Can Liberals feel shame?

They're defending Trump by pointing out that Trump never specifically called for this.

Ignoring the fact that he and the right wing media have been whipping their soldiers into a froth for years.
Whipping their soldiers into a froth? Bwaaaahhhaaaaaaa. Please stop, I cant take this funny shit anymore. Are these examples of right wing froth? You are such a simpleton, yeah, we are being stirred up and getting angrier by the day, we are held back by "LAW", and why We the People are still praying you worthless liberal retards(Redundant statement I know) will stop being pansy ass liberal whiney bitches. When "LAW" finally is overthrown, not by the right but by the left, we will be ready, we will be armed, and we will be very very vindictive. You moderates might want to move to Cuba, because if we see you siding with the enemy, you too will be an enemy. As this guy, who claims to be a moderate, keeps showing his true colors.

Definition of a Moderate - Moderate, a liberal too ashamed of his party so wont associate, but follows that party like a goose stepping, mind numbed robot.

20 died yesterday.


So if it comes out the shooter is a liberal"as usual", you gonna blame your fellow people?

Of course.

Since I don't belong to a tribe, I get to just be honest.

You're a liberal.

Okie dokie.
They're defending Trump by pointing out that Trump never specifically called for this.

Ignoring the fact that he and the right wing media have been whipping their soldiers into a froth for years.
Whipping their soldiers into a froth? Bwaaaahhhaaaaaaa. Please stop, I cant take this funny shit anymore. Are these examples of right wing froth? You are such a simpleton, yeah, we are being stirred up and getting angrier by the day, we are held back by "LAW", and why We the People are still praying you worthless liberal retards(Redundant statement I know) will stop being pansy ass liberal whiney bitches. When "LAW" finally is overthrown, not by the right but by the left, we will be ready, we will be armed, and we will be very very vindictive. You moderates might want to move to Cuba, because if we see you siding with the enemy, you too will be an enemy. As this guy, who claims to be a moderate, keeps showing his true colors.

Definition of a Moderate - Moderate, a liberal too ashamed of his party so wont associate, but follows that party like a goose stepping, mind numbed robot.

20 died yesterday.


So if it comes out the shooter is a liberal"as usual", you gonna blame your fellow people?

Of course.

Since I don't belong to a tribe, I get to just be honest.

And an ignorant fuck, who wont answer my question. Are you for fundamentally transforming this nation into a 3rd world shithole or are you not? More obfuscating?

Yikes. I told you that you wouldn't understand.

No, I am not.

I'll try to keep it simpler in the future.
It was hateful rhetoric either way. One could make a good argument against Cummings but Trump was unable to because all he knows is hateful rhetoric.
So when Cummings said Baltimore was an infested city, that wasn't racist, but when President Trump said it was infested then it was racist...Got it... And you wonder why normal people voted for Donald J. Trump, not the sick bitch who kept falling down.

I have said over and over that a person could make a very valid argument against Cummings but all Trump comes equipped with is hateful rhetoric.
Bullshit, Cummings is a racist of the greatest magnitude, why else does he condone the actions of ANTIFA a known domestic terror group. Do you like what ANTIFA is and that it represents you liberals in ideology and if you disagree with that ideology, then ANTIFA beats you to a pulp?

Address what I say or rant in your closet.
So you do condone the actions of ANTIFA. All you had to say is NO, but that would go against your liberal feelings.

You need to be more specific as to what actions exactly you are talking about. I do not support anyone being violent against another outside of direct self defense.
Since I don't belong to a tribe, I get to just be honest.

Feels good, huh? Can you imagine having to constantly do mental gymnastics to defend the indefensible? It's no wonder the partisans are all going insane.
Somebody has to be doing this. i can't believe that this is organic.

There was a joke back when Bill Clinton was president. It was said that whenever there was a school shooting, Clinton would be there selling gun control before the ambulances showed up.
South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg expressed concerns Saturday that the U.S. is “under attack” by white nationalists carrying out mass shootings — and those white nationalists have been encouraged by President Donald Trump.

Wow, Buttigieg did not waste any time to blame President Trump. The Democrat 2020 campaign theme seems to be all about racial hate and fear. Why don’t Liberals ever feel any shame for their crass racist demagoguery?
I don't see the Left in here threatening a civil war every day.

