Can Liberals feel shame?

South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg expressed concerns Saturday that the U.S. is “under attack” by white nationalists carrying out mass shootings — and those white nationalists have been encouraged by President Donald Trump.

Wow, Buttigieg did not waste any time to blame President Trump. The Democrat 2020 campaign theme seems to be all about racial hate and fear. Why don’t Liberals ever feel any shame for their crass racist demagoguery?
All of America should be feeling shame right now.
My view of life and religion includes this. This happens every day in Africa and Central and South America and Chicago. What do you suggest as opposed to shame or guilt or thoughts and prayers?
But it doesn't happen every day in any of those places (Chicago should not be on your silly little list) It does happen there, but not every day.

The problem I have is that we're catching up to them.
Again, how do you think we stop it? And the list is not silly, just take out every day but it still exceeds El Paso in total.
How do you plan to destroy the left?

I don't. Evil has been around since Cain killed Abel. We must be ever vigilant. We must beat them at the ballot box and never let them gain as much power as they have now. We must beat them in the area of ideas.

Whenever all the insults and vitriol is stripped away, and conservatives ideas are put up against Liberal ones, conservative ideas win all the time. Thats why the Left does not discuss facts and only talks about fake racism, fake Russians, and fake manmade global climate change.

Fact. It's 100% Trump's job to deal with the employers hiring illegals. 100%. Nothing "liberals" or anyone else can do. I don't hear anyone demanding he do that. All I hear is "hate the brown guy".
So do you think that if a big barrier made it harder for diseased illegal aliens to cross the border there would be less supply of non tax paying criminals? Of course, but then there would also be a shortage of future Demonrats voters, because since you are killing 1,000,000s of born and unborn babies, if the wall goes up, the illegals entering would go down. This is why we hate you worthless fucks.

Once again, putting more caring into a fetus , yet you can careless about the infant or child. Well good to know you hate democrats and we are worthless.

No tramp doesn't want to deal with employers that hire illegals , As he and his buddies do.
Wrong again, you useless twit. I paid my dues through property taxes and state and federal to give children not only a free education but food also, for those poor poor kids who parents dont feed them at home, like the neglectful liberals always are. Would you like to go double or nothing on how stupid you are again?

You paid nothing you dumb twat. As long as the USA is running a deficit, you haven’t paid anywhere close to your share of the wars, and the poverty you helped create by voting conservative. You’re just leaving that debt for your children and grandchildren. Just the bill for 18 years of continuous warfare would have fed, houses and educated every poor person in America twice over.

Conservatives have a vested interest in portraying inner city poverty as the root of America’s problems, instead of the result of conservative policies.

Urban poverty isn’t caused by laziness or sloth. It’s caused by government policies which values cheap goods over the health and well being of its citizens. It’s caused by minimum wages so low that government assistance is required to put a roof over your head or food on the table. It’s using middle class taxpayers to subsidize wages for the most profitable companies in America so Walmart can pay bigger dividends to the Walton family, while their workers apply for food stamps and Medicaid.

And the whole system is built on the backs of fools like you who blame the poor for their plight.
I don't. Evil has been around since Cain killed Abel. We must be ever vigilant. We must beat them at the ballot box and never let them gain as much power as they have now. We must beat them in the area of ideas.

Whenever all the insults and vitriol is stripped away, and conservatives ideas are put up against Liberal ones, conservative ideas win all the time. Thats why the Left does not discuss facts and only talks about fake racism, fake Russians, and fake manmade global climate change.

Fact. It's 100% Trump's job to deal with the employers hiring illegals. 100%. Nothing "liberals" or anyone else can do. I don't hear anyone demanding he do that. All I hear is "hate the brown guy".
So do you think that if a big barrier made it harder for diseased illegal aliens to cross the border there would be less supply of non tax paying criminals? Of course, but then there would also be a shortage of future Demonrats voters, because since you are killing 1,000,000s of born and unborn babies, if the wall goes up, the illegals entering would go down. This is why we hate you worthless fucks.

Once again, putting more caring into a fetus , yet you can careless about the infant or child. Well good to know you hate democrats and we are worthless.

