Can Liberals feel shame?

Anyone pinning the actions of a deranged sick individual to make political points needs to feel shame.

These sick individuals represent no sane person of either party. These individuals need to be condemned by all and need to see swift justice and the swift implementation of the death penalty in a very public way. Not made a martyr to a political point.

Hateful rhetoric will indeed encourage someone like this. "My president hates these people so obviously it's OK for me to hate them also".
Did you apply that same reasoning to Obama?

Yes. Obama was a complete failure as a president.
Seems to me that the complaints from the shooters mirror Trump's. Does that mean that Trump encourages what went on? No, but it means hateful rhetoric has followers.
They're defending Trump by pointing out that Trump never specifically called for this.

Ignoring the fact that he and the right wing media have been whipping their soldiers into a froth for years.
Yet to be proved. I think it is a reaction to having 22 million illegal invaders in OUR country-sometimes I feel like taking physical action to get rid of them-like citizen arrests or public shaming.

Then one would think the target would be Trump himself as he is the one not enforcing our employment laws. His hateful rhetoric in large point is done to distract from the fact he is not doing his job.
I must be seeing things. You mean to tell me that Trump forced cities and states to become sancutuaries? He forced mayors to give warnings that ICE was in the area? That he forced candidates to say they would tear down border barriers? That he forced people to walk across the border leading a group of non citizens? That he even forced one of our congress critters to give out information on how to get into the U.S.?
Either he is the most powerful person to ever live or you maybe wrong.
Seems to me that the complaints from the shooters mirror Trump's. Does that mean that Trump encourages what went on? No, but it means hateful rhetoric has followers.
They're defending Trump by pointing out that Trump never specifically called for this.

Ignoring the fact that he and the right wing media have been whipping their soldiers into a froth for years.
Yet to be proved. I think it is a reaction to having 22 million illegal invaders in OUR country-sometimes I feel like taking physical action to get rid of them-like citizen arrests or public shaming.

DING, DING, DING!!! We a have winner folks.

The guy who denies that these shoorting are the result of violent right wing rhetoric whipping the ignorant class into a froth over illegal immigration, then proceeds to cite the every one of the major lies contained in said right wing rhetoric and actually attempts to justify the violence. And then says he's tempted to take the law into his own hands over it all, but it's not because of anti-immigrant rhetoric.

There are, at most, 11.5 million illegal immigrants, 8 million of whom are working, and who are, in general, more law abiding than American citizens, less violent, and just trying to stay under the radar. In violent incident and after violent incident, right wing terrorist are attacking immigrants, and those who provide them with aid or assistance, or just because they have no other outlet for the rage they feel against immigrants.

If this isn't enough to wake people up to the dangers of Trump's rhetoric, I don't know what is.
One day they're threatening a civil war, the next day they're running from it.

What does that mean?
In post #2 I said:
You ask about "shame". Shame serves a purpose:It lets people know when they have done something wrong. Liberals have created a world where shame is bad because they have created a world where sin is good. Sodomy and homosexuality, condemned in the Bible and the Koran, are celebrated by the Left. Murdering babies is celebrated by the Left as Women's Right. The Left is sheer evil. They must be destroyed.

To continue: Fat people should also be ashamed because Gluttony is also a sin. Your shame should prod you into eating less. But you see how Liberals get mad at so-called "fat-shaming"? Because as I said, Liberals celebrate and revel in sin. They are evil.

And yet tramp lets it all hang out, and by the way did you see the obese people at tramps rallies.
(I commented about them, and I was called a racist)

Moses and Paul talked about homosexuality but Jesus did not, but it must of been rampant back then since they talked about it.

All 3 of them never said a word about abortion, they even tried one in the OT.

The Good Lord does spontaneous abortions and stillbirths to those who really want a child.

2 Kings 8:12 English Standard Version (ESV)
12 And Hazael said, “Why does my lord weep?” He answered, “Because I know the evil that you will do to the people of Israel. You will set on fire their fortresses, and you will kill their young men with the sword and dash in pieces their little ones and rip open their pregnant women.”
Seems to me that the complaints from the shooters mirror Trump's. Does that mean that Trump encourages what went on? No, but it means hateful rhetoric has followers.
They're defending Trump by pointing out that Trump never specifically called for this.