Looks like it has started. Do you feel any shame, or are you proud?
They staged a coup and egged it on for 3 straight years
Seems to me that the complaints from the shooters mirror Trump's. Does that mean that Trump encourages what went on? No, but it means hateful rhetoric has followers.
They're defending Trump by pointing out that Trump never specifically called for this.

Ignoring the fact that he and the right wing media have been whipping their soldiers into a froth for years.
Whipping their soldiers into a froth? Bwaaaahhhaaaaaaa. Please stop, I cant take this funny shit anymore. Are these examples of right wing froth? You are such a simpleton, yeah, we are being stirred up and getting angrier by the day, we are held back by "LAW", and why We the People are still praying you worthless liberal retards(Redundant statement I know) will stop being pansy ass liberal whiney bitches. When "LAW" finally is overthrown, not by the right but by the left, we will be ready, we will be armed, and we will be very very vindictive. You moderates might want to move to Cuba, because if we see you siding with the enemy, you too will be an enemy. As this guy, who claims to be a moderate, keeps showing his true colors.

Definition of a Moderate - Moderate, a liberal too ashamed of his party so wont associate, but follows that party like a goose stepping, mind numbed robot.

20 died yesterday.


So if it comes out the shooter is a liberal"as usual", you gonna blame your fellow people?

Of course.

Since I don't belong to a tribe, I get to just be honest.

There you go.
Leftwingers are the lowest kind of scum there is:

The Walmart – Cielo Vista Mall shooter in El Paso, Texas was identified this afternoon as Patrick Crusius from a Allen, Texas outside of Dallas.

Washington Examiner reporter Anna Giaritelli posted the name and a photos of the alleged shooter, sourced to law enforcement, “A law enforcement official in El Paso told me the Walmart shooter is in custody. Patrick Crusius of Dallas. Just turned 21 years old this week.”

Patrick Crusius has a profile on

MyLife is an American information brokerage founded in 2002 as MyLife gathers personal information through public records and other sources to automatically generate a “MyLife Public Page” for each person, described by MyLife as a “complete Wikipedia-like biography on every American.”

At 2:46 PM today MyLife had this profile for the deranged killer Patrick Crusius.

His original profile at 2:46 said he was a registered Democrat.

Seems to me that the complaints from the shooters mirror Trump's. Does that mean that Trump encourages what went on? No, but it means hateful rhetoric has followers.
They're defending Trump by pointing out that Trump never specifically called for this.

Ignoring the fact that he and the right wing media have been whipping their soldiers into a froth for years.
Yet to be proved. I think it is a reaction to having 22 million illegal invaders in OUR country-sometimes I feel like taking physical action to get rid of them-like citizen arrests or public shaming.

DING, DING, DING!!! We a have winner folks.

The guy who denies that these shoorting are the result of violent right wing rhetoric whipping the ignorant class into a froth over illegal immigration, then proceeds to cite the every one of the major lies contained in said right wing rhetoric and actually attempts to justify the violence. And then says he's tempted to take the law into his own hands over it all, but it's not because of anti-immigrant rhetoric.

There are, at most, 11.5 million illegal immigrants, 8 million of whom are working, and who are, in general, more law abiding than American citizens, less violent, and just trying to stay under the radar. In violent incident and after violent incident, right wing terrorist are attacking immigrants, and those who provide them with aid or assistance, or just because they have no other outlet for the rage they feel against immigrants.

If this isn't enough to wake people up to the dangers of Trump's rhetoric, I don't know what is.

It is NOT his rhetoric, it is the way the left interprets what he says. For example, he makes the comment about Balitimore,being rat infested, which it literally is, and the left screams racism and then calls it hateful rhetoric. Brilliant strategy by the left that evidently works on gullible folks.

When the defense is "That's not what he really meant" you have no defense. "Go back to their huts" was supposed to be an uplifting statement?
Who said huts?
Somebody has to be doing this. i can't believe that this is organic.

There was a joke back when Bill Clinton was president. It was said that whenever there was a school shooting, Clinton would be there selling gun control before the ambulances showed up.
You do realize that when Clinton banned assault style rifles and magazines, that Columbine still happened?
Anyone pinning the actions of a deranged sick individual to make political points needs to feel shame.

