CDZ Can Hurricane deaths 5 months after Hurricane be blamed on Trump?

If the Puerto Rican government has been corrupt for 30 years....and has put the Island into 118 billion dollars in debt, while allowing the infrastructure to be destroyed...where is Trump's responsibility...especially when the corruption continued through the hurricane and handling the supplies and aid?

Again, Trump is in charge of FEMA and all the other federal agencies. If anything, he has MORE authority to override local officials because Puerto Rico is a territory and not a state with sovereign rights. He just chose not to.


FEMA did it's job, the Puerto Rican government didn't do it's job....and hasn't done it's job in 30 years.
"Can Hurricane deaths 5 months after Hurricane be blamed on Trump?

Yes, absolutely. If rhe cause of death is attributable to an illness or injury originating during the hurricane and caused by a poor emergency services response it can be blamed on the poor response. Trump, as CiC is hence culpable for the poor response. In this case, a lack of LPH's directly stalled and hindered the delivery of life-saving supplies such as medicines and clean drinking water that and troops to administer and safeguard those supplies could have and should have been delivered via helicopters dispatched from an appropriate number of LPH's. Helicopter Carriers (LPH's) were in short supply only because they were not dispatched to rhe area in time.

Wrong.....FEMA and the President did their job.......the Puerto Rican government, as corrupt as it has always been, has kept aid from getting to the locals...that is on them, not Trump or FEMA.
"Can Hurricane deaths 5 months after Hurricane be blamed on Trump?"

Of course they can.

The deaths of American citizens during the storm and subsequently are the consequence of Trump’s incompetence and failure to address the crisis.

And the lie that the Puerto Rican government is ‘corrupt’ fails as a red herring fallacy, just another example of how dishonest and reprehensible Trump supporters are.

It isn't a Red Herring, it is the truth......

For the last 30 years, the Puerto Rican government has been completely inept at handling regular societal needs, so I just don’t see it functioning in a crisis like this one. Even before the hurricane hit, water and power systems were already broken. And our $118 billion debt crisis is a result of government corruption and mismanagement.
If the Puerto Rican government has been corrupt for 30 years....and has put the Island into 118 billion dollars in debt, while allowing the infrastructure to be destroyed...where is Trump's responsibility...especially when the corruption continued through the hurricane and handling the supplies and aid?

Again, Trump is in charge of FEMA and all the other federal agencies. If anything, he has MORE authority to override local officials because Puerto Rico is a territory and not a state with sovereign rights. He just chose not to.

Blow it out your ass..... Nothing in PR can be blamed on Trump.
PR was corrupt from the get go and they are the only one responsible for their situation.
PR has seen what America can do for it, which is not help at all. So I'd suggest that they declare independence and tell Americans where they can stick their territory.

Wow, that is funny. Puerto Rico has continued to allow corrupt and incompetent, democrat governors run the island...

They have only had two republican governors since 1965 and the last one was out of office in 2013 the first one was out of office n the democrats, again, have destroyed another state....
"Can Hurricane deaths 5 months after Hurricane be blamed on Trump?"

Of course they can.

The deaths of American citizens during the storm and subsequently are the consequence of Trump’s incompetence and failure to address the crisis.

And the lie that the Puerto Rican government is ‘corrupt’ fails as a red herring fallacy, just another example of how dishonest and reprehensible Trump supporters are.
I've been dispelling your outright the other poster who said the Navy ships weren't sent on time.....They were already there...........10,000 FEMA and army were ALREADY THERE.

You bunch of dumb asses know what kind of damage 2 Cat 5 Hurricanes can do.......

Then I want you to look at a map and show that they have to travel 1200 miles to get there.

Shall we go into the U.S. Navy assets to Key West.........guess what, they were there also.............

Incompetent........our Military was all over these places at the same time.......providing assistance.....

Where the hell you gonna get the other assets for these storms at the same time while fighting Wars overseas.........Did you expect them to pull them out of their asses..........

Good Grief you people are beyond stupid.