Ignoring the fact that he and the right wing media have been whipping their soldiers into a froth for years.
Yet to be proved. I think it is a reaction to having 22 million illegal invaders in OUR country-sometimes I feel like taking physical action to get rid of them-like citizen arrests or public shaming.

Then one would think the target would be Trump himself as he is the one not enforcing our employment laws. His hateful rhetoric in large point is done to distract from the fact he is not doing his job.
I must be seeing things. You mean to tell me that Trump forced cities and states to become sancutuaries? He forced mayors to give warnings that ICE was in the area? That he forced candidates to say they would tear down border barriers? That he forced people to walk across the border leading a group of non citizens? That he even forced one of our congress critters to give out information on how to get into the U.S.?
Either he is the most powerful person to ever live or you maybe wrong.

There nothing any city can do to stop Trump from enforcing Federal law. Nothing. You know as well as everyone why he does not.
Seems to me that the complaints from the shooters mirror Trump's. Does that mean that Trump encourages what went on? No, but it means hateful rhetoric has followers.
They're defending Trump by pointing out that Trump never specifically called for this.

Ignoring the fact that he and the right wing media have been whipping their soldiers into a froth for years.
Yet to be proved. I think it is a reaction to having 22 million illegal invaders in OUR country-sometimes I feel like taking physical action to get rid of them-like citizen arrests or public shaming.

DING, DING, DING!!! We a have winner folks.

The guy who denies that these shoorting are the result of violent right wing rhetoric whipping the ignorant class into a froth over illegal immigration, then proceeds to cite the every one of the major lies contained in said right wing rhetoric and actually attempts to justify the violence. And then says he's tempted to take the law into his own hands over it all, but it's not because of anti-immigrant rhetoric.

There are, at most, 11.5 million illegal immigrants, 8 million of whom are working, and who are, in general, more law abiding than American citizens, less violent, and just trying to stay under the radar. In violent incident and after violent incident, right wing terrorist are attacking immigrants, and those who provide them with aid or assistance, or just because they have no other outlet for the rage they feel against immigrants.

If this isn't enough to wake people up to the dangers of Trump's rhetoric, I don't know what is.
Go screw yourself Canuck.
The shooters derangement speaks for no one.
A murderer is just a murderer and deserves death.
Seems to me that the complaints from the shooters mirror Trump's. Does that mean that Trump encourages what went on? No, but it means hateful rhetoric has followers.
They're defending Trump by pointing out that Trump never specifically called for this.

Ignoring the fact that he and the right wing media have been whipping their soldiers into a froth for years.
Yet to be proved. I think it is a reaction to having 22 million illegal invaders in OUR country-sometimes I feel like taking physical action to get rid of them-like citizen arrests or public shaming.

Then one would think the target would be Trump himself as he is the one not enforcing our employment laws. His hateful rhetoric in large point is done to distract from the fact he is not doing his job.
I must be seeing things. You mean to tell me that Trump forced cities and states to become sancutuaries? He forced mayors to give warnings that ICE was in the area? That he forced candidates to say they would tear down border barriers? That he forced people to walk across the border leading a group of non citizens? That he even forced one of our congress critters to give out information on how to get into the U.S.?
Either he is the most powerful person to ever live or you maybe wrong.

There nothing any city can do to stop Trump from enforcing Federal law. Nothing. You know as well as everyone why he does not.
So basically you are saying you were wrong.
How do you plan to destroy the left?

I don't. Evil has been around since Cain killed Abel. We must be ever vigilant. We must beat them at the ballot box and never let them gain as much power as they have now. We must beat them in the arena of ideas.

Whenever all the insults and vitriol is stripped away, and conservatives ideas are put up against Liberal ones, conservative ideas win all the time. Thats why the Left does not discuss facts and only talks about fake racism, fake Russians, and fake manmade global climate change.

Yes well the GOP controlled the house for 6 years and the senate for 4, and what did they do, next to nothing, except give the wealthy a huge tax cut.

The House took maj in 2019 (Dems) and the Grim Reaper aka Moscow Mitch doesn't even take up their bills.

You have all 3 and what did you do for 2 years, nothing but give a big fat tax cut to the wealthy.

You have a Potus who thinks he is way above the law and lawless.
They're defending Trump by pointing out that Trump never specifically called for this.

Ignoring the fact that he and the right wing media have been whipping their soldiers into a froth for years.
Yet to be proved. I think it is a reaction to having 22 million illegal invaders in OUR country-sometimes I feel like taking physical action to get rid of them-like citizen arrests or public shaming.