These sick individuals represent no sane person of either party. These individuals need to be condemned by all and need to see swift justice and the swift implementation of the death penalty in a very public way. Not made a martyr to a political point.
The democrats are stopping the death penalty.
Seems to me that the complaints from the shooters mirror Trump's. Does that mean that Trump encourages what went on? No, but it means hateful rhetoric has followers.
They're defending Trump by pointing out that Trump never specifically called for this.

Ignoring the fact that he and the right wing media have been whipping their soldiers into a froth for years.
Yet to be proved. I think it is a reaction to having 22 million illegal invaders in OUR country-sometimes I feel like taking physical action to get rid of them-like citizen arrests or public shaming.

Then one would think the target would be Trump himself as he is the one not enforcing our employment laws. His hateful rhetoric in large point is done to distract from the fact he is not doing his job.
He is doing his job-the Democrats are the obvious drag on fixing the problem.

When I see him going after the employers I'll give him credit. Until then he gets all the blame as putting all the blame on those who come to accept jobs to better their position in life as opposed to those offering the jobs is not a solution.
No. Congress needs to fix immigration laws-Trump can't. And we should blame the illegals-they KNOW they are breaking the law, and CHEATING other applicants by jumping the line and taking jobs. And their employers? Yes, harsher enforceable laws to get them-but if you have politicians warning illegals ICE is coming or hiding them, it won't work.
Seems to me that the complaints from the shooters mirror Trump's. Does that mean that Trump encourages what went on? No, but it means hateful rhetoric has followers.
They're defending Trump by pointing out that Trump never specifically called for this.

Ignoring the fact that he and the right wing media have been whipping their soldiers into a froth for years.
Yet to be proved. I think it is a reaction to having 22 million illegal invaders in OUR country-sometimes I feel like taking physical action to get rid of them-like citizen arrests or public shaming.

DING, DING, DING!!! We a have winner folks.

The guy who denies that these shoorting are the result of violent right wing rhetoric whipping the ignorant class into a froth over illegal immigration, then proceeds to cite the every one of the major lies contained in said right wing rhetoric and actually attempts to justify the violence. And then says he's tempted to take the law into his own hands over it all, but it's not because of anti-immigrant rhetoric.

There are, at most, 11.5 million illegal immigrants, 8 million of whom are working, and who are, in general, more law abiding than American citizens, less violent, and just trying to stay under the radar. In violent incident and after violent incident, right wing terrorist are attacking immigrants, and those who provide them with aid or assistance, or just because they have no other outlet for the rage they feel against immigrants.

If this isn't enough to wake people up to the dangers of Trump's rhetoric, I don't know what is.
Don't act so high and mighty-my opinions are just as valuable as yours and I'll explain why. The El Paso shooting was illegal alien inspired as I predicted in the eighties-nobody wants illegals in their country unless they don't CARE about their country. My physical action is NOT illegal and less invasive than Antifas tactics.. I don't condone the shooting-I am just not surprised, and you should wake up because this is not Trump inspired and won't stop when he is gone. And stop with the law abiding crap-they are criminals the minute they cross the border. And hard working-forget it-I supervised some I could not get rid of and they were sneaky and lazy-unless you've been in that situation, you have no room to talk. So DING DING DING yourself, you are a loser.
Seems to me that the complaints from the shooters mirror Trump's. Does that mean that Trump encourages what went on? No, but it means hateful rhetoric has followers.
They're defending Trump by pointing out that Trump never specifically called for this.

Ignoring the fact that he and the right wing media have been whipping their soldiers into a froth for years.
Yet to be proved. I think it is a reaction to having 22 million illegal invaders in OUR country-sometimes I feel like taking physical action to get rid of them-like citizen arrests or public shaming.

Then one would think the target would be Trump himself as he is the one not enforcing our employment laws. His hateful rhetoric in large point is done to distract from the fact he is not doing his job.
I must be seeing things. You mean to tell me that Trump forced cities and states to become sancutuaries? He forced mayors to give warnings that ICE was in the area? That he forced candidates to say they would tear down border barriers? That he forced people to walk across the border leading a group of non citizens? That he even forced one of our congress critters to give out information on how to get into the U.S.?
Either he is the most powerful person to ever live or you maybe wrong.

