Can Liberals feel shame?

It is NOT his rhetoric, it is the way the left interprets what he says. For example, he makes the comment about Balitimore,being rat infested, which it literally is, and the left screams racism and then calls it hateful rhetoric. Brilliant strategy by the left that evidently works on gullible folks.

When the defense is "That's not what he really meant" you have no defense. "Go back to their huts" was supposed to be an uplifting statement?

But that is what he said. Democrats make the assumption that because Balitmore has a large black population that he was referring to them as rats. They do this because it fits the narrative they want to sell. He can't say anything without it being racist in some way. If he disagrees with a black Democrat on any topic, it is racist. If he disagrees with a women it is misogynistic. If he disagrees with a homosexual it is homophobic. This is an intellectually dishonest strategy the left has used for years.

It was hateful rhetoric either way. One could make a good argument against Cummings but Trump was unable to because all he knows is hateful rhetoric.
You say hateful, I say truthful-to quote a Democrat, "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen".

Hateful can be truthful. You can be truthful and not be hateful.
True, but Trump was less hateful if at all than Cummings-you could see it in the eyes.
South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg expressed concerns Saturday that the U.S. is “under attack” by white nationalists carrying out mass shootings — and those white nationalists have been encouraged by President Donald Trump.

Wow, Buttigieg did not waste any time to blame President Trump. The Democrat 2020 campaign theme seems to be all about racial hate and fear. Why don’t Liberals ever feel any shame for their crass racist demagoguery?
I don't see the Left in here threatening a civil war every day.

Looks like it has started. Do you feel any shame, or are you proud?

I got into a disagreement with my father the other day. He's the smartest liberal I know. He suggested that if Trump wins again he will be a big enough threat that violence will be justified and he will be cheering on ANTIFA.

He doesn't sound that smart to me. He sounds like a degenerate.
So basically you are saying you were wrong.

If you want to address what I said, great address it. If like Trump all you want to do is deflect from his failures to enforce our laws, that is understandable.
Try to defend yourself without pulling Trump into it-it sounds like a weak excuse.

I can do nothing. Trump can. He won't.
If so, why do you think he won't?

Because he is all talk and he isn't going to do anything to stop the low wages.
He is letting free market principle work. If you have more value to an employer than the next guy, you will make more money and get promotions. That's what I did.
South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg expressed concerns Saturday that the U.S. is “under attack” by white nationalists carrying out mass shootings — and those white nationalists have been encouraged by President Donald Trump.

Wow, Buttigieg did not waste any time to blame President Trump. The Democrat 2020 campaign theme seems to be all about racial hate and fear. Why don’t Liberals ever feel any shame for their crass racist demagoguery?
All of America should be feeling shame right now.
My view of life and religion includes this. This happens every day in Africa and Central and South America and Chicago. What do you suggest as opposed to shame or guilt or thoughts and prayers?

These mass shootings don’t happen every day in Africa, or the America’s outside of the USA. White supremacist rampaged are almost uniquely an American problem. There are one off’s like New Zealand, of Norway but those jurisdictions immediately restricted the weapons used and reduced the chances of it happened again.

It should be noted that recent mass shooters outside of the US have both cited Donald Trump as a source of inspiration for their actions. Both the Montreal and the New Zealand shooters stayed that Trump’s words inspired their actions.

The Pittsburg shooter cited “Soros funded caravans” and attacked a congregation who donated to refugee resettlement.

50 deaths from right wing terrorism last year, and certainly on a pace to exceed those numbers bigly, this year.

David Duke is doing a happy dance today.
If you think it is Trump, fine-it is your opinion. I think he is a scapegoat for years of murders that have nothing to do with him-my opinion.

Trump didn’t cause the problem, but he has spent years pushing racist tropes, memes and talking points and has used and advanced a racist agenda, legitimizing white supremacy and bring it out from under the rocks where it’s dwelt since the 1960’s.