Just a note, this is the CDZ....though I do share your opinion of clayton...
If the Puerto Rican government has been corrupt for 30 years....and has put the Island into 118 billion dollars in debt, while allowing the infrastructure to be destroyed...where is Trump's responsibility...especially when the corruption continued through the hurricane and handling the supplies and aid?

Again, Trump is in charge of FEMA and all the other federal agencies. If anything, he has MORE authority to override local officials because Puerto Rico is a territory and not a state with sovereign rights. He just chose not to.

Blow it out your ass..... Nothing in PR can be blamed on Trump.
PR was corrupt from the get go and they are the only one responsible for their situation.

Though I share your opinion, this is the CDZ...
If the Puerto Rican government has been corrupt for 30 years....and has put the Island into 118 billion dollars in debt, while allowing the infrastructure to be destroyed...where is Trump's responsibility...especially when the corruption continued through the hurricane and handling the supplies and aid?

Again, Trump is in charge of FEMA and all the other federal agencies. If anything, he has MORE authority to override local officials because Puerto Rico is a territory and not a state with sovereign rights. He just chose not to.

Blow it out your ass..... Nothing in PR can be blamed on Trump.
PR was corrupt from the get go and they are the only one responsible for their situation.

Though I share your opinion, this is the CDZ...
Sorry I did not notice that
If the Puerto Rican government has been corrupt for 30 years....and has put the Island into 118 billion dollars in debt, while allowing the infrastructure to be destroyed...where is Trump's responsibility...especially when the corruption continued through the hurricane and handling the supplies and aid?

Again, Trump is in charge of FEMA and all the other federal agencies. If anything, he has MORE authority to override local officials because Puerto Rico is a territory and not a state with sovereign rights. He just chose not to.

Blow it out your ass..... Nothing in PR can be blamed on Trump.
PR was corrupt from the get go and they are the only one responsible for their situation.

Though I share your opinion, this is the CDZ...
Sorry I did not notice that

I know, I do the same thing myself...there are so many threads filled with these guys dishonestly going after Trump, conservatives, and Republicans.....I tend to lose sight of which thread is which...
The Puerto Rican government is completely corrupt, and the deaths attributed to the Hurricane? Are now being counted 5 months out in an obvious attempt to attack this fair?

Completely. Trump is in Charge of FEMA, the organization that is supposed to respond to disasters and get a region like this back on their feet after a disaster.
Then he needs to declare martial law! Put a division of army in there, put the dumb officials in jail and just take over PR. Otherwise he is not responsible.
He could have put a division of troops in PR when they were needed.

Presidents Clinton and Bush were the ones who helped the Puerto Ricans kick the US Navy out in the first place.
The Puerto Rican government is completely corrupt, and the deaths attributed to the Hurricane? Are now being counted 5 months out in an obvious attempt to attack this fair?

The politics of calculating hurricane deaths

Here’s where we run into trouble. Look at the description of the methodology they used. It’s based on “a careful examination of all of the deaths officially reported to the government of Puerto Rico between September 2017 and February 2018… using state-of-the-art mathematical modeling to compare the total number of deaths during that time to the expected number of deaths, based on historical patterns as well as age, sex, socioeconomic status and migration from the island.”

They’re counting deaths which took place five months after the storm had passed.

Pardon my incredulousness over such a serious matter, but when did we start defining hurricane deaths in this fashion? When we think of people dying in a hurricane, we picture those who are washed out to sea, struck by flying debris, trapped under collapsed buildings, drowned in rising storm surge waters or even expiring from exposure while trapped on their roofs awaiting rescue. But at some point the storm is over and the immediate rescue and recovery operations are complete. People no doubt suffer ill effects from a deadly storm for some time to come, but that’s largely a matter of how good the medical and social support services available to them happen to be.


This new study of Maria, as indicated above, was looking at the number of people who probably would have died on average in each month following the storm going out to February fo the following year. Then they looked at the number of actual death certificates they could find (no matter what they died of) and any in excess of the projection were attributed to the storm. Five. Months. Later.

