Can Liberals feel shame?

South Bend, Indiana, Mayor Pete Buttigieg expressed concerns Saturday that the U.S. is “under attack” by white nationalists carrying out mass shootings — and those white nationalists have been encouraged by President Donald Trump.

Wow, Buttigieg did not waste any time to blame President Trump. The Democrat 2020 campaign theme seems to be all about racial hate and fear. Why don’t Liberals ever feel any shame for their crass racist demagoguery?
Yes I am ashamed….I am ashamed that people like you would rather create lies instead of dealing with the truth staring you in the face.
The correct answer is No. Liberals never feel any shame because they are true bigots and hate mongers.
So basically you are saying you were wrong.

If you want to address what I said, great address it. If like Trump all you want to do is deflect from his failures to enforce our laws, that is understandable.
The problem is you really did not say anything to address.
How do you belive he should enforce our law School? Call out the military to arrest governors, congress people? Have the FBI arrest people that hire illegals then spend years in court attempting to prove that he followed the law while having every democrat yelling numerous times a day that he has usurped the law, made himself a dictator? Do you expect him to send military or some federal agency reported not every sancutuary city and state police station to force police departments to comply with federal laws that the city and states are not complying with?

Come up with a valid talking point and we can have a discussion until then I will say again that you are just pretending that you are not wrong.

Valid. Trump needs to enforce our employment laws. It's his job.
Still you are just making sounds and blaming Trump because you want to.
Give something that you want him to do and how you expect him to enforce it short of shooting someone.
We have crazy Democrats refusing to follow laws. They are encouraging illegals by creating sanctuary, handing out drivers licenses, giving the right to vote, giving free healthcare. If Trump tries to push anything they threaten to take him to court, do take him to court, or call him racist 24/7.
Democrats pretended for months there was no problem at the border then suddenly they said there was.

Bust the businesses hiring illegals. SImple. I'm not asking for much. Simply enforce the laws. Is that asking too much out of Trump? Besides, you already knew this.
Oh you make that sound soooo simple. How is he supposed to do that? As I stated if he tries to do that with federal resources then he is going to have how many democrats, media idiots wanting his head. People Claiming he is a dictator. States and cities suing him and any government agency involved. Dems already want to impeach for having the audacity to win the election. What a great way to commit political suicide.
I am beginning to think that is what you have in mind because you realize that is the only hope Dems have.
If you want to address what I said, great address it. If like Trump all you want to do is deflect from his failures to enforce our laws, that is understandable.
The problem is you really did not say anything to address.
How do you belive he should enforce our law School? Call out the military to arrest governors, congress people? Have the FBI arrest people that hire illegals then spend years in court attempting to prove that he followed the law while having every democrat yelling numerous times a day that he has usurped the law, made himself a dictator? Do you expect him to send military or some federal agency reported not every sancutuary city and state police station to force police departments to comply with federal laws that the city and states are not complying with?

Come up with a valid talking point and we can have a discussion until then I will say again that you are just pretending that you are not wrong.

Valid. Trump needs to enforce our employment laws. It's his job.
Still you are just making sounds and blaming Trump because you want to.
Give something that you want him to do and how you expect him to enforce it short of shooting someone.
We have crazy Democrats refusing to follow laws. They are encouraging illegals by creating sanctuary, handing out drivers licenses, giving the right to vote, giving free healthcare. If Trump tries to push anything they threaten to take him to court, do take him to court, or call him racist 24/7.
Democrats pretended for months there was no problem at the border then suddenly they said there was.

Bust the businesses hiring illegals. SImple. I'm not asking for much. Simply enforce the laws. Is that asking too much out of Trump? Besides, you already knew this.
Oh you make that sound soooo simple. How is he supposed to do that? As I stated if he tries to do that with federal resources then he is going to have how many democrats, media idiots wanting his head. People Claiming he is a dictator. States and cities suing him and any government agency involved. Dems already want to impeach for having the audacity to win the election. What a great way to commit political suicide.
I am beginning to think that is what you have in mind because you realize that is the only hope Dems have.

Like Trump cares when Democrats or the media gets upset. Do you want him to deal with the issue or not? If not, then fine, lets get on with giving them health care so we all can feel better. If you do, then demand it. As a supporter are you not going to support him because Democrats get mad?

P.S. I made an argument all the while knowing it's little more than a bogus hypocritical excuse on your part.
If so, why do you think he won't?