The whole “birther campaign” was market research for his race baiting run for the Presidency. Joe McCarthy didn’t invent fear of Communism, but he was prepared to exploit it for his own political gain, Trump didn’t invent racism in America, but he is fanning the flames and his racist rhetoric is tossing gasoline cans into the fire. Now he claims the explosions aren’t his doing.

That Trump was emboldened to attack civil rights icon like Elijah Cummings, shows how low he’s prepared to sink. Trump is hoping the whole thing blows up enough to declare martial law.

Create a problem only you can solve. The dictator’s playbook.
Cummings is no hero today-he is a fat, lazy politician-per his constituents. I hope martial law is declared and we clear out the illegals AND the white supremists and Muslim terrorists. And racism has existed since the sixties and the civil rights act-you can't expect a change that big not to get monumental pushback. Not a Trump supporter, but I have proposed some of the political incorrectness before he was ever president.
My view of life and religion includes this. This happens every day in Africa and Central and South America and Chicago. What do you suggest as opposed to shame or guilt or thoughts and prayers?

These mass shootings don’t happen every day in Africa, or the America’s outside of the USA. White supremacist rampaged are almost uniquely an American problem. There are one off’s like New Zealand, of Norway but those jurisdictions immediately restricted the weapons used and reduced the chances of it happened again.

It should be noted that recent mass shooters outside of the US have both cited Donald Trump as a source of inspiration for their actions. Both the Montreal and the New Zealand shooters stayed that Trump’s words inspired their actions.

The Pittsburg shooter cited “Soros funded caravans” and attacked a congregation who donated to refugee resettlement.

50 deaths from right wing terrorism last year, and certainly on a pace to exceed those numbers bigly, this year.

David Duke is doing a happy dance today.
If you think it is Trump, fine-it is your opinion. I think he is a scapegoat for years of murders that have nothing to do with him-my opinion.

Trump didn’t cause the problem, but he has spent years pushing racist tropes, memes and talking points and has used and advanced a racist agenda, legitimizing white supremacy and bring it out from under the rocks where it’s dwelt since the 1960’s.

The whole “birther campaign” was market research for his race baiting run for the Presidency. Joe McCarthy didn’t invent fear of Communism, but he was prepared to exploit it for his own political gain, Trump didn’t invent racism in America, but he is fanning the flames and his racist rhetoric is tossing gasoline cans into the fire. Now he claims the explosions aren’t his doing.

That Trump was emboldened to attack civil rights icon like Elijah Cummings, shows how low he’s prepared to sink. Trump is hoping the whole thing blows up enough to declare martial law.

Create a problem only you can solve. The dictator’s playbook.
Legitimate Criticism is not hate.
But, the Democrats twist and hype Legitimate Criticism into being hate because Left Winger are bigots and that is what bigots do.
Trump is correct Cumming’s district is terrible and the money that was sent there to help them seems to have just disappeared. ($many billions$)
Trump is correct, the “Squad” ladies are racist bigots, religious bigots and anti-American bigots, they are not victims.
The Democrats are attempting to say that minorities can never be criticized.
They are attempting to use their race as a shield against any criticism, and that is racism.

“Legitimate criticism”??? You mean like referring to all black people in public life as “Low IQ”, like Maxine Waters, LeBron James, and Steph Curry.

Like say that Mexican immigrants were “rapists, drug dealers and a few are good people”. Or that the judge in his fraud case was biased against him because he was Mexican.
Not ALL black people in public life are low IQ, but two of the three mentioned are. The Mexicans we hear about are drug dealers, kidnappers, and murderers. The rest are legal and the media never covers them, or in hiding because they are illegal. So what do you want? Its not Trump-people do this to themselves.
Don't mind Mac, he hates white people. Equating mass illegal immigration to an idiot shooter is anew low for you Mac. Congrats. We are just supposed to build Holiday Inns on the border and wave a green flag. It is racist to have borders right.
A day without wingers fabricating my positions is like a day without sunshine!