I’m not saying that there was or wasn’t any political bias involved in the compilation of the Milken Institute study, but that’s really not the point. The question is whether or not this is actual science. If you’re suggesting that every person who gets sick and dies months after a storm comes through because the infrastructure is inadequate, or medical supplies aren’t available, or because they were bitten by a dog who might have been too hungry because he lost his owners in the storm, are directly attributable to the hurricane, then… please.

Is Trump president or not?

Fuck, he's taking credit for the economy doing well when he did nothing, now he doesn't want to take the blame for problems that are happening. What a fucking surprise.
Illogical and you contradict yourself in this little post.

Trump is responsible for hurricane deaths during his presidency, but not responsible for the economy during his presidency. LOL.

Well, that'd be assuming that I said this.

What I'm pointing out is that Trump will take any success as his success and is pinning all failure on other people.
The Puerto Rican government is completely corrupt, and the deaths attributed to the Hurricane? Are now being counted 5 months out in an obvious attempt to attack this fair?

The politics of calculating hurricane deaths

Here’s where we run into trouble. Look at the description of the methodology they used. It’s based on “a careful examination of all of the deaths officially reported to the government of Puerto Rico between September 2017 and February 2018… using state-of-the-art mathematical modeling to compare the total number of deaths during that time to the expected number of deaths, based on historical patterns as well as age, sex, socioeconomic status and migration from the island.”

They’re counting deaths which took place five months after the storm had passed.

Pardon my incredulousness over such a serious matter, but when did we start defining hurricane deaths in this fashion? When we think of people dying in a hurricane, we picture those who are washed out to sea, struck by flying debris, trapped under collapsed buildings, drowned in rising storm surge waters or even expiring from exposure while trapped on their roofs awaiting rescue. But at some point the storm is over and the immediate rescue and recovery operations are complete. People no doubt suffer ill effects from a deadly storm for some time to come, but that’s largely a matter of how good the medical and social support services available to them happen to be.


This new study of Maria, as indicated above, was looking at the number of people who probably would have died on average in each month following the storm going out to February fo the following year. Then they looked at the number of actual death certificates they could find (no matter what they died of) and any in excess of the projection were attributed to the storm. Five. Months. Later.

I’m not saying that there was or wasn’t any political bias involved in the compilation of the Milken Institute study, but that’s really not the point. The question is whether or not this is actual science. If you’re suggesting that every person who gets sick and dies months after a storm comes through because the infrastructure is inadequate, or medical supplies aren’t available, or because they were bitten by a dog who might have been too hungry because he lost his owners in the storm, are directly attributable to the hurricane, then… please.

Is Trump president or not?

Fuck, he's taking credit for the economy doing well when he did nothing, now he doesn't want to take the blame for problems that are happening. What a fucking surprise.
Illogical and you contradict yourself in this little post.

Trump is responsible for hurricane deaths during his presidency, but not responsible for the economy during his presidency. LOL.

Well, that'd be assuming that I said this.

What I'm pointing out is that Trump will take any success as his success and is pinning all failure on other people.

No..... you misread the post...we are talking about Trump, not obama....Trump is successful and simply touts his success since the democrat media won't do it....obama was a failure in every way and now has to stamp his feet and claim credit for everything Trump is doing....
If the islands government is corrupt, then Marshall law should be implemented immediately, and the corruption destroyed.

After that, then rebuild the island into a modern day paradise with security measures that would withstand another hit from a major storm like that. End of story.

first, it's "Martial" law, not "Marshall" law.

Second, the Federal Government already has more authority in PR than it would have in IL, because it's a territory, not a state. So Trump could have sent in FEMA and the military to help out without really asking permission. Not that he would have needed it, they'd have been happy for the help.

Instead, he forgot about it as soon as it was out of the headlines.
Forgot about it because it was being handled as best that it could be, so it is that you think that our Presidency is one dimensional or that it can't get on with the nation's other business while taking care of PR or any other matter of importance ??? Sure it could, but the left keep on turning over rocks trying to see what might be under them in hopes that one of them might yell "we finally got something on Trump". LOL
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The Puerto Rican government is completely corrupt, and the deaths attributed to the Hurricane? Are now being counted 5 months out in an obvious attempt to attack this fair?

