Can Mueller make copies?

of his report? And if the attorney general suppresses it can he release them? Would it be against the law to do so? What penalties could he expect either way?

Yeah, interesting questions.

Just, preliminarily... If only half of what we hear about Mueller is true, he's a by-the-book person. I find it highly unlikely that he would leak. Moreover, given the dearth of leaks up to now, he's running a tight ship, giving access to whatever information he and his team gathered to very, very few people, and the same would probably be true with respect to whatever portions of the final report are already written. In effect, he knows what every other senior member of his team knows, and any leak could be traced back to but very few folks. That is how, I would guess, this "tight ship" was achieved.

I would also assume that he'd probably wish the report - at least an unclassified version thereof - to be available to the public. Mueller cannot and will not condone criminality, if he finds any, at the highest levels of the administration to be covered up. That's when "by the book", and protecting the Constitution and the Republic, collide in case the AG locks the report in a drawer, or Trump classifies it at the highest level and puts it away. It's going to be interesting.
The pentagon papers were top secret that Daniel Ellsberg took and released and the Supreme Court ruled that he didn't commit espionage or break the law because the papers were of great interest to the public.... in other words, we had a right to know what was in them.... or something like that....

The case against the NY Times was dismissed on First Amendment grounds before the Supreme Court. Ellsberg got off because of prosecutorial misconduct, namely the break in to get Ellsberg's medical records, and illegal wiretapping. The judge contended that the case was irreparably tainted and threw it out.
interesting... I should have looked it up, cuz my memory failed!

the ruling makes sense.... it was tainted....
Can Mueller make copies?

there is no case before the Supreme Court that will be addressing this as a constitutional argument


poor little bear513 , Goldilocks must have pissed in his bed and shit in his porridge

I was asking nice..I couldn't figure out what happened to this and you had to attack me ?

‘Sleeper’ case could torpedo Mueller report

it's all over but the shouting... ;)

If Democrats win control of the House in November, the whole debate is likely academic. In that scenario, the House Judiciary Committee could subpoena any report as part of an impeachment inquiry. A judge would likely approve that request because of a D.C. Circuit ruling in 1974 that approved transmission of a report to the House on President Richard Nixon’s actions in Watergate'

Democrats did win the House.

Sleeper’ case could torpedo Mueller report
It might even keep the special counsel from sending a report to Congress, shaking Democrats’ hopes that such a document could provide the impetus for impeachment proceedings.


08/27/2018 05:06 AM EDT

A little-noticed court case stemming from the apparent murder of a Columbia University professor six decades ago could keep special counsel Robert Mueller from publishing any information about the Trump campaign and Russia that he obtains through a Washington grand jury.

The substance of the case is entirely unrelated to Mueller’s investigation into whether any of President Donald Trump’s associates aided Russia’s efforts to intervene in the 2016 election.

Story Continued Below

But if a Washington appeals court set to hear the murder-related case next month sides with the Justice Department and rules that judges don’t have the freedom to release grand jury information that is usually kept secret, it could throw a monkey wrench into any plans Mueller has to issue a public report on his probe’s findings, lawyers following the issue said.

And it might even keep the special counsel from sending a report to Congress, shaking Democrats’ hopes that such a document could provide the impetus for impeachment proceedings against the president.


But in that same article which I did read, near or at the end, it explains that all bets are off, if the Democrats win the midterm elections, because they will have subpoena power in the committees, who can simply subpoena Mueller to testify before them, and ALSO simply subpoena the Mueller Report.

If Democrats win control of the House in November, the whole debate is likely academic. In that scenario, the House Judiciary Committee could subpoena any report as part of an impeachment inquiry. A judge would likely approve that request because of a D.C. Circuit ruling in 1974 that approved transmission of a report to the House on President Richard Nixon’s actions in Watergate...
Can Mueller make copies?

there is no case before the Supreme Court that will be addressing this as a constitutional argument


poor little bear513 , Goldilocks must have pissed in his bed and shit in his porridge

I was asking nice..I couldn't figure out what happened to this and you had to attack me ?

‘Sleeper’ case could torpedo Mueller report

it's all over but the shouting... ;)

If Democrats win control of the House in November, the whole debate is likely academic. In that scenario, the House Judiciary Committee could subpoena any report as part of an impeachment inquiry. A judge would likely approve that request because of a D.C. Circuit ruling in 1974 that approved transmission of a report to the House on President Richard Nixon’s actions in Watergate'

Democrats did win the House.