Relax, its ok to hate white people now. It makes you cool. One of Trump's main policy issues is fixing immigration. That is hardly inciting violence towards anyone. I'm not fabricating your position. You condemn overuse of the word racist, and ridiculous things like racist milk and vegetables, but in the same breath you constantly create Republicans are evil threads. It is a little two faced. It is nice playing both sides, you can make fun of race baiters, and then turn around and say Trump loves David Duke and cheer demographic change through illegal immigration. If you don't hate white people, why are you cheering so hard for our replacement?
Don't mind Mac, he hates white people. Equating mass illegal immigration to an idiot shooter is anew low for you Mac. Congrats. We are just supposed to build Holiday Inns on the border and wave a green flag. It is racist to have borders right.
A day without wingers fabricating my positions is like a day without sunshine!
Relax, its ok to hate white people now. It makes you cool. One of Trump's main policy issues is fixing immigration. That is hardly inciting violence towards anyone. I'm not fabricating your position. You condemn overuse of the word racist, and ridiculous things like racist milk and vegetables, but in the same breath you constantly create Republicans are evil threads. It is a little two faced. It is nice playing both sides, you can make fun of race baiters, and then turn around and say Trump loves David Duke and cheer demographic change through illegal immigration. If you don't hate white people, why are you cheering so hard for our replacement?
I see clear problems on both ends.

I see behavioral similarities on both ends.

You don't. Or won't. Or can't.

Not my problem, sorry.
But that is what he said. Democrats make the assumption that because Balitmore has a large black population that he was referring to them as rats. They do this because it fits the narrative they want to sell. He can't say anything without it being racist in some way. If he disagrees with a black Democrat on any topic, it is racist. If he disagrees with a women it is misogynistic. If he disagrees with a homosexual it is homophobic. This is an intellectually dishonest strategy the left has used for years.

When you refer to the largest black majority city in America as a “rat-infested infested shithole”, Democrats don’t think he’s calling black people “rats”. And his comments about “What kind of people would live in conditions like that?” is most definitely a racist slur.

The lengths to which Trumpbots will go to defend their racist, xenophobia, hate spewing, white supremacist leader is laughable. As is a white male’s take as to what constitutes racism and misogyny.

You don’t get to decide what’s racist. Minorities decide what they find offensive. A white person claiming that Trump isn’t racist because YOU didn’t find his comments offensive, cuts no ice with the people who are being harmed because of Trump’s lies and racist propaganda.
I guess I must have missed the fact that no white people live in Baltimore when did they all move out.

So whites can not decide what is racist. So only minorities can make that determination. So if someone says that all whites are stupid and want to kill everyone is perfectly ok because a minority did not say it is racist. White people can not March with minorities, they can not say posts are racist, even congress can not decry Trump for being racist because they are not the minority. So even you can not say Trump is racist because you are not a minority.

Love your reasoning. If you want to claim it as that.

It’s not the blacks or the liberals that are saying entire segments of the population must be killed, driven out or in some way eliminated in order to “make America great again”. Every day conservatives on this board are calling for the murder of liberals, Muslims, non-whites.

The mass shootings they’re calling for were happening weekly under this President. Yesterday there were two.
So I guess you are just convenitly forgetting all the mass shootings under 44 or the 23 mass shootings under Clinton.

I guess they just don't fit your narrative.

The volume and frequency of mass shootings has rapidly increased since Trump was elected, as have hate crimes, and attacks on minorities, and non-Christians. What is different under Trump is the number of assailants and perpetrators directly citing the President's racist and violent rhetoric as inspiration for their crimes.

The Florida loon who was sending bombs in the mail to people and news media on Trump's "enemies list". The Coast Guard Leutenant who was amassing a weapons cache for a "Norweigan" style assault, the various shooters already noted upthread who cited Trump's "inspiration" in their manifestos.