No tramp doesn't want to deal with employers that hire illegals , As he and his buddies do.
Wrong again, you useless twit. I paid my dues through property taxes and state and federal to give children not only a free education but food also, for those poor poor kids who parents dont feed them at home, like the neglectful liberals always are. Would you like to go double or nothing on how stupid you are again?

You paid nothing you dumb twat. As long as the USA is running a deficit, you haven’t paid anywhere close to your share of the wars, and the poverty you helped create by voting conservative. You’re just leaving that debt for your children and grandchildren. Just the bill for 18 years of continuous warfare would have fed, houses and educated every poor person in America twice over.

Conservatives have a vested interest in portraying inner city poverty as the root of America’s problems, instead of the result of conservative policies.

Urban poverty isn’t caused by laziness or sloth. It’s caused by government policies which values cheap goods over the health and well being of its citizens. It’s caused by minimum wages so low that government assistance is required to put a roof over your head or food on the table. It’s using middle class taxpayers to subsidize wages for the most profitable companies in America so Walmart can pay bigger dividends to the Walton family, while their workers apply for food stamps and Medicaid.

And the whole system is built on the backs of fools like you who blame the poor for their plight.

Cheap goods, meaning the cheap goods from China, that you loons feel Trump is being so mean with tariffs? And the poor meaning the folks the have decided living in tents is an adventure, refusing assistance?
I don't. Evil has been around since Cain killed Abel. We must be ever vigilant. We must beat them at the ballot box and never let them gain as much power as they have now. We must beat them in the area of ideas.

Whenever all the insults and vitriol is stripped away, and conservatives ideas are put up against Liberal ones, conservative ideas win all the time. Thats why the Left does not discuss facts and only talks about fake racism, fake Russians, and fake manmade global climate change.

Fact. It's 100% Trump's job to deal with the employers hiring illegals. 100%. Nothing "liberals" or anyone else can do. I don't hear anyone demanding he do that. All I hear is "hate the brown guy".
So do you think that if a big barrier made it harder for diseased illegal aliens to cross the border there would be less supply of non tax paying criminals? Of course, but then there would also be a shortage of future Demonrats voters, because since you are killing 1,000,000s of born and unborn babies, if the wall goes up, the illegals entering would go down. This is why we hate you worthless fucks.

Once again, putting more caring into a fetus , yet you can careless about the infant or child. Well good to know you hate democrats and we are worthless.

No tramp doesn't want to deal with employers that hire illegals , As he and his buddies do.
Wrong again, you useless twit. I paid my dues through property taxes and state and federal to give children not only a free education but food also, for those poor poor kids who parents dont feed them at home, like the neglectful liberals always are. Would you like to go double or nothing on how stupid you are again?

You paid nothing you dumb twat. As long as the USA is running a deficit, you haven’t paid anywhere close to your share of the wars, and the poverty you helped create by voting conservative. You’re just leaving that debt for your children and grandchildren. Just the bill for 18 years of continuous warfare would have fed, houses and educated every poor person in America twice over.

Conservatives have a vested interest in portraying inner city poverty as the root of America’s problems, instead of the result of conservative policies.

Urban poverty isn’t caused by laziness or sloth. It’s caused by government policies which values cheap goods over the health and well being of its citizens. It’s caused by minimum wages so low that government assistance is required to put a roof over your head or food on the table. It’s using middle class taxpayers to subsidize wages for the most profitable companies in America so Walmart can pay bigger dividends to the Walton family, while their workers apply for food stamps and Medicaid.

And the whole system is built on the backs of fools like you who blame the poor for their plight.
I voted Democrat most of my life-do I owe more taxes? What did that get me? You have a lot of excuses for the poor being poor. How about two words-personal responsibility.
Yet to be proved. I think it is a reaction to having 22 million illegal invaders in OUR country-sometimes I feel like taking physical action to get rid of them-like citizen arrests or public shaming.

DING, DING, DING!!! We a have winner folks.

The guy who denies that these shoorting are the result of violent right wing rhetoric whipping the ignorant class into a froth over illegal immigration, then proceeds to cite the every one of the major lies contained in said right wing rhetoric and actually attempts to justify the violence. And then says he's tempted to take the law into his own hands over it all, but it's not because of anti-immigrant rhetoric.