Then one would think the target would be Trump himself as he is the one not enforcing our employment laws. His hateful rhetoric in large point is done to distract from the fact he is not doing his job.
I must be seeing things. You mean to tell me that Trump forced cities and states to become sancutuaries? He forced mayors to give warnings that ICE was in the area? That he forced candidates to say they would tear down border barriers? That he forced people to walk across the border leading a group of non citizens? That he even forced one of our congress critters to give out information on how to get into the U.S.?
Either he is the most powerful person to ever live or you maybe wrong.

There nothing any city can do to stop Trump from enforcing Federal law. Nothing. You know as well as everyone why he does not.
So basically you are saying you were wrong.

If you want to address what I said, great address it. If like Trump all you want to do is deflect from his failures to enforce our laws, that is understandable.
South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg expressed concerns Saturday that the U.S. is “under attack” by white nationalists carrying out mass shootings — and those white nationalists have been encouraged by President Donald Trump.

Wow, Buttigieg did not waste any time to blame President Trump. The Democrat 2020 campaign theme seems to be all about racial hate and fear. Why don’t Liberals ever feel any shame for their crass racist demagoguery?
I don't see the Left in here threatening a civil war every day.

Looks like it has started. Do you feel any shame, or are you proud?

ANTIFA is the violent arm of The Left and they are outright threatening Americans everyday. Open your eyes.

20 died yesterday.

You are the one who deflected. You brought up Civil War. White Nationalists are a threat as are White Anarchists as are White Leftists (ANTIFA). It was not a White Nationalist that shot up a baseball field of Republican Congressmen.... it was Bernie Sanders supporter.
Bernie Sanders? Perhaps you don't know what "deflection" means. It means changing the subject to avoid the topic at hand. Like talking about Bernie Sanders when we're discussing the Wal Mart shooting.

You brought up civil war when the discussion was the Walmart shooting.
How do you plan to destroy the left?

I don't. Evil has been around since Cain killed Abel. We must be ever vigilant. We must beat them at the ballot box and never let them gain as much power as they have now. We must beat them in the area of ideas.

Whenever all the insults and vitriol is stripped away, and conservatives ideas are put up against Liberal ones, conservative ideas win all the time. Thats why the Left does not discuss facts and only talks about fake racism, fake Russians, and fake manmade global climate change.

Fact. It's 100% Trump's job to deal with the employers hiring illegals. 100%. Nothing "liberals" or anyone else can do. I don't hear anyone demanding he do that. All I hear is "hate the brown guy".
So do you think that if a big barrier made it harder for diseased illegal aliens to cross the border there would be less supply of non tax paying criminals? Of course, but then there would also be a shortage of future Demonrats voters, because since you are killing 1,000,000s of born and unborn babies, if the wall goes up, the illegals entering would go down. This is why we hate you worthless fucks.

Once again, putting more caring into a fetus , yet you can careless about the infant or child. Well good to know you hate democrats and we are worthless.

No tramp doesn't want to deal with employers that hire illegals , As he and his buddies do.
I don't see the Left in here threatening a civil war every day.

Looks like it has started. Do you feel any shame, or are you proud?

ANTIFA is the violent arm of The Left and they are outright threatening Americans everyday. Open your eyes.

20 died yesterday.

You are the one who deflected. You brought up Civil War. White Nationalists are a threat as are White Anarchists as are White Leftists (ANTIFA). It was not a White Nationalist that shot up a baseball field of Republican Congressmen.... it was Bernie Sanders supporter.
Bernie Sanders? Perhaps you don't know what "deflection" means. It means changing the subject to avoid the topic at hand. Like talking about Bernie Sanders when we're discussing the Wal Mart shooting.

You brought up civil war when the discussion was the Walmart shooting.
Yes. I keep asking if this shooting is the civil war I keep reading about here.

A question about the topic. Specifically.

So, is it?
The bodies weren't even cold yet and Democrats and snowflakes were already blaming Trump, Republicans, guns, and anyone but THEMSELVES.

THE DEMOCRATShave fanned the flames of HATE into this country to a new high.

Political hatred is out of control.

They have publicly spewed and embraced anti-Semitism.

They brand ANYONE who disagrees with them or their agenda a 'Racist'.

