Gitmo...the way they attack the guards, and threaten their families...and how they would treat this pampered, spoiled, really dumb actress if she ever fell into their hands...

I cannot help but wonder, with the release of Brad Pitts new movie without the Nazis as the villain again"Could Hollywood make any of the following motion pictures in 2014 under the restrictions of a leftist PC culture?" "Zulu", about British soldiers of the era of Queen Victoria fighting Zulu tribes in South Africa. " Cross of Iron" about German soldiers fighting against communist on the Eastern Front in WWII. I don't think they would have the courage to do this in a Hollywood limo leftist world.

REALLY dumb post, dumb premise.

But, did you happen to know that there is more than one forum here at USMess?

True story.
This thread was started what...a day ago...and the liberals in hollywood just couldn't wait to confirm what I have said about the fact we have been fighting muslim terrorists for 14 years and hollywood can't make the U.S. the good guys in a movie...

here we have another anti American, anti military, sympathy for the monsters movie..."Camp X-ray"

Kristen Stewart Trashes the Military Defends 9 11 Terrorists in Camp X-Ray Interview

It’s a ridiculous idea for you to think that you know anything for sure in life—other than to take care of your fellow people. Where the f*ck do you get off thinking otherwise? These two people couldn’t be from more different worlds and perspectives, and probably disagree fundamentally on most things, but there’s a through-line for all of us—and that’s what people forget, and that’s what makes people capable of doing terrible things to each other. What makes you different from any other person that walks the earth?

Protagonist Amy Cole enlisted in the Army as an act of patriotism in the wake of 9/11. Stewart seemingly finds the standards of intelligence for joining the armed forces rather low.
"She’s simple, not very smart, and really socially inadequate—but a good person. So, if you can sign up, put a uniform on, and erase yourself, you don’t have to consider yourself anymore," she said.

Keeping in mind the stories of the monsters locked up a Gitmo...the way they attack the guards, and threaten their families...and how they would treat this pampered, spoiled, really dumb actress if she ever fell into their hands...

Of course they would not make the US good guys. Kirsten Stewart is just a typical Hollywood know it all slut who actually thinks she is smart. That is the way it is with every liberal. I will bet she thinks she is a vampire.
My wife and I saw Fury last Saturday and we highly recommend it! I won't give any spoilers but it has a religious undertone that many of us wouldn't expect from Hollywood today.

The story is of a Tank crew that had been together since North Africa and fought it's way up the boot in Italy and is now in Germany. One of the tank crew is killed and gets replaced by a raw army recruit with no Tank training but due to circumstances beyond his control gets put on the crew anyway.

So right away the crew resents the new guy who not only is replacing their close friend but is also devoutly religious. The new guy is reluctant to pull the trigger even on the enemy so much of the movie is about getting him "just to do his job" and keep the rest of the crew safe.

I won't give away the ending but it's about one religious mans effect on the crew and their effect on him.

I cannot help but wonder, with the release of Brad Pitts new movie without the Nazis as the villain again"Could Hollywood make any of the following motion pictures in 2014 under the restrictions of a leftist PC culture?" "Zulu", about British soldiers of the era of Queen Victoria fighting Zulu tribes in South Africa. " Cross of Iron" about German soldiers fighting against communist on the Eastern Front in WWII. I don't think they would have the courage to do this in a Hollywood limo leftist world.
Excuse me a typo "Can Hollywood make a war movie without the Nazis being the villain again?"
Not all Germans were Nazis.

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