Because he is all talk and he isn't going to do anything to stop the low wages.
He is letting free market principle work. If you have more value to an employer than the next guy, you will make more money and get promotions. That's what I did.

The free market allows open borders.
And I don't think that is smart, so we should prevent that, and it does not affect what I wrote above.

So you don't even support what you defend. To market also does not allow tariffs, or bail outs.
Free markets can be in place with other systems-workers earn their pay based on merit-part of free trade-tariffs put in place to free up free trade-there should be NO bail outs.
The correct answer is No. Liberals never feel any shame because they are true bigots and hate mongers.

Exactly. The liberals won't give up on their policy of forced diversity. This weekend Americans have spoken out loud and clear against forced diversity.
Don't mind Mac, he hates white people. Equating mass illegal immigration to an idiot shooter is anew low for you Mac. Congrats. We are just supposed to build Holiday Inns on the border and wave a green flag. It is racist to have borders right.
A day without wingers fabricating my positions is like a day without sunshine!
Relax, its ok to hate white people now. It makes you cool. One of Trump's main policy issues is fixing immigration. That is hardly inciting violence towards anyone. I'm not fabricating your position. You condemn overuse of the word racist, and ridiculous things like racist milk and vegetables, but in the same breath you constantly create Republicans are evil threads. It is a little two faced. It is nice playing both sides, you can make fun of race baiters, and then turn around and say Trump loves David Duke and cheer demographic change through illegal immigration. If you don't hate white people, why are you cheering so hard for our replacement?
I see clear problems on both ends.

I see behavioral similarities on both ends.

You don't. Or won't. Or can't.

Not my problem, sorry.

What is the other end of legal immigration is racist? You do know that Americans of all skin colors are for a fixed immigration system. I'm not afraid of criticizing a republican, or a republican action, but I don't see legal immigration as incitement against anyone. I hope you work out your anger issues.
And I hope you work out your honesty issues.

Not that I'm expecting anything.
Don't mind Mac, he hates white people. Equating mass illegal immigration to an idiot shooter is anew low for you Mac. Congrats. We are just supposed to build Holiday Inns on the border and wave a green flag. It is racist to have borders right.
A day without wingers fabricating my positions is like a day without sunshine!
Relax, its ok to hate white people now. It makes you cool. One of Trump's main policy issues is fixing immigration. That is hardly inciting violence towards anyone. I'm not fabricating your position. You condemn overuse of the word racist, and ridiculous things like racist milk and vegetables, but in the same breath you constantly create Republicans are evil threads. It is a little two faced. It is nice playing both sides, you can make fun of race baiters, and then turn around and say Trump loves David Duke and cheer demographic change through illegal immigration. If you don't hate white people, why are you cheering so hard for our replacement?
I see clear problems on both ends.

I see behavioral similarities on both ends.

You don't. Or won't. Or can't.

Not my problem, sorry.

What is the other end of legal immigration is racist? You do know that Americans of all skin colors are for a fixed immigration system. I'm not afraid of criticizing a republican, or a republican action, but I don't see legal immigration as incitement against anyone. I hope you work out your anger issues.
And I hope you work out your honesty issues.

Not that I'm expecting anything.
We need an emoticon rating for cute. Your response was cute.
Don't mind Mac, he hates white people. Equating mass illegal immigration to an idiot shooter is anew low for you Mac. Congrats. We are just supposed to build Holiday Inns on the border and wave a green flag. It is racist to have borders right.
A day without wingers fabricating my positions is like a day without sunshine!
Relax, its ok to hate white people now. It makes you cool. One of Trump's main policy issues is fixing immigration. That is hardly inciting violence towards anyone. I'm not fabricating your position. You condemn overuse of the word racist, and ridiculous things like racist milk and vegetables, but in the same breath you constantly create Republicans are evil threads. It is a little two faced. It is nice playing both sides, you can make fun of race baiters, and then turn around and say Trump loves David Duke and cheer demographic change through illegal immigration. If you don't hate white people, why are you cheering so hard for our replacement?
I see clear problems on both ends.

I see behavioral similarities on both ends.

You don't. Or won't. Or can't.

Not my problem, sorry.

What is the other end of legal immigration is racist? You do know that Americans of all skin colors are for a fixed immigration system. I'm not afraid of criticizing a republican, or a republican action, but I don't see legal immigration as incitement against anyone. I hope you work out your anger issues.
And I hope you work out your honesty issues.