There nothing any city can do to stop Trump from enforcing Federal law. Nothing. You know as well as everyone why he does not.
Sure-warn illegals and hide them-Oakland already did it.
Seems to me that the complaints from the shooters mirror Trump's. Does that mean that Trump encourages what went on? No, but it means hateful rhetoric has followers.
They're defending Trump by pointing out that Trump never specifically called for this.

Ignoring the fact that he and the right wing media have been whipping their soldiers into a froth for years.
Whipping their soldiers into a froth? Bwaaaahhhaaaaaaa. Please stop, I cant take this funny shit anymore. Are these examples of right wing froth? You are such a simpleton, yeah, we are being stirred up and getting angrier by the day, we are held back by "LAW", and why We the People are still praying you worthless liberal retards(Redundant statement I know) will stop being pansy ass liberal whiney bitches. When "LAW" finally is overthrown, not by the right but by the left, we will be ready, we will be armed, and we will be very very vindictive. You moderates might want to move to Cuba, because if we see you siding with the enemy, you too will be an enemy. As this guy, who claims to be a moderate, keeps showing his true colors.

Definition of a Moderate - Moderate, a liberal too ashamed of his party so wont associate, but follows that party like a goose stepping, mind numbed robot.

20 died yesterday.


You totally ignore the fact that it has been the left who has been so violent, yet you still blame the rest of US who hold back our vehemence to the constant attacks from the left and moderates. Do you really want US to go off the deep end? You do realize that there are 180,000,000 law abiding people who own weapons? Yet we dont go out and look to shoot up innocent people, in the name of Marxism. Again, I ask, do you side with the law abiding people, or are you secretly a liberal asshole who wants to fundamentally transform this nation into a 3rd world shithole, like the last administration tired to do? Now that is a yes, I want to keep this country safe, or no, I want it to become a 3rd world nation. No obfuscating.

Happy to. I'm against illegal immigration, and I have a specific, original, independent plan for dealing with this, by financially motivating illegals to move back home and keeping people in Central and South America home, where they really want to be. My plan would also address a couple of other important issues.

I don't expect you to understand it, but here it is anyway: Band Aids, Borders, Burritos & Bejing

It doesn't fit on a baseball cap, sorry.

Sorry. I don't pay extortion. If they come send them back.
They're defending Trump by pointing out that Trump never specifically called for this.

Ignoring the fact that he and the right wing media have been whipping their soldiers into a froth for years.
Yet to be proved. I think it is a reaction to having 22 million illegal invaders in OUR country-sometimes I feel like taking physical action to get rid of them-like citizen arrests or public shaming.

Then one would think the target would be Trump himself as he is the one not enforcing our employment laws. His hateful rhetoric in large point is done to distract from the fact he is not doing his job.
He is doing his job-the Democrats are the obvious drag on fixing the problem.

When I see him going after the employers I'll give him credit. Until then he gets all the blame as putting all the blame on those who come to accept jobs to better their position in life as opposed to those offering the jobs is not a solution.
No. Congress needs to fix immigration laws-Trump can't. And we should blame the illegals-they KNOW they are breaking the law, and CHEATING other applicants by jumping the line and taking jobs. And their employers? Yes, harsher enforceable laws to get them-but if you have politicians warning illegals ICE is coming or hiding them, it won't work.

If Trump is refusing to uphold current laws what will creating new ones do?
Yet to be proved. I think it is a reaction to having 22 million illegal invaders in OUR country-sometimes I feel like taking physical action to get rid of them-like citizen arrests or public shaming.

Then one would think the target would be Trump himself as he is the one not enforcing our employment laws. His hateful rhetoric in large point is done to distract from the fact he is not doing his job.
I must be seeing things. You mean to tell me that Trump forced cities and states to become sancutuaries? He forced mayors to give warnings that ICE was in the area? That he forced candidates to say they would tear down border barriers? That he forced people to walk across the border leading a group of non citizens? That he even forced one of our congress critters to give out information on how to get into the U.S.?
Either he is the most powerful person to ever live or you maybe wrong.