There are, at most, 11.5 million illegal immigrants, 8 million of whom are working, and who are, in general, more law abiding than American citizens, less violent, and just trying to stay under the radar. In violent incident and after violent incident, right wing terrorist are attacking immigrants, and those who provide them with aid or assistance, or just because they have no other outlet for the rage they feel against immigrants.

If this isn't enough to wake people up to the dangers of Trump's rhetoric, I don't know what is.

It is NOT his rhetoric, it is the way the left interprets what he says. For example, he makes the comment about Balitimore,being rat infested, which it literally is, and the left screams racism and then calls it hateful rhetoric. Brilliant strategy by the left that evidently works on gullible folks.

When the defense is "That's not what he really meant" you have no defense. "Go back to their huts" was supposed to be an uplifting statement?

But that is what he said. Democrats make the assumption that because Balitmore has a large black population that he was referring to them as rats. They do this because it fits the narrative they want to sell. He can't say anything without it being racist in some way. If he disagrees with a black Democrat on any topic, it is racist. If he disagrees with a women it is misogynistic. If he disagrees with a homosexual it is homophobic. This is an intellectually dishonest strategy the left has used for years.

When you refer to the largest black majority city in America as a “rat-infested infested shithole”, Democrats don’t think he’s calling black people “rats”. And his comments about “What kind of people would live in conditions like that?” is most definitely a racist slur.

The lengths to which Trumpbots will go to defend their racist, xenophobia, hate spewing, white supremacist leader is laughable. As is a white male’s take as to what constitutes racism and misogyny.

You don’t get to decide what’s racist. Minorities decide what they find offensive. A white person claiming that Trump isn’t racist because YOU didn’t find his comments offensive, cuts no ice with the people who are being harmed because of Trump’s lies and racist propaganda.
I guess I must have missed the fact that no white people live in Baltimore when did they all move out.

So whites can not decide what is racist. So only minorities can make that determination. So if someone says that all whites are stupid and want to kill everyone is perfectly ok because a minority did not say it is racist. White people can not March with minorities, they can not say posts are racist, even congress can not decry Trump for being racist because they are not the minority. So even you can not say Trump is racist because you are not a minority.

Love your reasoning. If you want to claim it as that.
I don't. Evil has been around since Cain killed Abel. We must be ever vigilant. We must beat them at the ballot box and never let them gain as much power as they have now. We must beat them in the area of ideas.

Whenever all the insults and vitriol is stripped away, and conservatives ideas are put up against Liberal ones, conservative ideas win all the time. Thats why the Left does not discuss facts and only talks about fake racism, fake Russians, and fake manmade global climate change.

Fact. It's 100% Trump's job to deal with the employers hiring illegals. 100%. Nothing "liberals" or anyone else can do. I don't hear anyone demanding he do that. All I hear is "hate the brown guy".
So do you think that if a big barrier made it harder for diseased illegal aliens to cross the border there would be less supply of non tax paying criminals? Of course, but then there would also be a shortage of future Demonrats voters, because since you are killing 1,000,000s of born and unborn babies, if the wall goes up, the illegals entering would go down. This is why we hate you worthless fucks.

Once again, putting more caring into a fetus , yet you can careless about the infant or child. Well good to know you hate democrats and we are worthless.

No tramp doesn't want to deal with employers that hire illegals , As he and his buddies do.
Wrong again, you useless twit. I paid my dues through property taxes and state and federal to give children not only a free education but food also, for those poor poor kids who parents dont feed them at home, like the neglectful liberals always are. Would you like to go double or nothing on how stupid you are again?

You paid nothing you dumb twat. As long as the USA is running a deficit, you haven’t paid anywhere close to your share of the wars, and the poverty you helped create by voting conservative. You’re just leaving that debt for your children and grandchildren. Just the bill for 18 years of continuous warfare would have fed, houses and educated every poor person in America twice over.

Conservatives have a vested interest in portraying inner city poverty as the root of America’s problems, instead of the result of conservative policies.

Urban poverty isn’t caused by laziness or sloth. It’s caused by government policies which values cheap goods over the health and well being of its citizens. It’s caused by minimum wages so low that government assistance is required to put a roof over your head or food on the table. It’s using middle class taxpayers to subsidize wages for the most profitable companies in America so Walmart can pay bigger dividends to the Walton family, while their workers apply for food stamps and Medicaid.