The politics of calculating hurricane deaths

Here’s where we run into trouble. Look at the description of the methodology they used. It’s based on “a careful examination of all of the deaths officially reported to the government of Puerto Rico between September 2017 and February 2018… using state-of-the-art mathematical modeling to compare the total number of deaths during that time to the expected number of deaths, based on historical patterns as well as age, sex, socioeconomic status and migration from the island.”

They’re counting deaths which took place five months after the storm had passed.

Pardon my incredulousness over such a serious matter, but when did we start defining hurricane deaths in this fashion? When we think of people dying in a hurricane, we picture those who are washed out to sea, struck by flying debris, trapped under collapsed buildings, drowned in rising storm surge waters or even expiring from exposure while trapped on their roofs awaiting rescue. But at some point the storm is over and the immediate rescue and recovery operations are complete. People no doubt suffer ill effects from a deadly storm for some time to come, but that’s largely a matter of how good the medical and social support services available to them happen to be.


This new study of Maria, as indicated above, was looking at the number of people who probably would have died on average in each month following the storm going out to February fo the following year. Then they looked at the number of actual death certificates they could find (no matter what they died of) and any in excess of the projection were attributed to the storm. Five. Months. Later.

I’m not saying that there was or wasn’t any political bias involved in the compilation of the Milken Institute study, but that’s really not the point. The question is whether or not this is actual science. If you’re suggesting that every person who gets sick and dies months after a storm comes through because the infrastructure is inadequate, or medical supplies aren’t available, or because they were bitten by a dog who might have been too hungry because he lost his owners in the storm, are directly attributable to the hurricane, then… please.

This issue is a prime example of how the anti-Trump media is dumbing down America. I truly don’t know if these people who think it’s warranted to blame this estimated death toll on Trump would have agreed with themselves ten years ago. Were these people always this easy to manipulate?
It was a statistical model with accompanied uncertainty bounds. Large uncertainty bounds.

They never looked at a single death certificate. Other studies were done by people who looked at individual cases, and the numbers are much lower.
PR has seen what America can do for it, which is not help at all. So I'd suggest that they declare independence and tell Americans where they can stick their territory.

Wow, that is funny. Puerto Rico has continued to allow corrupt and incompetent, democrat governors run the island...

They have only had two republican governors since 1965 and the last one was out of office in 2013 the first one was out of office n the democrats, again, have destroyed another state....
It’s not a state, you numbskull.
The Puerto Rican government is completely corrupt, and the deaths attributed to the Hurricane? Are now being counted 5 months out in an obvious attempt to attack this fair?

The politics of calculating hurricane deaths

Here’s where we run into trouble. Look at the description of the methodology they used. It’s based on “a careful examination of all of the deaths officially reported to the government of Puerto Rico between September 2017 and February 2018… using state-of-the-art mathematical modeling to compare the total number of deaths during that time to the expected number of deaths, based on historical patterns as well as age, sex, socioeconomic status and migration from the island.”

They’re counting deaths which took place five months after the storm had passed.

Pardon my incredulousness over such a serious matter, but when did we start defining hurricane deaths in this fashion? When we think of people dying in a hurricane, we picture those who are washed out to sea, struck by flying debris, trapped under collapsed buildings, drowned in rising storm surge waters or even expiring from exposure while trapped on their roofs awaiting rescue. But at some point the storm is over and the immediate rescue and recovery operations are complete. People no doubt suffer ill effects from a deadly storm for some time to come, but that’s largely a matter of how good the medical and social support services available to them happen to be.


This new study of Maria, as indicated above, was looking at the number of people who probably would have died on average in each month following the storm going out to February fo the following year. Then they looked at the number of actual death certificates they could find (no matter what they died of) and any in excess of the projection were attributed to the storm. Five. Months. Later.