They - to include the 2020 candidates - have and continue to demonize whites, especially white males.

Anti-Trump hatred, reparations, Antifa, Democrat support for Antifa, elevating racist, anti-Semitic terrorist supporters to leaders in their party...

Standing with sex/human traffickers, drug cartels, MS13, pedophiles, rapists, and murderers instead of American citizens, shutting down our government to ensure the on-going illegal invasion continues...

Continuing to refuse to ensure our sovereignty, secure our borders, protect American citizens...continuing to refuse to enforce existing laws, continuing to violate both Constitution and law...

Democrats have worked tirelessly to divide this nation, to split it fan anger and frustration to dangerous heights...

Yet they rush to blame others for division and hatred...


Seems to me that the complaints from the shooters mirror Trump's. Does that mean that Trump encourages what went on? No, but it means hateful rhetoric has followers.
They're defending Trump by pointing out that Trump never specifically called for this.

Ignoring the fact that he and the right wing media have been whipping their soldiers into a froth for years.
Yet to be proved. I think it is a reaction to having 22 million illegal invaders in OUR country-sometimes I feel like taking physical action to get rid of them-like citizen arrests or public shaming.

DING, DING, DING!!! We a have winner folks.

The guy who denies that these shoorting are the result of violent right wing rhetoric whipping the ignorant class into a froth over illegal immigration, then proceeds to cite the every one of the major lies contained in said right wing rhetoric and actually attempts to justify the violence. And then says he's tempted to take the law into his own hands over it all, but it's not because of anti-immigrant rhetoric.

There are, at most, 11.5 million illegal immigrants, 8 million of whom are working, and who are, in general, more law abiding than American citizens, less violent, and just trying to stay under the radar. In violent incident and after violent incident, right wing terrorist are attacking immigrants, and those who provide them with aid or assistance, or just because they have no other outlet for the rage they feel against immigrants.

If this isn't enough to wake people up to the dangers of Trump's rhetoric, I don't know what is.

It is NOT his rhetoric, it is the way the left interprets what he says. For example, he makes the comment about Balitimore being rat infested, which it literally is, and the left screams racism and then calls it hateful rhetoric. Brilliant strategy by the left that evidently works on gullible folks.
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Seems to me that the complaints from the shooters mirror Trump's. Does that mean that Trump encourages what went on? No, but it means hateful rhetoric has followers.
They're defending Trump by pointing out that Trump never specifically called for this.

Ignoring the fact that he and the right wing media have been whipping their soldiers into a froth for years.
Whipping their soldiers into a froth? Bwaaaahhhaaaaaaa. Please stop, I cant take this funny shit anymore. Are these examples of right wing froth? You are such a simpleton, yeah, we are being stirred up and getting angrier by the day, we are held back by "LAW", and why We the People are still praying you worthless liberal retards(Redundant statement I know) will stop being pansy ass liberal whiney bitches. When "LAW" finally is overthrown, not by the right but by the left, we will be ready, we will be armed, and we will be very very vindictive. You moderates might want to move to Cuba, because if we see you siding with the enemy, you too will be an enemy. As this guy, who claims to be a moderate, keeps showing his true colors.

Definition of a Moderate - Moderate, a liberal too ashamed of his party so wont associate, but follows that party like a goose stepping, mind numbed robot.

20 died yesterday.


You totally ignore the fact that it has been the left who has been so violent, yet you still blame the rest of US who hold back our vehemence to the constant attacks from the left and moderates. Do you really want US to go off the deep end? You do realize that there are 180,000,000 law abiding people who own weapons? Yet we dont go out and look to shoot up innocent people, in the name of Marxism. Again, I ask, do you side with the law abiding people, or are you secretly a liberal asshole who wants to fundamentally transform this nation into a 3rd world shithole, like the last administration tired to do? Now that is a yes, I want to keep this country safe, or no, I want it to become a 3rd world nation. No obfuscating.
How do you plan to destroy the left?

I don't. Evil has been around since Cain killed Abel. We must be ever vigilant. We must beat them at the ballot box and never let them gain as much power as they have now. We must beat them in the arena of ideas.

Whenever all the insults and vitriol is stripped away, and conservatives ideas are put up against Liberal ones, conservative ideas win all the time. Thats why the Left does not discuss facts and only talks about fake racism, fake Russians, and fake manmade global climate change.