And the whole system is built on the backs of fools like you who blame the poor for their plight.
I paid nothing? Not what my property taxes say, not what my federal and state income taxes say. All that money went to get people out of poverty since the War on Poverty started and what does the US have to show for it? Still have poverty. Just a lot less with President Trump in office, and I now dont pay a state tax. Double win for me and the President. You will always be a victim, because you love to be victimized by the very people who keep you poor. You are a self destructing individual.

South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg expressed concerns Saturday that the U.S. is “under attack” by white nationalists carrying out mass shootings — and those white nationalists have been encouraged by President Donald Trump.

Wow, Buttigieg did not waste any time to blame President Trump. The Democrat 2020 campaign theme seems to be all about racial hate and fear. Why don’t Liberals ever feel any shame for their crass racist demagoguery?
All of America should be feeling shame right now.
My view of life and religion includes this. This happens every day in Africa and Central and South America and Chicago. What do you suggest as opposed to shame or guilt or thoughts and prayers?

These mass shootings don’t happen every day in Africa, or the America’s outside of the USA. White supremacist rampaged are almost uniquely an American problem. There are one off’s like New Zealand, of Norway but those jurisdictions immediately restricted the weapons used and reduced the chances of it happened again.

It should be noted that recent mass shooters outside of the US have both cited Donald Trump as a source of inspiration for their actions. Both the Montreal and the New Zealand shooters stayed that Trump’s words inspired their actions.

The Pittsburg shooter cited “Soros funded caravans” and attacked a congregation who donated to refugee resettlement.

50 deaths from right wing terrorism last year, and certainly on a pace to exceed those numbers bigly, this year.

David Duke is doing a happy dance today.
DING, DING, DING!!! We a have winner folks.

The guy who denies that these shoorting are the result of violent right wing rhetoric whipping the ignorant class into a froth over illegal immigration, then proceeds to cite the every one of the major lies contained in said right wing rhetoric and actually attempts to justify the violence. And then says he's tempted to take the law into his own hands over it all, but it's not because of anti-immigrant rhetoric.

There are, at most, 11.5 million illegal immigrants, 8 million of whom are working, and who are, in general, more law abiding than American citizens, less violent, and just trying to stay under the radar. In violent incident and after violent incident, right wing terrorist are attacking immigrants, and those who provide them with aid or assistance, or just because they have no other outlet for the rage they feel against immigrants.

If this isn't enough to wake people up to the dangers of Trump's rhetoric, I don't know what is.

It is NOT his rhetoric, it is the way the left interprets what he says. For example, he makes the comment about Balitimore,being rat infested, which it literally is, and the left screams racism and then calls it hateful rhetoric. Brilliant strategy by the left that evidently works on gullible folks.

When the defense is "That's not what he really meant" you have no defense. "Go back to their huts" was supposed to be an uplifting statement?

But that is what he said. Democrats make the assumption that because Balitmore has a large black population that he was referring to them as rats. They do this because it fits the narrative they want to sell. He can't say anything without it being racist in some way. If he disagrees with a black Democrat on any topic, it is racist. If he disagrees with a women it is misogynistic. If he disagrees with a homosexual it is homophobic. This is an intellectually dishonest strategy the left has used for years.

When you refer to the largest black majority city in America as a “rat-infested infested shithole”, Democrats don’t think he’s calling black people “rats”. And his comments about “What kind of people would live in conditions like that?” is most definitely a racist slur.

The lengths to which Trumpbots will go to defend their racist, xenophobia, hate spewing, white supremacist leader is laughable. As is a white male’s take as to what constitutes racism and misogyny.

You don’t get to decide what’s racist. Minorities decide what they find offensive. A white person claiming that Trump isn’t racist because YOU didn’t find his comments offensive, cuts no ice with the people who are being harmed because of Trump’s lies and racist propaganda.
I guess I must have missed the fact that no white people live in Baltimore when did they all move out.

So whites can not decide what is racist. So only minorities can make that determination. So if someone says that all whites are stupid and want to kill everyone is perfectly ok because a minority did not say it is racist. White people can not March with minorities, they can not say posts are racist, even congress can not decry Trump for being racist because they are not the minority. So even you can not say Trump is racist because you are not a minority.