Last but not least, white people don't get to say what is racist. Not long ago, I got nailed for referring to Chinese people as "Oriental". I used this word to differentiate between Asians from India or the Phillipines from Chinese and Japanese Asians. I was quickly told that there are oriental carpets, but not people. This was racist, even though the context was anything but, and even though it was not my intention to make a racist comment.

I learned from that exchange and will never use "oriental" in that context again, because it's not my call whether my words offend you or not.
Funny that you claim it is because of Trump but you also fail to take into account groups like Antfa, those that beat up someone because of them wearing a hat, those refusing service to members of the administration, even the one that shot up the baseball game and shot republicans. So I find it hard to attribute everyone of them to Trump. The media perhaps, perhaps people like Maxine Watters and others have a hand in it as well. Perhaps Hillary calling people a basket of deplorables thinking it was funny had a hand in it.

Because you chose the wrong word you now feel that it is not a white persons place to decide what is racist. I suppose if you are a special case that maybe true. But you have white people claiming that Trump, raw cotton used as a decoration and more are racist. You even have democrats claiming anyone calling for voter ID is racist because people of color are unable to comprehend how to obtain one.
There nothing any city can do to stop Trump from enforcing Federal law. Nothing. You know as well as everyone why he does not.
So basically you are saying you were wrong.

If you want to address what I said, great address it. If like Trump all you want to do is deflect from his failures to enforce our laws, that is understandable.
The problem is you really did not say anything to address.
How do you belive he should enforce our law School? Call out the military to arrest governors, congress people? Have the FBI arrest people that hire illegals then spend years in court attempting to prove that he followed the law while having every democrat yelling numerous times a day that he has usurped the law, made himself a dictator? Do you expect him to send military or some federal agency reported not every sancutuary city and state police station to force police departments to comply with federal laws that the city and states are not complying with?

Come up with a valid talking point and we can have a discussion until then I will say again that you are just pretending that you are not wrong.

Valid. Trump needs to enforce our employment laws. It's his job.
Still you are just making sounds and blaming Trump because you want to.
Give something that you want him to do and how you expect him to enforce it short of shooting someone.
We have crazy Democrats refusing to follow laws. They are encouraging illegals by creating sanctuary, handing out drivers licenses, giving the right to vote, giving free healthcare. If Trump tries to push anything they threaten to take him to court, do take him to court, or call him racist 24/7.
Democrats pretended for months there was no problem at the border then suddenly they said there was.

Bust the businesses hiring illegals. SImple. I'm not asking for much. Simply enforce the laws. Is that asking too much out of Trump? Besides, you already knew this.
When the defense is "That's not what he really meant" you have no defense. "Go back to their huts" was supposed to be an uplifting statement?

But that is what he said. Democrats make the assumption that because Balitmore has a large black population that he was referring to them as rats. They do this because it fits the narrative they want to sell. He can't say anything without it being racist in some way. If he disagrees with a black Democrat on any topic, it is racist. If he disagrees with a women it is misogynistic. If he disagrees with a homosexual it is homophobic. This is an intellectually dishonest strategy the left has used for years.

It was hateful rhetoric either way. One could make a good argument against Cummings but Trump was unable to because all he knows is hateful rhetoric.
You say hateful, I say truthful-to quote a Democrat, "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen".

Hateful can be truthful. You can be truthful and not be hateful.
True, but Trump was less hateful if at all than Cummings-you could see it in the eyes.

Hate is hate is hate.
South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg expressed concerns Saturday that the U.S. is “under attack” by white nationalists carrying out mass shootings — and those white nationalists have been encouraged by President Donald Trump.