Yes well the GOP controlled the house for 6 years and the senate for 4, and what did they do, next to nothing, except give the wealthy a huge tax cut.

The House took maj in 2019 (Dems) and the Grim Reaper aka Moscow Mitch doesn't even take up their bills.

You have all 3 and what did you do for 2 years, nothing but give a big fat tax cut to the wealthy.

You have a Potus who thinks he is way above the law and lawless.

Assuming you work, you likely got a tax cut as well.
Trump said: "Don't forget, we don't let [border security agents] & we can't let them use weapons, we can't. Other countries do, but we can't. I would never let them do that. But how do you stop these [caravans of migrants with a couple agents]? You can't."
You are such a dick..
Seems to me that the complaints from the shooters mirror Trump's. Does that mean that Trump encourages what went on? No, but it means hateful rhetoric has followers.
They're defending Trump by pointing out that Trump never specifically called for this.

Ignoring the fact that he and the right wing media have been whipping their soldiers into a froth for years.
Whipping their soldiers into a froth? Bwaaaahhhaaaaaaa. Please stop, I cant take this funny shit anymore. Are these examples of right wing froth? You are such a simpleton, yeah, we are being stirred up and getting angrier by the day, we are held back by "LAW", and why We the People are still praying you worthless liberal retards(Redundant statement I know) will stop being pansy ass liberal whiney bitches. When "LAW" finally is overthrown, not by the right but by the left, we will be ready, we will be armed, and we will be very very vindictive. You moderates might want to move to Cuba, because if we see you siding with the enemy, you too will be an enemy. As this guy, who claims to be a moderate, keeps showing his true colors.

Definition of a Moderate - Moderate, a liberal too ashamed of his party so wont associate, but follows that party like a goose stepping, mind numbed robot.

20 died yesterday.


You totally ignore the fact that it has been the left who has been so violent, yet you still blame the rest of US who hold back our vehemence to the constant attacks from the left and moderates. Do you really want US to go off the deep end? You do realize that there are 180,000,000 law abiding people who own weapons? Yet we dont go out and look to shoot up innocent people, in the name of Marxism. Again, I ask, do you side with the law abiding people, or are you secretly a liberal asshole who wants to fundamentally transform this nation into a 3rd world shithole, like the last administration tired to do? Now that is a yes, I want to keep this country safe, or no, I want it to become a 3rd world nation. No obfuscating.

Happy to. I'm against illegal immigration, and I have a specific, original, independent plan for dealing with this, by financially motivating illegals to move back home and keeping people in Central and South America home, where they really want to be. My plan would also address a couple of other important issues.

I don't expect you to understand it, but here it is anyway: Band Aids, Borders, Burritos & Bejing

It doesn't fit on a baseball cap, sorry.
Seems to me that the complaints from the shooters mirror Trump's. Does that mean that Trump encourages what went on? No, but it means hateful rhetoric has followers.
They're defending Trump by pointing out that Trump never specifically called for this.

Ignoring the fact that he and the right wing media have been whipping their soldiers into a froth for years.
Yet to be proved. I think it is a reaction to having 22 million illegal invaders in OUR country-sometimes I feel like taking physical action to get rid of them-like citizen arrests or public shaming.

DING, DING, DING!!! We a have winner folks.

The guy who denies that these shoorting are the result of violent right wing rhetoric whipping the ignorant class into a froth over illegal immigration, then proceeds to cite the every one of the major lies contained in said right wing rhetoric and actually attempts to justify the violence. And then says he's tempted to take the law into his own hands over it all, but it's not because of anti-immigrant rhetoric.

There are, at most, 11.5 million illegal immigrants, 8 million of whom are working, and who are, in general, more law abiding than American citizens, less violent, and just trying to stay under the radar. In violent incident and after violent incident, right wing terrorist are attacking immigrants, and those who provide them with aid or assistance, or just because they have no other outlet for the rage they feel against immigrants.

If this isn't enough to wake people up to the dangers of Trump's rhetoric, I don't know what is.

It is NOT his rhetoric, it is the way the left interprets what he says. For example, he makes the comment about Balitimore,being rat infested, which it literally is, and the left screams racism and then calls it hateful rhetoric. Brilliant strategy by the left that evidently works on gullible folks.

When the defense is "That's not what he really meant" you have no defense. "Go back to their huts" was supposed to be an uplifting statement?

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