Love your reasoning. If you want to claim it as that.
The whole Baltimore thing is emotional-not logical.
20 died yesterday

Where were you when Bernie Sanders supporter shot GOP Congressmen?

You have no idea who this shooter is yet you sack of shit.

Now address the thread topic or shut up.

South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg expressed concerns Saturday that the U.S. is “under attack” by white nationalists carrying out mass shootings — and those white nationalists have been encouraged by President Donald Trump.

Wow, Buttigieg did not waste any time to blame President Trump. The Democrat 2020 campaign theme seems to be all about racial hate and fear. Why don’t Liberals ever feel any shame for their crass racist demagoguery?
I'll post what I post.

Is this the civil war you guys have been threatening?

Hey, I like that TANK in your photo. How appropriate.

Don't mind Mac, he hates white people. Equating mass illegal immigration to an idiot shooter is anew low for you Mac. Congrats. We are just supposed to build Holiday Inns on the border and wave a green flag. It is racist to have borders right.
South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg expressed concerns Saturday that the U.S. is “under attack” by white nationalists carrying out mass shootings — and those white nationalists have been encouraged by President Donald Trump.

Wow, Buttigieg did not waste any time to blame President Trump. The Democrat 2020 campaign theme seems to be all about racial hate and fear. Why don’t Liberals ever feel any shame for their crass racist demagoguery?
All of America should be feeling shame right now.
My view of life and religion includes this. This happens every day in Africa and Central and South America and Chicago. What do you suggest as opposed to shame or guilt or thoughts and prayers?

These mass shootings don’t happen every day in Africa, or the America’s outside of the USA. White supremacist rampaged are almost uniquely an American problem. There are one off’s like New Zealand, of Norway but those jurisdictions immediately restricted the weapons used and reduced the chances of it happened again.

It should be noted that recent mass shooters outside of the US have both cited Donald Trump as a source of inspiration for their actions. Both the Montreal and the New Zealand shooters stayed that Trump’s words inspired their actions.

The Pittsburg shooter cited “Soros funded caravans” and attacked a congregation who donated to refugee resettlement.

50 deaths from right wing terrorism last year, and certainly on a pace to exceed those numbers bigly, this year.

David Duke is doing a happy dance today.
If you think it is Trump, fine-it is your opinion. I think he is a scapegoat for years of murders that have nothing to do with him-my opinion.
Don't mind Mac, he hates white people. Equating mass illegal immigration to an idiot shooter is anew low for you Mac. Congrats. We are just supposed to build Holiday Inns on the border and wave a green flag. It is racist to have borders right.
A day without wingers fabricating my positions is like a day without sunshine!
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South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg expressed concerns Saturday that the U.S. is “under attack” by white nationalists carrying out mass shootings — and those white nationalists have been encouraged by President Donald Trump.

Wow, Buttigieg did not waste any time to blame President Trump. The Democrat 2020 campaign theme seems to be all about racial hate and fear. Why don’t Liberals ever feel any shame for their crass racist demagoguery?

Buttiigieg is right. White nationalists are a bigger threat to the country than Muslim terrorists. White nationalists are emboldened by the hate rhetoric that Trump regularly spews. Whether they are involved has yet to be determined but the shooter in Ohio was wearing body armor.
The Democratic Party is based on hate. That is why they constantly use racial hatred and fear as their campaign strategy.
Fact. It's 100% Trump's job to deal with the employers hiring illegals. 100%. Nothing "liberals" or anyone else can do. I don't hear anyone demanding he do that. All I hear is "hate the brown guy".
So do you think that if a big barrier made it harder for diseased illegal aliens to cross the border there would be less supply of non tax paying criminals? Of course, but then there would also be a shortage of future Demonrats voters, because since you are killing 1,000,000s of born and unborn babies, if the wall goes up, the illegals entering would go down. This is why we hate you worthless fucks.

Once again, putting more caring into a fetus , yet you can careless about the infant or child. Well good to know you hate democrats and we are worthless.