Not that I'm expecting anything.

I remember a thread quite clearly where you spelled out how you felt minorities felt persecuted all the time. I had an in-law who married a Hispanic man. Her mother in law hates her to this day because she is white. The mother in law was treated like crap for many years, and she can not accept a white person under any terms. I see the same thing with you Mac. I don't blame you for feeling that way, but maybe ease up on the race trolling threads. I honestly think I can see your bias in these troll threads. I get it, but I think you could express it better. I'm not trying to falsely represent you, and at first it upset me quite a bit, but I am getting tired of trolling.
The problem is you really did not say anything to address.
How do you belive he should enforce our law School? Call out the military to arrest governors, congress people? Have the FBI arrest people that hire illegals then spend years in court attempting to prove that he followed the law while having every democrat yelling numerous times a day that he has usurped the law, made himself a dictator? Do you expect him to send military or some federal agency reported not every sancutuary city and state police station to force police departments to comply with federal laws that the city and states are not complying with?

Come up with a valid talking point and we can have a discussion until then I will say again that you are just pretending that you are not wrong.

Valid. Trump needs to enforce our employment laws. It's his job.
Still you are just making sounds and blaming Trump because you want to.
Give something that you want him to do and how you expect him to enforce it short of shooting someone.
We have crazy Democrats refusing to follow laws. They are encouraging illegals by creating sanctuary, handing out drivers licenses, giving the right to vote, giving free healthcare. If Trump tries to push anything they threaten to take him to court, do take him to court, or call him racist 24/7.
Democrats pretended for months there was no problem at the border then suddenly they said there was.

Bust the businesses hiring illegals. SImple. I'm not asking for much. Simply enforce the laws. Is that asking too much out of Trump? Besides, you already knew this.
Oh you make that sound soooo simple. How is he supposed to do that? As I stated if he tries to do that with federal resources then he is going to have how many democrats, media idiots wanting his head. People Claiming he is a dictator. States and cities suing him and any government agency involved. Dems already want to impeach for having the audacity to win the election. What a great way to commit political suicide.
I am beginning to think that is what you have in mind because you realize that is the only hope Dems have.

Like Trump cares when Democrats or the media gets upset. Do you want him to deal with the issue or not? If not, then fine, lets get on with giving them health care so we all can feel better. If you do, then demand it. As a supporter are you not going to support him because Democrats get mad?

P.S. I made an argument all the while knowing it's little more than a bogus hypocritical excuse on your part.
No I am not going to demand it just as you never demanded of any democrat.
No you knew very well that no one was going to undercut some just for your pleasure. Funny that you would call anyone hypocritical. But then again I have yet to meet a dem that has real morals.
Valid. Trump needs to enforce our employment laws. It's his job.
Still you are just making sounds and blaming Trump because you want to.
Give something that you want him to do and how you expect him to enforce it short of shooting someone.
We have crazy Democrats refusing to follow laws. They are encouraging illegals by creating sanctuary, handing out drivers licenses, giving the right to vote, giving free healthcare. If Trump tries to push anything they threaten to take him to court, do take him to court, or call him racist 24/7.
Democrats pretended for months there was no problem at the border then suddenly they said there was.

Bust the businesses hiring illegals. SImple. I'm not asking for much. Simply enforce the laws. Is that asking too much out of Trump? Besides, you already knew this.
Oh you make that sound soooo simple. How is he supposed to do that? As I stated if he tries to do that with federal resources then he is going to have how many democrats, media idiots wanting his head. People Claiming he is a dictator. States and cities suing him and any government agency involved. Dems already want to impeach for having the audacity to win the election. What a great way to commit political suicide.
I am beginning to think that is what you have in mind because you realize that is the only hope Dems have.

Like Trump cares when Democrats or the media gets upset. Do you want him to deal with the issue or not? If not, then fine, lets get on with giving them health care so we all can feel better. If you do, then demand it. As a supporter are you not going to support him because Democrats get mad?

P.S. I made an argument all the while knowing it's little more than a bogus hypocritical excuse on your part.
No I am not going to demand it just as you never demanded of any democrat.
No you knew very well that no one was going to undercut some just for your pleasure. Funny that you would call anyone hypocritical. But then again I have yet to meet a dem that has real morals.