There nothing any city can do to stop Trump from enforcing Federal law. Nothing. You know as well as everyone why he does not.
So basically you are saying you were wrong.

If you want to address what I said, great address it. If like Trump all you want to do is deflect from his failures to enforce our laws, that is understandable.
Try to defend yourself without pulling Trump into it-it sounds like a weak excuse.
They're defending Trump by pointing out that Trump never specifically called for this.

Ignoring the fact that he and the right wing media have been whipping their soldiers into a froth for years.
Whipping their soldiers into a froth? Bwaaaahhhaaaaaaa. Please stop, I cant take this funny shit anymore. Are these examples of right wing froth? You are such a simpleton, yeah, we are being stirred up and getting angrier by the day, we are held back by "LAW", and why We the People are still praying you worthless liberal retards(Redundant statement I know) will stop being pansy ass liberal whiney bitches. When "LAW" finally is overthrown, not by the right but by the left, we will be ready, we will be armed, and we will be very very vindictive. You moderates might want to move to Cuba, because if we see you siding with the enemy, you too will be an enemy. As this guy, who claims to be a moderate, keeps showing his true colors.

Definition of a Moderate - Moderate, a liberal too ashamed of his party so wont associate, but follows that party like a goose stepping, mind numbed robot.

20 died yesterday.


You totally ignore the fact that it has been the left who has been so violent, yet you still blame the rest of US who hold back our vehemence to the constant attacks from the left and moderates. Do you really want US to go off the deep end? You do realize that there are 180,000,000 law abiding people who own weapons? Yet we dont go out and look to shoot up innocent people, in the name of Marxism. Again, I ask, do you side with the law abiding people, or are you secretly a liberal asshole who wants to fundamentally transform this nation into a 3rd world shithole, like the last administration tired to do? Now that is a yes, I want to keep this country safe, or no, I want it to become a 3rd world nation. No obfuscating.

Happy to. I'm against illegal immigration, and I have a specific, original, independent plan for dealing with this, by financially motivating illegals to move back home and keeping people in Central and South America home, where they really want to be. My plan would also address a couple of other important issues.

I don't expect you to understand it, but here it is anyway: Band Aids, Borders, Burritos & Bejing

It doesn't fit on a baseball cap, sorry.

Sorry. I don't pay extortion. If they come send them back.

I realize many are going to completely misunderstand the strategy.
They're defending Trump by pointing out that Trump never specifically called for this.

Ignoring the fact that he and the right wing media have been whipping their soldiers into a froth for years.
Yet to be proved. I think it is a reaction to having 22 million illegal invaders in OUR country-sometimes I feel like taking physical action to get rid of them-like citizen arrests or public shaming.

Then one would think the target would be Trump himself as he is the one not enforcing our employment laws. His hateful rhetoric in large point is done to distract from the fact he is not doing his job.
I must be seeing things. You mean to tell me that Trump forced cities and states to become sancutuaries? He forced mayors to give warnings that ICE was in the area? That he forced candidates to say they would tear down border barriers? That he forced people to walk across the border leading a group of non citizens? That he even forced one of our congress critters to give out information on how to get into the U.S.?
Either he is the most powerful person to ever live or you maybe wrong.

There nothing any city can do to stop Trump from enforcing Federal law. Nothing. You know as well as everyone why he does not.
Sure-warn illegals and hide them-Oakland already did it.

How does a business hide illegals?
Then one would think the target would be Trump himself as he is the one not enforcing our employment laws. His hateful rhetoric in large point is done to distract from the fact he is not doing his job.
I must be seeing things. You mean to tell me that Trump forced cities and states to become sancutuaries? He forced mayors to give warnings that ICE was in the area? That he forced candidates to say they would tear down border barriers? That he forced people to walk across the border leading a group of non citizens? That he even forced one of our congress critters to give out information on how to get into the U.S.?
Either he is the most powerful person to ever live or you maybe wrong.

There nothing any city can do to stop Trump from enforcing Federal law. Nothing. You know as well as everyone why he does not.
So basically you are saying you were wrong.

If you want to address what I said, great address it. If like Trump all you want to do is deflect from his failures to enforce our laws, that is understandable.
Try to defend yourself without pulling Trump into it-it sounds like a weak excuse.

I can do nothing. Trump can. He won't.

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