No tramp doesn't want to deal with employers that hire illegals , As he and his buddies do.
Wrong again, you useless twit. I paid my dues through property taxes and state and federal to give children not only a free education but food also, for those poor poor kids who parents dont feed them at home, like the neglectful liberals always are. Would you like to go double or nothing on how stupid you are again?

You paid nothing you dumb twat. As long as the USA is running a deficit, you haven’t paid anywhere close to your share of the wars, and the poverty you helped create by voting conservative. You’re just leaving that debt for your children and grandchildren. Just the bill for 18 years of continuous warfare would have fed, houses and educated every poor person in America twice over.

Conservatives have a vested interest in portraying inner city poverty as the root of America’s problems, instead of the result of conservative policies.

Urban poverty isn’t caused by laziness or sloth. It’s caused by government policies which values cheap goods over the health and well being of its citizens. It’s caused by minimum wages so low that government assistance is required to put a roof over your head or food on the table. It’s using middle class taxpayers to subsidize wages for the most profitable companies in America so Walmart can pay bigger dividends to the Walton family, while their workers apply for food stamps and Medicaid.

And the whole system is built on the backs of fools like you who blame the poor for their plight.
I paid nothing? Not what my property taxes say, not what my federal and state income taxes say. All that money went to get people out of poverty since the War on Poverty started and what does the US have to show for it? Still have poverty. Just a lot less with President Trump in office, and I now dont pay a state tax. Double win for me and the President. You will always be a victim, because you love to be victimized by the very people who keep you poor. You are a self destructing individual.

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Reagan ended the War on Poverty in 1981. I guess you forgot that. In the 15 years of LBJ’s war on poverty, the rate of poverty declined from 25% to 10%. Since Reagan’s changes to the tax code began the biggest transfer of wealth the world has ever seen, that rate has risen to 15%, and fully 40% of Americans are dependent on some form of government assistance for basic living expenses.

You’re not paying your fair share.
DING, DING, DING!!! We a have winner folks.

The guy who denies that these shoorting are the result of violent right wing rhetoric whipping the ignorant class into a froth over illegal immigration, then proceeds to cite the every one of the major lies contained in said right wing rhetoric and actually attempts to justify the violence. And then says he's tempted to take the law into his own hands over it all, but it's not because of anti-immigrant rhetoric.

There are, at most, 11.5 million illegal immigrants, 8 million of whom are working, and who are, in general, more law abiding than American citizens, less violent, and just trying to stay under the radar. In violent incident and after violent incident, right wing terrorist are attacking immigrants, and those who provide them with aid or assistance, or just because they have no other outlet for the rage they feel against immigrants.

If this isn't enough to wake people up to the dangers of Trump's rhetoric, I don't know what is.

It is NOT his rhetoric, it is the way the left interprets what he says. For example, he makes the comment about Balitimore,being rat infested, which it literally is, and the left screams racism and then calls it hateful rhetoric. Brilliant strategy by the left that evidently works on gullible folks.

When the defense is "That's not what he really meant" you have no defense. "Go back to their huts" was supposed to be an uplifting statement?

But that is what he said. Democrats make the assumption that because Balitmore has a large black population that he was referring to them as rats. They do this because it fits the narrative they want to sell. He can't say anything without it being racist in some way. If he disagrees with a black Democrat on any topic, it is racist. If he disagrees with a women it is misogynistic. If he disagrees with a homosexual it is homophobic. This is an intellectually dishonest strategy the left has used for years.

When you refer to the largest black majority city in America as a “rat-infested infested shithole”, Democrats don’t think he’s calling black people “rats”. And his comments about “What kind of people would live in conditions like that?” is most definitely a racist slur.

The lengths to which Trumpbots will go to defend their racist, xenophobia, hate spewing, white supremacist leader is laughable. As is a white male’s take as to what constitutes racism and misogyny.

You don’t get to decide what’s racist. Minorities decide what they find offensive. A white person claiming that Trump isn’t racist because YOU didn’t find his comments offensive, cuts no ice with the people who are being harmed because of Trump’s lies and racist propaganda.
I guess I must have missed the fact that no white people live in Baltimore when did they all move out.