I don't expect much from the Dems. Are you saying you expect the same from the GOP?
A day without wingers fabricating my positions is like a day without sunshine!
Relax, its ok to hate white people now. It makes you cool. One of Trump's main policy issues is fixing immigration. That is hardly inciting violence towards anyone. I'm not fabricating your position. You condemn overuse of the word racist, and ridiculous things like racist milk and vegetables, but in the same breath you constantly create Republicans are evil threads. It is a little two faced. It is nice playing both sides, you can make fun of race baiters, and then turn around and say Trump loves David Duke and cheer demographic change through illegal immigration. If you don't hate white people, why are you cheering so hard for our replacement?
I see clear problems on both ends.

I see behavioral similarities on both ends.

You don't. Or won't. Or can't.

Not my problem, sorry.

What is the other end of legal immigration is racist? You do know that Americans of all skin colors are for a fixed immigration system. I'm not afraid of criticizing a republican, or a republican action, but I don't see legal immigration as incitement against anyone. I hope you work out your anger issues.
And I hope you work out your honesty issues.

Not that I'm expecting anything.

I remember a thread quite clearly where you spelled out how you felt minorities felt persecuted all the time. I had an in-law who married a Hispanic man. Her mother in law hates her to this day because she is white. The mother in law was treated like crap for many years, and she can not accept a white person under any terms. I see the same thing with you Mac. I don't blame you for feeling that way, but maybe ease up on the race trolling threads. I honestly think I can see your bias in these troll threads. I get it, but I think you could express it better. I'm not trying to falsely represent you, and at first it upset me quite a bit, but I am getting tired of trolling.
I've never, ever said that "minorities are persecuted all the time." Not once, ever. So you've once again misrepresented me. That's now three posts of yours in a row.

Until and unless you can start being honest, just stop posting to me. Or maybe just comment on things I actually say, and stop assuming and tossing out distorted paraphrases. Do you know how you can do that? Use the quote function, so it's an actual quote. My actual words.

And for the ten thousandth time, I make no claims on being unbiased, objective or impartial. Not once, not ever, period. I even went so far as to go into detail on this in the second line of my sig.

Enough already. This is long past being old.
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Relax, its ok to hate white people now. It makes you cool. One of Trump's main policy issues is fixing immigration. That is hardly inciting violence towards anyone. I'm not fabricating your position. You condemn overuse of the word racist, and ridiculous things like racist milk and vegetables, but in the same breath you constantly create Republicans are evil threads. It is a little two faced. It is nice playing both sides, you can make fun of race baiters, and then turn around and say Trump loves David Duke and cheer demographic change through illegal immigration. If you don't hate white people, why are you cheering so hard for our replacement?
I see clear problems on both ends.

I see behavioral similarities on both ends.

You don't. Or won't. Or can't.

Not my problem, sorry.

What is the other end of legal immigration is racist? You do know that Americans of all skin colors are for a fixed immigration system. I'm not afraid of criticizing a republican, or a republican action, but I don't see legal immigration as incitement against anyone. I hope you work out your anger issues.
And I hope you work out your honesty issues.

Not that I'm expecting anything.

I remember a thread quite clearly where you spelled out how you felt minorities felt persecuted all the time. I had an in-law who married a Hispanic man. Her mother in law hates her to this day because she is white. The mother in law was treated like crap for many years, and she can not accept a white person under any terms. I see the same thing with you Mac. I don't blame you for feeling that way, but maybe ease up on the race trolling threads. I honestly think I can see your bias in these troll threads. I get it, but I think you could express it better. I'm not trying to falsely represent you, and at first it upset me quite a bit, but I am getting tired of trolling.
I've never, ever said that "minorities are persecuted all the time." Not once, ever. So you've once again misrepresented me. That's now three posts of yours in a row.

Until and unless you can start being honest, just stop posting to me. Or maybe just comment on things I actually say, and stop assuming and tossing out distorted paraphrases. Do you know how you can do that? Use the quote function, so it's an actual quote. My actual words.

And for the ten thousandth time, I make no claims on being unbiased, objective or impartial. Not once, not ever, period. I even went so far as to go into detail on this in the second line of my sig.

Enough already. This is long past being old.
Two questions-I remember a thread quite clearly where you spelled out how you felt minorities felt persecuted all the time. Did you say felt? That would make a difference. Also, how do we use the quote function? I'm sure others beside me would like to know.
I see clear problems on both ends.