Sleeper’ case could torpedo Mueller report
It might even keep the special counsel from sending a report to Congress, shaking Democrats’ hopes that such a document could provide the impetus for impeachment proceedings.


08/27/2018 05:06 AM EDT

A little-noticed court case stemming from the apparent murder of a Columbia University professor six decades ago could keep special counsel Robert Mueller from publishing any information about the Trump campaign and Russia that he obtains through a Washington grand jury.

The substance of the case is entirely unrelated to Mueller’s investigation into whether any of President Donald Trump’s associates aided Russia’s efforts to intervene in the 2016 election.

Story Continued Below

But if a Washington appeals court set to hear the murder-related case next month sides with the Justice Department and rules that judges don’t have the freedom to release grand jury information that is usually kept secret, it could throw a monkey wrench into any plans Mueller has to issue a public report on his probe’s findings, lawyers following the issue said.

And it might even keep the special counsel from sending a report to Congress, shaking Democrats’ hopes that such a document could provide the impetus for impeachment proceedings against the president.


But in that same article which I did read, near or at the end, it explains that all bets are off, if the Democrats win the midterm elections, because they will have subpoena power in the committees, who can simply subpoena Mueller to testify before them, and ALSO simply subpoena the Mueller Report.

If Democrats win control of the House in November, the whole debate is likely academic. In that scenario, the House Judiciary Committee could subpoena any report as part of an impeachment inquiry. A judge would likely approve that request because of a D.C. Circuit ruling in 1974 that approved transmission of a report to the House on President Richard Nixon’s actions in Watergate...
God Bless Robert Mueller and the new Democrat led House in the Congress
I've noticed on USMB a lot of folks resort to repeating the same opinion over and over, insist on the last word/comment and start shouting juvenile names to prove that they are right, despite a lack of any credible evidence. Case in point with bearboy.
thank you

and as if you didn't bait the hook well enough

he shows up next comment to prove you true

I've noticed on USMB a lot of folks resort to repeating the same opinion over and over, insist on the last word/comment and start shouting juvenile names to prove that they are right, despite a lack of any credible evidence. Case in point with bearboy.

So do you know what happened to that case, dumb fuck?

And I provided evidence you just don't want to read it

Exhibit A, your honor and people of the jury
The leadership in the new House will not be dragged into the imbecilities

and they will follow Mueller's lead if they are smart
The leadership in the new House will not be dragged into the imbecilities

and they will follow Mueller's lead if they are smart
Man, I sure hope so because we sure need that kind of leadership.
Ignore the deflections and imbecilic rants and rages from the fringes on all sides. Mueller has been playing by the rules, and will issue his report

Copies of what?....charges against Russian companies he can never prosecute?.....he has nothing and if he were as smart as he is pompous he would have admitted so by now since he has stretched this out to the extreme....he will be met with extreme embarrassment....
He can prosecute Jerome Corsi for an email dump to Wikileaks and Gucifer 2.0 that was used in a conspiratorial capacity to defraud the U.S. from a free and fair election.

Cambridge Analytica will be held liable for using stolen FB accounts that Trump paid for that was used to make Clinton look bad and Trump look good.

Copies of the Trump Tower meeting will be used as a mechanism to prove a conspiracy to attack the U.S. in a presidential election.

There will be copies of federal prosecutors and their indictment of Trump using illegal campaign finance money to pay off porn stars before an election.

There will be copies of Trump using charitable contribution money that was supposed to go to kids with cancer to help pay off certain campaign expenses and lawsuits.

There will be copies of emoluments violations.

There will be a ton of obstruction charges attached to all of this.