So whites can not decide what is racist. So only minorities can make that determination. So if someone says that all whites are stupid and want to kill everyone is perfectly ok because a minority did not say it is racist. White people can not March with minorities, they can not say posts are racist, even congress can not decry Trump for being racist because they are not the minority. So even you can not say Trump is racist because you are not a minority.

Love your reasoning. If you want to claim it as that.

It’s not the blacks or the liberals that are saying entire segments of the population must be killed, driven out or in some way eliminated in order to “make America great again”. Every day conservatives on this board are calling for the murder of liberals, Muslims, non-whites.

The mass shootings they’re calling for were happening weekly under this President. Yesterday there were two.
South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg expressed concerns Saturday that the U.S. is “under attack” by white nationalists carrying out mass shootings — and those white nationalists have been encouraged by President Donald Trump.

Wow, Buttigieg did not waste any time to blame President Trump. The Democrat 2020 campaign theme seems to be all about racial hate and fear. Why don’t Liberals ever feel any shame for their crass racist demagoguery?
All of America should be feeling shame right now.
My view of life and religion includes this. This happens every day in Africa and Central and South America and Chicago. What do you suggest as opposed to shame or guilt or thoughts and prayers?

These mass shootings don’t happen every day in Africa, or the America’s outside of the USA. White supremacist rampaged are almost uniquely an American problem. There are one off’s like New Zealand, of Norway but those jurisdictions immediately restricted the weapons used and reduced the chances of it happened again.

It should be noted that recent mass shooters outside of the US have both cited Donald Trump as a source of inspiration for their actions. Both the Montreal and the New Zealand shooters stayed that Trump’s words inspired their actions.

The Pittsburg shooter cited “Soros funded caravans” and attacked a congregation who donated to refugee resettlement.

50 deaths from right wing terrorism last year, and certainly on a pace to exceed those numbers bigly, this year.

David Duke is doing a happy dance today.
David Duke has endorsed Tlaib
South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg expressed concerns Saturday that the U.S. is “under attack” by white nationalists carrying out mass shootings — and those white nationalists have been encouraged by President Donald Trump.

Wow, Buttigieg did not waste any time to blame President Trump. The Democrat 2020 campaign theme seems to be all about racial hate and fear. Why don’t Liberals ever feel any shame for their crass racist demagoguery?
All of America should be feeling shame right now.
My view of life and religion includes this. This happens every day in Africa and Central and South America and Chicago. What do you suggest as opposed to shame or guilt or thoughts and prayers?

These mass shootings don’t happen every day in Africa, or the America’s outside of the USA. White supremacist rampaged are almost uniquely an American problem. There are one off’s like New Zealand, of Norway but those jurisdictions immediately restricted the weapons used and reduced the chances of it happened again.

It should be noted that recent mass shooters outside of the US have both cited Donald Trump as a source of inspiration for their actions. Both the Montreal and the New Zealand shooters stayed that Trump’s words inspired their actions.

The Pittsburg shooter cited “Soros funded caravans” and attacked a congregation who donated to refugee resettlement.

50 deaths from right wing terrorism last year, and certainly on a pace to exceed those numbers bigly, this year.

David Duke is doing a happy dance today.

Some members of the white race are threatened by immigrants , they do not realize Reagan loved them and tramp hired them.

Lt.Gov. Pat Patrick talking about EL Paso is one of the safest places in the country.

min 1

They consider it mainly white as it is Hispanic White at 83% and 11% non Hispanic white.
and this is the Republican Mayor:

Margo said that the communities of El Paso, and of Ciudad Juárez in Mexico with which it is linked by the busy Paso del Norte International Bridge, are part of "one region, one culture... From my vantage point in El Paso there is no crisis. You look south and you can’t tell where El Paso merges into Júarez."[9]

Margo urged lawmakers in Washington to reach agreement on U.S. immigration law reforms. He opined that undocumented workers who are working and paying taxes and do not have criminal records should be offered green cards, and that those who have served in the U.S. military or arrived as children (DACA) should be granted citizenship.[7][10]
Dee Margo - Wikipedia

Rudy Giuliano felt the same way when he was mayor on NY and protected the illegal's.
South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg expressed concerns Saturday that the U.S. is “under attack” by white nationalists carrying out mass shootings — and those white nationalists have been encouraged by President Donald Trump.