I see behavioral similarities on both ends.

You don't. Or won't. Or can't.

Not my problem, sorry.

What is the other end of legal immigration is racist? You do know that Americans of all skin colors are for a fixed immigration system. I'm not afraid of criticizing a republican, or a republican action, but I don't see legal immigration as incitement against anyone. I hope you work out your anger issues.
And I hope you work out your honesty issues.

Not that I'm expecting anything.

I remember a thread quite clearly where you spelled out how you felt minorities felt persecuted all the time. I had an in-law who married a Hispanic man. Her mother in law hates her to this day because she is white. The mother in law was treated like crap for many years, and she can not accept a white person under any terms. I see the same thing with you Mac. I don't blame you for feeling that way, but maybe ease up on the race trolling threads. I honestly think I can see your bias in these troll threads. I get it, but I think you could express it better. I'm not trying to falsely represent you, and at first it upset me quite a bit, but I am getting tired of trolling.
I've never, ever said that "minorities are persecuted all the time." Not once, ever. So you've once again misrepresented me. That's now three posts of yours in a row.

Until and unless you can start being honest, just stop posting to me. Or maybe just comment on things I actually say, and stop assuming and tossing out distorted paraphrases. Do you know how you can do that? Use the quote function, so it's an actual quote. My actual words.

And for the ten thousandth time, I make no claims on being unbiased, objective or impartial. Not once, not ever, period. I even went so far as to go into detail on this in the second line of my sig.

Enough already. This is long past being old.
Two questions-I remember a thread quite clearly where you spelled out how you felt minorities felt persecuted all the time. Did you say felt? That would make a difference. Also, how do we use the quote function? I'm sure others beside me would like to know.
Look on the bottom right of a post, click "Reply".

I'm sure you'll figure it out from there.

"Felt"? I don't know what you mean.
What is the other end of legal immigration is racist? You do know that Americans of all skin colors are for a fixed immigration system. I'm not afraid of criticizing a republican, or a republican action, but I don't see legal immigration as incitement against anyone. I hope you work out your anger issues.
And I hope you work out your honesty issues.

Not that I'm expecting anything.

I remember a thread quite clearly where you spelled out how you felt minorities felt persecuted all the time. I had an in-law who married a Hispanic man. Her mother in law hates her to this day because she is white. The mother in law was treated like crap for many years, and she can not accept a white person under any terms. I see the same thing with you Mac. I don't blame you for feeling that way, but maybe ease up on the race trolling threads. I honestly think I can see your bias in these troll threads. I get it, but I think you could express it better. I'm not trying to falsely represent you, and at first it upset me quite a bit, but I am getting tired of trolling.
I've never, ever said that "minorities are persecuted all the time." Not once, ever. So you've once again misrepresented me. That's now three posts of yours in a row.

Until and unless you can start being honest, just stop posting to me. Or maybe just comment on things I actually say, and stop assuming and tossing out distorted paraphrases. Do you know how you can do that? Use the quote function, so it's an actual quote. My actual words.

And for the ten thousandth time, I make no claims on being unbiased, objective or impartial. Not once, not ever, period. I even went so far as to go into detail on this in the second line of my sig.

Enough already. This is long past being old.
Two questions-I remember a thread quite clearly where you spelled out how you felt minorities felt persecuted all the time. Did you say felt? That would make a difference. Also, how do we use the quote function? I'm sure others beside me would like to know.
Look on the bottom right of a post, click "Reply".

I'm sure you'll figure it out from there.

"Felt"? I don't know what you mean.
In the sentence felt refers to minorities-not you.
What is the other end of legal immigration is racist? You do know that Americans of all skin colors are for a fixed immigration system. I'm not afraid of criticizing a republican, or a republican action, but I don't see legal immigration as incitement against anyone. I hope you work out your anger issues.
And I hope you work out your honesty issues.

Not that I'm expecting anything.

I remember a thread quite clearly where you spelled out how you felt minorities felt persecuted all the time. I had an in-law who married a Hispanic man. Her mother in law hates her to this day because she is white. The mother in law was treated like crap for many years, and she can not accept a white person under any terms. I see the same thing with you Mac. I don't blame you for feeling that way, but maybe ease up on the race trolling threads. I honestly think I can see your bias in these troll threads. I get it, but I think you could express it better. I'm not trying to falsely represent you, and at first it upset me quite a bit, but I am getting tired of trolling.
I've never, ever said that "minorities are persecuted all the time." Not once, ever. So you've once again misrepresented me. That's now three posts of yours in a row.