I’m not saying that there was or wasn’t any political bias involved in the compilation of the Milken Institute study, but that’s really not the point. The question is whether or not this is actual science. If you’re suggesting that every person who gets sick and dies months after a storm comes through because the infrastructure is inadequate, or medical supplies aren’t available, or because they were bitten by a dog who might have been too hungry because he lost his owners in the storm, are directly attributable to the hurricane, then… please.
every person who gets sick and dies months after a storm comes through because the infrastructure is inadequate, or medical supplies aren’t available,
Do you not think it is possible and reasonable to look to the devastation of the roads and the ongoing lack of electricity and supplies as being factors for higher than normal death rates after Maria?
I know it is very unusual to put a death count that far out after a hurricane, but Maria was a very unusual circumstance, wasn't it? Perhaps we should have poured extensive resources into Puerto Rico to rebuild it, regardless of whose "responsibility" it was. But we don't like to spend money on Puerto Rico, do we? They are a poor relation, usually ignored. We won't make them a state because they are too broke.
"Can Hurricane deaths 5 months after Hurricane be blamed on Trump?"

Of course they can.

The deaths of American citizens during the storm and subsequently are the consequence of Trump’s incompetence and failure to address the crisis.

And the lie that the Puerto Rican government is ‘corrupt’ fails as a red herring fallacy, just another example of how dishonest and reprehensible Trump supporters are.
Then explain that bassackwards/third world looking place that everyone can see upon their screen's when watching the aftermath of that event down there. Then we have to spend millions upon millions to get that place back to livable status before any plans to modernize its future is hopefully considered ? Sounds like the storm might have revealed the incompetence of that place or the slackness of it, and now it's the government down there using Trump as the escape goat to try and cover it all up.

Same with Katrina, where they tried to pin that on Bush in order to cover up what had been going on for way to long in New Orleans. So the new norm is to "not let a good crisis go to waste" when trying to cover up the Demon-crat's messes they make when in power for to long ?? Yes, we all get it now.
The Puerto Rican government is completely corrupt, and the deaths attributed to the Hurricane? Are now being counted 5 months out in an obvious attempt to attack this fair?

The politics of calculating hurricane deaths

Here’s where we run into trouble. Look at the description of the methodology they used. It’s based on “a careful examination of all of the deaths officially reported to the government of Puerto Rico between September 2017 and February 2018… using state-of-the-art mathematical modeling to compare the total number of deaths during that time to the expected number of deaths, based on historical patterns as well as age, sex, socioeconomic status and migration from the island.”

They’re counting deaths which took place five months after the storm had passed.

Pardon my incredulousness over such a serious matter, but when did we start defining hurricane deaths in this fashion? When we think of people dying in a hurricane, we picture those who are washed out to sea, struck by flying debris, trapped under collapsed buildings, drowned in rising storm surge waters or even expiring from exposure while trapped on their roofs awaiting rescue. But at some point the storm is over and the immediate rescue and recovery operations are complete. People no doubt suffer ill effects from a deadly storm for some time to come, but that’s largely a matter of how good the medical and social support services available to them happen to be.


This new study of Maria, as indicated above, was looking at the number of people who probably would have died on average in each month following the storm going out to February fo the following year. Then they looked at the number of actual death certificates they could find (no matter what they died of) and any in excess of the projection were attributed to the storm. Five. Months. Later.

I’m not saying that there was or wasn’t any political bias involved in the compilation of the Milken Institute study, but that’s really not the point. The question is whether or not this is actual science. If you’re suggesting that every person who gets sick and dies months after a storm comes through because the infrastructure is inadequate, or medical supplies aren’t available, or because they were bitten by a dog who might have been too hungry because he lost his owners in the storm, are directly attributable to the hurricane, then… please.
every person who gets sick and dies months after a storm comes through because the infrastructure is inadequate, or medical supplies aren’t available,
Do you not think it is possible and reasonable to look to the devastation of the roads and the ongoing lack of electricity and supplies as being factors for higher than normal death rates after Maria?
I know it is very unusual to put a death count that far out after a hurricane, but Maria was a very unusual circumstance, wasn't it? Perhaps we should have poured extensive resources into Puerto Rico to rebuild it, regardless of whose "responsibility" it was. But we don't like to spend money on Puerto Rico, do we? They are a poor relation, usually ignored. We won't make them a state because they are too broke.

Extensive resources were poured into Puerto Rico over the last 30 years....their corrupt government wasted them...

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