Wow, Buttigieg did not waste any time to blame President Trump. The Democrat 2020 campaign theme seems to be all about racial hate and fear. Why don’t Liberals ever feel any shame for their crass racist demagoguery?
All of America should be feeling shame right now.
My view of life and religion includes this. This happens every day in Africa and Central and South America and Chicago. What do you suggest as opposed to shame or guilt or thoughts and prayers?

These mass shootings don’t happen every day in Africa, or the America’s outside of the USA. White supremacist rampaged are almost uniquely an American problem. There are one off’s like New Zealand, of Norway but those jurisdictions immediately restricted the weapons used and reduced the chances of it happened again.

It should be noted that recent mass shooters outside of the US have both cited Donald Trump as a source of inspiration for their actions. Both the Montreal and the New Zealand shooters stayed that Trump’s words inspired their actions.

The Pittsburg shooter cited “Soros funded caravans” and attacked a congregation who donated to refugee resettlement.

50 deaths from right wing terrorism last year, and certainly on a pace to exceed those numbers bigly, this year.

David Duke is doing a happy dance today.
David Duke has endorsed Tlaib

Sure he has. You gotta link to that?
DING, DING, DING!!! We a have winner folks.

The guy who denies that these shoorting are the result of violent right wing rhetoric whipping the ignorant class into a froth over illegal immigration, then proceeds to cite the every one of the major lies contained in said right wing rhetoric and actually attempts to justify the violence. And then says he's tempted to take the law into his own hands over it all, but it's not because of anti-immigrant rhetoric.

There are, at most, 11.5 million illegal immigrants, 8 million of whom are working, and who are, in general, more law abiding than American citizens, less violent, and just trying to stay under the radar. In violent incident and after violent incident, right wing terrorist are attacking immigrants, and those who provide them with aid or assistance, or just because they have no other outlet for the rage they feel against immigrants.

If this isn't enough to wake people up to the dangers of Trump's rhetoric, I don't know what is.

It is NOT his rhetoric, it is the way the left interprets what he says. For example, he makes the comment about Balitimore,being rat infested, which it literally is, and the left screams racism and then calls it hateful rhetoric. Brilliant strategy by the left that evidently works on gullible folks.

When the defense is "That's not what he really meant" you have no defense. "Go back to their huts" was supposed to be an uplifting statement?

But that is what he said. Democrats make the assumption that because Balitmore has a large black population that he was referring to them as rats. They do this because it fits the narrative they want to sell. He can't say anything without it being racist in some way. If he disagrees with a black Democrat on any topic, it is racist. If he disagrees with a women it is misogynistic. If he disagrees with a homosexual it is homophobic. This is an intellectually dishonest strategy the left has used for years.

It was hateful rhetoric either way. One could make a good argument against Cummings but Trump was unable to because all he knows is hateful rhetoric.
You say hateful, I say truthful-to quote a Democrat, "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen".

Hateful can be truthful. You can be truthful and not be hateful.
Then one would think the target would be Trump himself as he is the one not enforcing our employment laws. His hateful rhetoric in large point is done to distract from the fact he is not doing his job.
I must be seeing things. You mean to tell me that Trump forced cities and states to become sancutuaries? He forced mayors to give warnings that ICE was in the area? That he forced candidates to say they would tear down border barriers? That he forced people to walk across the border leading a group of non citizens? That he even forced one of our congress critters to give out information on how to get into the U.S.?
Either he is the most powerful person to ever live or you maybe wrong.

There nothing any city can do to stop Trump from enforcing Federal law. Nothing. You know as well as everyone why he does not.
Sure-warn illegals and hide them-Oakland already did it.

How does a business hide illegals?

Gee, the same way California hides them, protects them.

Right. They can't.
There nothing any city can do to stop Trump from enforcing Federal law. Nothing. You know as well as everyone why he does not.
So basically you are saying you were wrong.

If you want to address what I said, great address it. If like Trump all you want to do is deflect from his failures to enforce our laws, that is understandable.
Try to defend yourself without pulling Trump into it-it sounds like a weak excuse.

I can do nothing. Trump can. He won't.
If so, why do you think he won't?

Because he is all talk and he isn't going to do anything to stop the low wages.

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