I'm sure I've missed others, but that's plenty of copies Mueller will have.
Can Mueller make copies?

there is no case before the Supreme Court that will be addressing this as a constitutional argument


poor little bear513 , Goldilocks must have pissed in his bed and shit in his porridge
I've noticed on USMB a lot of folks resort to repeating the same opinion over and over, insist on the last word/comment and start shouting juvenile names to prove that they are right, despite a lack of any credible evidence. Case in point with bearboy.
thank you

and as if you didn't bait the hook well enough

he shows up next comment to prove you true

Just a friendly heads up, not that you aren't smart enough to figure it out for yourself, but Bear513 is a proven liar on this board.
Can Mueller make copies?

there is no case before the Supreme Court that will be addressing this as a constitutional argument


poor little bear513 , Goldilocks must have pissed in his bed and shit in his porridge
I've noticed on USMB a lot of folks resort to repeating the same opinion over and over, insist on the last word/comment and start shouting juvenile names to prove that they are right, despite a lack of any credible evidence. Case in point with bearboy.
thank you

and as if you didn't bait the hook well enough

he shows up next comment to prove you true

Just a friendly heads up, not that you aren't smart enough to figure it out for yourself, but Bear513 is a proven liar on this board.
thank you

and I will rarely engage with her/him

Copies of what?....charges against Russian companies he can never prosecute?.....he has nothing and if he were as smart as he is pompous he would have admitted so by now since he has stretched this out to the extreme....he will be met with extreme embarrassment....
He can prosecute Jerome Corsi for an email dump to Wikileaks and Gucifer 2.0 that was used in a conspiratorial capacity to defraud the U.S. from a free and fair election.

Cambridge Analytica will be held liable for using stolen FB accounts that Trump paid for that was used to make Clinton look bad and Trump look good.

Copies of the Trump Tower meeting will be used as a mechanism to prove a conspiracy to attack the U.S. in a presidential election.

There will be copies of federal prosecutors and their indictment of Trump using illegal campaign finance money to pay off porn stars before an election.

There will be copies of Trump using charitable contribution money that was supposed to go to kids with cancer to help pay off certain campaign expenses and lawsuits.

There will be copies of emoluments violations.

There will be a ton of obstruction charges attached to all of this.

I'm sure I've missed others, but that's plenty of copies Mueller will have.
None of this is true. You have to know that. There was never a charity to help kids with cancer. Trump paid off women with his own money. Lanny Davis made up the Trump tower story and fed it to CNN. The rest is the same kind of nonsense.

Copies of what?....charges against Russian companies he can never prosecute?.....he has nothing and if he were as smart as he is pompous he would have admitted so by now since he has stretched this out to the extreme....he will be met with extreme embarrassment....
He can prosecute Jerome Corsi for an email dump to Wikileaks and Gucifer 2.0 that was used in a conspiratorial capacity to defraud the U.S. from a free and fair election.

Cambridge Analytica will be held liable for using stolen FB accounts that Trump paid for that was used to make Clinton look bad and Trump look good.

Copies of the Trump Tower meeting will be used as a mechanism to prove a conspiracy to attack the U.S. in a presidential election.

There will be copies of federal prosecutors and their indictment of Trump using illegal campaign finance money to pay off porn stars before an election.

There will be copies of Trump using charitable contribution money that was supposed to go to kids with cancer to help pay off certain campaign expenses and lawsuits.

There will be copies of emoluments violations.

There will be a ton of obstruction charges attached to all of this.

I'm sure I've missed others, but that's plenty of copies Mueller will have.
None of this is true. You have to know that. There was never a charity to help kids with cancer. Trump paid off women with his own money. Lanny Davis made up the Trump tower story and fed it to CNN. The rest is the same kind of nonsense.
It's all been proven already, compliments of Trump himself. And, all of these crimes have been documented. You live in an alternate universe, detached from this one. You must know that? How Donald Trump Shifted Kids-Cancer Charity Money Into His Business

You have no documentation proving the inaccuracy of my claim.
Beware the xian psychopath Pence, whose family bones rest in the same cemetery in Ohio as George Washington's familial DNA. Mueller is forced to do an ostrich imitation when confronted by church-and-state copulations so very much akin to the Clinton crime family's links to British MI6 such as this, where even the URL is made to look ridiculously complex, and likely deliberately, in two reports of the same topic, as if the media prisoners are slowed down if they attempt to transcribe it to show to the other prisoners:

3 Jan 2019 Congo's Catholic Church Says Vote Data Shows a Clear Winner
'....the internet remains blocked....'

6 Jan 2019 AP Explains: Why Congo's Election Could Lead to Violence
'....Why is the Internet Blocked?....'
of his report? And if the attorney general suppresses it can he release them? Would it be against the law to do so? What penalties could he expect either way?

I think that the congress can get the report to release it to the public.

If they can't they can subpoena Mueller to read it in open testimony before congress.

If the republicans try to suppress the report there are other ways to get it released.

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