Until and unless you can start being honest, just stop posting to me. Or maybe just comment on things I actually say, and stop assuming and tossing out distorted paraphrases. Do you know how you can do that? Use the quote function, so it's an actual quote. My actual words.

And for the ten thousandth time, I make no claims on being unbiased, objective or impartial. Not once, not ever, period. I even went so far as to go into detail on this in the second line of my sig.

Enough already. This is long past being old.
Two questions-I remember a thread quite clearly where you spelled out how you felt minorities felt persecuted all the time. Did you say felt? That would make a difference. Also, how do we use the quote function? I'm sure others beside me would like to know.
Look on the bottom right of a post, click "Reply".

I'm sure you'll figure it out from there.

"Felt"? I don't know what you mean.
What is the other end of legal immigration is racist? You do know that Americans of all skin colors are for a fixed immigration system. I'm not afraid of criticizing a republican, or a republican action, but I don't see legal immigration as incitement against anyone. I hope you work out your anger issues.
And I hope you work out your honesty issues.

Not that I'm expecting anything.

I remember a thread quite clearly where you spelled out how you felt minorities felt persecuted all the time. I had an in-law who married a Hispanic man. Her mother in law hates her to this day because she is white. The mother in law was treated like crap for many years, and she can not accept a white person under any terms. I see the same thing with you Mac. I don't blame you for feeling that way, but maybe ease up on the race trolling threads. I honestly think I can see your bias in these troll threads. I get it, but I think you could express it better. I'm not trying to falsely represent you, and at first it upset me quite a bit, but I am getting tired of trolling.
I've never, ever said that "minorities are persecuted all the time." Not once, ever. So you've once again misrepresented me. That's now three posts of yours in a row.

Until and unless you can start being honest, just stop posting to me. Or maybe just comment on things I actually say, and stop assuming and tossing out distorted paraphrases. Do you know how you can do that? Use the quote function, so it's an actual quote. My actual words.

And for the ten thousandth time, I make no claims on being unbiased, objective or impartial. Not once, not ever, period. I even went so far as to go into detail on this in the second line of my sig.

Enough already. This is long past being old.
Two questions-I remember a thread quite clearly where you spelled out how you felt minorities felt persecuted all the time. Did you say felt? That would make a difference. Also, how do we use the quote function? I'm sure others beside me would like to know.
Look on the bottom right of a post, click "Reply".

I'm sure you'll figure it out from there.

"Felt"? I don't know what you mean.
What is the other end of legal immigration is racist? You do know that Americans of all skin colors are for a fixed immigration system. I'm not afraid of criticizing a republican, or a republican action, but I don't see legal immigration as incitement against anyone. I hope you work out your anger issues.
And I hope you work out your honesty issues.

Not that I'm expecting anything.

I remember a thread quite clearly where you spelled out how you felt minorities felt persecuted all the time. I had an in-law who married a Hispanic man. Her mother in law hates her to this day because she is white. The mother in law was treated like crap for many years, and she can not accept a white person under any terms. I see the same thing with you Mac. I don't blame you for feeling that way, but maybe ease up on the race trolling threads. I honestly think I can see your bias in these troll threads. I get it, but I think you could express it better. I'm not trying to falsely represent you, and at first it upset me quite a bit, but I am getting tired of trolling.
I've never, ever said that "minorities are persecuted all the time." Not once, ever. So you've once again misrepresented me. That's now three posts of yours in a row.

Until and unless you can start being honest, just stop posting to me. Or maybe just comment on things I actually say, and stop assuming and tossing out distorted paraphrases. Do you know how you can do that? Use the quote function, so it's an actual quote. My actual words.

And for the ten thousandth time, I make no claims on being unbiased, objective or impartial. Not once, not ever, period. I even went so far as to go into detail on this in the second line of my sig.

Enough already. This is long past being old.
Two questions-I remember a thread quite clearly where you spelled out how you felt minorities felt persecuted all the time. Did you say felt? That would make a difference. Also, how do we use the quote function? I'm sure others beside me would like to know.
Look on the bottom right of a post, click "Reply".

I'm sure you'll figure it out from there.

"Felt"? I don't know what you mean.
Sorry-I blew it-need more info on making a quote

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