Wow, Buttigieg did not waste any time to blame President Trump. The Democrat 2020 campaign theme seems to be all about racial hate and fear. Why don’t Liberals ever feel any shame for their crass racist demagoguery?
Yes I am ashamed….I am ashamed that people like you would rather create lies instead of dealing with the truth staring you in the face.
If you want to address what I said, great address it. If like Trump all you want to do is deflect from his failures to enforce our laws, that is understandable.
Try to defend yourself without pulling Trump into it-it sounds like a weak excuse.

I can do nothing. Trump can. He won't.
If so, why do you think he won't?

Because he is all talk and he isn't going to do anything to stop the low wages.
He is letting free market principle work. If you have more value to an employer than the next guy, you will make more money and get promotions. That's what I did.

The free market allows open borders.
Don't mind Mac, he hates white people. Equating mass illegal immigration to an idiot shooter is anew low for you Mac. Congrats. We are just supposed to build Holiday Inns on the border and wave a green flag. It is racist to have borders right.
A day without wingers fabricating my positions is like a day without sunshine!
Relax, its ok to hate white people now. It makes you cool. One of Trump's main policy issues is fixing immigration. That is hardly inciting violence towards anyone. I'm not fabricating your position. You condemn overuse of the word racist, and ridiculous things like racist milk and vegetables, but in the same breath you constantly create Republicans are evil threads. It is a little two faced. It is nice playing both sides, you can make fun of race baiters, and then turn around and say Trump loves David Duke and cheer demographic change through illegal immigration. If you don't hate white people, why are you cheering so hard for our replacement?
I see clear problems on both ends.

I see behavioral similarities on both ends.

You don't. Or won't. Or can't.

Not my problem, sorry.

What is the other end of legal immigration is racist? You do know that Americans of all skin colors are for a fixed immigration system. I'm not afraid of criticizing a republican, or a republican action, but I don't see legal immigration as incitement against anyone. I hope you work out your anger issues.
But that is what he said. Democrats make the assumption that because Balitmore has a large black population that he was referring to them as rats. They do this because it fits the narrative they want to sell. He can't say anything without it being racist in some way. If he disagrees with a black Democrat on any topic, it is racist. If he disagrees with a women it is misogynistic. If he disagrees with a homosexual it is homophobic. This is an intellectually dishonest strategy the left has used for years.

It was hateful rhetoric either way. One could make a good argument against Cummings but Trump was unable to because all he knows is hateful rhetoric.
You say hateful, I say truthful-to quote a Democrat, "If you can't stand the heat, get out of the kitchen".

Hateful can be truthful. You can be truthful and not be hateful.
True, but Trump was less hateful if at all than Cummings-you could see it in the eyes.

Hate is hate is hate.
Is your keyboard stuck?
Try to defend yourself without pulling Trump into it-it sounds like a weak excuse.

I can do nothing. Trump can. He won't.
If so, why do you think he won't?

Because he is all talk and he isn't going to do anything to stop the low wages.
He is letting free market principle work. If you have more value to an employer than the next guy, you will make more money and get promotions. That's what I did.

The free market allows open borders.
And I don't think that is smart, so we should prevent that, and it does not affect what I wrote above.
I can do nothing. Trump can. He won't.
If so, why do you think he won't?

Because he is all talk and he isn't going to do anything to stop the low wages.
He is letting free market principle work. If you have more value to an employer than the next guy, you will make more money and get promotions. That's what I did.

The free market allows open borders.
And I don't think that is smart, so we should prevent that, and it does not affect what I wrote above.

So you don't even support what you defend. To market also does not allow tariffs, or bail outs.
I must be seeing things. You mean to tell me that Trump forced cities and states to become sancutuaries? He forced mayors to give warnings that ICE was in the area? That he forced candidates to say they would tear down border barriers? That he forced people to walk across the border leading a group of non citizens? That he even forced one of our congress critters to give out information on how to get into the U.S.?
Either he is the most powerful person to ever live or you maybe wrong.

There nothing any city can do to stop Trump from enforcing Federal law. Nothing. You know as well as everyone why he does not.
Sure-warn illegals and hide them-Oakland already did it.

How does a business hide illegals?

Gee, the same way California hides them, protects them.

Right. They can't.

Yep, they can't enter the US either, but they do...dumbass.
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So do you think that if a big barrier made it harder for diseased illegal aliens to cross the border there would be less supply of non tax paying criminals? Of course, but then there would also be a shortage of future Demonrats voters, because since you are killing 1,000,000s of born and unborn babies, if the wall goes up, the illegals entering would go down. This is why we hate you worthless fucks.

Once again, putting more caring into a fetus , yet you can careless about the infant or child. Well good to know you hate democrats and we are worthless.

No tramp doesn't want to deal with employers that hire illegals , As he and his buddies do.
Wrong again, you useless twit. I paid my dues through property taxes and state and federal to give children not only a free education but food also, for those poor poor kids who parents dont feed them at home, like the neglectful liberals always are. Would you like to go double or nothing on how stupid you are again?

You paid nothing you dumb twat. As long as the USA is running a deficit, you haven’t paid anywhere close to your share of the wars, and the poverty you helped create by voting conservative. You’re just leaving that debt for your children and grandchildren. Just the bill for 18 years of continuous warfare would have fed, houses and educated every poor person in America twice over.

Conservatives have a vested interest in portraying inner city poverty as the root of America’s problems, instead of the result of conservative policies.

Urban poverty isn’t caused by laziness or sloth. It’s caused by government policies which values cheap goods over the health and well being of its citizens. It’s caused by minimum wages so low that government assistance is required to put a roof over your head or food on the table. It’s using middle class taxpayers to subsidize wages for the most profitable companies in America so Walmart can pay bigger dividends to the Walton family, while their workers apply for food stamps and Medicaid.

And the whole system is built on the backs of fools like you who blame the poor for their plight.

Cheap goods, meaning the cheap goods from China, that you loons feel Trump is being so mean with tariffs? And the poor meaning the folks the have decided living in tents is an adventure, refusing assistance?

I've noted this many times. The issue really isn't tariffs. The issue is the "Great Negotiator" can't negotiate.

And the more times you've "noted" it, the more ignorant you are.
Once again, putting more caring into a fetus , yet you can careless about the infant or child. Well good to know you hate democrats and we are worthless.

No tramp doesn't want to deal with employers that hire illegals , As he and his buddies do.
Wrong again, you useless twit. I paid my dues through property taxes and state and federal to give children not only a free education but food also, for those poor poor kids who parents dont feed them at home, like the neglectful liberals always are. Would you like to go double or nothing on how stupid you are again?

You paid nothing you dumb twat. As long as the USA is running a deficit, you haven’t paid anywhere close to your share of the wars, and the poverty you helped create by voting conservative. You’re just leaving that debt for your children and grandchildren. Just the bill for 18 years of continuous warfare would have fed, houses and educated every poor person in America twice over.

Conservatives have a vested interest in portraying inner city poverty as the root of America’s problems, instead of the result of conservative policies.

Urban poverty isn’t caused by laziness or sloth. It’s caused by government policies which values cheap goods over the health and well being of its citizens. It’s caused by minimum wages so low that government assistance is required to put a roof over your head or food on the table. It’s using middle class taxpayers to subsidize wages for the most profitable companies in America so Walmart can pay bigger dividends to the Walton family, while their workers apply for food stamps and Medicaid.

And the whole system is built on the backs of fools like you who blame the poor for their plight.

Cheap goods, meaning the cheap goods from China, that you loons feel Trump is being so mean with tariffs? And the poor meaning the folks the have decided living in tents is an adventure, refusing assistance?

I've noted this many times. The issue really isn't tariffs. The issue is the "Great Negotiator" can't negotiate.

And the more times you've "noted" it, the more ignorant you are.

It will be noted until the "Great Negotiator" actually negotiates an agreement.

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